Marine Science Faculty Publications

This is a select list of works produced by the faculty of the USF College of Marine Science. Materials are included when two conditions are satisfied: 1) the creator approves inclusion and 2) the publisher allows the material to be placed in the repository. Please direct questions or requests to expand the list of materials to Jason Boczar.


Submissions from 2020


Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Human Communities: Catch and Economic Impacts, Christa Court, Alan Wade Hodges, Kara Coffey, Cameron H. Ainsworth, and David Yoskowitz


Disturbances Drive Changes in Coral Community Assemblages and Coral Calcification Capacity, Travis A. Courtney, Brian B. Barnes, Iliana Chollett, Robin Elahi, Kevin Gross, James R. Guest, Ilsa B. Kuffner, Elizabeth A. Lenz, Hannah R. Nelson, Caroline S. Rogers, Lauren T. Toth, and Andreas J. Andersson


Stable Isotope Analysis of Eye Lenses from Invasive Lionfish Yields Record of Resource Use, Joseph S. Curtis, Mark A. Albins, Ernst B. Peebles, and Christopher D. Stallings


Shadowed Image Particle Profiling Evaluation Recorder (SIPPER) plankton and marine snow abundance and distribution data collected aboard multiple research cruises in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico from 2010-05-12 to 2010-09-16, Kendra L. Daly, Andrew W. Remsen, and Kurt Kramer


Physical Processes Influencing the Sedimentation and Lateral Transport of MOSSFA in the NE Gulf of Mexico, Kendra L. Daly, Ana C. Vaz, and Claire B. Paris


Advancing Ecosystem Management Strategies for the Gulf of Mexico's Fisheries Resources: Implications for the Development of a Fishery Ecosystem Plan, Andrea Dell'Apa, Joshua P. Kilborn, and William Harford


Metabolic Trait Diversity Shapes Marine Biogeography, Curtis Deutsch, Justin L. Penn, and Brad Seibel


Environmental DNA Reveals Seasonal Shifts and Potential Interactions in a Marine Community, Anni Djurhuus, Collin J. Closek, Ryan P. Kelly, Kathleen J. Pitz, Reiko P. Michisaki, Hilary A. Starks, Kristine R. Walz, Elizabeth A. Andruszkiewicz, Emily Olesin, Katherine Hubbard, Enrique Montes, Daniel Otis, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Francisco P. Chavez, Alexandria B. Boehm, and Mya Breitbart


Marine Geological Investigation of Edward VIII Gulf, Kemp Coast, East Antarctica, Isabel A. Dove, Amy Leventer, Meredith J. Metcalf, Stefanie A. Brachfeld, Robert B. Dunbar, Patricia Manley, Amelia E. Shevenell, Richard W. Murray, Matthew Hommeyer, Kelly A. Kryc, Natalie McLenaghan, Fiona Taylor, and Bruce A. Huber


Eddy–wave Duality in a Rotating Flow, Stefania Espa, Simon Cabanes, Gregory P. King, Gabriella Nitto, and Boris Galperin


Testing the Effect of MOSSFA (Marine Oil Snow Sedimentation and Flocculent Accumulation) Events in Benthic Microcosms, Edwin M. Foekema, Justine . S. van Eenennaam, David Hollander, Thomas B. P. Oldenburg, Jagoš R. Radović, Melissa Rohal, Isabel C. Romero, Patrick Schwing, and Albertinka J. Murk


Quasinormal Scale Elimination Theory of the Anisotropic Energy Spectra of Atmospheric and Oceanic Turbulence, Boris Galperin and Semion Sukoriansky


Benthic Classification and IOP Retrievals in Shallow Water Environments using MERIS Imagery, Rodrigo A. Garcia, Zhongping Lee, Brian B. Barnes, Chuanmin Hu, Heidi M. Dierssen, and Eric J. Hochberg


Reef fish densities (per 1,000 m^3) at natural reefs sites estimated with ROV video sampling in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2012-03-13 to 2014-08-25, Miaya Glabach, William Patterson, and Justin Lewis


Impacts of Deep Oil Spills on Fish and Fisheries, Adolfo Gracia, Steven A. Murawski, and Ana Rosa Vázquez-Bader


Spatio-temporal Analyses of Marine Predator Diets from Data-rich and Data-limited Systems, Arnaud Grüss, James T. Thorson, Gemma Carroll, Elizabeth L. Ng, Kirstin K. Holsman, Kerim Aydin, Stan Kotwicki, Hem N. Morzaria-Luna, Cameron H. Ainsworth, and Kevin A. Thompson


