This community contains materials for scholars and administrators who are no longer affiliated with the University. We honor their contributions to USF St. Petersburg campus by maintaining their collections in the archive.


Submissions from 2009


A survey of the Ph.D. candidate shortage in business schools., Sarah K. Bryant and Maling Ebrahimpour


Dean's message : 2009 : 08 : 10 : Welcome (bienvenidos, bienvenus, bem vindos), Carol G. Hixson


Library Futures : Vision and Reality, Carol G. Hixson


Digital Preservation and COPPUL Libraries, Carol G. Hixson and Steve Schafer

Campaign Strategies and Campaign Effects in the Sunshine State, Seth C. McKee and Eunjung Choi

Dixie’s Kingmakers: Stability and Change in Southern Presidential Primary Electorates, Seth C. McKee and Danny Hayes

The Participatory Effects of Redistricting, Seth C. McKee and Danny Hayes

Trying to Thread the Needle: The Effects of Redistricting in a Georgia Congressional District, Seth C. McKee and M.V. Hood

Probing the Reds and Blues: Sectionalism and Voter Location in the 2000 and 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections, Seth C. McKee and Jeremy M. Teigen


Adherence feedback to improve asthma outcomes among inner-city children: A randomized trial., Michiko Otsuki-Clutter


Social connectedness and smoking behaviors among Asian American college students: An electronic diary study, Michiko Otsuki-Clutter

An ‘original and unlooked-for ending’?: Irony, the marriage plot, and the antifeminism debate in Oliphant’s Miss Marjoribanks., Amy Robinson


Improving preservice middle grades science teachers’ understanding of the nature of science using three instructional approaches., Eulsun Seung, Lynn A. Bryan, and Malcolm B. Butler

Asian images portrayed in the websites of US higher education institutions, Xiaopeng Wang and Anne Cooper-Chen

Submissions from 2006

Case-based methodology as an instructional strategy for understanding diversity: Preservice teachers' perceptions., Malcolm B. Butler, Seungyoun Lee, and Deborah J. Tippins


How to Implement an Institutional Repository, Carol G. Hixson


I Never Met a Data I Didn't Like : Metadata Issues in Local and Shared Digital Collections, Carol G. Hixson


La Realidad y la Ilusión : El Desarrollo de una Biblioteca Digital a la Universidad de Oregon, Carol G. Hixson


Los repositorios institucionales: una oportunidad para la difusión del conocimiento, Carol G. Hixson


Managing Access at the University of Oregon : a Case Study of Scholars' Bank, Carol G. Hixson


Scholars’ Bank Development: May 2003 through September 2006, Carol G. Hixson


Transforming Technical Services Staff and Librarians into Digital Library Specialists : The Continued Evolution of the University of Oregon's Metadata and Digital Library Services, Carol G. Hixson


Entrevista, Carol G. Hixson, José Manuel Ubé González, and Juan Miguel Olry de Labry y Lima

Contributor to the Encyclopedia of American Parties and Elections, Seth C. McKee

Cracking Back: The Effectiveness of Partisan Redistricting in the Texas House of Representatives, Seth C. McKee and Brian K. Arbour

The Partisan Impact of Congressional Redistricting: The Case of Texas, 2001-2003, Seth C. McKee, Jeremy M. Teigen, and Mathieu Turgeon


Quality in supply chains : an empirical analysis., Ismail Sila, Maling Ebrahimpour, and Christiane Birkholz

Asian Pacific Islander student affairs administrators: Our views from the leadership ladder., Julie M. Wong

Cultivating space within NASPA: The case of the ethnic knowledge communities., Julie M. Wong

Submissions from 2005


Expanding the Focus of the IR: Scholars' Bank at the University of Oregon, Elizabeth Breakstone, Heather Briston, and Carol G. Hixson


1st We Build Them, Then What? : The Future of Institutional Repositories, Carol G. Hixson


Digital Collections at the University of Oregon, Carol G. Hixson


Glimpse Into the Past and a Roadmap for the Future : University of Oregon Digital Collections, Carol G. Hixson


If We Build It, Will They Come (Eventually)? : Scholarly Communication and Institutional Repositories, Carol G. Hixson


La implementación de un repositorio institucional : procesos, retos y estrategias, Carol G. Hixson


Personal, Corporate, or Conference Names in Digital Collections, Carol G. Hixson


Subject Access to Digital Collections in CONTENTdm: Background and Rationale for UO Decisions, Carol G. Hixson


Subject Access to Digital Collections in Scholars’ Bank: Background and Rationale for UO Decisions, Carol G. Hixson


The Promise of Institutional Repositories : Scholars' Bank at the University of Oregon, Carol G. Hixson


Transforming Catalogers (and Others) into Digital Library Specialists: The Evolution of the University of Oregon's Metadata and Digital Library Services, Carol G. Hixson


Un cop creats, què? El futur dels dipòsits institucionals, Carol G. Hixson


University of Oregon Libraries Preservation Policy for digital resources, Carol G. Hixson


When Just Doing It Isn't Enough : the University of Oregon Takes Stock, Carol G. Hixson

Pedagogical communication issues arising during international migrations to teach science in America., Charles B. Hutchison, Malcolm B. Butler, and Sherell M. Fuller


Content In, Content Out: The Dual Roles of the Reference Librarian in Institutional Repositories, Barbara Jenkins, Elizabeth Breakstone, and Carol G. Hixson

The Electoral College, Mobilization, and Turnout in the 2000 Presidential Election, Seth C. McKee and David Hill

Redistricting in Texas: Institutionalizing Republican Ascendancy, Seth C. McKee and Daron R. Shaw

A daily process model of cigarette use in social contexts among Asian American college smokers., Michiko Otsuki-Clutter


Critical linkages among TQM factors and business results., Ismail Sila and Maling Ebrahimpour

Extreme makeover: Changing the demographics at the executive and senior management levels., Julie M. Wong

Leadership & diversity in education -- multicultural perspectives in educational leadership., Julie M. Wong

Submissions from 2003


Imagining the Northwest : A Digital Library Partnership in Oregon, Corey A. Harper, Nathan Georgitis, and Carol G. Hixson


Analyzing the Subject of a Picture : Guidelines, Carol G. Hixson