This community contains materials for scholars and administrators who are no longer affiliated with the University. We honor their contributions to USF St. Petersburg campus by maintaining their collections in the archive.


Submissions from 1998


Personal Knowledge Management : Who? What? Why? When? Where? How?, Jason L. Frand and Carol G. Hixson

Submissions from 1997


Experiences of US- and foreign-owned firms : A new perspective on ISO 9000 implementation., Maling Ebrahimpour, Barbara E. Withers, and Neset Hikmet


An exploration of the impact of TQM and JIT on IS0 9000 registered companies., Barbara E. Withers, Maling Ebrahimpour, and Neset Hikmet

Asian American leaders in higher education., Julie M. Wong

Submissions from 1987

Just-in-Time, Sang M. Lee and Maling Ebrahimpour

Submissions from 1986


Resistance to online catalogs: a comparative study at Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore Colleges, Carol G. Hixson, Susan G. Williamson, and Howard D. White

Submissions from 1985

Dynamic Simulation of a Kanban Production Inventory System, Maling Ebrahimpour and Batoul Modarress Fathi


An Examination of Comparable Worth, Carol G. Hixson and Jill Ellis

Submissions from 1983


Lafayette in the age of the American Revolution : Selected Letters and Papers, 1776-1790 : Vol. 5. January 4, 1782 - December 29, 1785, Stanley J. Idzerda, Robert Rhodes Crout, Leslie Wharton, and Carol G. Hixson

Submissions from 1976


Cultural Imperialism : the United States in Latin America or "The Velvet Boot of the Shameless Hussy", Carol G. Hixson, Jane Casto, and Jude Halloran

Submissions from 1975


Camilo Torres - Helder Camara, Carol G. Hixson