Molecular Medicine Faculty Publications | Molecular Medicine | University of South Florida


Submissions from 2003


Structural and Functional Adaptations to Extreme Temperatures in Psychrophilic, Mesophilic, and Thermophilic DNA Ligases, Daphné Georlette, Benjamin Damien, Vinciane Blaise, Eric Depiereux, Vladimir N. Uversky, Charles Gerday, and Georges Feller


Nuclear Localization of α-synuclein and Its Interaction with Histones†, John Goers, Amy B. Manning-Bog, Alison L. McCormack, Ian S. Millett, Sebastian Doniach, Donato A. Di Monte, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Anthony L. Fink


Regulation of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Secretion by Cholinergic and Pacap Neurons of the Gastric Antrum, William R. Gower Jr, John R. Dietz, Robert W. McCuen, Peter J. Fabri, Ethan A. Lerner, and Mitchell L. Schubert


Hypoxic Up-Regulation of Erythroid 5-Aminolevulinate Synthase, Thomas Hofer, Roland H. Wenger, Marianne F. Kramer, Gloria C. Ferreira, and Max Gassmann


Calcium and Domain Interactions Contribute to The Thermostability of Domains of The Multimodular Cellobiohydrolase, Cbha, a Subunit of The Clostridium Thermocellum Cellulosome, Irina Kataeva, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Lars G. Ljungdahl


Conformational Behavior and Aggregation of α-synuclein in Organic Solvents:  Modeling The Effects of Membranes†, Larissa A. Munishkina, Cassandra Phelann, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Anthony L. Fink


Ultraviolet Illumination-induced Reduction of α-lactalbumin Disulfide Bridges, Eugene A. Permyakov, Sergei E. Permyakov, Gintaras Y. Deikus, Ludmila A. Morozova-Roche, Valery M. Grishchenko, Lina P. Kalinichenko, and Vladimir N. Uversky


Recoverin Is a Zinc-binding Protein, Sergei E. Permyakov, Alexandra M. Cherskaya, Lyubov A. Wasserman, Tatyana I. Khokhlova, Ivan I. Senin, Aminullah A. Zargarov, Dmitry V. Zinchenko, Eugene Yu. Zernii, Valery M. Lipkin, Pavel P. Philippov, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Eugene A. Permyakov


Natively Unfolded C-terminal Domain of Caldesmon Remains Substantially Unstructured After The Effective Binding to Calmodulin, Sergei E. Permyakov, Ian S. Millett, Sebastian Doniach, Eugene A. Permyakov, and Vladimir N. Uversky


Structural Transformations of Oligomeric Intermediates in The Fibrillation of The Immunoglobulin Light Chain LEN, Pierre O. Souillac, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Anthony L. Fink


Polymeric Aspects of Protein Folding: a Brief Overview, Olga Tcherkasskaya and Vladimir N. Uversky


A Protein-chameleon: Conformational Plasticity of α-synuclein, a Disordered Protein Involved in Neurodegenerative Disorders, Vladimir N. Uversky


Protein Folding Revisited. A Polypeptide Chain at The Folding – Misfolding – Nonfolding Cross-roads: Which Way to Go?, Vladimir N. Uversky


What Does It Mean to Be Natively Unfolded?, Vladimir N. Uversky


Prediction of The Association State of Insulin Using Spectral Parameters, Vladimir N. Uversky, Lisa Nielsen Garriques, Ian S. Millett, Sven Frokjaer, Jens Brange, Sebastian Doniach, and Anthony L. Fink


Structural and Functional Properties of Il-4δ2, an Alternative Splice Variant of Human IL-4, Anatoly M. Vasiliev, Raisa Vasilenko, Natalia Kulikova, Sergey M. Andreev, Irina O. Chikileva, Galina Yu Puchkova, Igor V. Kosarev, Anna V. Khodyakova, Valentin Khlebnikov, Leonid R. Ptitsyn, Grygory Ya. Shcherbakov, Vladimir N. Uversky, Lawrence M. DuBuske, and Vyacheslav Abramov


