Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started

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Submissions from 2019


Florida Weather and Climate: More than just Sunshine, Jennifer Collins, Robert V. Rohli, and Charles H. Paxton


Hurricane Risk, Jennifer Collins and Kevin Walsh


Love is Exhaustion, Brian Connolly


Revisiting Psychoanalytic History, Brian Connolly


The Subterranean Life of Repression, Brian Connolly


Modelling Tephra Thickness and Particle Size Distribution of the 1913 Eruption of Volcán de Colima, Mexico, Charles B. Connor, Laura J. Connor, C. Bonadonna, J. Luhr, I. P. Savov, and C. Navarro-Ochoa


Comparison of DNA Methylation in Vibrio Vulnificus Cells Grown in Human Serum with Those Grown in Seawater, James W. Conrad and Valerie J. Harwood


A Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology Can Transform Mental Health Research, Christopher C. Conway, Miriam K. Forbes, Kelsie T. Forbush, Eiko I. Fried, Michael N. Hallquist, Roman Kotov, Stephanie N. Mullins-Sweatt, Alexander J. Shackman, Andrew E. Skodol, Susan C. South, Matthew Sunderland, Monika A. Waszczuk, David H. Zald, Mohammad H. Afzali, Marina Bornovalova, Natacha Carragher, Anna R. Docherty, Katherine G. Jonas, Robert F. Krueger, Praveetha Patalay, Aaron L. Pincus, Jennifer L. Tackett, Ulrich Reininghaus, Irwin D. Waldman, Aidan G. Wright, Johannes Zimmermann, Bo Bach, R. Michael Bagby, Michael Chmielewski, David C. Cicero, Lee Anna Clark, Tim Dalgleish, Colin G. DeYoung, Christopher J. Hopwood, Masha Y. Ivanova, Robert D. Latzman, Christopher J. Patrick, Camilo J. Ruggero, Douglas B. Samuel, David Watson, and Nicholas R. Eaton


Tracing and Constraining Anthropogenic Aerosol Iron Fluxes to the North Atlantic Ocean using Iron Isotopes, Tim Conway, Douglas S. Hamilton, Rachel U. Shelley, Ana M. Aguilar-Islas, William M. Landing, Natalie M. Mahowald, and Seth G. John


The CARICOMP Network of Caribbean Marine Laboratories (1985–2007): History, Key Findings, and Lessons Learned, Jorge Cortes, Hazel A. Oxenford, Brigitta I. van Tussenbroek, Eric Jordan-Dahlgren, Aldo Croquer, Carolina Bastidas, and John C. Ogden


Population Fragmentation Leads to Morpho-Functional Variation in British Red Squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris), Philip G. Cox, Philip J.R. Morris, and Andrew C. Kitchener


Evaluation of Florida Stone Crab Life History and Management Scenarios using Spawning Potential Ratios, Claire E. Crowley, David Chagaris, Ryan L. Gandy, and Kendra L. Daly


Fecundity Assessment of Stone Crabs in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Claire E. Crowley, Colin P. Shea, Ryan L. Gandy, and Kendra L. Daly


Effects of Early Life NICU Stress on the Developing Gut Microbiome, Amy L. D’Agata, Jing Wu, Manushi K. V. Welandawe, Samia V. O. Dutra, Bradley Kane, and Maureen Groer


Not Restricted to Selection Research: Accounting for Indirect Range Restriction in Organizational Research, Jeffrey A. Dahlke and Brenton M. Wiernik


Understanding the Physical Health Status, Health Literacy, and Health-Related Interventions in School-Base Samples of Youth with Learning Disorders and Emotional Disturbance, Jacqueline Huscroft D'Angelo, Alexandra L. Trout, Kristen Duppong Hurley, and Stacy-Ann A. January


Hyletic Phenomenology and Hyperobjects, Seth Daves


Does Maternal Education Decrease Female Genital Cutting?, Elisabetta De Cao and Giulia La Mattina


Single-amino Acid Variants Reveal Evolutionary Processes that Shape the Biogeography of a Global SAR11 Subclade, Tom O. Delmont, Evan Kiefl, Ozsel Kilinc, Ozcan C. Esen, Ismail Uysal, Michael S. Rappé, Steven Giovannoni, and A. Murat Eren


