Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started

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Submissions from 2020


Molecular Tools for Coral Reef Restoration: Beyond Biomarker Discovery, John Everett Parkinson, Andrew C. Baker, Iliana B. Baums, Sarah W. Davies, Andréa G. Grottoli, Sheila A. Kitchen, Mikhail V. Matz, Margaret W. Miller, Andrew A. Shantz, and Carly D. Kenkel


Bilingualism and Processing Speed in Typically Developing Children and Children With Developmental Language Disorder, Ji Sook Park, Carol A. Miller, Teenu Sanjeevan, Janet G. van Hell, Daniel J. Weiss, and Elina Mainela-Arnold


Calling: Earth #032 - Matthew Pasek, Planetary Scientist, Matthew Pasek


Serpentinization as a Route to Liberating Phosphorus on Habitable Worlds, Matthew Pasek, Arthur Omran, Carolyn Lang, Maheen Gull, Josh Abbatiello, Tian Feng, Lyle Garong, and Heather Abbott-Lyon


Transforming From the Classroom to an Online Nursing Educator: A Transformative Learning Experience for New Online Nursing Faculty, Denise Passmore


Picturing The President: Visual Analysis of The Donald Trump Presidency on US Magazine Covers Between 2016 and 2018, Newly Paul and Gregory P. Perreault


Combining Isoscapes with Tissue-Specific Isotope Records to Recreate the Geographic Histories of Fish, Ernst B. Peebles and David J. Hollander


The Lord’s Radio: Gospel Music Broadcasting and The Making of Evangelical Culture, 1920–1960, Gregory P. Perreault


What Is Digital Journalism? Defining The Practice and Role of The Digital Journalist, Gregory P. Perreault and Patrick Ferrucci


“Why The H**l is There a White House Correspondents’ Dinner?” Boundary Work in Political Journalism, Gregory P. Perreault, Kellie Stanfield, and Shelby Luttmann


Metajournalistic Discourse on The Rise of Gaming Journalism, Gregory P. Perreault and Tim P. Vos


Mobile Gaming Strategic Communication and Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) in Fan Culture: A Case Study of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Mildred F. Perreault and Gregory P. Perreault


Responding to Video Game Moral Panic: Persuasive Messaging by the Video Game Industry's Response to Shootings and Violence, Mildred F. Perreault and Gregory P. Perreault


A Revised Diet Matrix to Improve the Parameterization of a West Florida Shelf Ecopath Model for Understanding Harmful Algal Bloom Impacts, Holly A. Perryman, Joseph H. Tarnecki, Arnaud Grüss, Elizabeth A. Babcock, Skyler R. Sagarese, Cameron H. Ainsworth, and Alisha M. Gray DiLeone


Random Attractor for Stochastic Hindmarsh-Rose Equations with Multiplicative Noise, Chi Phan


Chronology of Young Basalt Flows from Lava Tube Gypsum U-series Ages, Victor J. Polyak, Julian R. Dillon, Yemane Asmerom, and Bogdan P. Onac


Foraminifera as Bioindicators of Water Quality: The FoRAM Index Revisited, Martina Prazeres, Michael Martinez-Colon, and Pamela Hallock


Mapping Urban Tree Species by Integrating Multi-seasonal High Resolution Pléiades Satellite Imagery with Airborne LiDAR Data, Ruiliang Pu and Shawn M. Landry


In Search of Floating Algae and Other Organisms in Global Oceans and Lakes, Lin Qi, Chuanmin Hu, Karlis Mikelsons, Menghua Wang, Veronica Lance, Shaojie Sun, Brian B. Barnes, Jun Zhao, and Close Dimitry Van der Zande


A Precise Polyrotaxane Synthesizer, Yunyan Qiu, Bo Song, Cristian Pezzato, Dengke Shen, Wenqi Liu, Long Zhang, Yuanning Feng, Qing-Hui Guo, Kang Cai, Weixingyue Li, Hongliang Chen, Minh T. Nguyen, Yi Shi, Chuyang Cheng, R. Dean Astumian, Xiaopeng Li, and J. Fraser Stoddart


Evaluating the Evidence Base for Evidence-based Instructional Practices in Chemistry through Meta-analysis, Tawabur Rahman and Scott E. Lewis


Calling: Earth #035 - Mark Rains, Chair of the USF School of Geosciences, Mark Rains