What Is Happening to the World’s Coral Reefs?, Pamela Hallock


Understanding of Contemporary Regional Sea-Level Change and the Implications for the Future, Benjamin D. Hamlington, Alex S. Gardner, Erik Ivins, Jan T. Lenaerts, J. T. Reager, David S. Trossman, Edward D. Zaron, Surendra Adhikari, Anthony Arendt, Andy Aschwanden, Brian D. Beckley, David P. Bekaert, Geoffrey Blewitt, Lambert Caron, Don P. Chambers, Hrishikesh A. Chandanpurkar, Knut Christianson, Beata Csatho, Richard I. Cullather, Robert M. DeConto, John T. Fasullo, Thomas Frederikse, Jeffrey T. Freymueller, Daniel M. Gilford, Manuela Girotto, William C. Hammond, Regine Hock, Nicholas Holschuh, Robert E. Kopp, Felix Landerer, Eric Larour, Dimitris Menemenlis, Mark Merrifield, Jerry X. Mitrovica, R. Steven Nerem, Isabel J. Nias, Veronica Nieves, Sophie Nowicki, Kishore Pangaluru, Christopher G. Piecuch, Richard D. Ray, David R. Rounce, Nicole-Jeanne Schlegel, Hélène Seroussi, Manoochehr Shirzaei, William V. Sweet, Isabella Velicogna, Nadya Vinogradova, Thomas Wahl, David N. Wiese, and Michael J. Willis


Trace metals and minor elements in sediment cores collected during the multiple R/V Weatherbird II cruises in the northern Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon event from 2011-02-20 to 2017-07-28, David W. Hastings


Revealing the Former Bed of Thwaites Glacier Using Sea-floor Bathymetry: Implications for Warm-water Routing and Bed Controls on Ice Flow and Buttressing, Kelly A. Hogan; Robert D. Larter; Alastair G. Graham; Robert Arthern; James D. Kirkham; Minzoni, Rebecca Totten Minzoni; Tom A. Jordan; Rachel Clark; Victoria Fitzgerald; Anna K. Wåhlin; John B. Anderson; Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand; Frank O. Nitsche; Lauren Simkins; James A. Smith; Karsten Gohl; Jan Erik Arndt; Jongkuk Hong; and Julia Wellner


Regeneration of Macronutrients and Trace Metals during Phytoplankton Decay: An Experimental Study, Adrienne P. Hollister, Makenzie Kerr, Kema Malki, Eric Muhlbach, Maya Robert, Charles L. Tilney, Mya Breitbart, Katherine A. Hubbard, and Kristen N. Buck


Climate-driven Aerobic Habitat Loss in the California Current System, Evan M. Howard, Justin L. Penn, Hartmut Frenzel, Brad A. Seibel, Daniele Bianchi, Lionel Renault, Fayçal Kessouri, Martha A. Sutula, James C. McWilliams, and Curtis Deutsch


On the Interplay Between Ocean Color Data Quality and Data Quantity: Impacts of Quality Control Flags, Chuanmin Hu, Brian B. Barnes, Lian Feng, Menghua Wang, and Lide Jiang


Mapping Benthic Habitat on the West Florida Shelf Using Multibeam Acoustics and Towed Underwater Video to Improve Fisheries Science and Management, Alexander Ilich, Jennifer Brizzolara, Sarah Grasty, John Gray, Matthew Hommeyer, Chad Lembke, Stanley Locker, Alex Silverman, Theodore Switzer, Abigail Vivlamore, and Steven Murawski


Steering Iceberg Armadas, John M. J Jaeger and Amelia Shevenell


Experimental simulation of partitioning behavior of low molecular weight organic species between oil and water throughout the water column following dispersant addition, Aprami Jaggi and Ryan Snowdon


Trace Metal and Nutrient Dynamics across Broad Biogeochemical Gradients in the Indian and Pacific Sectors of the Southern Ocean, David J. Janssen, Matthias Sieber, Michael J. Ellwood, Tim M. Conway, Pamela M. Barrett, Xiaoyu Chen, Gregory F. de Souza, Christel S. Hassler, and Samuel L. Jaccard


The Establishment of a Pelagic Sargassum Population in the Tropical Atlantic: Biological Consequences of a Basin-scale Long Distance Dispersal Event, Elizabeth M. Johns, Rick Lumpkin, Nathan F. Putman, Ryan H. Smith, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Digna T. Rueda-Roa, Chuanmin Hu, Mengqiu Wang, Maureen T. Brooks, Lewis J. Gramer, and Francisco E. Werner


