USF St. Petersburg campus Faculty Publications

USF St. Petersburg campus Faculty Publications


This community contains peer-reviewed and other scholarly and professional materials created by faculty of the University of South Florida St. Petersburg campus. If you would like to start a personal collection for your work, please contact

Works in this community are protected by copyright and are the intellectual property of the authors, unless otherwise stated. Proper citation and permission for reproduction or reuse are expected.


Submissions from 1994

Selected readings for financial executives: AICPA self-study guide., William L. Reeb and Karin Braunsberger


Art of Oral History Transcription, James Anthony Schnur


Florida History in Periodicals [for 1995], James Anthony Schnur

Violence, conflict and the new world order., Daniel Schorr, Deni Elliott, George M. Dennison, and Frank Edward Allen

Images of aging: A cross-cultural perspective., Jay Sokolovsky

Hyper-feminisms: Post-structuralist theories, popular culture, and pedagogy, Lisa S. Starks

Hyper-masculinity, male masochism, and circulations of sexuality in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. Abstract., Lisa S. Starks

New Apartheids: Reversal, simplification, and misogyny in Derek Jarman's Edward II. Abstract., Lisa S. Starks


Middle school concept in small rural schools: A two year inquiry., Martin Tadlock and T. LoGuidice

Restructuring Utah middle level schools: Are we putting the kids first?, Martin Tadlock and D. Pierce


Racial mistrust and disposition to deviance among African American, Haitian, and other Caribbean island adolescent boys., Dorothy L. Taylor, Frank A. Biafora, and George J. Warheit


Involving Families of At-Risk and Normally Achieving Children in Social Skill Instruction, Brenda L. Townsend Walker

Imagining a global community., Philip West and Deni Elliott


Accelerated soil erosion in watersheds of Yunnan Province, China., Thomas J. Whitmore, Mark Brenner, Daniel R. Engstrom, and Song Xueliang


Environmental implications of the late Quaternary diatom history from Xingyun Hu, Yunnan Province, China., Thomas J. Whitmore, Mark Brenner, and Song Xueliang


Who is Hispanic? Definitions and their consequences., Rick S. Zimmerman, William A. Vega, Andres G. Gil, George J. Warheit, Eleni Apospori, and Frank A. Biafora

Submissions from 1993


Cultural mistrust and racial awareness among ethnically diverse black adolescent boys., Frank A. Biafora, Dorothy L. Taylor, George J. Warheit, Rick S. Zimmerman, and William A. Vega


Racial mistrust and deviant behaviors among ethnically diverse black adolescent boys., Frank A. Biafora, George J. Warheit, Rick S. Zimmerman, Andres G. Gil, Eleni Apospori, Dorothy L. Taylor, and William A. Vega


Paleolimnological methods for defining target conditions in lake restoration: Florida case studies., Mark Brenner, Thomas J. Whitmore, Michael S. Flannery, and Michael W. Binford


Distortions and policies when labor turnover is costly., Thomas J. Carter


Efficiency wages and international factor mobility., Thomas J. Carter


Concurrent validation and regression line comparison of the Spanish edition of the Lollipop Test (La Prueba Lollipop) on a bilingual population., Alex L. Chew and W. Steve Lang

Evidence on foreign direct investment in the United States., Indudeep Chhachhi, Ike Mathur, Nanda K. Rangan, and Sridhar Sundaram


Functional assessment and functional analysis., V. Mark Durand

Functional communication training for challenging behaviors., V. Mark Durand

Functional communication training using assistive devices: Effects on challenging behavior and affect., V. Mark Durand

Problem behaviour as communication., V. Mark Durand

Functional communication training: Factors affecting effectiveness, generalization, and maintenance., V. Mark Durand, Denise Berotti, and Jan Weiner

Burden of knowledge, Deni Elliott, September 7-10, 1993 [interview]., Deni Elliott

Ethics and mass communication., Deni Elliott


The Waco Task Force: There’s still hope., Deni Elliott

Predictors of teaching effectiveness: The efficacy of various standards to predict the success of graduates from a teacher education program., H. William Heller and Rex J. Clay

