Submissions from 1993
The Impact of Humanities Programming on Readers' Advisory Services, Anna Perrault
Librarian, Louisiana State University Libraries, 1969-1993, Anna H. Perrault
Acquiring Tactical and Strategic Knowledge with a Generalized Method for Chunking of Game Pieces, Steven Walczak and Douglas D. Dankel II
Submissions from 1992
The Role of State Library Consultants in Public Library Reference Work: A Survey, Ron Blazek and Anna Perrault
Music Collections in ARL Libraries: A Report of a Survey at Louisiana State University, William F. Coscarelli and Anna Perrault
The State and Society: Intervention in the Creation of Scientific Information in Developing Countries, John N. Gathegi
Electronic Mentoring of LIS Research Utilizing BITNET: An ACRL Pilot Project, Vicki L. Gregory
Formula Funding in Academic Libraries, Vicki L. Gregory
The Louisiana Academic Libraries Collection Analysis Project: A Report, Anna Perrault and Beth Paskoff
Pattern-Based Tactical Planning, Steven Walczak
Submissions from 1991
Approval Plans: The Multi-Vendor Approach, Peggy Chalaron and Anna Perrault
A Dynamic Tradition: A History of Alabama Academic Libraries, Vicki Gregory
Technical Services: Today and Tomorrow by Michael Gorman and Associates, Vicki Gregory
Highlights of AACR 2 Revised: A Brief Examination of the Differences Between AACR2 and AACR 2 Revised, Vicki L. Gregory
Gender-Based Factors Contributing to the Selection of University Administrators, Kathleen Heim and Anna Perrault
Improving Resource Sharing: The Service Imperative in an Access Environment, Anna Perrault
Resource Sharing in Louisiana, Anna Perrault
Submissions from 1990
Online Catalogs: Developments and Directions edited by C. R. Hildreth, Vicki Gregory
Development of Academic Library Budgets in Selected States with Emphasis on the Utilization of Formulas, Vicki L. Gregory
The Academic Library in the Program Review Process, Vicki L. Gregory
Adult Services in the Eighties: Final Report, Kathleen de la Peña McCook
Adult Services: A Bibliography and Index, Kathleen de la Peña McCook and Harry D. Nuttall
A Tool for Comparative Collection Analysis: Conducting a Shelflist Sample to Construct a Collection Profile, Beth Paskoff and Anna Perrault
Submissions from 1989
The LLA Collection Development Interest Group: A Brief Historical Overview, Anna Perrault
A Centralized Methodology for Multi-Level Abstraction in Simulation, Steven Walczak and Paul Fishwick
Submissions from 1988
Library Cooperative Programs and Coordinating Agencies of Higher Education, Vicki L. Gregory
State Coordination of Higher Education and Academic Libraries, Vicki L. Gregory
An Evaluation of the Music Collection at Louisiana State University, Cheryl Taranto and Anna Perrault
Submissions from 1987
Nature Classics: A Catalogue of the E.A. McIlhenny Natural History Collection at Louisiana State University, Anna Perrault
Submissions from 1986
The Political Context of Statewide Library Networks: Academic Libraries and Coordinating Agencies of Higher Education, Vicki L. Gregory
Submissions from 1984
Humanities Collection Management-An Impressionistic/Realistic/Optimistic Appraisal of the State of the Art, Anna Perrault
Submissions from 1981
Cooperative Acquisitions, Anna Perrault
Submissions from 1980
The Effect of Approval Plans on Faculty Participation in Collection Development in Academic Libraries, Anna Perrault
The Effect of Approval Plans on Faculty Participation in Collection Development in Academic Libraries, Anna Perrault
Toward a Master Plan for Academic Libraries, Anna Perrault
Submissions from 1979
History and Formation of the Library Faculty Policy Committee, Anna Perrault, Marion Reid, and Jane P. Kleiner
Submissions from 1975
Lumières, Anna H. Perrault and Friends of the Library, Louisiana State University