New Gravity-derived Bathymetry for the Thwaites, Crosson, and Dotson Ice Shelves Revealing Two Ice Shelf Populations, Tom A. Jordan, David Porter, Kirsty Tinto, Romain Millan, Atsuhiro Muto, Kelly Hogan, Robert D. Larter, Alastair G. Graham, and John D. Paden


Fundamental Drivers of Dissolved Organic Matter Composition across an Arctic Effective Precipitation Gradient, Anne M. Kellerman, Ana Arellano, David C. Podgorski, Ellen E. Martin, Jonathan B. Martin, Kelly M. Deuerling, Thomas S. Bianchi, and Robert G. Spencer


DNA barcoding of fish eggs collected aboard R/V Weatherbird II cruise WB1731 across the Florida Straits and off of northwestern Cuba from 2017-05-13 to 2017-05-25, Makenzie Kerr, Mya Breitbart, Steven Murawski, Ernst B. Peebles, Maickel Armenteros, Jeremy Browning, Eva-Maria Bønnelycke, Chuanmin Hu, and Yingjun Zhang


DNA Barcoding of Fish Eggs Collected off Northwestern Cuba and Across the Florida Straits Demonstrates Egg Transport by Mesoscale Eddies, Makenzie Kerr, Jeremy Browning, Eva‐Maria Bønnelycke, Yingjun Zhang, Chuanmin Hu, Maickel Armenteros, Steven Murawski, Ernst B. Peebles, and Mya Breitbart


Diminishing Returns in Habitat Restoration by Adding Biogenic Materials: a Test Using Estuarine Oysters and Recycled Oyster Shell, David L. Kimbro, Christopher D. Stallings, and James W. White


Stakeholder Participation in IPBES: Connecting Local Environmental Work with Global Decision Making, Cornelia B. Krug, Eleanor Sterling, Timothy Cadman, Jonas Geschke, Paula F. Drummond de Castro, Rainer Schliep, Isimemen Osemwegie, Frank E. Muller-Karger, and Tek Maraseni


Cressdnaviricota: a Virus Phylum Unifying Seven Families of Rep-Encoding Viruses with Single-Stranded, Circular DNA Genomes, Mart Krupovic, Arvind Varsani, Darius Kazlauskas, Mya Breitbart, Eric Delwart, Karyna Rosario, Natalya Yutin, Yuri I. Wolf, Balázs Harrach, F. Murilo Zerbini, Valerian V. Dolja, Jens H. Kuhn, and Eugene V. Koonin


A Review of Symbiotic Gorgonian Research in the Western Atlantic and Caribbean with Recommendations for Future Work, Selena A. Kupfner Johnson and Pamela Hallock


Unexpected Source and Transport of Iron from the Deep Peru Margin, Phoebe J. Lam, Maija I. Heller, Paul E. Lerner, James W. Moffett, and Kristen N. Buck


Sound Science, not Politics, must Inform Restoration of Florida Bay and the Coral Reefs of the Florida Keys, Brian E. Lapointe, Rachel A. Brewton, Laura W. Herren, James W. Porter, Chuanmin Hu, and Jen Cannizzaro


Supporting the Essential - Recommendations for the Development of Accessible and Interoperable Marine Biological Data Products, D. Lear, P. Herman, G. Van Hoey, L. Schepers, N. Tonné, M. Lipizer, F. E. Muller-Karger, W. Appeltans, W. D. Kissling, N. Holdsworth, M. Edwards, E. Pecceu, H. Nygård, G. Canonico, S. Birchenough, G. Graham, K. Deneudt, S. Claus, and P. Oset


In Situ Measurements of Circulation Features Influencing Cross-Shelf Transport Around Northwest Cuba, Matthieu Le Hénaff, Vassiliki H. Kourafalou, Yannis Androulidakis, Ryan H. Smith, HeeSook Kang, Chuanmin Hu, and John T. Lamkin


Trophic Niche Size and Overlap Decreases with Increasing Ecosystem Productivity, Justin S. Lesser, W. Ryan James, Christopher D. Stallings, Rachel M. Wilson, and James A. Nelson


Multi-Sensor Observations of Submesoscale Eddies in Coastal Regions, Gang Li, Yijun He, Guoqiang Liu, Yingjun Zhang, Chuanmin Hu, and William Perrie


Global Patterns of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Salinity from Multiple Gridded Argo Products, Chao Liu, Xinfeng Liang, Don P. Chambers, and Rui M. Ponte