High Stability of discosoma Dsred As Compared to aequorea EGFP, Vladislav V. Verkhusha, Irina M. Kuznetsova, Olesia V. Stepanenko, Andrey G. Zaraisky, Michail M. Shavlovsky, Konstantin K. Turoverov, and Vladimir N. Uversky


Spectral Properties of Thioflavin T and Its Complexes with Amyloid Fibrils, E. S. Voropai, M. P. Samtsov, K. N. Kaplevskii, Alexander A. Maskevich, V. I. Stepuro, Olga I. Povarova, Irina M. Kuznetsova, Konstantin K. Turoverov, Anthony L. Fink, and Vladimir N. Uversky


Certain Metals Trigger Fibrillation of Methionine-oxidized α-synuclein, Ghiam Yamin, Charles B. Glaser, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Anthony L. Fink


Nitration Inhibits Fibrillation of Human α-synuclein in Vitro by Formation of Soluble Oligomers, Ghiam Yamin, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Anthony L. Fink

Submissions from 2002


S6 Permutein Shows That the Unusual Target Topology is Not Responsible for the Absence of Rigid Tertiary Structure in De Novo Protein Albebetin, Ziedulla Kh. Abdullaev, Ramil F. Latypov, Azat Ya. Badretdinov, Dmitry A. Dolgikh, Alexey V. Finkelstein, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Mikhail P. Kirpichnikov


Structural and Functional Properties of yersinia Pestis caf1 Capsular Antigen and Their Possible Role in Fulminant Development of Primary Pneumonic Plague, Vyacheslav M. Abramov, Anatoly M. Vasiliev, Valentin S. Khlebnikov, Raisa Vasilenko, Natalia Kulikova, Igor V. Kosarev, Alexander T. Ishchenko, Joel R. Gillespie, Ian S. Millett, Anthony L. Fink, and Vladimir N. Uversky


Heparin and Other Glycosaminoglycans Stimulate The Formation of Amyloid Fibrils from α-synuclein in Vitro, Jeffrey A. Cohlberg, Jie Li, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Anthony L. Fink


Conformational Prerequisites for α-lconformational Prerequisites for α-lactalbumin Fibrillationactalbumin Fibrillation, John Goers, Sergei E. Permyakov, Eugene A. Permyakov, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Anthony L. Fink


Unraveling Multistate Unfolding of Rabbit Muscle Creatine Kinase, Irina M. Kuznetsova, Olga V. Stepanenko, Konstantin K. Turoverov, Li Zhu, Anthony L. Fink, and Vladimir N. Uversky


Conformational Behavior of Human α-synuclein is Modulated by Familial Parkinson’s Disease Point Mutations A30P and A53T, Jie Li, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Anthony L. Fink


The Herbicide Paraquat Causes Up-regulation and Aggregation of α-synuclein in Mice: PARAQUAT AND α-SYNUCLEIN, Amy B. Manning-Bog, Alison L. McCormack, Jie Li, Vladimir N. Uversky, Anthony L. Fink, and Donato A. Di Monte


The Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor, FGFR3, Forms Gradients of Intact and Degraded Protein Across the Growth Plate of Developing Bovine Ribs, Sujata G. PANDIT, Prasanthi GOVINDRAJ, Joachim SASSE, and Peter J. NEAME


Biophysical Characterization of Albumin Preparations from Blood Serum of Healthy Donors and Patients with Renal Diseases. Part I: Spectrofluorometric Analysis, Tatiana V. Parkhomenko, Oksana A. Klicenko, Michail M. Shavlovsky, Irina M. Kuznetsova, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Konstantin K. Turoverov


Human α-fetoprotein as a Zn2+-binding Protein. Tight Cation Binding is Not Accompanied by Global Changes in Protein Structure and Stability, Sergei E. Permyakov, Keith A. Oberg, Alexandra M. Cherskaya, Michail M. Shavlovsky, Eugene A. Permyakov, and Vladimir N. Uversky