High-Resolution DEM Generation from Spaceborne and Terrestrial Remote Sensing Data for Improved Volcano Hazard Assessment — A Case Study at Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia, Fanghui Deng, Mel Rodgers, Surui Xie, Timothy Dixon, Sylvain J. Charbonnier, Elisabeth Gallant, Christian Mauricio López Vélez, Milton Ordoñez, Rocco Malservisi, Nicholas K. Voss, and Jacob A. Richardson


Queer Theory, J. Michael Denton


Review of Queer People of Color in Higher Education, J. Michael Denton


The OTUD5–UBR5 Complex Regulates FACT-mediated Transcription at Damaged Chromatin, Angelo de Vivo, University of South Florida, Jose Yegres, Jeonghyeon Kim, Sylvia Emly, and Younghoon Kee


Enhanced Glacial Discharge from the Eastern Antarctic Peninsula since the 1700s Associated with a Positive Southern Annular Mode, W. A. Dickens, G. Kuhn, M. J. Leng, Alastair G. C. Graham, J. A. Dowdeswell, M. P. Meredith, C.-D. Hillenbrand, D. A. Hodgson, S. J. Roberts, H. Sloane, and J. A. Smith


USFT Digital Scholarship Services Annual Report: FY 2018-2019, Digital Scholarship Services


Whole Genome Sequencing Identifies Bacterial Factors Affecting Transmission of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in a High-Prevalence Setting, Avika Dixit, Luca Freschi, Roger Vargas, Roger Calderon, James Sacchettini, Francis Drobniewski, Jerome Galea, Carmen Contreras, Rosa Yataco, and Zibiao Zhang


Aragonite Dissolution Kinetics and Calcite/aragonite Ratios in Sinking and Suspended Particles in the North Pacific, Sijia Dong, William M. Berelson, Nick E. Rollins, Adam V. Subhas, John D. Naviaux, Aaron J. Celestian, Xuewu Liu, Nitya Turaga, Nathaniel J. Kemnitz, Robert H. Byrne, and Jess F. Adkins


Coral Reef Geomorphology of the Spratly Islands: A Simple Method Based on Time-Series of Landsat-8 Multi-Band Inundation Maps, Yanzhu Dong, Yongxue Liu, Chuanmin Hu, and Bihua Xu


Urban Trees, House Price, and Redevelopment Pressure in Tampa, Florida, Geoffrey H. Donovan, Shawn Landry, and Cody Winter


Calling: Earth #014 - Christine Downs, Geophysicist, Christine Downs


Calling: Earth #007 - Joni Downs Firat, Wildlife Ecologist, Joni A. Downs


Allee Effects, John M. Drake, Luděk Berec, and Andrew M. Kramer


Where and with Whom Students Live: Impacts on Peer Belonging and Institutional Acceptance, Amber D. Dumford, Amy K. Ribera, and Angie L. Miller


Constraints on Global Mean Sea Level During Pliocene Warmth, Oana A. Dumitru, Jacqueline Austermann, Victor J. Polyak, Joan J. Fornós, Yemane Asmerom, Joaquín Ginés, Angel Ginés, and Bogdan P. Onac


Rational Solutions to Two Sawada–Kotera-like Equations, Ya-Hong Du, Yin-Shan Yun, and Wen-Xiu Ma


Cognitive Science and Social Theory, David Eck and Stephen Turner


Continuous Cohomology of Topological Quandles, Mohamed Elhamdadi, Masahico Saito, and Emanuele Zappala


Keeping an Eye on Antarctic Ice Sheet Stability, Carlota Escutia, Robert M. DeConto, Robert Dunbar, Laura De Santis, Amelia E. Shevenell, and Timothy Naish


GPR Imaging of Lava Tubes with the TubeX Project, Sanaz Esmaeili, Sajad Jazayeri, Kelsey Young, Sarah Kruse, Patrick Whelley, Ernest Bell, and Brent Garry


Zonal Jets in the Laboratory: Experiments with Electromagnetically Forced Flows, Stefania Espa, Gabriella Di Nitto, Boris Galperin, and Jesse Hoemann


Population Dynamics of Pinfish in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico (1998-2016), Meaghan E. Faletti, Dinorah H. Chacin, Jonathan A. Peake, Timothy C. MacDonald, and Christopher D. Stallings


Construction and Interconversion of Anion-coordination-based (‘aniono’) Grids and Double Helicates Modulated by Counter-cations, Xiaoxia Fan, Dan Zhang, Shiyu Jiang, Heng Wang, Lin-Ting Lin, Bo Zheng, Wen-Hua Xu, Yanxia Zhao, Benjamin P. Hay, Yi-Tsu Chan, Xiao-Juan Yang, Xiaopeng Li, and Biao Wu