Parent-led, Stepped-care Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for Youth with Autism and Co-occurring Anxiety: Study Rationale and Method, Ana C. Ramirez, Stacey C. Grebe, Morgan M. McNeel, Danica L. Limon, Sophie C. Schneider, Leandra N. Berry, Robin P. Goin-Kochel, Sandra L. Cepeda, Robert G. Voigt, Alison Salloum, and Eric A. Storch


C‑Jun and FOXO1 Mediate the Expression of Oncogenic PKC‑ι in Human Prostate Cancer Cells with an Interplay Between NF‑κB, IL‑8 and ICAM‑1, Wishrawana S. Ratnayake, Christopher A. Apostolatos, Sloan Breedy, and Mildred Acevedo-Duncan


Fuzzy Epistemology: Decolonizing the Social Sciences, Bernd Reiter


Digital Citizenship in a Datafied Society, Vanessa Reyes


Saving Your Digital Past, Present, and Future: A Step-by-Step Guide, Vanessa Reyes


Low Doses of Bisphenol S Affect Post-translational Modifications of Sperm Proteins in Male Mice, Hedvika Řimnáčová, Miriam Štiavnická, Jiří Moravec, Marouane Chemek, Yaroslav Kolinko, Olga García-Álvarez, Peter R. Mouton, Azalia Mariel Carranza Trejo, Tereza Fenclová, Nikola Eretová, Petr Hošek, Pavel Klein, Milena Králíčková, Jaroslav Petr, and Jan Nevoral


Examining the Meaning of Vague Quantifiers in Higher Education: How Often is “Often”?, Louis M. Rocconi, Amber D. Dumford, and Breanna Butler


Calling: Earth #041- Mel Rodgers, Volcanologist, Mel Rodgers


The Effect of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Two Ecosystem Services in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Melissa Rohal, Cameron Ainsworth, Brach Lupher, Paul A. Montagna, Claire B. Paris, Natalie Perlin, Paul Mark Suprenand, and David Yoskowitz


Adherence to Behavioral Treatments and Parent Stress in Families of Children with ASD, Aimee K. Rovane, Robert M. Hock, and Stacy-Ann A. January


HONEM: Learning Embedding for Higher Order Networks, Mandana Saebi, Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia, Lance M. Kaplan, and Nitesh V. Chawla


Drivers of Concentrated Predation in an Antarctic Marginal-ice-zone Food Web, Benjamin T. Saenz, David G. Ainley, Kendra L. Daly, Grant Ballard, Erin Conlisk, Megan L. Elrod, and Stacy L. Kim


Rational Design and Synthesis of Right-Handed d-Sulfono-γ-AApeptide Helical Foldamers as Potent Inhibitors of Protein–Protein Interactions, Peng Sang, Yan Shi, Pirada Higbee, Minghui Wang, Sami Abdulkadir, Junhao Lu, Gary W. Daughdrill, Jiandong Chen, and Jianfeng Cai


α-Helix-Mimicking Sulfono-γ-AApeptide Inhibitors for p53–MDM2/MDMX Protein–Protein Interactions, Peng Sang, Yan Shi, Junhao Lu, Lihong Chen, Leixiang Yang, Wade Borcherds, Sami Abdulkadir, Qi Li, Gary W. Daughdrill, Jiandong Chen, and Jianfeng Cai


The Activity of Sulfono-γ-AApeptide Helical Foldamers that Mimic GLP-1, Peng Sang, Zhihong Zhou, Yan Shi, Candy Lee, Zaid Amso, David Huang, Timothy Odom, Vân T.B. Nguyen-Tran, Weijun Shen, and Jianfeng Cai


A Meta-analysis Reveals Temperature, Dose, Life Stage, and Taxonomy Influence Host Susceptibility to a Fungal Parasite, Erin L. Sauer, Jeremy M. Cohen, Marc J. Lajeunesse, Taegan A. McMahon, David J. Civitello, Sarah A. Knutie, Karena Nguyen, Elizabeth A. Roznik, Brittany F. Sears, Scott Bessler, Bryan K. Delius, Neal Halstead, Nicole Ortega, Matthew D. Venesky, Suzanne Young, and Jason R. Rohr


Calling: Earth #027 - Michelle Saunders, Geographer, Michelle Saunders


Manage Your Data: Information Management Strategies for DH Practitioners, Kristen Schuster and Vanessa Reyes