Elucidation of The Molecular Mechanism During The Early Events in Immunoglobulin Light Chain Amyloid Fibrillation: EVIDENCE FOR AN OFF-PATHWAY OLIGOMER AT ACIDIC Ph, Pierre O. Souillac, Vladimir N. Uversky, Ian S. Millett, Ritu Khurana, Sebastian Doniach, and Anthony L. Fink


Biophysical Constraints for Protein Structure Prediction, Olga Tcherkasskaya; Eugene A, Davidson; and Vladimir N. Uversky


Cracking The Folding Code. Why Do Some Proteins Adopt Partially Folded Conformations, Whereas Other Don't?, Vladimir N. Uversky


Accelerated α-synuclein Fibrillation in Crowded Milieu, Vladimir N. Uversky, Elisa M. Cooper, Kiowa Bower, Jie Li, and Anthony L. Fink


Amino Acid Determinants of α-synuclein Aggregation: Putting Together Pieces of The Puzzle, Vladimir N. Uversky and Anthony L. Fink


The Chicken–egg Scenario of Protein Folding Revisited, Vladimir N. Uversky and Anthony L. Fink


Synergistic Effects of Pesticides and Metals on The Fibrillation of α-synuclein: Implications for Parkinson’s Diseasev, Vladimir N. Uversky, Jie Li, Kiowa Bower, and Anthony L. Fink


Biophysical Properties of The Synucleins and Their Propensities to Fibrillate: INHIBITION OF α-SYNUCLEIN ASSEMBLY BY β- AND γ-SYNUCLEINS, Vladimir N. Uversky, Jie Li, Pierre O. Souillac, Ian S. Millett, Sebastian Doniach, Ross Jakes, Michael Goedert, and Anthony L. Fink


Effect of Zinc and Temperature on The Conformation of The γ Subunit of Retinal Phosphodiesterase:  A Natively Unfolded Protein, Vladimir N. Uversky, Sergei E. Permyakov, and Vasily E. Zagranichny


Methionine Oxidation Inhibits Fibrillation of Human α-synuclein in Vitro, Vladimir N. Uversky, Ghiam Yamin, Pierre O. Souillac, John Goers, Charles B. Glaser, and Anthony L. Fink


Native-like Secondary Structure of Molten Globules, Konstantin S. Vassilenko and Vladimir N. Uversky

Submissions from 2001


Structural and Functional Similarity Between Yersinia Pestis Capsular Protein Caf1 and Human Interleukin-1β, Vyacheslav Abramov, Anatoly M. Vasiliev, Raisa N. Vasilenko, Nataly L. Kulikova, Igor V. Kosarev, Valentin S. Khlebnikov, Alexander T. Ishchenko, Sheila MacIntyre, Joel R. Gillespie, Ritu Khurana, Timo Korpela, Anthony L. Fink, and Vladimir N. Uversky


Partially Folded Conformations in The Folding Pathway of Bovine Carbonic Anhydrase II: A Fluorescence Spectroscopic Analysis, Natalia A. Bushmarina, Irina M. Kuznetsova, Alexander G. Biktashev, Konstantin K. Turoverov, and Vladimir N. Uversky


Is Congo Red an Amyloid-specific Dye?, Ritu Khurana, Vladimir N. Uversky, Liza Nielsen, and Anthony L. Fink


Cannabinoids and the Immune System, Thomas W. Klein, Catherine A. Newton, and Herman Friedman


Role of Conformational Changes in The Heme-dependent Regulation of Human Soluble Guanylate Cyclase, Dmitriy N. Kosarikov, Joseph M. Lee, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Nancy Counts Gerber


Human Soluble Guanylate Cyclase: Functional Expression, Purification and Structural Characterization, Dmitriy N. Kosarikov, Patricia Young, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Nancy Counts Gerber


Effect of Familial Parkinson's Disease Point Mutations A30P and A53T on The Structural Properties, Aggregation, and Fibrillation of Human α-synuclein, Jie Li, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Anthony L. Fink


Journal Logo Probing The Mechanism of Insulin Fibril Formation with Insulin Mutants, Liza Nielsen, Sven Frokjaer, Jens Brange, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Anthony L. Fink