Future Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on River Flows in the Tapajós Basin in the Brazilian Amazon, Fabio Farinosi, Mauricio E. Arias, Eunjee Lee, Marcos Longo, Fabio F. Pereira, Angela Livino, Paul R. Moorcroft, and John Briscoe


The Origin of Blue Coloration in a Fulgurite from Marquette, Michigan, Tian Feng, Carolyn Lang, and Matthew A. Pasek


Carbon Cycling in the North American Coastal Ocean: A Synthesis, Katja Fennel, Simone Alin, Leticia Barbero, Wiley Evans, Timothée Bourgeois, Sarah Cooley, Frank E. Muller-Karger, and Lisa Robbins


Shifting Ground: Landscape-Scale Modeling of Biogeochemical Processes under Climate Change in the Florida Everglades, Hilary Flower, Mark Rains, H. C. Fitz, William Orem, Susan Newman, Todd Z. Osborne, K. R. Reddy, and Jayantha Obeysekera


100 Years and Counting, Sondra J. Fogel


Investigating CO2 Sorption in SIFSIX-3-M (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) through Computational Studies, Katherine A. Forrest, Tony Pham, Sameh K. Elsaidi, Mona H. Mohamed, Praveen K. Thallapally, Michael J. Zaworotko, and Brian Space


Toward a Cloud Computing Learning Community, Derek Foster, Laurie White, D. Cenk Erdil, Joshua Adams, Amadeo Argüelles, Brian Hainey, Harvey Hyman, Gareth Lewis, Sajid Nazir, Van Nguyen, Majd Sakr, and Lee Stott


Characterization of Porphyromonas gingivalis Sialidase and Disruption of its Role in Host–pathogen Interactions, Andrew M. Frey, Marianne J. Satur, Chatchawal Phansopa, Kiyonobu Honma, Paulina A. Urbanowicz, Daniel I. R. Spencer, Jonathan Pratten, David Bradshaw, Ashu Sharma, and Graham Stafford


The Examination of Determinants And Barriers To End-Of-Life Decision Making and Planning, Brittany E. Gaines and Debra J. Dobbs


Beyond Screening: A Call for the Routine Integration of Mental Health Care with Tuberculosis Treatment, Jerome Galea, I. Monedero-Recuero, and A. C. Sweetland


Life-Threatening Allergies: Using a Patient-Engaged Approach, Joel Louis Gallagher, Robert David Rivera, Kirk Van Shepard, Tanvir Roushan, Golam Ahsan, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Asriani Chiu, Mary Jurken, Pippa Margaret Simpson, Melodee Nugent, Karina Shah Gobin, Cheng K Fred Wen, and Christina E. Eldredge


Calling: Earth #001 - Lis Gallant, Volcanologist, Elisabeth Gallant


The world of jets, Boris Galperin and Peter L. Read


Zonal Jets: Phenomenology, Genesis, and Physics, Boris Galperin and Peter L. Read


Turbulence, Diffusion and Mixing Barriers in Flows with Zonal Jets, Boris Galperin, Semion Sukoriansky, Stefania Espa, Guglielmo Lacorata, Nadejda Dikovskaya, and Jesse Hoemann


Barotropic and Zonostrophic Turbulence, Boris Galperin, Semion Sukoriansky, Roland M. Young, Rei Chemke, Yohai Kaspi, Peter L. Read, and Nadejda Dikovskaya


Social Interaction With an Alcohol-Intoxicated or Cocaine-Injected Peer Selectively Alters Social Behaviors and Drinking in Adolescent Male and Female Rats, Danielle N. Gamble, Chloe C. Josefson, Mary K. Hennessey, Ashley M. Davis, Renee C. Waters, Brooke N. Jones, Destiny M. Belton, Nzia I. Hall, Taylor J. Costen, Cheryl L. Kirstein, and Antoniette M. Maldonado-Devincci


A Ctenophore (comb jelly) Employs Vortex Rebound Dynamics and Outperforms other Gelatinous Swimmers, Brad J. Gemmell, Sean P. Colin, John H. Costello, and Kelly R. Sutherland


