Submissions from 2010
Factors Influencing Intentions to take Precautions to Avoid Consuming Food Containing Dairy Products: Expanding the Theory of Planned Behaviour, Hung-Yi Lu, Hsin-Ya Hou, Tzong-Horng Dzwo, Yi-Chen Wu, James E. Andrews, Shao-Ting Weng, Mei-Chun Lin, and Jun-Ying Lu
Introduction to Public Librarianship, Kathleen de la Peña McCook
Librarians and Human Rights, Kathleen de la Peña McCook
Unions in Public and Academic Libraries, Kathleen de la Peña McCook
[RD] PRISM Library: Patient Registry Item Specifications and Metadata for Rare Diseases, Rachel L. Richesson, Denise Shereff, and James E. Andrews
The Use of SNOMED CT to Support Retrieval and Re-Use of Question and Answer Sets for Patient Registries, Rachel L. Richesson, Denise Shereff, Christine Spisla, Narciso Albarracin, Debra Konicek, and James E. Andrews
Consumer Health Complete: A Review, Denise Shereff
Diabetes UK, Denise Shereff
Electronic Books for Biomedical Information, Denise Shereff
A Mashup Application to Support Complex Decision Making of Retail Consumers, Steven Walczak, Deborah Kellogg, and Dawn Gregg
Utilization and Perceived Benefit for Diverse Users of Communities of Practice in a Healthcare Organization, Steven Walczak and Richard Mann
Whole Genome Wide Expression Profiles of Vitis amurensis Grape Responding to Downy Mildew by Using Solexa Sequencing Technology, Jiao Wu, Yali Zhang, Huiqin Zhang, Hong Huang, Kevin M. Folta, and Jiang Lu
Indexing, JungWon Yoon
Utilizing Quantitative Users' Reactions to Represent Affective Meanings of an Image, JungWon Yoon
Engineering an Image-Browsing Environment: Re-Purposing Existing Denotative Descriptors, JungWon Yoon and Brian O'Connor
Submissions from 2009
Early Intervention Program Criteria: Evaluating Officer Use of Force, Thomas Bazley, Thomas Mieczkowski, and Kim Michelle Lersch
Categorical and Specificity Differences Between User-Supplied Tags and Search Query Terms for Images. An Analysis of Flickr Tags and Web Image Search Queries, EunKyung Chung and JungWon Yoon
COA Chairs Perspective, Vicki Gregory
Development of a Grape Genomics Database Using IBM DB2 Content Manager Software, Hong Huang, Jiang Lu, W. Hunter, S. Dowd, C. Katsar, and C. Jörgenson
Overcoming Inadequate Documentation, Jinfang Niu
Cognitive Engagement with a Multimedia ERP Training Tool: Assessing Computer Self-Efficacy and Technology Acceptance, Judy E. Scott and Steven Walczak
Improving Project Outcomes through Operational Reliability: A Conceptual Model, John J. Sullivan and Roger Beach
Managing Personal Medical Knowledge: Agent-based Knowledge Acquisition, Steven Walczak
Factors Influencing Corporate Online Identity: A New Paradigm, Steven Walczak and Dawn G. Gregg
Effectiveness of Query Expansion using Flickr Related Tags, JungWon Yoon
Towards a User-Oriented Thesaurus for Non-Domain-Specific Image Collections, JungWon Yoon
Submissions from 2008
Comparing Heterogeneous SNOMED CT Coding of Clinical Research Concepts by Examining Normalized Expressions, James E. Andrews, Timothy B. Patrick, Rachel L. Richesson, Hana Brown, and Jeffrey P. Krischer
General Strain Theory and the Relationship Between Early Victimization and Drug Use, Dena C. Carson, Christopher J. Sullivan, John K. Cochran, and Kim Michelle Lersch
A Categorical Comparison between User-Supplied Tags and Web Search Queries for Images, EunKyung Chung and JungWon Yoon
The Use of CMC Technologies in Academic Libraries, Courtney Crummett and Anna Perrault
A Personal Visit with Ashley Bryan, Cora P. Dunkley
Concept Mapping in Knowledge Organization through a semiotics lens, Alon Friedman
Convergence of Information and Law: A Comparative Study between I-Schools and Other ALISE Schools, John N. Gathegi and Darrell E. Burke
Dressing Your Online Auction Business for Success: An Experiment Comparing Two E-Bay Businesses, Dawn G. Gregg and Steven Walczak
PLG –¡Presenté! Report from the United States Social Forum, Elaine Harger and Kathleen de la Peña McCook
Incentives for Data Producers to Create "Archive-Ready" Data: Implications for Archives and Records Management, Margaret Hedstrom and Jinfang Niu
Factors Affecting Online Research by Nurses in Taiwan, Hung-Yi Lu, James E. Andrews, Hsin-Ya Hou, Su-Yen Chen, Yen-Hwa Tu, and Yung-Chang Yu
No Human Being is Trash, Kathleen de la Peña McCook
There is Power in a Union-2007, Kathleen de la Peña McCook
Workplace Speech in Libraries, Kathleen de la Peña McCook
Police use of force and neighbourhood characteristics: an examination of structural disadvantage, crime, and resistance, Kim M. Lersch, Thomas Bazley, Thomas Mieczkowski, and Kristina Childs
Documentation Evaluation Model for Social Science Data, Jinfang Niu and Margaret Hedstrom
SNOMED CT Coding Variation and Grouping for “other findings” in a Longitudinal Study on Urea Cycle Disorders, Timothy B. Patrick, Rachel L. Richesson, and James E. Andrews
Professor Emerita, 2008 – School of Library and Information Science, University of South Florida. Alumni, 1994 – Florida State University., Anna H. Perrault
Florida University Libraries Collection Analysis Project, Anna H. Perrault and Diana Loper
Towards a Framework for Balancing Enterprise Systems Flexibility, John J. Sullivan, Todd A. Boyle, and Maike Scherrer-Rathje
Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning: An International Research Perspective, Steven Walczak
Searching for an Image Conveying Connotative Meanings: An Exploratory Cross-Cultural Study, JungWon Yoon
Submissions from 2007
Variation of SNOMED CT Coding of Clinical Research Concepts Among Coding Experts, James E. Andrews, Rachel L. Richesson, and Jeffrey P. Krischer
Officer force versus suspect resistance: A gendered analysis of patrol officers in an urban police department, Thomas D. Bazley, Kim Michelle Lersch, and Thomas Mieczkowski