This community contains materials for scholars and administrators who are no longer affiliated with the University. We honor their contributions to USF St. Petersburg campus by maintaining their collections in the archive.
Submissions from 2003
Best Practices for Subject Access to Digital Collections at the University of Oregon, Carol G. Hixson
Cataloging Non-Serial Electronic Resources at the University of Oregon, Carol G. Hixson
Moorhouse Digital Image Collection Instructions for Cataloging, Carol G. Hixson
Partnerships for Providing Access to Library Resources : Pushing the Envelope at the University of Oregon Libraries, Carol G. Hixson
Cataloging for the 21st century: a proposal for continuing education for cataloging professionals, Carol G. Hixson, Judith P. Canaan, Karen Darling, Cinder Johanson, Laura Kimberly, Karen Letarte, Norm Medeiros, and Robin Wendler
Suburban Voting in Presidential Elections, Seth C. McKee and Daron R. Shaw
An Examination of Quality Management in Luxury Hotels., Ismail Sila and Maling Ebrahimpour
Examination and comparison of the critical factors of total quality management (TQM) across countries., Ismail Sila and Maling Ebrahimpour
Breaking the glass ceiling: Asian American and Pacific Islanders in higher education., Julie M. Wong
Submissions from 2002
Access to Collections, Collection Priorities Subgroup, Carol G. Hixson
BIBCO Participants' Manual, Carol G. Hixson, David Banush, and Ana Cristan
Majority Black Districts, Republican Ascendancy, and Party Competition in the South, 1988-2000, Seth C. McKee
Quality in U.S. manufacturing industries : An empirical study., Christopher Roethlein, Paul M. Mangiameli, and Maling Ebrahimpour
An investigation of the total quality management survey based research published between 1989 and 2000 : A literature review., Ismail Sila and Maling Ebrahimpour
Submissions from 2001
A conceptual QFD planning model., S. Bruce Han, Shaw K. Chen, Maling Ebrahimpour, and Manbir S. Sodhi
White Paper on PCC Role in Continuing Education for Catalogers, Jean L. Hirons and Carol G. Hixson
Access to Collections Initiative : working documents and final report., Carol G. Hixson
Bibliographic Access at the University of Oregon: An Overview, Carol G. Hixson
Business Unusual : Highlights and Discussion of the Library of Congress Bicentennial Conference on Bibliographic Control for the New Millennium, Carol G. Hixson
Core cataloging for serials: an administrative perspective, Carol G. Hixson
Impacts of ISO 9000 registration on European firms : a case analysis., Barbara E. Withers and Maling Ebrahimpour
Enhancing the leading edge perspective: New professionals and graduate students of color., Julie M. Wong
Submissions from 2000
Access to Journals in Aggregator Databases : Summary of Email Message Sent to Library Faculty and Staff December 5, 2000, Carol G. Hixson
You Say Pei-ching, I Say Beijing : Should We Call the Whole Thing Off, Carol G. Hixson
Does ISO 9000 certification affect the dimensions of quality used for competitive advantage?, Barbara E. Withers and Maling Ebrahimpour
Submissions from 1999
Factors associated with students’ intentions to engage in science learning activities., Malcolm B. Butler
Submissions from 1998
Personal Knowledge Management : Who? What? Why? When? Where? How?, Jason L. Frand and Carol G. Hixson
Submissions from 1997
Experiences of US- and foreign-owned firms : A new perspective on ISO 9000 implementation., Maling Ebrahimpour, Barbara E. Withers, and Neset Hikmet
An exploration of the impact of TQM and JIT on IS0 9000 registered companies., Barbara E. Withers, Maling Ebrahimpour, and Neset Hikmet
Asian American leaders in higher education., Julie M. Wong
Submissions from 1995
Factors associated with students' intentions to engage in science learning activities: an application of the theory of reasoned action., Malcolm B. Butler
Increasing Asian Pacific American student leaders., Julie M. Wong
Submissions from 1993
Quality Management in Japanese and American Firms Operating in the United States : A Comparative Study of Styles and Motivational Beliefs, Maling Ebrahimpour and John B. Cullen
A comparison of manufacturing management in JIT and non-JIT firms., Maling Ebrahimpour and Barbara E. Withers
Recruiting & retaining Asian American Leaders., Julie M. Wong
Submissions from 1992
Employee involvement in quality improvement: A comparison of American and Japanese manufacturing firms operating in the U.S., Maling Ebrahimpour and Barbara E. Withers
Offloading or staff development? : Team cataloging at the University of Florida, Carol G. Hixson and Cecilia Botero
Submissions from 1991
Demand forecasting for a jewelry packaging company: pattern identification and assessment., Shaw K. Chen and Maling Ebrahimpour
Original cataloging using CAT ME Plus at the University of Florida, Carol G. Hixson and William Covey
Submissions from 1990
Vendor Evaluation Criteria and Perceived Organisational Performance : A Comparison of American and Japanese Firms, Maling Ebrahimpour and Paul M. Mangiameli
Latin American women in the political process: a bibliography, Carol G. Hixson
Mexican Women In Transition: A Selected Bibliography, Carol G. Hixson
Submissions from 1988
An Empirical Study of American and Japanese Approaches to Quality Management in the United States, Maling Ebrahimpour
Measuring the Effectiveness of Quality Control Circles: A Goal Programming Approach, Maling Ebrahimpour and A. Ansari
Submissions from 1987
Just-in-Time, Sang M. Lee and Maling Ebrahimpour
Submissions from 1986
Resistance to online catalogs: a comparative study at Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore Colleges, Carol G. Hixson, Susan G. Williamson, and Howard D. White
Submissions from 1985
Dynamic Simulation of a Kanban Production Inventory System, Maling Ebrahimpour and Batoul Modarress Fathi
An Examination of Comparable Worth, Carol G. Hixson and Jill Ellis
Submissions from 1984
The Japanese just-in-time/total quality control production system: Potential for developing countries., Maling Ebrahimpour and Richard J. Schonberger
Bryn Mawr College Library Survey, Carol G. Hixson
Ladino Imprints From the 16th Through the 20th Century : an exhibition, Carol G. Hixson
Mexican Manuscripts Before the Conquest A Study, Carol G. Hixson
Just‐in‐Time Production System : Some Requirements for Implementation, Sang M. Lee and Maling Ebrahimpour
Submissions from 1983
Lafayette in the age of the American Revolution : Selected Letters and Papers, 1776-1790 : Vol. 5. January 4, 1782 - December 29, 1785, Stanley J. Idzerda, Robert Rhodes Crout, Leslie Wharton, and Carol G. Hixson
Submissions from 1976
Cultural Imperialism : the United States in Latin America or "The Velvet Boot of the Shameless Hussy", Carol G. Hixson, Jane Casto, and Jude Halloran