Effect of Environmental Factors on The Kinetics of Insulin Fibril Formation:  Elucidation of The Molecular Mechanism, Liza Nielsen, Ritu Khurana, Alisa Coats, Sven Frokjaer, Jens Brange, Sandip Vyas, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Anthony L. Fink


Effect of Salts on The Stability and Folding of Staphylococcal Nuclease, Chiaki Nishimura, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Anthony L. Fink


Secondary Structure of The Homologous Proteins, A A-fetoprotein and Serum Albumin, from Their Circular Dichroism and Infrared Spectra, Keith A. Oberg and Vladimir N. Uversky


Mutating Aspartate in The Calcium-binding Site of α-lactalbumin: Effects on The Protein Stability and Cation Binding, Sergei E. Permyakov, Vladimir N. Uversky, Dmitry B. Veprintsev, Alexandra M. Cherskaya, Charles L. rooksHolt, Eugene A. Permyakov, and Lawrence J. Berliner


Denatured Collapsed States in Protein Folding: Example of Apomyoglobin, Olga Tcherkasskaya and Vladimir N. Uversky


Stabilization of Partially Folded Conformation During α-synuclein Oligomerization in Both Purified and Cytosolic Preparations, Vladimir N. Uversky, He-Jin Lee, Jie Li, Anthony L. Fink, and Seung-Jae Lee


Evidence for a Partially Folded Intermediate in α-synuclein Fibril Formation, Vladimir N. Uversky, Jie Li, and Anthony L. Fink


Metal-triggered Structural Transformations, Aggregation, and Fibrillation of Human α-synuclein: a Possible Molecular Link Between Parkinson′s Disease and Heavy Metal Exposure, Vladimir N. Uversky, Jie Li, and Anthony L. Fink


Pesticides Directly Accelerate The Rate of α-synuclein Fibril Formation: a Possible Factor in Parkinson's Disease, Vladimir N. Uversky, Jie Li, and Anthony L. Fink


Trimethylamine-n-oxide-induced Folding of α-synuclein, Vladimir N. Uversky, Jie Li, and Anthony L. Fink

Submissions from 2000


Structure and Function of α-fetoprotein: a Biophysical Overview, Joel R. Gillespie and Vladimir N. Uversky


Regulation of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Gene Expression in Gastric Antrum by Fasting, William R. Gower Jr., Khaled F. Salhab, Wendy L. Foulis, Nirmala Pillai, Jason R. Bundy, David L. Vesely, Peter J. Fabri, and John R. Dietz


Effects of Mutations in The Calcium-binding Sites of Recoverin on Its Calcium Affinity: Evidence for Successive Filling of The Calcium Binding Sites, Sergei E. Permyakov, Alexandra M. Cherskaya, Ivan I. Senin, Aminullah A. Zargarov, Sergey V. Shulga-Morskoy, Andrey M. Alekseev, Dmitry V. Zinchenko, Valery M. Lipkin, Pavel P. Philippov, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Eugene A. Permyakov


Point Amino Acid Substitutions in The Ca2+-binding Sites of Recoverin: III. A Mutant with The Fourth Reconstructed Ca2+-binding Site, Sergei E. Permyakov, Vladimir N. Uversky, Alexandra M. Cherskaya, Sergey V. Shulga-Morskoy, Dmitry V. Zinchenko, Andrey M. Alekseev, Eugene Yu. Zernii, Aminullah A. Zargarov, Ivan I. Senin, Valery M. Lipkin, Pavel P. Philippov, and Eugene A. Permyakov


Why are “Natively Unfolded” Proteins Unstructured Under Physiologic Conditions?, Vladimir N. Uversky, Joel R. Gillespie, and Anthony L. Fink


Zn2+-mediated Structure Formation and Compaction of The “Natively Unfolded” Human Prothymosin α, Vladimir N. Uversky, Joel R. Gillespie, Ian S. Millett, Anna V. Khodyakova, Raisa N. Vasilenko, Anatoly M. Vasiliev, Igor L. Rodionov, Galina D. Kozlovskaya, Dmitry A. Dolgikh, Anthony L. Fink, Sebastian Doniach, Eugene A. Permyakov, and Vyacheslav M. Abramov

