Editor-in-Chief: | James, Waynne, Ed.D., Professor, University of South Florida, USA |
Journal Information
Journal of Global Education and Research (JGER) is an international non-profit, open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal. JGER, as an interdisciplinary journal, aims to bring together researchers, scientists, scholars, and graduate students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of global education and research and to discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.
JGER is published bi-annually by the University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing. USF M3 Publishing is a service of the USF M3 Center for Hospitality Technology and Innovation (M3 Center). We encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical research relating to global education in as much detail as possible to promote scientific predictions and impact assessments of global change and development in the field of education. Full experimental and methodical details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. The coverage of JGER includes the following areas as they apply to global education and research.
- Adult and Continuing Education
- Curriculum and Instruction Development
- Education in Other Specialties
- Educational Technology
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Global Competence
- Higher Education & Educational Leadership
- Human Resource Development
- Inclusive Education
- International Education
- Pre K-12
- Research Methods in Education
Benefits of publishing with JGER
- Open access: Completely free for readers and authors. There are no fees charged for submission, subscription, and article processing. All costs are absorbed by the University of South Florida M3 Center and USF Library.
- Fair Turnaround: JGER is committed to getting the manuscripts double-blind peer-reviewed, and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 6-8 weeks after submission.
- Recognition of reviewers: Reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports shall receive credits.
- High visibility and Indexing: Indexed by:
- Cabell's Journal Whitelist (Sign-in-required)
- CiteFactor
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI)
- Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)
- Google Scholar
- Index Copernicus International (ICI)
- Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI)
- Research Bib, Academic Resource Index
- Scientific Indexing Services (SIS)
- Sherpa/Romeo
- Under Review for multiple indexes and databases.
Browse past issues of JGER from the sidebar or at the following links:
- Volume 8
- Issue 1 | Issue 2 |
- Issue 1 | Issue 2 | Issue 3
- Issue 1 | Issue 2 Volume 5
- Issue 1 | Issue 2 Volume 4
- Issue 1 | Issue 2 Volume 3
- Issue 1 | Issue 2 Volume 2
- Issue 1 | Issue 2 Volume 1
- Issue 1
- Inclusive settings in Belizean primary schools: A focus on teacher practices
- Katherine A. Curry, Jentre Olsen, Ed Harris, Candy Garnett, and Dian Danderson
- Initial findings on student progress and satisfaction in a new model of hyperflexible online delivery for university students
- Colin Beer, Kate Ames, Noal Atkinson, Damien Clark, and Peter Hosie
- Nurturing a global ecojustice consciousness among preservice teachers through critical place-based learning
- Greer C. Burroughs and Marissa E. Bellino
- What hospitality and tourism higher educators learned from COVID-19: A case of Turkiye
- Ayse Collins, Ayse S. Dulger, Muharrem Tuna, and Muzaffer Uysal
- Determining students’ personality traits according to parental perspectives: A scale development study
- Cengiz Aglar and Tuncay Dilci
- Pre-service teachers evaluate mentors and teaching practice schools using metaphors
- Suzan Canli and Hasan Demirtas
- Volume 7
- Volume 6
Current Issue
Volume 8 - Issue 1
Early Cite
Refereed Articles
Using the Intercultural Development Inventory to measure intercultural development for a high-impact global community engagement program
Jennifer Crystle, Megan W. Moran, and Diana G. Venskus
Incorporating domestic students returning from international educational experiences into internationalization at home: Challenges and opportunities
Andrew M. Robinson
Intentional unlearning practices in postmassified university systems: Reformation for the metamodern era
Mihaela A. Lynn
Artificial intelligence as a policy response to teaching and learning issues in education in Ghana
Joshua Osondu, Emmanuel Jean Francois, and Jesse Strycker
Reflective practice of early career teachers: Identifying and mitigating major instructional challenges
Saheeh Shafi