Observations of Water Transparency in China’s Lakes from Space, Dong Liu, Hongtao Duan, Steven Loiselle, Chuanmin Hu, Guoqing Zhang, Junli Li, Hong Yang, Julian R. Thompson, Zhigang Cao, Ming Shen, Ronghua Ma, Min Zhang, and Weixiao Han


Space Eye on Flying Aircraft: From Sentinel-2 MSI Parallax to Hybrid Computing, Yongxue Liu, Bihua Xu, Weifeng Zhi, Chuanmin Hu, Yanzhu Dong, Song Jin, Yingcheng Lu, Tianxin Chen, Wenxuan Xu, Yongchao Liu, Bingxue Zhao, and Wanyun Lu


Optical Interpretation of Oil Emulsions in the Ocean – Part II: Applications to Multi-band Coarse-resolution Imagery, Yingcheng Lu, Jing Shi, Chuanmin Hu, Minwei Zhang, Shaojie Sun, and Yongxue Liu


Prokaryotic and Viral Community Composition of Freshwater Springs in Florida, USA, Kema Malki, Natalie A. Sawaya, Anna J. Székely, Michael J. Tisza, and Mya Breitbart


Characterization of the Nonlinear Salinity Dependence of Glass PH Electrodes: A Simplified Spectrophotometric Calibration Procedure for Potentiometric Seawater PH Measurements at 25 °C in Marine and Brackish Waters: 0.5 ≤ S ≤ 36, Loraine Martell-Bonet and Robert H. Byrne


Mg/Ca-Temperature Calibration of Polar Benthic Foraminifera Species for Reconstruction of Bottom Water Temperatures on the Antarctic Shelf, Elaine M. Mawbey, Katharine R. Hendry, Mervyn J. Greaves, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Gerhard Kuhn, Charlotte L. Spencer-Jones, Erin L. McClymont, Kara J. Vadman, Amelia E. Shevenell, Patrycja E. Jernas, and James A. Smith


Automated High-Resolution Time Series Mapping of Mangrove Forests Damaged by Hurricane Irma in Southwest Florida, Matthew J. Mccarthy, Brita Jessen, Michael J. Barry, Marissa Figueroa, Jessica McIntosh, Tylar Murray, Jill Schmid, and Frank E. Muller-Karger


Mapping Hurricane Damage: A Comparative Analysis of Satellite Monitoring Methods, Matthew J. Mccarthy, Brita Jessen, Michael J. Barry, Marissa Figueroa, Jessica McIntosh, Tylar Murray, Jill Schmid, and Frank E. Muller-Karger


Spatial and Temporal Variability of Trace Metals (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Co, Ni, Cd, Pb), Iron and Copper Speciation, and Electroactive Fe-binding Humic Substances in Surface Waters of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Travis Mellett and Kristen N. Buck


Ocean Acidification and Coastal Marine Invertebrates: Tracking CO2 Effects from Seawater to the Cell, Frank Melzner, Felix C. Mark, Brad A. Seibel, and Lars Tomanek


Distribution of Recent Foraminifera as Depositional Indicators in Yongle Atoll, Xisha Islands, South China Sea, Min Meng, Kefu Yu, Pamela Hallock, and Guoquan Qin


The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Maritime Navigation within a Large, Channelized Estuary, Steven D. Meyers and Mark E. Luther


Characterizing Vessel Traffic Using the AIS: A Case Study in Florida's Largest Estuary, Steven D. Meyers, Mark E. Luther, Stephanie Ringuet, and Gary Raulerson


Deep-sea sediment Microtox toxicity data analyzed from sediment cores collected aboard multiple research cruises in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-16 to 2010-10-23, Paul A. Montagna


Seismic Stratigraphy of the Sabrina Coast Shelf, East Antarctica: Early History of Dynamic Meltwater-rich Glaciations, Aleksandr Montelli, Sean P.S. Gulick, Rodrigo Fernandez, Bruce C. Frederick, Amelia E. Shevenell, Amy Leventer, and Donald D. Blankenship


Dynamic Satellite Seascapes as a Biogeographic Framework for Understanding Phytoplankton Assemblages in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, United States, Enrique Montes, Anni Djurhuus, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Daniel Otis, Christopher R. Kelble, and Maria T. Kavanaugh


Perspectives on Research, Technology, Policy, and Human Resources for Improved Management of Ultra-Deep Oil and Gas Resources and Responses to Oil Spills, Steven A. Murawski