The relationship between teacher job satisfaction and principal leadership style., H. William Heller, Rex J. Clay, and C. Perkins


Class and place in the New World Order: International labor solidarity., Rebecca A. Johns-Krishnaswami

Oscillation of Ergon and Parergon–Dynamic Framing Devices and Their Relations in John Ashbery’s Poetry., Barbara Malinowska Jolley

The Impossible Games They Play: Language and Reality ( ies) in the Postabsurdist Theatre of Maria Irene Fornés and Tom Stoppard., Barbara Malinowska Jolley

Animal modeling in psychopharmacological contexts., Hugh LaFollette and Niall Shanks

Animal models in biomedical research: Some epistemological worries., Hugh LaFollette and Niall Shanks


Belief and the basis of humor., Hugh LaFollette and Niall Shanks


The intact systems argument: Problems with the standard defense of animal experimentation., Hugh LaFollette and Niall Shanks


Porter’s generic strategies, discontinuous environments, and performance: A longitudinal study of changing strategies in the hospital industry., Bruce T. Lamont, Dan Marlin, and James J. Hoffman


The transmitter-persistence effect: A confounded discovery?, G. Daniel Lassiter, Mark V. Pezzo, and Kevin J. Apple

Treatment of childhood sleep disorders: Generalization across disorders and effects on family members., Jodi A. Mindell and V. Mark Durand


Celebrating and Preserving Our History : Pinellas County's Heritage Village, James Anthony Schnur


Pinellas Past, Present, and Future [1992-2012], James Anthony Schnur

Ethics Resource Guide, David Shedden


Culture and the image of age., Jay Sokolovsky


An examination of classic articles in the education of persons with severe disabilities., Fred Spooner, Brian E. Enright, Kay Hanley, and H. William Heller


Writing for publication in practitioner oriented journals: Suggestions for early career researchers and teachers., Fred Spooner and H. William Heller


Review of Inpatient behavior therapy for children and adolescents., Susan Sprich-Buckminster and V. Mark Durand

The fossil diatoms of Lake Yambo, Ecuador: A possible record of El Niño events., Miriam Steinitz-Kannan, Mark A. Nienaber, Melanie A. Riedinger-Whitmore, and Ramamurthi Kannan

Using site visits to explore the middle level concept: What should I ask?, R. Stone and Martin Tadlock

Prevalence of bulimic behaviors and bulimia among a sample of the general population., George J. Warheit, Lilly M. Langer, Rick S. Zimmerman, and Frank A. Biafora

Recruiting & retaining Asian American Leaders., Julie M. Wong

Submissions from 1992


Women's words: A review symposium., Susan Armitage, Gary Lipsitz, and Gary R. Mormino

The adolescent pragmatics screening scale: A comparison of language-impaired students, bilingual/Hispanic students, and regular education students., Alejandro E. Brice

The adolescent pragmatics screening scale: Rationale and development., Alejandro E. Brice


Labor subsidies and just-cause employment laws in an efficiency wage model., Thomas J. Carter


Technological progress and wages in international trade., Thomas J. Carter


So neatly plotted, and so well perform'd: Villain as Playwright in Marlowe's Jew of Malta, Sara Munson Deats and Lisa S. Starks

New directions in educational programming for students with autism., V. Mark Durand


An analysis of maintenance following functional communication training., V. Mark Durand and Edward G. Carr

The Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS) administration guide., V. Mark Durand and Daniel B. Crimmins

Committed journalism, An ethic for the profession (book review)., Deni Elliott

Defining and analyzing journalistic deception., Deni Elliott and Charles Culver

Classics in the field of behavior disorders., Brian E. Enright, Richard B. White, Kay F. Haney, H. William Heller, and Fred Spooner

A rationale for departmentalization of special education., H. William Heller

Factors related to teacher job satisfaction and dissatisfaction., H. William Heller, Rex J. Clay, and C. Perkins


Helping general educators accommodate students with disabilities., H. William Heller, Melba Spooner, Fred Spooner, and Bob Algozzine

