Submissions from 2013
E-Government Success in Public Libraries: Library and Government Agency Partnerships Delivering Services to New Immigrants, Ursula Gorham, John C. Bertot, Paul T. Jaeger, and Natalie Greene Taylor
Illness Perceptions and Fatigue in Systemic Vasculitis, Peter C. Grayson, Naomi A. Amudala, Carol A. Mcalear, Renee L. Leduc, Denise Shereff, Rachel Richesson, Liana Fraenkel, and Peter A. Merkel
Transforming Information Literacy Instruction Using Learner-Centered Teaching, Natalie Greene Taylor
True Stories of Censorship Battles in America’s Libraries, Natalie Greene Taylor
Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes in Distance Education, Vicki L. Gregory
Capital Punishment by Robert Wilson, Vicki L. Gregory
Dominion by C.J. Sansom, Vicki L. Gregory
Once We Were Brothers by Ronald H. Balson, Vicki L. Gregory
The Blood Gospel: The Order of the Sanguines by Rebecca Cantrell, Vicki L. Gregory
The Curiosity by Stephen Kiernan, Vicki L. Gregory
Implications of Voluntary Communication Based on Gender, Education Level and Cultural Issues in an Online Environment, Vicki L. Gregory and Kiersten Cox
Enterprise System Implementation in National and Local Korean Police Agencies: A Case Study, Loni Hagen
Characterizing User Tagging and Co-occurring Metadata in General and Specialized Metadata Collections, Hong Huang and Corinne Jorgensen
MASTtreedist: Visualization of Phylogenetic Tree Space based on Maximum Agreement Subtree, Hong Huang and Yongji Li
Understanding Metadata Functional Requirements in Genome Curation Work, Hong Huang and Jian Qin
Conserved Tryptophan Residues within Putative Transmembrane Domain 6 Affect Transport Function of Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide 1B1, Jiujiu Huang, Nan Li, Weifang Hong, Kai Zhan, Xuan Yu, Hong Huang, and Mei Hong
Connecting Government, Libraries, and Communities: Information Behavior Theory and Information Intermediaries in the Design of the LibEGov Tool, Paul T. Jaeger, Ursula Gorham, John Carlo Bertot, Natalie Greene Taylor, Elizabeth Larson, Ruth Lincoln, Jonathan Lazar, and Brian Wentz
The Effects of Adenoviral Transfection of the Keratinocyte Growth Factor Gene on Epidermal Stem Cells: An In Vitro Study, Xinping Li, Ling Liang, Pin Zhao, Kenzo Uchida, Hisatoshi Baba, Hong Huang, Wenfang Bai, Liming Bai, and Mingsheng Zhang
Evolving Landscape in Name Authority Control, Jinfang Niu
Hierarchical Relationships in the Bibliographic Universe, Jinfang Niu
Provenance: Crossing Boundaries, Jinfang Niu
Recordkeeping Metadata and Archival Description: A Revisit, Jinfang Niu
We Created It, Now How Do We Save It? Issues in Preserving Personal Information, A Review, Vanessa Reyes
Crosswalk between the Framework for K–12 Science Education and Standards for the 21st Century Learner: School Librarians as the Crucial Link, Mega Subramaniam, June Ahn, Amanda Waugh, Natalie Greene Taylor, Allison Druin, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, and Greg Walsh
Young People's Engagement in Content Creation: An Analysis of Outliers, Amanda Waugh, Natalie Greene Taylor, Mega Subramaniam, June Ahn, Allison Druin, and Kenneth R. Fleischmann
Tween Super-Users: An Exploratory Study, Amanda Waugh, Natalie Greene Taylor, Mega Subramaniam, June Ahn, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, and Allison Druin
Information Security for Managers, Michael Workman, Daniel C. Phelps, and John N. Gathegi
How Images are Conversed on Twitter?, JungWon Yoon and EunKyung Chung
Effects of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field on Proliferation of Human Epidermal Stem Cells: An In Vitro Study, Mingsheng Zhang, Xinping Li, Liming Bai, Kenzo Uchida, Wenfang Bai, Bo Wu, Weicheng Xu, Hongxiang Zhu, and Hong Huang
Submissions from 2012
Effects of 50 Hz Electromagnetic Fields on Human Epidermal Stem Cells Cultured on Collagen Sponge Scaffolds, Wen-Fang Bai, Ming-Sheng Zhang, Hong Huang, Hong-Xiang Zhu, and Wei-Cheng Xu
Public Libraries and the Internet 2012: Key Findings, Recent Trends, and Future Challenges, John C. Bertot, Ursula Gorham, Paul T. Jaeger, and Natalie Greene Taylor
Delivering E-government Services through Innovative Partnerships: Public Libraries, Government Agencies, and Community Organizations, John C. Bertot, Paul T. Jaeger, Ursula Gorham, Natalie N. Greene, and Ruth Lincoln
Transformative E-Government and Public Service: Public Libraries in Times of Economic Hardship, John C. Bertot, Paul T. Jaeger, and Natalie Greene Taylor
E-Government Partnership Projects: Executive Summary, John C. Bertot, Jessica McGilvray, Paul T. Jaeger, Ursula Gorham-Oscilowski, Natalie Greene Taylor, Elizabeth Larson, and Ruth Lincoln
Libraries and E-Government: New Partnerships in Public Service Executive Summary, John C. Bertot, Jessica McGilvray, Paul T. Jaeger, Ursula Gorham, Natalie Greene Taylor, and Ruth Lincoln
Comparing Semi-Automated Clustering Methods for Persona Development, Jonalan Brickey, Steven Walczak, and Tony Burgess
Analysis of Multimedia Needs and Searching Features: An Exploratory Study, EunKyung Chung and JungWon Yoon
School-Based Management of Food Allergies in Children., Christina Eldredge and Kenneth Schellhase
The Digital Librarian's Legal Handbook, John N. Gathegi
How Information Matters: Networks and Public Policy Innovation, Natalie Greene Taylor
The Circular Continuum of Agencies, Libraries, and Users: A Model of E-Government in Practice, Natalie Greene Taylor, Paul T. Jaeger, Ursula Gorham, John C. Bertot, Ruth Lincoln, and Elizabeth Larson
Public Libraries in the New Economy: Twenty-First-Century Skills, the Internet, and Community Needs, Natalie Greene Taylor, Paul T. Jaeger, Abagail J. McDermott, Christie M. Kodama, and John C. Bertot
The Professionals by Owen Laukkanen, Vicki L. Gregory
The Risk Agent by Ridley Pearson, Vicki L. Gregory
Citation Characterization and Impact Normalization in Bioinformatics Journals, Hong Huang, James Andrews, and Jiang Tang
Health Numeracy Confidence among Racial/ Ethnic Minorities in HINTS 2007: Sociodemographic, Attitudinal, and Knowledge Correlates, Hong Huang, Yiu Ming Chan, and Dong Feng
EST-SSRs Characterization and In-Silico Alignments with Linkage Map SSR Loci in Grape (Vitis L.) Genome, Hong Huang, Jiang Lu, Xia Xu, Xiaoqin Yang, Shuang Liang, and Jiao Wu
Curation Roles and Perceived Priorities for Data Quality Dimensions and Skills in Genome Curation Work, Hong Huang, Besiki Stvilia, and Corinne Jörgensen
Prioritization of Data Quality Dimensions and Skills Requirements in Genome Annotation Work, Hong Huang, Besiki Stvilia, Corinne Jorgensen, and Bass W. Hank
Library and Information Science Oriented Bioinformatics Education in North America, Hong Huang and Jiang Tang