Magnetically Tunable Organic Semiconductors with Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles, Rugang Geng, Hoang Mai Luong, Minh Thien Pham, Raja Das, Kristen Stojak Repa, Joshua Robles-Garcia, Tuan Anh Duong, Huy Thanh Pham, Thi Huong Au, Ngoc Diep Lai, George Keefe Larsen, Manh-Huong Phan, and Tho Duc Nguyen


Exploration of Crime Scene Characteristics in Cyber-Related Homicides, F. Jeane Gerard, Norair Khachatryan, and Bethany Browning


Calling: Earth #019 - Aurélie Germa, Volcanologist, Aurélie Germa


Temporal Relationship between the Lassen Volcanic Center and Mafic Regional Volcanism, Aurélie Germa, Chris Perry, Xavier Quidelleur, Andrew Calvert, Michael Clynne, Charles Connor, Laura Connor, Rocco Malservisi, and Sylvain J. Charbonnier


Geochemical Sources and Availability of Amidophosphates on the Early Earth, Clémentine Gibard, Ian B. Gorrell, Eddy I. Jiménez, Terence P. Kee, Matthew A. Pasek, and Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy


Geochemical Sources and Availability of Amidophosphates on the Early Earth, Clémentine Gibard, Ian B. Gorrell, Eddy I. Jiménez, Terence P. Kee, Matthew A. Pasek, and Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy


ENSO-induced Co-variability of Salinity, Plankton Biomass and Coastal Currents in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Fabian A. Gomez, Sang-Ki Lee, Frank J. Hernandez, Luciano M. Chiaverano, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Yanyun Liu, and John T. Lamkin


Understanding Children's Perspectives On Water Resources in Interdisciplinary Research, Paola A. Gonzalez, Rebecca K. Zarger, Ann Vitous, and Christine M. Prouty


Molecular Approaches for an Operational Marine Biodiversity Observation Network, Kelly D. Goodwin, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Anni Djurhuus, Lisa Zeigler Allen, Andrew E. Allen, John P. McCrow, and Gabrielle Canonico Hyde


Bubble Farming: Scalable Microcosms for Diatom Biofuel and the Next Green Revolution, Richard Gordon, Clifford R. Merz, Shawn Gurke, and Benoît Schoefs


Temporal Persistence of Red Grouper Holes and Analysis of Associated Fish Assemblages from Towed Camera Data in the Steamboat Lumps Marine Protected Area, Sarah E. Grasty, Carrie C. Wall, John Willis Gray, Jennifer Brizzolara, and Steven Murawski


Effects of Karenia brevis Harmful Algal Blooms on Fish Community Structure on the West Florida Shelf, A. M. Gray DiLeone and C. H. Ainsworth


Last Tango in Cyberspace by Steven Kotler, Vicki Gregory


Elevator Pitch by Linwood Barclay, Vicki L. Gregory


The Girl with No Face by M.H Boroson, Vicki L. Gregory


Vessel by Lisa A. Nichols, Vicki L. Gregory


Representing Species Distributions in Spatially-explicit Ecosystem Models from Presence-only Data, Arnaud Grüss, Michael D. Drexler, Emily Chancellor, Cameron H. Ainsworth, Jeffrey S. Gleason, John M. Tirpak, Matthew S. Love, and Elizabeth A. Babcock


Improved Methodology for Sensitive and Rapid Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Adult-Derived Mouse Microglia: Application to a Novel In Vitro Mouse Microglial Cell Model, Jennifer Guergues, Ping Zhang, Bin Liu, and Stanley M. Stevens Jr.


Impacts of Coastal Development Strategies on Long-Term Coastline Changes: A Comparison Between Tampa Bay, USA and Xiangshan Harbor, China, Qiandong Guo, Ruiliang Pu, Kimberly Tapley, Jun Cheng, Jialin Li, and Tong Jiao


An Assessment of Population Exposure to NOx using GPS Data: A Case Study for Tampa, FL, Sashikanth Gurram, Vijayaraghavan Sivaraman, Amy L. Stuart, and Jonathan Apple


Agent-Based Modeling to Estimate Exposures to Urban Air Pollution from Transportation: Exposure Disparities and Impacts of High-Resolution Data, Sashikanth Gurram, Amy L. Stuart, and Abdul R. Pinjari


Locoregional Melanoma: Identifying Optimal Care in a Rapidly Changing Landscape, David E. Gyorki and Jonathan S. Zager