Meeting the needs of students with handicaps: Helping regular teachers meet the challenge., H. William Heller, Melba Spooner, Fred Spooner, Bob Algozzine, Alice Harrison, and Brian E. Enright


Covert antisocial behavior in boys with attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder: External validation and effects of methylphenidate., Stephen P. Hinshaw, Tracy Heller, and James P. McHale

Gunshot residue analysis by SEM/EDS., Max M. Houck

Logical conclusions from pattern analysis: Matches, non-matches and exclusions., Max M. Houck

Microscopy in forensic science., Max M. Houck

Beyond the absurd: Language games in the theatre of Maria Irene Fornés, Samuel Beckett, and Eugène Ionesco., Barbara Malinowska Jolley


Review of Reading The Waste Land: Modernism and the Limits of Interpretation, by Jewel Spears Brooker and Joseph Bentley., Barbara Malinowska Jolley


How prepared are our teachers for mainstreamed classroom settings?: A survey of postsecondary schools of education in New York State., Christopher A. Kearney and V. Mark Durand

Planning and budgeting concepts., Grover S. Kearns

The comparison of preferences and attitudes toward mathematics between middle grade children and their teachers., W. Steve Lang, Robert A. Martin, Dorothy L. Moore, and James F. Strickland

Effects of word-related variables on vocabulary growth through repeated read-aloud events., Cynthia B. Leung

COCA: A shell for intelligent tutoring systems., Nigel Major and Han Reichgelt


The market effects of acquisition-related foreign direct investments in the U.S., Ike Mathur, Nanda K. Rangan, Indudeep Chhachhi, and Sridhar Sundaram

Make-believe media: The politics of entertainment (book review)., J.A. Nelson and Deni Elliott

ProtoKEW: A knowledge acquisition., Han Reichgelt and Nigel Shadbolt


Attitudes toward Southeast Asian immigrants in a Wisconsin community., William Ruefle, William Ross, and Diane Mandell


Colonial Footprints in Peninsular Florida, James Anthony Schnur

Preserving a Newspaper’s Past: A Guide to Developing a Newspaper Oral History Program, David Shedden


Selecting Children's Literature for and about Students with Learning Differences: Guidelines, Brenda Smith Myles, Christine K. Ormsbee, Joyce Anderson Downing, Brenda L. Townsend Walker, and Floyd G. Hudson

Maturitas gerontology? Challenges of a multidisciplinary cross-cultural discipline., Jay Sokolovsky

The fossil diatoms of Lake Yambo, Ecuador: a 2500 year record of intense El Niño events., Miriam Steinitz-Kannan, Mark A. Nienaber, and Melanie A. Riedinger-Whitmore


The market valuation effects of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989., Sridhar Sundaram, Nanda K. Rangan, and Wallace N. Davidson III

Through the eyes of a substitute teacher., Martin Tadlock and C. Standorf

Feeding frenzy: How attack journalism has transformed American politics/Scandal: the culture of mistrust in American politics (book review)., S. Weinberg and Deni Elliott

EXPLAIN: Experiments in planning and instruction., D. Wood, Nigel Shadbolt, Han Reichgelt, and H. Wood

Submissions from 1991

Crucible of liberty: 200 years of the Bill of Rights., Raymond O. Arsenault


Paleolimnology of Qilu Hu, Yunnan Province, China., Mark Brenner, Kathleen Dorsey, Song Xueliang, Wang Zuguan, Long Ruihua, Michael W. Binford, and Thomas J. Whitmore

Amazon without refugia: vegetation and climate of the Amazon basin through a glacial cycle, Paul A. Colinvaux, Mark B. Bush, K. B. Liu, Paulo E. De Oliveira, Miriam Steinitz-Kannan, Melanie A. Riedinger-Whitmore, and Michael C. Miller

The status of middle level education in Wisconsin., D. Cramer, Martin Tadlock, T. LoGuidice, I. Morris, R. Stone, and L. McDonough

Systems design for users., Christopher Davis and J.R. G. Wood

Integrating classical and reactive planning within an architecture for autonomous agents., Joseph Downs and Han Reichgelt