School of Information Faculty Publications | School of Information | University of South Florida
This is a select list of works produced by the faculty of the USF School of Information. Materials are included when two conditions are satisfied: 1) the creator approves inclusion and 2) the publisher allows the material to be placed in the repository. Please direct questions or requests to expand the list of materials to Jason Boczar.


Submissions from 2017


Efficacy of 50 Hz Electromagnetic Fields on Human Epidermal Stem Cell Transplantation Seeded in Collagen Sponge Scaffolds for Wound Healing in a Murine Model, Wen‐Fang Bai, Wei‐Cheng Xu, Hong‐Xiang Zhu, Hong Huang, Bo Wu, and Ming‐Sheng Zhang


The Effects of Benetwise Program on Youth Media Literacy: a Mixed Methods Research, Kevin P. C. Cheng, Chun Kit Leung, Joanne C. Y. Mok, Jesus Alfonso D. Datu, Jana Patricia M. Valdez, Hong Huang, Kris Unsworth, Andy Chan, Cecilia Ng, and Samuel Kai Wah Chu


Organisational Culture, Procedural Countermeasures, and Employee Security Behaviour: A Qualitative Study, Lena Y. Connolly, Michael Lang, John Gathegi, and Doug J. Tygar


Peirce’s Sign Theory as an Open-Source R Package, Alon Friedman and Erin Feichtinger


Wearable Devices: Information Privacy, Policy and User Behavior, Natalie Greene Taylor, Loni Hagen, Ersin Dincelli, and Kristene Unsworth


Assessing the Digital Health Literacy Skills of Tween Participants in a School-Library-Based After-School Program, Natalie Greene Taylor, Christie Kodama, and Mega Subramaniam


After On: A Novel of Silicon Valley by Rob Reid, Vicki L. Gregory


City of Endless Night by Lincoln Child, Vicki L. Gregory


Hellbent: An Orphan X Novel by Gregg Hurwitz, Vicki L. Gregory


Marathon: A Jonathan Stride Thriller by Brian Freeman, Vicki L. Gregory


Séance Infernale by Jonathan Skariton, Vicki L. Gregory


Remember When Ebooks were all the Rage? A Look at Student Preferences for Printed Text versus Electronic, Vicki L. Gregory and Kiersten L. Cox


Crisis Communications in the Age of Social Media: A Network Analysis of Zika-Related Tweets, Loni Hagen, Thomas Keller, Stephen Neely, Nic DePaula, and Claudia Robert-Cooperman


Understanding User-Librarian Interaction Types in Academic Library Microblogging: a Comparison Study in Twitter and Weibo, Hong Huang, Samuel Kai Wah Chu, Lesley Yuyang Liu, and Philip Yi Zheng


Uncovering Hidden Behavioral Patterns in the Era of “We Media”: Modeling Spatio-Temporal Dynamics for Twitter News, Hong Huang, Han Yu, James E. Andrews, JungWon Yoon, and Kelsey L. Burgess


Aftermath of the 2016 US Presidential Election for Libraries: Axioms, Foxes, and the Urgencies of Now, Paul T. Jaeger, Ursula Gorham, Natalie Greene Taylor, and Karen Kettnich


What’s Next?, Paul T. Jaeger, Ursula Gorham, Natalie Greene Taylor, and Karen Kettnich


Aftermath, Part 2: Despite the Way It May Seem, All Is Not Lost for Libraries and Librarianship, Paul T. Jaeger, Ursula Gorham, Natalie Greene Taylor, Lindsay C. Sarin, and Karen Kettnich


Waking Up to Advocacy in a New Political Reality for Libraries, Paul T. Jaeger, Erin Zerhusen, Ursula Gorham, Renee F. Hill, and Natalie Greene Taylor


The Current State and Recommendations for Data Citation, Jihyun Kim, Eunkyung Chung, and JungWon Yoon


There’s a Creepy Guy on the Other End at Google!: Engaging Middle School Students in a Drawing Activity to Elicit their Mental Models of Google, Christie Kodama, Beth St. Jean, Mega Subramaniam, and Natalie Greene Taylor