A Synthesis of Deep Benthic Faunal Impacts and Resilience Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Patrick T. Schwing, Paul A. Montagna, Samantha B. Joye, Claire B. Paris, Erik E. Cordes, Craig R. McClain, Joshua P. Kilborn, and Steven A. Murawski


Ubiquity and Functional Uniformity in CO2 Concentrating Mechanisms in Multiple Phyla of Bacteria is Suggested by a Diversity and Prevalence of Genes Encoding Candidate Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Transporters, Kathleen Scott, Tara L. Harmer, Bradford Gemmell, Andrew M. Kramer, Markus Sutter, Cheryl A. Kerfeld, Kourtney S. Barber, Saaurav Bari, Joshua W. Boling, Cassandra P. Campbell, Javier F. Gallard-Gongora, Jessica K. Jackson, Aldo Lobos, Jeannie M. Mounger, Peter W. Radulovic, Jacqueline M. Sanson, Sarah Schmid, Candice Takieddine, Kiley F. Warlick, and Robert Whittaker


Anomalous δ13C in Particulate Organic Carbon at the Chemoautotrophy Maximum in the Cariaco Basin, Mary I. Scranton, Gordon T. Taylor, Robert C. Thunell, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Yrene Astor, Peter Swart, Virginia P. Edgcomb, and Maria G. Pachiadaki


Oxygen Supply Capacity in Animals Evolves to Meet Maximum Demand at the Current Oxygen Partial Pressure Regardless of Size or Temperature, Brad A. Seibel and Curtis Deutsch


Calling: Earth #025 - Nicole Seiden, Environmental Scientist, Nicole Seiden


Perceptions of Hurricane Track Forecasts in the U.S.A, Jason Senkbeil, Jacob Reed, Jennifer M. Collins, Kimberly Brothers, Michelle Saunders, Walker Skeeter, Emily Cerrito, Saurav Chakraborty, and Amy Polen


Cliff Feature Delineation Tool and Baseline Builder Tool, Version 1.0 User Guide, Alexander C. Seymour, Cheryl J. Hapke, and Jonathan Warrick


Insights into the Bioavailability of Oceanic Dissolved Fe from Phytoplankton Uptake Kinetics, Yeala Shaked, Kristen N. Buck, Travis Mellett, and Maria. T. Maldonado


Interpreting Measurements of Total Alkalinity in Marine and Estuarine Waters in the Presence of Proton-binding Organic Matter, Jonathan D. Sharp and Robert H. Byrne


Scientist of the week!, Sarah L. Sheffield, Lisette Melendez, Kristin Houdyshell, and Mathew Burgos


Paleoceanography: Lessons for a Changing World, Amelia Shevenell, Peggy Delaney, Katrin Meissner, Laurie Menviel, and Alan C. Mix


Rational Design of Right-handed Heterogeneous Peptidomimetics as Inhibitors of Protein–protein Interactions, Yan Shi, Peng Sang, Junhao Lu, Pirada Higbee, Lihong Chen, Leixiang Yang, Timothy Odom, Gary W. Daughdrill, Jiandong Chen, and Jianfeng Cai


Transmission of West Nile and Five Other Temperate Mosquito-borne Viruses Peaks at Temperatures Between 23°C and 26°C, Marta S. Shocket, Anna B. Verwillow, Mailo G. Numazu, Hani Slamani, Jeremy M. Cohen, Fadoua El Moustaid, Jason Rohr, Leah R. Johnson, and Erin A. Mordecai


Structural studies of magnetic C60/Cu multilayers, J. E. Shoup, D. A. Arena, J. A. Borchers, B. J. Kirby, A. J. Caruana, C. J. Kinane, S. Langridge, M. Rogers, and O. Cespedes


Cycling of Zinc and Its Isotopes across Multiple Zones of the Southern Ocean: Insights from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition, M. Sieber, T. M. Conway, G. F. de Souza, C. S. Hassler, M. J. Ellwood, and D. Vance


Examining the Statistical Relationships between Volcanic Seismic, Infrasound, and Electrical Signals: A Case Study of Sakurajima Volcano, 2015, Cassandra M. Smith, Glenn Thompson, Steven Reader, Sonja A. Behnke, Stephen R. McNutt, Ron Thomas, and Harald Edens