Introduction to the Volume, Steven A. Murawski, Cameron H. Ainsworth, Sherryl Gilbert, David J. Hollander, Claire B. Paris, Michael Schlüter, and Dana L. Wetzel


Introduction to the Volume, Steven A. Murawski, Cameron H. Ainsworth, Sherryl Gilbert, David J. Hollander, Claire B. Paris, Michael Schlüter, and Dana L. Wetzel


Summary of Progress on Major Research Issues: Deep-Sea Oil Spills, Steven A. Murawski, Cameron H. Ainsworth, Sherryl Gilbert, David J. Hollander, Claire B. Paris, Michael Schlüter, and Dana L. Wetzel


Summary of Contemporary Research on the Use of Chemical Dispersants for Deep-Sea Oil Spills, Steven A. Murawski, Michael Schlüter, Claire B. Paris, and Zachary M. Aman


Deepwater Oil and Gas Production in the Gulf of Mexico and Related Global Trends, Steven Murawski, David Hollander, Sherryl Gilbert, and Adolfo Gracia


A Predictive Strategy for Mapping Locations Where Future MOSSFA Events Are Expected, Albertinka Murk, David Hollander, Shuangling Chen, Chuanmin Hu, Yongxue Liu, Sophie Vonk, Patrick Schwing, Sherryl Gilbert, and Edwin Foekema


MODIS-derived sea surface temperature in the Gulf of Mexico between 2012-01-01 to 2018-12-31, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


MODIS-derived surface chlorophyll-a concentration in the Gulf of Mexico between 2012-01-01 to 2018-12-31, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


Simulating Trade-offs Between Socio-economic and Conservation Objectives for Lake Victoria (East Africa) Using Multispecies, Multifleet Ecosystem Models, Vianny Natugonza, Cameron Ainsworth, Erla Sturludóttir, Laban Musinguzi, Richard Ogutu-Ohwayo, Tumi Tomasson, Chrisphine Nyamweya, and Gunnar Stefansson


Ecosystem Modelling of Data-limited Fisheries: How Reliable are Ecopath with Ecosim Models without Historical Time Series Fitting?, Vianny Natugonza, Cameron Ainsworth, Erla Sturludóttir, Laban Musinguzi, Richard Ogutu Ohwayo, Tumi Tomasson, Chrisphine Nyamweya, and Gunnar Stefansson


Effect of elevated pressure on microbial communities from the Gulf of Mexico, Nuttapol Noirungsee and Paul Bubenheim


Matrices of connectivity, community structure, and geographic distance, between six provinces in the Gulf of Mexico, Claire B. Paris and Igal Berenshtein


Connectivity of the Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf Fish Populations and Implications of Simulated Oil Spills, Claire B. Paris, Steven A. Murawski, Maria Josefina Olascoaga, Ana C. Vaz, Igal Berenshtein, Philippe Miron, and Francisco Javier Beron-Vera


Daily hindcast of oil concentrations estimates from the far-field modeling of deep water spill scenarios in the east and the west Gulf of Mexico, and a spill occurring during the Fall using the oil application of Connectivity Modeling System (oil-CMS)., Claire B. Paris and Natalie Perlin


Combining Isoscapes with Tissue-Specific Isotope Records to Recreate the Geographic Histories of Fish, Ernst B. Peebles and David J. Hollander


Model results from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill simulation using the Connectivity Modeling System adapted for oil modeling (oil-CMS), featuring log-normal size distribution of multi-fraction oil droplets at the initial release time, Natalie Perlin, Claire B. Paris, and Ana C. Vaz


A Revised Diet Matrix to Improve the Parameterization of a West Florida Shelf Ecopath Model for Understanding Harmful Algal Bloom Impacts, Holly A. Perryman, Joseph H. Tarnecki, Arnaud Grüss, Elizabeth A. Babcock, Skyler R. Sagarese, Cameron H. Ainsworth, and Alisha M. Gray DiLeone


Foraminifera as Bioindicators of Water Quality: The FoRAM Index Revisited, Martina Prazeres, Michael Martinez-Colon, and Pamela Hallock


CTD and environmental data collected onboard R/V Weatherbird II cruise WB-1304 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2012-08-14 to 2012-08-19, Erin Pulster and Steve Murawski


Hepatic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations in red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) collected aboard multiple research and fishing vessels in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-07-07 to 2017-07-30, Erin Pulster and Steven Murawski