Risky places: An analysis of carjackings in Detroit, Kim Michelle Lersch


Characterization of the Mechanism of Drug-Drug Interactions from Pubmed Using Mesh Terms, Yin Lu, Bryan Figler, Hong Huang, Yi-Cheng Tu, Ju Wang, and Feng Cheng


From the One-Mule Tenant Farmer to the Hillbilly Highway: How Librarians Can Support the White Working Class, Kathleen de la Peña McCook


The Library of Congress and The Signal: A Conversation with Mike Ashenfelder, Vanessa Reyes


Every Reader Her Book: Creation of a Therapeutic Library at a Women’s Residential Treatment Facility, Denise Shereff, Roxanna Palmer, and Peter Cannon


Universal Versus Contextual Effects on TQM: A Triangulation Study Using Neural Networks, Ismail Sila and Steven Walczak


An Artificial Neural Network Classification of Prescription Nonadherence, Steven Walczak and Senanu R. Okuboyejo


In Their Words: Classifying Organizational Reliability from Employee Speech, Steven Walczak and John J. Sullivan


Assessments and Outcome-Based Evaluation in Formal and Informal Learning Spaces, Amanda Waugh, Natalie Greene Taylor, and K. Hoffman


An Investigation on Graphical Abstracts use in Scholarly Articles, JungWon Yoon and EunKyung Chung


International Students’ Information Needs and Seeking Behaviours throughout the Settlement Stages, JungWon Yoon and EunKyung Chung


Trends in Health Information-Seeking Behaviour in the U.S. Foreign-Born Population Based on the Health Information National Trends Survey, 2005-2014, JungWon Yoon, Hong Huang, and Soojung Kim


Development of an Adverse Drug Reaction Corpus from Consumer Health Posts, Maryam Zolnoori, Timothy B. Patrick, Kin Wah Fung, Anthony Faiola, Yi Shuan Shirley Wu, Jiaxi Zhu, and Christina Eldredge

Submissions from 2016


The Effect of Organisational Culture on Employee Security Behavior: A Qualitative Study, L. Connolly, M. Lang, John N. Gathegi, and J. D. Tygar


Word Cloud Search Sushi, Kiersten Cox and James E. Scholz


Perspectives on Libraries as Institutions of Human Rights and Social Justice, Ursula Gorham, Natalie Greene Taylor, and Paul T. Jaeger


Hard Cold Winter by Glen Erik Hamilton, Vicki L. Gregory


Karolina's Twins by Ronald H. Balson, Vicki L. Gregory


Must Printed Books be a Thing of the Past in Academic Libraries?, Vicki L. Gregory and Kiersten Cox


E-Petition Popularity: Do Linguistic and Semantic Factors Matter?, Loni Hagen, Teresa M. Harrison, Özlem Uzuner, William May, Tim Fake, and Satya Katragadda


Award-Winning Scholarship and the Importance of Academic Journals, Paul T. Jaeger, Karen Kettnich, Natalie Greene Taylor, and Ursula Gorham


Population Analysis of Adverse Events in Different Age Groups Using Big Clinical Trials Data, Jake Luo, Christina Eldredge, Chi C. Cho, and Ron A. Cisler


How is Image Seeking and Use Studied: Theoretical Models and Research Methods, Kystyna K. Matusiak, Abebe Rorissa, Dan Alberston, and JungWon Yoon


Personal Information Management: A Study of the Practical Aspects of Archiving Personal Digital Information, Vanessa Reyes


Understanding the Fundamental Processes of Personal Information Management, a Comparison of Academic’s Personal Archiving Methods to the DCC Digital Curation Lifecycle Model, Vanessa Reyes


Racial Differences in DNA-Methylation of CpG Sites Within Preterm-Promoting Genes and Gene Variants, H. M. Salihu, R. Das, L. Morton, Hong Huang, A. Paothong, R. E. Wilson, M. H. Aliyu, J. L. Salemi, and P. J. Marty


Impacts of Mobile Tablet Computing on Provider Productivity, Communications, and the Process of Care, Benjamin Schooley, Steven Walczak, Neset Hikmet, and Nitin Patel