Tanshinone IIA Inhibits Epithelial-to-mesenchymal Transition Through Regulating β-arrestin1 Mediated β-catenin Signaling Pathway in Colorectal Cancer, Qing Song, Liu Yang, Zhifen Han, Xinnan Wu, Ruixiao Li, Lihong Zhou, Ningning Liu, Hua Sui, Jianfeng Cai, Yan Wang, Qing Ji, and Qi Li


Early Efficacy of Multitiered Dual-Language Instruction: Promoting Preschoolers’ Spanish and English Oral Language, Trina D. Spencer, Meghan Moran, Marilyn S. Thompson, Douglas B. Petersen, and M. Adelaida Restrepo


Photic Stress on Coral Reefs in the Maldives: The Amphistegina Bleaching Index, Stephanie Stainbank, Silvia Spezzaferri, Valentina Beccari, Pamela Hallock, Arthur Adams, Auriele Angeloz, Daniela Basso, Annalisa Caragnano, Nicolo Del Piero, and Patrick Dietsche


Geoscience Videos and Animations: How to Make Them with Your Students, and How to Use Them in the Classroom, Robert J. Stern, Jeff Ryan, Ning Wang, Victor J. Ricchezza, and Siloa Willis


Cop Killers and the Death Penalty: an Exploratory Mixed Methods Analysis, North Carolina (1977–2009), Bernadette Stewart, John K. Cochran, M. Dwayne Smith, Beth Bjerregaard, and Sondra Fogel


Mixed Rational-Exponential Solutions to the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili-II Equation with a Self-Consistent Source, Dan Su, Wen-Xiu Ma, Xuelin Yong, and Yehui Huang


Distorting Science, putting Water at Risk, S. Mažeika Patricio Sullivan, Mark Rains, Amanda D. Rodewald, William W. Buzbee, and Amy D. Rosemond


miR146a-mediated Targeting of FANCM during Inflammation Compromises Genome Integrity, Devakumar Sundaravinayagam, Hye Rim Kim, TingTing Wu, Hyun Hee Kim, Semo Jun, Jeong-Heon Cha, Younghoon Kee, Ho Jin You, and Jung-Hee Lee


Preparing for The Inevitable: Ecological and Indigenous Community Impacts of Oil Spill-Related Mortality in The United States’ Arctic Marine Ecosystem, Paul M. Suprenand, Carie Hoover, Cameron H. Ainsworth, Lindsey N. Dornberger, and Chris J. Johnson


Evidence-based Health Solutions for Challenges Women Face during Pandemics like COVID-19: A Systematic Review Protocol, Zhaohui Su, Shelly Wagers, Emme Lopez, Lori Ann Terjesen, Jaffar Abbas, Feng Shi, Caifeng Wang, and Yuyang Cai


Prediction of Chronic Disease-Related Inpatient Prolonged Length of Stay Using Machine Learning Algorithms, Hasan Symum and José Zayas-Castro


On the Price of Satisficing in Network User Equilibria, Mahdi Takalloo and Changhyun Kwon


Sicily Before the Greeks. The Interaction with Aegean and the Levant in the Pre-colonial Era, Davide Tanasi


Boosting Computational Effectiveness in Big Spatial Flow Data Analysis with Intelligent Data Reduction, Ran Tao, Zhaoya Gong, Qiwei Ma, and Jean-Claude Thill


BiFlowLISA: Measuring Spatial Association for Bivariate Flow Data, Ran Tao and Jean-Claude Thill


Cornus Officinalis Promotes IGFBP2 and Autophagy in Human 1.1B4 Pancreatic Cell Line as Revealed by Employing a Global Proteomic Approach via Mass Spectrometry, Arielle Elizabeth Tawfik, Jennifer Guergues, Stanley M. Stevens Jr, and Brant Roger Burkhardt


The Folding Propensity of α/Sulfono-γ-AA Peptidic Foldamers with Both Left- and Right-Handedness, Peng Teng, Mengmeng Zheng, Darrell Cerrato, Yan Shi, Mi Zhou, Songyi Xue, Wei Jiang, Lukasz Wojtas, Li-June Ming, Yong Hu, and Jianfeng Cai


Capturing Resilience in Context: Development and Validation of a Situational Judgment Test of Resilience, Yuejia Teng, Michael T. Brannick, and Walter C. Borman


Capturing, Preserving, and Digitizing Legacy Seismic Data from the Montserrat Volcano Observatory Analog Seismic Network, July 1995–December 2004, Glenn Thompson, John A. Power, Jochen Braunmiller, Andrew B. Lockhart, Lloyd Lynch, Wendy McCausland, Charlotte A. Rowe, Thomas Shea, Randall A. White, and Charles I. Breithaupt


