
Submissions from 2015


Cultural Mismatch in Roma Parents’ Perceptions: The Role of Culture, Language, and Traditional Roma Values in Schools, Veselina Lambrev


Photographs and Classroom Response Systems in Middle School Astronomy Classes, Hyunju Lee and Allan Feldman


Photographs as Static and Concrete Visual Representation to Connect Prior Knowledge and to Stimulate Discussions in Science Classrooms, Hyunju Lee and Allan Feldman


Community Youth Group’s Conceptions of the Role of a Text-Based Dual Language Library in Rural Paraguay, Alexandra Panos


Reflections from Preservice to Novice Teaching: One Perspective on the Role of ePortfolios, Alexandra Panos


Relying on Each Other: Teacher Study Groups Around Digital Technologies, Alexandra Panos


Taking Aim at Solutions: Teaching English Through Anthropogenic Global Warming, Alexandra Panos, James S. Damico, Hyona Park, Su Jin Park, Yeoeun Park, and Jaclyn Sylvia


Intentionality of Preparation: Systematic Mentorship in Doctoral Education, Audra K. Parker, Jenifer J. Schneider, and Ilene R. Berson


Exploring Time-lapse Photography as a Means for Qualitative Data Collection, Lindsay Persohn


It All Started With One Book: How Trash Created Something Beautiful, Rebecca L. Powell, Allison Papke, and Jenifer J. Schneider


Capturing the Processes of Our Transformative Learning in a Transdisciplinary Research Course, Janet Richards


Creating and Sharing Annotated Bibliographies: One Way to Become Familiar with Exemplary Multicultural Literature, Janet Richards


Modeling Historical Fiction Lessons as a Bridge to Primary Students' Content Reading: What I Didn't Know and Learned about the Standards, Janet Richards

Stories of Our Experiences in an Introductory Qualitative Research Class: A Narrative Inquiry, Janet Richards

Play-Based Kindergarten: No Problem Aligning with English Language Arts Common Core Goals, Janet Richards and Sophia Han


Introduction—Translating Social Justice Values Into Effective Practices: The Integration of a Social Justice Stance in an Age of the Common Core, Janet Richards and Kristein Zenkov


Social Justice, the Common Core, and Closing the Instructional Gap: Empowering Diverse Learners and Their Teachers, Janet Richards and Kristein Zenkov


iText, but iDon’t Teach With It: An Essay on i-Literacy in Teacher Education, Jenifer J. Schneider


Teaching for Creativity in the Common Core Classroom, Jenifer J. Schneider


Students of Two-Curriculum Types Performance on a Proof for Congruent Triangles, Ruthmae Sears and Óscar Chávez


Checklist for Scaling Up a Student Learning Initiative in Mathematics, Ruthmae Sears, Fran Hopf, Ana Torres-Ayala, and Mile Krajcevski


Math Talk That Builds Understanding: Explain, Justify and Validate, Ruthmae Sears, Fran Hopf, Ana Torres-Ayala, and Milé Krajcevski


Are Standards for Mathematical Practice Overlooked in Geometry Textbooks’ Chapter Tests?, Ruthmae Sears, Ilyas Karadeniz, Kenneth Butler, and Dix Pettey


Effects of Differentiated Reading on Elementary Students’ Reading Comprehension and Attitudes Toward Reading, Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick, Linda Evans, John M. Ferron, and Myriam Lindo


Differentiating English Language Arts for Gifted and Advanced Students, Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick and Claire E. Hughes


Students’ Perceptions of Factors that Contribute to Risk and Success in Accelerated High School Courses, Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick, Shannon M. Suldo, Rachel Anne Roth, and Sarah A. Fefer


Consolidating Commonalities in Language and Literacy to Inform Policy: Bridging Research Cultures in the Multilingual English-Speaking Caribbean, Patriann Smith and Alex Kumi-Yeboah


Exploring the Interstices of Literate, Linguistic, and Cultural Diversity, Patriann Smith and Alex Kumi-Yeboah


Handbook of Research on Cross-Cultural Approaches to Language and Literacy Development, Patriann Smith and Alex Kumi-Yeobah


Toward Cross‐Sector Integration of Early Childhood Services in St. Lucia: Using Policy, Historical, and Linguistic Factors to Inform Future Progress, Patriann Smith and Kofi Marfo


Towards Transculturalism in Tackling Diversity for Literacy Teacher Education, Patriann Smith, S. Joel Warrican, and Gwendolyn Williams


About This Book, Susan K. Stratton, Rita Hagevik, Allan Feldman, and Mark Bloom


Educating Science Teachers for Sustainability, Susan K. Stratton, Rita Hagevik, Allan Feldman, and Mark Bloom


Toward a Sustainable Future: The Practice of Science Teacher Education for Sustainability, Susan K. Stratton, Rita Hagevik, Allan Feldman, and Mark Bloom