Open Data Visualizations and Analytics as Tools for Policy-making, Loni Hagen, Thomas E. Keller, Xiaoyi Yerden, and Luis Felipe Luna-Reyes


Direct and Indirect Effects of Pine Silviculture on the Larval Occupancy and Breeding of Declining Amphibian Species, Christopher J E Haggerty, Thomas L. Crisman, and Jason R. Rohr


Recent Outer-Shelf Foraminiferal Assemblages on the Carnarvon Ramp and Northwestern Shelf of Western Australia, Christian Haller, Pamela Hallock, Albert C. Hine, and Christopher G. Smith


Distribution of Modern Salt-Marsh Foraminifera from the Eastern Mississippi Sound, U.S.A., Christian Haller, Christopher G. Smith, Pamela Hallock, Albert C. Hine, Lisa E. Osterman, and Terrence McCloskey


Can Nutrition or Inflammation Moderate the Age-Cognition Association Among Older Adults?, Elizabeth P. Handing, Brent J. Small, Ross Andel, Cathy L. McEvoy, and Nagi Kumar


Public Concern about Terrorism: Fear, Worry, and Support for Anti-Muslim Policies, Murat Haner, Melissa M. Sloan, Francis T. Cullen, Teresa C. Kulig, and Cheryl Lero Jonson


Benchmarking the “Question, Persuade, Refer” Program Against Evaluations of Established Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Trainings, Renee Brown Hangartner, Christine M. Totura, Christa D. Labouliere, Kim Gryglewicz, and Marc S. Karver


Environmental Gradients Shape the Combined Effects of Multiple Parasites on Oyster Hosts in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Torrance C. Hanley, J. Wilson White, Christopher D. Stallings, and David L. Kimbro


Molecular Sieving and Direct Visualization of CO2 in Binding Pockets of an Ultramicroporous Lanthanide Metal–Organic Framework Platform, Lin Han, Tony Pham, Mingjing Zhuo, Katherine A. Forrest, Shanelle Suepaul, Brian Space, Michael J. Zaworotko, Wei Shi, Yao Chen, Peng Cheng, and Zhenjie Zhang


Metabolomic Markers in Tongue-Coating Samples from Damp Phlegm Pattern Patients of Coronary Heart Disease and Chronic Renal Failure, Yiming Hao, Xue Yuan, Jin Yan, Minh Pham, Dekai Rohlsen, Peng Qian, Feng Cheng, and Yiqin Wang


Florida Coastal Mapping Program—Overview and 2018 Workshop Report, Cheryl J. Hapke, Philip A. Kramer, Elizabeth H. Fetherston-Resch, Rene D. Baumstark, Ryan Druyor, Xan Fredericks, and Ekaterina Fitos


A Federal-state Partnership for Mapping Florida's Coast and Sea Floor, C. J. Hapke, R. Druyor, R. Baumstark, P. Kramer, E. Fitos, X. Fredericks, and E. Fetherston-Resch


Changes in Redox Conditions of Surface Sediments Following the Deepwater Horizon and Ixtoc 1 Events, David W. Hastings, Thea Bartlett, Gregg Brooks, Rebekka A. Larson, Kelly A. Quinn, Daniel Razionale, Patrick Schwing, Libia Hascibe Pérez Bernal, Ana Carolina Ruiz-Fernández, Joan-Albert Sánchez-Cabeza, and David Hollander


Calling: Earth #010 - Mitch Hastings, Geophysicist, Mitchell Hastings


Gravity Anomalies Reveal Volcano-Tectonic Interaction in an Active Distributed Volcanic Field, Blackfoot Reservoir Volcanic Field (ID), Mitchell S. Hastings, Rocco Malservisi, Bradford Mack, Tonian Robinson, Laura Connor, Mel Rodgers, and Peter C. La Femina


Interaction Between P53 N Terminus and Core Domain Regulates Specific and Nonspecific DNA Binding, Fan He, Wade M. Borcherds, Tanjing Song, Xi Wei, Mousumi Das, Lihong Chen, Gary W. Daughdrill, and Jiandong Chen


Food Is Medicine: Providing Medically Tailored Meals to Community Members with Disease-associated Nutritional Risk Supports Stable BMI and Decreased Hospitalization, Jule Anne Henstenburg, Claudia Parvanta, Laura Pontiggia, Sue Daugherty, and Nicole Laverty


Calling: Earth #021 - Greg Herbert, Paleobiologist, Gregory S. Herbert