Hepatobiliary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations in gafftopsail catfish (Bagre marinus) collected aboard multiple research and fishing vessels in the Gulf of Mexico from 2015-09-21 to 2017-09-06, Erin Pulster and Steven Murawski


Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) concentrations in seven species of snapper collected aboard multiple R/V Weatherbird II cruises in coastal Cuba and the wider Gulf of Mexico from 2015-08-16 to 2017-07-19, Erin Pulster and Steven Murawski


In Search of Floating Algae and Other Organisms in Global Oceans and Lakes, Lin Qi, Chuanmin Hu, Karlis Mikelsons, Menghua Wang, Veronica Lance, Shaojie Sun, Brian B. Barnes, Jun Zhao, and Close Dimitry Van der Zande


The Effect of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Two Ecosystem Services in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Melissa Rohal, Cameron Ainsworth, Brach Lupher, Paul A. Montagna, Claire B. Paris, Natalie Perlin, Paul Mark Suprenand, and David Yoskowitz


The Effects of Experimental Oil-Contaminated Marine Snow on Meiofauna in a Microcosm, Melissa Rohal, Noe Barrera, Justine S. Van Eenennaam, Edwin M. Foekema, Paul A. Montagna, Albertinka J. Murk, Marissa Pryor, and Isabel Romero


Multiple Hydrocarbon data from mangrove forests collected during a coastal survey conducted in the Bay of Campeche, southern Gulf of Mexico from 2016-08-09 to 2016-08-10, Isabel Romero and David Hollander


Drivers of Concentrated Predation in an Antarctic Marginal-ice-zone Food Web, Benjamin T. Saenz, David G. Ainley, Kendra L. Daly, Grant Ballard, Erin Conlisk, Megan L. Elrod, and Stacy L. Kim


Experimental investigation of pure ad gas-saturated crude oil density from 277 K to 308 K and from 0.1 MPa to 23 MPa, Michael Schlüter and Simeon Pesch


Experimental investigation of the viscosity of pure and gas-saturated crude oil, n-decane, seawater and deionized water from 268 K to 323 K and from 1 MPa to 16 MPa, Michael Schlüter and Simeon Pesch


A Synthesis of Deep Benthic Faunal Impacts and Resilience Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Patrick T. Schwing, Paul A. Montagna, Samantha B. Joye, Claire B. Paris, Erik E. Cordes, Craig R. McClain, Joshua P. Kilborn, and Steven A. Murawski


Anomalous δ13C in Particulate Organic Carbon at the Chemoautotrophy Maximum in the Cariaco Basin, Mary I. Scranton, Gordon T. Taylor, Robert C. Thunell, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Yrene Astor, Peter Swart, Virginia P. Edgcomb, and Maria G. Pachiadaki


Oxygen Supply Capacity in Animals Evolves to Meet Maximum Demand at the Current Oxygen Partial Pressure Regardless of Size or Temperature, Brad A. Seibel and Curtis Deutsch


Cliff Feature Delineation Tool and Baseline Builder Tool, Version 1.0 User Guide, Alexander C. Seymour, Cheryl J. Hapke, and Jonathan Warrick


Insights into the Bioavailability of Oceanic Dissolved Fe from Phytoplankton Uptake Kinetics, Yeala Shaked, Kristen N. Buck, Travis Mellett, and Maria. T. Maldonado


Interpreting Measurements of Total Alkalinity in Marine and Estuarine Waters in the Presence of Proton-binding Organic Matter, Jonathan D. Sharp and Robert H. Byrne


Paleoceanography: Lessons for a Changing World, Amelia Shevenell, Peggy Delaney, Katrin Meissner, Laurie Menviel, and Alan C. Mix


Cycling of Zinc and Its Isotopes across Multiple Zones of the Southern Ocean: Insights from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition, M. Sieber, T. M. Conway, G. F. de Souza, C. S. Hassler, M. J. Ellwood, and D. Vance


Tally of recordings of sound-producing fish in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-07-07 to 2012-09-29, Ana Sirovic


Spatial Contrasts in Hepatic and Biliary PAHs in Tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) throughout the Gulf of Mexico, with Comparison to the Northwest Atlantic, Susan M. Snyder, Jill A. Olin, Erin Pulster, and Steven Murawski


Photic Stress on Coral Reefs in the Maldives: The Amphistegina Bleaching Index, Stephanie Stainbank, Silvia Spezzaferri, Valentina Beccari, Pamela Hallock, Arthur Adams, Auriele Angeloz, Daniela Basso, Annalisa Caragnano, Nicolo Del Piero, and Patrick Dietsche