Development and Initial Validation of the Coping With Academic Demands Scale: How Students in Accelerated High School Curricula Cope With School-Related Stressors, Shannon M. Suldo, Robert F. Dedrick, Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick, Sarah A. Fefer, and John M. Ferron


Development and Initial Validation of the Student Rating of Environmental Stressors Scale: Stressors Faced by Students in Accelerated High School Curricula, Shannon M. Suldo, Robert F. Dedrick, Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick, and Rachel A. Roth


Reflection on Their First Five Years of Teaching: Understanding Staying and Impact Power, Katie M. Tricarico, Jennifer Jacobs, and Diane Yendol-Hoppey

Submissions from 2014


Investigating Middle School Students' Perceptions of their Learning Environments through Drawings, Patricia Alvarez McHatton, Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick, Jennie L. Farmer, Sharon N. E. Ray, and Hariett J. Bessette


Cloudy or Cumulus: Collaborative Composition and Storyboarding to Produce Print and Digital Science Texts (Fifth Grade), Matthew U. Blankenship, Erin E. Margarella, Jenna Thomas, Amber Holmberg, and Jenifer J. Schneider


Artistic Activity and Child Well-Being in Early Schooling: Revisiting the Narratives, Jolyn Blank


Authenticity and “Standing Out:” Situating the Project Approach in Contemporary Early Schooling, Jolyn Blank, Victoria J. Damjanovic, Anna P. Peixoto da Silva, and Susan Weber

Social Studies Teacher Education: Promoting and Developing Inclusive Perspectives, Bárbara C. Cruz

Talking Diversity with Teachers and Teacher Educators: Exercises and Critical Conversations Across the Curriculum, Bárbara C. Cruz, Cheryl R. Ellerbrock, Anete Vasquez, and Elaine V. Howes


Cultivating a Positive Learning Environment in College Classrooms, Cheryl Ellerbrock


Developmentally Responsive Teacher Practices across the Middle-to-High-School Transition, Cheryl Ellerbrock, Bridget Abbas, and Michael DiCicco


Moving Out of the Middle: How Middle Level Educators Can Help Foster A Responsive Middle-to-High-School Transition, Cheryl Ellerbrock, J. Denmon, B. Abbas, M. DiCicco, and L. Sabella


Fostering an Adolescent-Centered Community Responsive to Student Needs: Lessons Learned and Suggestions for Middle Level Educators, Cheryl Ellerbrock and Sarah M. Kiefer


Supporting Young Adolescents’ Middle-to-High-School Transition by Creating a Ninth Grade Community of Care: Implications for Middle Grades Educators, Cheryl Ellerbrock and Sarah M. Kiefer


School-Based Interpersonal Relationships: Setting the Foundation for Young Adolescents’ Belonging in Middle School, Cheryl Ellerbrock, Sarah M. Kiefer, and Kathleen M. Alley

A Vision of Diversity in Teacher Education, Cheryl R. Ellerbrock and Bárbara C. Cruz


Editorial, Allan Feldman


Philosophy of Science, Allan Feldman


Top 10 Learning Needs For Teacher Leaders, Stephen P. Gordon, Jennifer Jacobs, and Rachel Solis


Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Higher Education: A Collaborative Self-Study, Heejeong S. Han, Eugenia Vomvoridi-Ivanović, Jennifer Jacobs, Zorka Karanxha, Andrea E. Lypka, Cindy M. Topdemir, and Allan Feldman


A Teacher's Guide to Using the Common Core State Standards With Gifted and Advanced Learners in the English/Language Arts, Claire E. Hughes-Lynch, Todd Kettler, Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick, and Joyce VanTassel-Baska


Fostering Equitable School Contexts: Bringing a Social Justice Lens to Field Supervision, Jennifer Jacobs


Teacher Leaders as Equity-Centered Change Agents: Exploring the Conditions that Influence Navigating Change to Promote Educational Equity, Jennifer Jacobs, Brandon Beck, and Lyn Crowell


The Role of Responsive Teacher Practices in Supporting Academic Motivation at the Middle Level, Sarah M. Kiefer, Cheryl Ellerbrock, and Kathleen Alley


Learning the Disciplinary Language and Literacies of Multimedia Composition, Deborah Kozdras, James R. King, and Jenifer J. Schneider


Trends of Blended Learning in K-12 Schools: Challenges and Possibilities, Alex Kumi-Yeboah and Patriann Smith


Framing Collaborative Efforts for Literacy, C. Leung, Janet Richards, and C. Lassonde


International Collaborations in Literacy Research and Practice, Cynthia B. Leung, Janet Richards, and Cynthia A. Lassonde


Digital Tools for Teacher Reflection, Alexandra Panos


Using Children’s Literature: Race, Reading, and Critical Response, Alexandra Panos

Academic Writing for Publication: Some Points of Departure for Success, Janet Richards