N-Amino Peptide Scanning Reveals Inhibitors of Aβ42 Aggregation, Khalilia C. Tillett and Juan R. Valle


Population Genomics of Three Deep-sea Cephalopod Species Reveals Connectivity Between the Gulf of Mexico and Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, L. E. Timm, H. D. Bracken-Grissom, A. Sosnowski, M. Breitbart, M. Vecchione, and H. Judkins


First Genome Sequence of the Gunnison’s Prairie Dog (Cynomys gunnisoni), a Keystone Species and Player in the Transmission of Sylvatic Plague, Mirian T. N. Tsuchiya, Rebecca B. Dikow, and Loren Cassin-Sackett


Democracy, Liberalism, and Discretion: The Political Puzzle of the Administrative State, Stephen Turner


Explaining Away Crime: The Race Narrative in American Sociology and Ethical Theory, Stephen Turner


Freud in Many Contexts, Stephen Turner


Habit Is Thus the Enormous Flywheel of Society: Pragmatism. Social Theory, and Cognitive Science, Stephen Turner


Relativism in the Social Sciences, Stephen Turner


The Stone in the Shoe: Weber Today, Stephen Turner


The Autonomy and Integrity of Science, Stephen Turner and Daryl E. Chubin


What are Democratic Values? A Neo-Kelsenian Approach, Stephen Turner and George Mazur


The Changing Temptations of Science, Stephen P. Turner and Daryl E. Chubin


Quantifying Rates of “Rifting while Drifting” in the Southern Gulf of California: The role of the Southern Baja California Microplate and its Eastern Boundary Zone, Paul J. Umhoefer, C. Plattner, and Rocco Malservisi


Tuberculosis Clinical Presentation and Treatment Outcomes in Pregnancy: a Prospective Cohort Study, Brittney J. van de Water, Meredith B. Brooks, Chuan-Chin Huang, Letizia Trevisi, Leonid Lecca, Carmen Contreras, Jerome Galea, Roger Calderon, Rosa Yataco, Megan Murray, and Mercedes C. Becerra


Morphodynamic Modelling of the Wilderness Breach, Fire Island, New York. Part I: Model set-up and Validation, Maarten van Ormondt, Timothy R. Nelson, Cheryl J. Hapke, and Dano Roelvink


Early Life History Growth in Fish Reflects Consumption-mortality Tradeoffs, Kelly Vasbinder and Cameron Ainsworth


Monitoring the Fate of Injected CO2 using Geodetic Techniques, Donald W. Vasco, Timothy H. Dixon, Alessandro Ferretti, and Sergey V. Samsonov


Spawning Origins and Ontogenetic Movements for Demersal Fishes: An Approach Using Eye-lens Stable Isotopes, Julie L. Vecchio and Ernst B. Peebles


Visual Narratives: Exploring the Impacts of Tourism Development in Placencia, Belize, Crystal Ann Vitous and Rebecca K. Zarger


The Discursive Construction of The Gamification of Journalism, Tim P. Voss and Gregory P. Perreault


Introducing Seven Transition Metal Ions into Terpyridine-Based Supramolecules: Self-Assembly and Dynamic Ligand Exchange Study, Lei Wang, Bo Song, Sandra Khalife, Yiming Li, Li-June Ming, Shi Bai, Yaping Xu, Hao Yu, Ming Wang, Heng Wang, and Xiaopeng Li


Self-Assembly of Metallo-Supramolecules under Kinetic or Thermodynamic Control: Characterization of Positional Isomers Using Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy, Lei Wang, Bo Song, Yiming Li, Lele Gong, Xin Jiang, Ming Wang, Shuai Lu, Xin-Qi Hao, Zhenhai Xia, Yuan Zhang, Saw Wai Hla, and Xiaopeng Li


Morphological and Sedimentological Impacts of Hurricane Michael along the Northwest Florida Coast, Ping Wang, Jacob D. Adam, Jun Cheng, and Mathieu Vallée


Metal–Organic Frameworks for Enzyme Immobilization: Beyond Host Matrix Materials, Xiaoliang Wang, Pui Ching Lan, and Shengqian Ma


Beyond Confined Catalysis in Porous Materials, Xiaoliang Wang, Pui Ching Lan, Sai Wang, and Shengqian Ma