Submissions from 1999


Effect of Self-association on The Structural Organization of Partially Folded Proteins: Inactivated Actin, Irina M. Kuznetsova, Alexander G. Biktashev, Sofia Yu. Khaitlina, Konstantin S. Vassilenko, Konstantin K. Turoverov, and Vladimir N. Uversky


Acute Hyperglycemia Regulates Transcription and Posttranscriptional Stability of PKCβII MRNA in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells, Niketa A. Patel, Charles E. Chalfant, Mayumi Yamamoto, James E. Watson, Duane C. Eichler, and Denise R. Cooper


Transient Dimer in The Refolding Kinetics of Cytochrome C Characterized by Small-angle X-ray Scattering, Daniel J. Segel, David Eliezer, Vladimir N. Uversky, Anthony L. Fink, Keith O. Hodgson, and Sebastian Doniach


Structure and Stability of Recombinant Protein Depend on the Extra N-terminal Methionine Residue: S6 Permutein from Direct and Fusion Expression Systems, Vladimir N. Uversky, Ziedulla Kh. Abdullaev, Alexander S. Arseniev, Eduard V. Bocharov, Dmitry A. Dolgikh, Ramil F. Latypov, Tatiana N. Melnik, Konstantin S. Vassilenko, and Mikhail P. Kirpichnikov


Natively Unfolded Human Prothymosin α Adopts Partially Folded Collapsed Conformation at Acidic Ph, Vladimir N. Uversky, Joel R. Gillespie, Ian S. Millett, Anna V. Khodyakova, Anatoly M. Vasiliev, Tatyana V. Chernovskaya, Raisa N. Vasilenko, Galina D. Kozlovskaya, Dmitry A. Dolgikh, Anthony L. Fink, Sebastian Doniach, and Vyacheslav M. Abramov


Association of Partially-folded Intermediates of Staphylococcal Nuclease Induces Structure and Stability, Vladimir N. Uversky, Anton S. Karnoup, Ritu Khurana, Daniel J. Segel, Sebastian Doniach, and Anthony L. Fink


Protein Deposits as The Molecular Basis of Amyloidosis. Part II . Localizated Amyloidosis and Neurodegenerative Disorders, Vladimir N. Uversky, Anupam Talapatra, Joel R. Gillespie, and Anthony L. Fink


Protein Deposits as the Molecular Basis of Amyloidosis. Part I. Systemic Amyloidoses, Vladimir N. Uversky, Anupam Talapatra, Joel R. Gillespie, and Anthony L. Fink


A New Scheme for the Isolation and Purification of Human Alpha-fetoprotein, Vladimir N. Uversky and Alu Tomashevsky


Fine Tuning the N-terminus of a Calcium Binding Protein: α-lactalbumin, Dmitry B. Veprintsev, Mahesh Narayan, Sergei E. Permyakov, Vladimir N. Uversky, Charles L. Brooks, Alexandra M. Cherskaya, Eugene A. Permyakov, and Lawrence J. Berliner

Submissions from 1998


Can Grafting of an Octapeptide Improve the Structure of a De Novo Protein?, Inna Yu. Aphasizheva, Dmitry A. Dolgikh, Ziedulla Kh. Abdullaev, Vladimir N. Uversky, Mikhail P. Kirpichnikov, and Oleg B. Ptitsyn


Cyclin D3-associated Kinase Activity Is Regulated by p27kip1 in BALB/c 3T3 Cells, Feng Dong, Deepak Agrawal, Tapan Bagui, and W. J. Pledger


Anion-induced Folding of Staphylococcal Nuclease: Characterization of Multiple Equilibrium Partially Folded Intermediates, Vladimir N. Uversky, Anton S. Karnoup, Daniel J. Segel, Sangita Seshadri, Sebastian Doniach, and Anthony L. Fink


Association-induced Folding of Globular Proteins, Vladimir N. Uversky, Daniel J. Segel, Sebastian Doniach, and Anthony L. Fink


Hyperphosphorylation Induces Structural Modification of Tau-protein, Vladimir N. Uversky, Stefan Winter, Oxana V. Galzitskaya, Leonhard Kittler, Harmonie Loberg, and Gunter Lober


Self-association of 8-anilino-1-naphthalene-sulfonate Molecules: Spectroscopic Characterization and Application to the Investigation of Protein Folding, Vladimir N. Uversky, Stefan Winter, and Günter Löber

Submissions from 1997


Ligand-free Form of Human α-fetoprotein: Evidence for the Molten Globule State, Vladimir N. Uversky, Natalya V. Narizhneva, Tatyana V. Ivanova, Marina D. Kirkitadze, and Andrey Yu. Tomashevsky


Rigidity of Human α-fetoprotein Tertiary Structure Is Under Ligand Control, Vladimir N. Uversky, Natalya V. Narizhneva, Tatyana V. Ivanova, and Andrey Yu. Tomashevsky


Conformational Transitions Provoked by Organic Solvents in β-lactoglobulin: Can a Molten Globule Like Intermediate Be Induced by the Decrease in Dielectric Constant?, Vladimir N. Uversky, Natalya V. Narizhneva, Steffen Omar Kirschstein, Stefan Winter, and Günter Löber

Submissions from 1995


Molten Globule-like State of Cytochrome C Under Conditions Simulating Those Near the Membrane Surface, Valentina E. Bychkova, Alexandra E. Dujeskina, Stanislav I. Klenin, Elisaveta I. Tiktopulo, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Oleg B. Ptitsyn


Kinetic and Equilibrium Folding Intermediates, Oleg B. Ptitsyn, Valentina E. Bychkova, and Vladimir N. Uversky


"Domain" Coil-globule Transition in Homopolymers, Elisaveta I. Tiktopulo, Vladimir N. Uversky, Vanda B. Lushchik, Stanislav I. Klenin, Valentina E. Bychkova, and Oleg B. Ptitsyn


Structural Properties of α-fetoprotein from Human Cord Serum: the Protein Molecule at Low Ph Possesses All the Properties of the Molten Globule, Vladimir N. Uversky, Marina D. Kirkitadze, Natalya V. Narizhneva, Sergey A. Potekhin, and Andrey Yu. Tomashevsky


Structural Properties of Ribosomal Protein S8 from the Extreme Thermophile Thermus Thermophilus, Valentina S. Vysotskaia, U F. Nasibullin, Vladimir N. Uversky, K S. Vasilenko, Natalya V. Narizhneva, and Marina B. Garber

Submissions from 1994


A New Approach to Artificial and Modified Proteins: Theory-based Design, Synthesis in a Cell-free System and Fast Testing of Structural Properties by Radiolabels, Violetta V. Chemeris, Dmitry A. Dolgikh, Alexey N. Fedorov, Alexey N. Fedorov, Alexey V. Finkelstein, Mikhail P. Kirpichnikov, Vladimir N. Uversky, and Oleg B. Ptitsyn


Circularly Permuted Dihydrofolate Reductase Of E.coli Has Functional Activity and a Destabilized Tertiary Structure, Natalya YU. Protasova, M. L. Kireeva, N. V. Murzina, N. V. Murzin, Vladimir N. Uversky, O. I. Gryaznova, and Anatoly T. Gudkov


Circularly Permuted Dihydrofolate Reductase of e.coli Has Functional Activity and a Destabilized Tertiary Structure, Natalya YU. Protasova, M. L. Kireeva, N. V. Murzina, N. V. Murzin, Vladimir N. Uversky, O. I. Gryaznova, and Anatoly T. Gudkov


The Molten Globule is a Third Thermodynamical State of Protein Molecules, Oleg B. Ptitsyn and Vladimir N. Uversky


"Partly Folded" State, a New Equilibrium State of Protein Molecules: Four-state Guanidinium Chloride-induced Unfolding of .Beta.-lactamase at Low Temperature, Vladimir N. Uversky and Oleg B. Ptitsyn