A Compendium of Teaching and Learning Qualitative Research Resources, Janet Richards


Exploring Education Students' Reflexivity through the Arts in an After-School Writing Tutoring Program: A Descriptive Case, Janet Richards


The Ethical Literacy Leader: Celebrating Successes through “Star Tattoos”, Janet Richards


The Ethical Literacy Leader: Crafting Ethical Communication, Janet Richards


The Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking (RWCT) Project: Working in the Thai Jungle with Indigenous Myanmar (Burmese) Teachers, Janet Richards


Casework in K–6 Writing Instruction: Connecting Composing Strategies, Digital Literacies, and Disciplinary Content to the Common Core, Jenifer J. Schneider


Environmental E‐Books and Green Goals: Changing Places, Flipping Spaces, and Real‐izing the Curriculum, Jenifer J. Schneider, Deborah Kozdras, Nathan Wolkenhauer, and Lisa Arias


Opportunities to Engage with Proof: the Nature of Proof Tasks in Two Geometry Textbooks and Its Influence on Enacted Lessons, Ruthmae Sears and Óscar Chávez


College Students’ Perspectives of the “Help Me Solve This” Tool on their Learning of Mathematics, Ruthmae Sears, Fran Hopf, Ana Torres-Ayala, and Matthew Maher


Special Issue: Recent Findings From Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Education Act Grants, Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick and Alicia Cotabish


Indirect Challenges and Provocative Paraphrases: Using Cultural Conflict-Talk Practices to Promote Students' Dialogic Participation in Whole-Class Discussions, Michael Sherry


The Student Writing Archive Project: Designing a Searchable Database of Student Writing and Teacher Commentary for English Teacher Preparation Courses, Michael Sherry


Reframing Responses to Student Writing: Promising Young Writers and the Writing Pedagogies Course, Michael Sherry and Ted Roggenbuck


Negotiating American History: Bilingual Learners Collaboratively Compose Information Texts (Fifth Grade), Patriann Smith, Aimee Frier, and Jenifer J. Schneider


STEMRAYS: After-School STEM Research Clubs, M. Sternheim and Allan Feldman

Submissions from 2013

Teaching about Gay Civil Rights: U.S. Courts and the Law, Robert W. Bailey and Bárbara C. Cruz


Collecting, Painting, and Studying Leaves, Jolyn Blank and Ellie Wastin


Embodied Discourse: Using Tableau to Explore Preservice Teachers’ Reflections and Activist Stances, Margaret Branscombe and Jenifer J. Schneider

A Novel Approach: Historical Fiction in the Elementary Classroom, Bárbara C. Cruz

Operation Pedro Pan: The Flight to Neverland for more than 14,000 Cuban Children, Bárbara C. Cruz

The Hispanic Heritage of North America Commemorating 500 years, Bárbara C. Cruz

Mark Dion’s Troubleshooting: Empowering Students to Create and Act, Bárbara C. Cruz and Noel Smith

Gateway to Social Studies, Bárbara C. Cruz and Stephen J. Thornton

Gateway to Social Studies: Teacher's Edition, Bárbara C. Cruz and Stephen J. Thornton

Teaching Social Studies to English Language Learners, Bárbara C. Cruz and Stephen J. Thornton


Duke Riley: Flights of Fancy, Arts-Social Studies Curriculum, Barbara Cruz, Cheryl Ellerbrock, and Sarah Mead


Extending a Community of Care Beyond the Ninth Grade: A Follow-Up Study, Cheryl Ellerbrock and Sarah M. Kiefer


The Interplay Between Adolescent Needs and Secondary School Structures: Fostering Developmentally Responsive Middle and High School Environments Across the Transition, Cheryl Ellerbrock and Sarah M. Kiefer


Becoming Researchers: The Participation of Undergraduate and Graduate Students in Scientific Research Groups, Allan Feldman, Kent A. Divoll, and Allyson Rogan-Klyve


Editorial, Allan Feldman and A. Townsend


Curriculum and Implementation Effects on High School Students' Mathematics Learning From Curricula Representing Subject-Specific and Integrated Content Organizations, Douglas A. Grouws, James E. Tarr, Óscar Chávez, Ruthmae Sears, Victor M. Soria, and Rukiye D. Taylan


Developing Educational Leaders for Social Justice: Programmatic Elements that Work or Need Improvement, Patricia L. Guerra, Sarah W. Nelson, Jennifer Jacobs, and Erica Yamamura


Book Review: What Every Principal Needs to Know to Create Equitable and Excellent Schools, Jennifer Jacobs


Emerging Leaders for Social Justice: Negotiating the Journey Through Action Research, Jennifer Jacobs, Erica Yamamura, Patricia L. Guerra, and Sarah W. Nelson


Signs of Autonomy: Facilitating Independence and Inquiry in Deaf Science Classrooms, Sami Kahn, Allan Feldman, and Michele L. Cooke