Digital Commons University of South Florida (USF)

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USF Non-Exclusive License Agreement.

Rights and Terms of Use for Material Posted in Digital Commons @ University of South Florida

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Additional Resources

Publisher Policies

Many publishers will allow you to post a version (pre, post, or publisher) of your work in an institutional repository such as Digital Commons @ University of South Florida. Where deposit of the full text is not possible due to copyright restrictions, a record can still be created to display the title, author(s), publisher citation, abstract, descriptive information, and a link to an alternative location, such as the publisher’s version. It may also be possible to work with your publisher to re-gain or request these rights.

Determining a journal publisher's specific policy may be found by searching the following website:

Additionally, you may review the publishers' website for their author archive policy. If you are unable to determine the archive policy or need assistance with contacting a publisher for deposit rights please contact us.

Retaining your rights

Articles on Copyright:

Association of Research Libraries- "Know Your Copy Rights"

Works deposited without your consent

If you believe that your copyrighted material has been deposited into Digital Commons @ University of South Florida without consent please immediately contact us.

If still unable to locate the answer to your rights needs please contact the USF Copyright Librarian to receive personal assistance: