Marine Science Faculty Publications
Submissions from 2023
Microalgal Cultivation Characteristics Using Commercially Available Air-cushion Packaging Material as a Photobioreactor, Clifford R. Merz, Neha Arora, Michael Welch, Enlin Lo, and George P. Philippidis
Marine benthic invertebrate data obtained aboard R/V Weatherbird II (WB0517) from 2017-05-13 to 2017-05-23 on the northwest insular slope of Cuba, Paul A. Montagna and Samantha Schiereck
Comprehensive Datasets of the CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program (1995-2017) in the Southeastern Caribbean Sea, Frank Muller-Karger, Yrene Astor, Ramon Varela, Robert Thunell, Mary Scranton, Gordon Taylor, Kristen Buck, Kent Fanning, Claudia Benitez-Nelson, Laura Lorenzoni, Enrique Montes, Eric Tappa, Luis Troccoli, Rafael Diaz-Ramos, Sonia Subero-Pino, Jaimie Rojas, Luis Gonzalez, Javier Gutierrez, Jesus Narvaez, Alberto Rosales, Laurencia Guzman, Juan Capelo, and Digna Rueda-Roa
Dataset for: A Coupled Lagrangian-Earth System Model for Predicting Oil Photooxidation, Claire B. Paris, Ana C. Vaz, and Robin Faillettaz
Ensemble of Deepwater Horizon 2010 oil spill simulations using the oil-CMS model to estimate surface oil concentrations and sedimented oil mass, Natalie Perlin
Submissions from 2022
Initial estuarine response to inorganic nutrient inputs from a legacy mining facility adjacent to Tampa Bay, Florida, Marcus W. Beck, Andrew Altieri, Christine Angelini, Maya C. Burke, Jing Chen, Diana W. Chin, Jayne Gardiner, Chuanmin Hu, Katherine A. Hubbard, Yonggang Liu, Cary Lopez, Miles Medina, Elise Morrison, Edward J. Phlips, Gary E. Raulerson, Sheila Scolaro, Edward T. Sherwood, David Tomasko, Robert H. Weisberg, and Joseph Whalen
Navigating Grad School: A Professional Development Workbook for Incoming Marine Science Graduate Students, Mya Breitbart and Kristen N. Buck
Re-assessing the Influence of Particle-hosted Sulphide Precipitation on the Marine Cadmium Cycle, Gregory F. de Souza, Derek Vance, Matthias Sieber, Tim M. Conway, and Susan H. Little
Status, Change, and Futures of Zooplankton in the Southern Ocean, Nadine M. Johnston, Eugene J. Murphy, Angus Atkinson, Andrew J. Constable, Cédric Cotté, Martin Cox, Kendra L. Daly, Ryan Driscoll, Hauke Flores, Svenja Halfter, Natasha Henschke, Simeon L. Hill, Juan Höfer, Brian P. Hunt, So Kawaguchi, Dhugal Lindsay, Cecilia Liszka, Valerie Loeb, Clara Manno, Bettina Meyer, Evgeny A. Pakhomov, Matthew H. Pinkerton, Christian S. Reiss, Kate Richerson, Walker O. Jr., Deborah K. Steinberg, Kerrie M. Swadling, Geraint A. Tarling, Sally E. Thorpe, Devi Veytia, Peter Ward, Christine K. Weldrick, and Guang Yang
Cenozoic History of Antarctic Glaciation and Climate from Onshore and Offshore Studies, Robert M. McKay, Carlota Escutia, Laura De Santis, Federica Donda, Bella Duncan, Karsten Gohl, Sean Gulick, Javier Hernández-Molina, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Katharina Hochmuth, Sookwan Kim, Gerhard Kuhn, Robert Larter, German Leitchenkov, Richard H. Levy, Tim R. Naish, Phil O’Brien, Lara F. Pérez, Amelia E. Shevenell, and Trevor Williams
Deepwater Horizon oil spill simulations using Connectivity Modeling System: Daily oil mass and concentrations on a spatio-temporal 4-D grid, surface oil concentrations, non-gridded sedimented oil mass, Claire Paris and Natalie Perlin
Early and Middle Miocene Ice Sheet Dynamics in the Ross Sea: Results from Integrated Core-log-seismic Interpretation, Lara F. Pérez, Laura De Santis, Robert M. McKay, Robert D. Larter, Jeanine Ash, Phil J. Bart, Gualtiero Böhm, Giuseppe Brancatelli, Imogen Browne, Florence Colleoni, Justin P. Dodd, Riccardo Geletti, David M. Harwood, Gerhard Kuhn, Jan Sverre Laberg, R. Mark Leckie, Richard H. Levy, James Marschalek, Zenon Mateo, Timothy R. Naish, Francesca Sangiorgi, Amelia E. Shevenell, Christopher C. Sorlien, and Tina van de Flierdt
Freshwater Macrophytes Harbor Viruses Representing All Five Major Phyla of the RNA Viral Kingdom Orthornavirae, Karyna Rosario, Noémi Van Bogaert, Natalia B. López-Figueroa, Haris Paliogiannis, Mason Kerr, and Mya Breitbart
Unique thermal sensitivity imposes a cold-water energetic barrier for vertical migrators, Brad Seibel and Matthew A. Birk
Sediment Chronology in Antarctic Deglacial Sediments: Reconciling Organic Carbon 14C Ages to Carbonate 14C Ages Using Ramped PyrOx, Cristina Subt, Kimberly A. Fangman, Julia S. Wellner, and Brad E. Rosenheim
The Open-Ocean Gulf of Mexico After Deepwater Horizon: Synthesis of a Decade of Research, Tracey T. Sutton, Rosanna J. Milligan, Kendra Daly, Kevin M. Boswell, April B. Cook, Maëlle Cornic, Tamara Frank, Kaitlin Frasier, Daniel Hahn, Frank Hernandez, John Hildebrand, Chuanmin Hu, Matthew W. Johnston, Samantha B. Joye, Heather Judkins, Jon A. Moore, Steven A. Murawski, Nina M. Pruzinsky, John A. Quinlan, Andrew Remsen, Kelly L. Robinson, Isabel C. Romero, Jay R. Rooker, Michael Vecchione, and R. J. Wells
Submissions from 2021
Sensitivity of Satellite Ocean Color Data to System Vicarious Calibration of the Long Near Infrared Band, Brian B. Barnes, Chuanmin Hu, Sean W. Bailey, and Bryan A. Franz
Global COVID-19 Lockdown Highlights Humans as Both Threats and Custodians of the Environment, Amanda E. Bates, Richard B. Primack, Brandy S. Biggar, Tomas J. Bird, Mary E. Clinton, Rylan J. Command, Cerren Richards, Marc Shellard, Nathan R. Geraldi, Valeria Vergara, Christopher Stallings, Joseph S. Curtis, Meaghan E. Faletti, Jonathan A. Peake, Michael J. Schram, and Kara Wall
Microviridae, Mya Breitbart and Bentley A. Fane
Sediment texture and composition data collected aboard the R/V Weatherbird II cruise WB-0717 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-07-19 to 2017-07-20, Gregg R. Brooks and Rebekka A. Larson
A Snapshot of Reef Conditions in North Ari Atoll (Maldives) Following the 2016 Bleaching Event and Acanthaster Planci Outbreak, A. Caragnano, D. Basso, S. Spezzaferri, Pamela Hallock, and Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale Scientific Party
NASA's Surface Biology and Geology Designated Observable: A Perspective on Surface Imaging Algorithms, Kerry Cawse-Nicholson, Philip A. Townsend, David Schimel, Ali M. Assiri, Pamela L. Blake, Maria Fabrizia Buongiorno, Petya Campbell, Nimrod Carmon, Kimberly A. Casey, Rosa Elvira Correa-Pabón, Kyla M. Dahlin, Hamid Dashti, Philip E. Dennison, Heidi Dierssen, Adam Erickson, Joshua B. Fisher, Robert Frouin, Charles K. Gatebe, Hamed Gholizadeh, Michelle Gierach, Nancy F. Glenn, James A. Goodman, Daniel M. Griffith, Liane Guild, Christopher R. Hakkenberg, Eric J. Hochberg, Thomas R.H. Holmes, Chuanmin Hu, Glynn Hulley, Karl F. Huemmrich, Raphael M. Kudela, Raymond F. Kokaly, Christine M. Lee, Roberta Martin, Charles E. Miller, Wesley J. Moses, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Joseph D. Ortiz, Daniel B. Otis, Nima Pahlevan, Thomas H. Painter, Ryan Pavlick, Ben Poulter, Yi Qi, Vincent J. Realmuto, Dar Roberts, Michael E. Schaepman, Fabian D. Schneider, Florian M. Schwandner, Shawn P. Serbin, Alexey N. Shiklomanov, E. Natasha Stavros, David R. Thompson, Juan L. Torres-Perez, Kevin R. Turpie, Maria Tzortziou, Susan Ustin, Qian Yu, Yusri Yusup, and Qingyuan Zhang
Species Abundance, Spatial and Vertical Distributions, and Eye-Size Trends of Large Heteropods (Pterotracheidae and Carinariidae) in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, K. A. Clark, M. Vecchione, B. A. Seibel, and H. L. Judkins
First-year Graduate Courses Foster Inclusion, Michele Cooke, Mya Breitbart, Emily Cooperdock, Naomi Levin, Nathan Niemi, Christopher Bell, Liane Stevens, and Karen Viskupic
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) data from phytoplankton collected aboard R/V Weatherbird II and R/V Bellows cruises in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico and west Florida shelf from 2010-07-10 to 2014-08-11, Kendra Daly and Jack DiTullio
Resilience of the Zooplankton Community in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico during and After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Kendra L. Daly, Andrew Remsen, Dawn M. Outram, Heather Broadbent, Kurt Kramer, and Kate Dubickas
Dataset for: Bubble Plume Integral Model for Line-Source Diffusers in Ambient Stratification, Anusha Dissanayake
Sensitivity analysis runs of the Texas A&M Oil spill Calculator (TAMOC) model, Anusha L. Dissanayake
The Choice of Droplet Size Probability Distribution Function for Oil Spill Modeling is not Trivial, Robin Faillettaz, Claire B. Paris, Ana C. Vaz, Natalie Perlin, Zachary M. Aman, Michael Schlüter, and Steven A. Murawski
Life History through the Eyes of a Hogfish: Trophic Growth and Differential Juvenile Habitat Use from Stable Isotope Analysis, Meaghan E. Faletti and Christopher D. Stallings
Dataset for: Cetacean distribution models based on visual and passive acoustic data, Kaitlin E. Frasier, Lance P. Garrison, Melissa S. Soldevilla, Sean M. Wiggins, and John A. Hildebrand
Seasonal Oceanic Variability on Meso- and Submesoscales: a Turbulence Perspective, Boris Galperin, Semion Sukoriansky, and Bo Qiu
Relationships Among Microbial Indicators of Fecal Pollution, Microbial Source Tracking Markers, and Pathogens in Costa Rican Coastal Waters, Adriana González-Fernández, Erin M. Symonds, Javier F. Gallard-Gongora, Bonnie Mull, Jerzy O. Lukasik, Pablo Rivera Navarro, Andrei Badilla Aguilar, Jayme Peraud, Megan L. Brown, Darner Mora Alvarado, Mya Breitbart, Maryann R. Cairns, and Valerie J. Harwood
Research version of the Texas A&M Oil spill / Outfall Calculator (TAMOC) and input files for simulation of laboratory pressure vessel experiments, Jonas Gros, J. Samuel Arey, Scott A. Socolofsky, and Anusha L. Dissanayake
Effects of Petroleum By-Products and Dispersants on Ecosystems, Kenneth M. Halanych, Cameron H. Ainsworth, Erik E. Cordes, Richard E. Dodge, Markus Huettel, Irving A. Mendelssohn, Steven A. Murawski, Claire B. Paris-Limouzy, Patrick T. Schwing, Richard F. Shaw, and Tracey Sutton
Why Did Some Larger Benthic Foraminifera Become so Large and Flat?, Pamela Hallock and Mona Seddighi
The Origin of NOAA’s Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Program: A Retrospective and Prospective, Chris J. Harvey, David L. Fluharty, Michael J. Fogarty, Phillip S. Levin, Steven A. Murawski, Franklin B. Schwing, Rebecca L. Shuford, Christopher R. Kelble, and Mark E. Monaco
Microcosm: Bacterial communities growing on different crude oils exposed to light, Erika Headrick, Lisa Nigro, and Wade Jeffrey
Gulf of Mexico toothed whale passive acoustic detections, 2010-10-21 to 2017-05-17, John A. Hildebrand, Kaitlin E. Frasier, and Sean M. Wiggins
Iron Colloids Dominate Sedimentary Supply to the Ocean Interior, William B. Homoky, Tim M. Conway, Seth G. John, Daniela König, FeiFei Deng, Alessandro Tagliabue, and Rachel A. Mills
Bioactive Trace Metals and Their Isotopes as Paleoproductivity Proxies: An Assessment Using GEOTRACES-Era Data, T. J. Horner, S. H. Little, T. M. Conway, J. R. Farmer, J. E. Hertzberg, D. J. Janssen, A. J. M. Lough, J. L. McKay, A. Tessin, S. J. G. Galer, S. L. Jaccard, F. Lacan, A. Paytan, K. Wuttig, and GEOTRACES–PAGES Biological Productivity Working Group Members
A Machine Learning Approach to Estimate Surface Chlorophyll a Concentrations in Global Oceans From Satellite Measurements, Chuanmin Hu, Lian Feng, and Qi Guan
DNA Detectives: Outreach Activity Teaching Students to Identify Fish Eggs Using DNA Barcoding, Makenzie Kerr and Mya Breitbart
Constraints on the Cycling of Iron Isotopes From a Global Ocean Model, D. König, T. M. Conway, M. J. Ellwood, W. B. Homoky, and A. Tagliabue
The 79°N Glacier Cavity Modulates Subglacial Iron Export to the NE Greenland Shelf, Stephan Krisch, Mark James Hopwood, Janin Schaffer, Ali Al-Hashem, Juan Höfer, Rutgers van der Loeff, Tim M. Conway, Brent A. Summers, Pablo Lodeiro, Indah Ardiningsih, Tim Steffens, and Eric Pieter Achterberg
The Relationship Between Environmental Parameters and Microbial Water Quality at Two Costa Rican Beaches from 2002 to 2017, Abdiel E. Laureano-Rosario, Erin M. Symonds, Adriana González-Fernández, Omar G. Lizano R., Darner Mora Alvarado, Pablo Rivera Navarro, Andrei Badilla-Aguilar, Digna Rueda-Roa, Daniel B. Otis, Valerie J. Harwood, Maryann R. Cairns, and Frank E. Muller-Karger
Using Multiple Ecological Models to Inform Environmental Decision-Making, Kristy A. Lewis; Kenneth A. Rose; Mutsert, Kim de Mutsert; Shaye Sable; Cameron Ainsworth; Damian C. Brady; and Howard Townsend
An Initial Evaluation of High-frequency Radar Radial Currents in the Straits of Florida in Comparison with Altimetry and Model Products, Yonggang Liu, Clifford R. Merz, Robert H. Weisberg, Lynn K. Shay, Scott M. Glenn, and Michael J. Smith
The Ocean Carbon Response to COVID‐Related Emissions Reductions, Nicole S. Lovenduski, Neil C. Swart, Adrienne J. Sutton, John C. Fyfe, Galen A. McKinley, Christopher Sabine, and Nancy L. Williams
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Prokaryotic and Viral Community Assemblages in a Lotic System (Manatee Springs, Florida), Kema Malki, Natalie A. Sawaya, Michael J. Tisza, Felipe H. Coutinho, Karyna Rosario, Anna J. Székely, and Mya Breitbart
A Large West Antarctic Ice Sheet Explains Early Neogene Sea-level Amplitude, J. W. Marschalek, L. Zurli, F. Talarico, Flierdt van de Flierdt, P. Vermeesch, A. Carter, F. Beny, V. Bout-Roumazeilles, F. Sangiorgi, S. R. Hemming, L. F. Pérez, F. Colleoni, J. G. Prebble, T. E. van Peer, M. Perotti, A. E. Shevenell, I. Browne, D. K. Kulhanek, R. Levy, D. Harwood, N. B. Sullivan, S. R. Meyers, E. M. Griffith, C.-D. Hillenbrand, E. Gasson, M. J. Siegert, B. Keisling, K. J. Licht, G. Kuhn, J. P. Dodd, C. Boshuis, L. De Santis, and R. M. McKay
The Gulf of Mexico: An Overview, Larry D. McKinney, John G. Shepherd, Charles A. Wilson, William T T. Hogarth, Jeff Chanton, Steven A. Murawski, Paul A. Sandifer, Tracey Sutton, David Yoskowitz, Katya Wowk, Tamay M. Özgökmen, Samantha B. Joye, and Rex Caffey
Sea Surface Current Mapping with HF Radar – a Primer, Clifford R. Merz, Yonggang Liu, and Robert H. Weisberg
A Scopus-based Bibliometric Study of Maritime Research Involving the Automatic Identification System, Steven D. Meyers, Laura Azevedo, and Mark E. Luther
Using Logistic Regression to Model the Risk of Sewer Overflows Triggered by Compound Flooding with Application to Sea Level Rise, Steven D. Meyers, Shawn Landry, Marcus W. Beck, and Mark E. Luther
Ship Wakes and their Potential Shoreline Impact in Tampa Bay, Steven D. Meyers, Mark E. Luther, Stephanie Ringuet, Gary Raulerson, Ed Sherwood, Katie Conrad, and Gianfranco Basili
Impacts of Petroleum, Petroleum Components, and Dispersants on Organisms and Populations, Steven A. Murawski, Martin Grosell, Cynthia Smith, Tracey Sutton, Kenneth M. Halanych, Richard F. Shaw, and Charles A. Wilson
A Synthesis of Deepwater Horizon Impacts on Coastal and Nearshore Living Marine Resources, Steven A. Murawski, Joshua P. Kilborn, Adriana C. Bejarano, David Chagaris, David Donaldson, Frank J. Hernandez, Timothy C. MacDonald, Craig Newton, Ernst Peebles, and Kelly L. Robinson
Total organic matter, benthic foraminifera and grain-size of sediment cores collected aboard multiple research cruises in the Gulf of Mexico from 2015-08-01 to 2018-05-22, Bryan J. O'Malley, Patrick T. Schwing, Michael Martinez-Colon, Silvia Spezzaferri, Gregg Brooks, Rebekka Larson, Maria Machain-Castillo, and Ana Carolina Ruiz-Fernandez
Distribution of oil concentration and oil mass in the Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill simulated by the Connectivity Modeling System (CMS) using two-phase droplet and internal degassing parameterizations, Claire B. Paris, Natalie Perlin, and Ana C. Vaz
Red snapper data caught in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic between 2005-01-01 and 2016-08-31, David Portnoy
Population genomic dataset of Gafftopsail Catfish obtained aboard several vessels including the R/V Weatherbird II, WB1603, in the Gulf of Mexico from 2015-09-21 to 2017-09-03, David Portnoy and Shannon O'Leary
Hepatobiliary PAHs and Prevalence of Pathological Changes in Red Snapper, Erin L. Pulster, Susan Fogelson, Brigid E. Carr, Justin Mrowicki, and Steven A. Murawski
Measurements of Legacy and alternative per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in pelagic fishes collected aboard the R/V Weatherbird II (WB1810) of the Gulf of Mexico from 2018-08-15 to 2019-03-01, Erin Pulster and Steven Murawski
A Decade of GoMRI Dispersant Science: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the Future, Antonietta Quigg, John W. Farrington, Sherryl Gilbert, Steven A. Murawski, and Vijay T. John
Marine Phytoplankton Responses to Oil and Dispersant Exposures: Knowledge Gained since the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Antonietta Quigg, Michael Parsons, Sibel Bargu, Koray Ozhan, Kendra L. Daly, Sumit Chakraborty, Manoj Kamalanathan, Deana Erdner, Sarah Cosgrove, and Edward J. Buskey
Extreme Sea Level Variability Dominates Coastal Flood Risk Changes at Decadal Time Scales, M M. Rashid, T Wahl, and D P. Chambers
The Discovery of New Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Communities in the Southern Ocean and Implications for Biogeography, Alex D. Rogers, Paul A. Tyler, Douglas P. Connelly, Jon T. Copley, Rachael James, Robert D. Larter, Katrin Linse, Rachel A. Mills, Alfredo Naveira Garabato, Richard D. Pancost, David A. Pearce, Nicholas V. Polunin, Christopher R. German, Timothy Shank, Philipp H. Boersch-Supan, Belinda J. Alker, Alfred Aquilina, Sarah A. Bennett, Andrew Clarke, Robert J. Dinley, Alastair G. C. Graham, Darryl R. Green, Jeffrey A. Hawkes, Laura Hepburn, Ana Hilario, Veerle A. Huvenne, Leigh Marsh, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, William D. Reid, Christopher N. Roterman, Christopher J. Sweeting, Sven Thatje, and Katrin Zwirglmaier
Dataset for: The effect of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on two ecosystem services in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Melissa Rohal, Cameron Ainsworth, Brach Lupher, Paul A. Montagna, Claire Paris-Limouzy, Natalie Perlin, Paul Mark Suprenand, and David Yoskowitz
Adaptation of the Polony Technique to Quantify Gokushovirinae, a Diverse Group of Single-stranded DNA Phage, Natalie A. Sawaya, Nava Baran, Shelby Mahank, Arvind Varsani, Debbie Lindell, and Mya Breitbart
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon-Accumulating Complexes from Autotrophic Bacteria from Extreme Environments, Sarah Schmid, Dale Chaput, Mya Breitbart, Rebecca Hines, Samantha Williams, Hunter K. Gossett, Sheila D. Parsi, Rebecca Peterson, Robert A. Whittaker, Angela Tarver, and Kathleen M. Scott
Spectrophotometric Determination of the Bicarbonate Dissociation Constant in Seawater, Katelyn M. Schockman and Robert H. Byrne
Isotopic Fingerprinting of Biogeochemical Processes and Iron Sources in the Iron-limited Surface Southern Ocean, M. Sieber, T. M. Conway, G. F. de Souza, C. S. Hassler, M. J. Ellwood, and D. Vance
A Unified Approach to HF Radar Radial Quality Control for Understanding Gulf Ocean Systems, Michael Smith, Scott Glenn, Clifford Merz, Yonggang Liu, Robert Weisberg, Lynn Shay, Stephan Howden, and Anthony Knap
Dataset for: Ciliate microzooplankton from the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, Richard A. Snyder, Joseph A. Moss, and Wade H. Jeffrey
Towards Integrated Modeling of the Long-term Impacts of Oil Spills, Helena M. Solo-Gabriele, Tom Fiddaman, Cecilie Mauritzen, Cameron Ainsworth, David M. Abramson, Igal Berenshtein, Eric P. Chassignet, Shuyi S. Chen, Robyn N. Conmy, Christa D. Court, William K. Dewar, John W. Farrington, Michael G. Feldman, Alesia C. Ferguson, Elizabeth Fetherston-Resch, Deborah French-McCay, Christine Hale, Ruoying He, Vassiliki H. Kourafalou, Kenneth Lee, Yonggang Liu, Michelle Masi, Emily S. Maung-Douglass, Steven L. Morey, Steven A. Murawski, Claire B. Paris, Natalie Perlin, Erin L. Pulster, Antonietta Quigg, Denise J. Reed, James J. Ruzicka, Paul A. Sandifer, John G. Shepherd, Burton H. Singer, Michael R. Stukel, Tracey T. Sutton, Robert H. Weisberg, Denis Wiesenburg, Charles A. Wilson, Monica Wilson, Kateryna M. Wowk, Callan Yanoff, and David Yoskowitz
Constraining Southern Ocean CO2 Flux Uncertainty Using Uncrewed Surface Vehicle Observations, A. J. Sutton, Nancy L. Williams, and B. Tilbrook
Rapid Increases and Extreme Months in Projections of United States High-tide Flooding, Philip R. Thompson, Matthew J. Widlansky, Benjamin D. Hamlington, Mark A. Merrifield, John J. Marra, Gary T. Mitchum, and William Sweet
Isotopic Characterization of Lifetime Movement by Two Demersal Fishes from the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, Julie L. Vecchio, Jenny L. Ostroff, and Ernst B. Peebles
Automatic Extraction of Sargassum Features From Sentinel-2 MSI Images, Mengqiu Wang and Chuanmin Hu
Preparedness, Planning, and Advances in Operational Response, David G. Westerholm, Cameron H. Ainsworth, Christopher H. Barker, Peter G. Brewer, John W. Farrington, Dubravko Justic, Vassiliki H. Kourafalou, Steven A. Murawsk, and Helena M. Solo-Gabriele
Diagnosis of Large-Scale, Low-Frequency Sea Level Variability in the Northeast Pacific Ocean, Yingli Zhu, Gary T. Mitchum, Philip R. Thompson, and Gary S.E. Lagerloef
Submissions from 2020
Foraging Patterns of Antarctic Minke Whales in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, David G. Ainley, Trevor W. Joyce, Ben Saenz, Robert L. Pitman, John W. Durban, Grant Ballard, Kendra Daly, and Stacy Kim
Global Oceans, Molly Baringer, Mariana B. Bif, Tim Boyer, Seth M. Bushinsky, Brendan R. Carter, Ivona Cetinić, Don P. Chambers, Lijing Cheng, Sanai Chiba, Minhan Dai, Catia M. Domingues, Shenfu Dong, Andrea J. Fassbender, Richard A. Feely, Eleanor Frajka-Williams, Bryan A. Franz, John Gilson, Gustavo Goni, Benjamin D. Hamlington, Zeng-Zhen Hu, Boyin Huang, Masayoshi Ishii, Svetlana Jevrejeva, William E. Johns, Gregory C. Johnson, Kenneth S. Johnson, Marion Kersalé, Rachel E. Killick, Peter Landschützer, and Matthias Lankhorst
Geospatial Simulations of Airborne Ice-penetrating Radar Surveying Reveal Elevation Under-measurement Bias for Ice-sheet Bed Topography, Oliver T. Bartlett, Steven J. Palmer, Dustin M. Schroeder, Emma J. MacKie, Timothy T. Barrows, and Alastair G. Graham
Responses of Reef Bioindicators to Recent Temperature Anomalies in Distinct Areas of the North Ari and Rasdhoo Atolls (Maldives), V. Beccari, S. Spezzaferri, S. Stainbank, Pamela Hallock, D. Basso, A. Caragnano, C. Pisapia, A. Adams, A. Angeloz, and N. Del Piero
Invisible Oil Beyond the Deepwater Horizon Satellite Footprint, Igal Berenshtein, Claire B. Paris, Natalie Perlin, Matthew M. Alloy, Samantha B. Joye, and Steven Murawski
Thermal Range and Physiological Tolerance Mechanisms in Two Shark Species from the Northwest Atlantic, Abigail B. Bockus, Christopher J. LaBreck, Jodi L. Camberg, Jeremy S. Collie, and Brad A. Seibel
Increasing Rates of Carbon Burial in Southwest Florida Coastal Wetlands, Joshua L. Breithaupt, Joseph M. Smoak, Thomas S. Bianchi, Derrick R. Vaughn, Christian J. Sanders, Kara R. Radabaugh, Michael J. Osland, Laura C. Feher, James C. Lynch, Donald R. Cahoon, Gordon H. Anderson, Kevin R.T. Whelan, Brad E. Rosenheim, Ryan P. Moyer, and Lisa G. Chambers
Characterizing Benthic Habitats in Two Marine Protected Areas on the West Florida Shelf, Jennifer L. Brizzolara, Sarah E. Grasty, Alex R. Ilich, John W. Gray, David F. Naar, and Steven A. Murawski
West Florida Shelf Pipeline Serves as Sea Turtle Benthic Habitat Based on in Situ Towed Camera Observations, Heather A. Broadbent, Sarah E. Grasty, Robert F. Hardy, Margaret M. Lamont, Kristen M. Hart, Chad Lembke, Jennifer L. Brizzolara, and Steven Murawski
Importance of Wind and Meltwater for Observed Chemical and Physical Changes in the Southern Ocean, Ben Bronselaer, Joellen L. Russell, Michael Winton, Nancy L. Williams, Robert M. Key, John P. Dunne, Richard A. Feely, Kenneth S. Johnson, and Jorge L. Sarmiento
Photographs of sediment cores collected aboard R/V Weatherbird II cruises WB-0717 and WB-1217 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-07-19 to 2017-12-05, Gregg R. Brooks and Rebekka A. Larson
The Science Behind Marine-oil Snow and MOSSFA: Past, Present, and Future, Adrian B. Burd, Jeffrey P. Chanton, Kendra L. Daly, Sherryl Gilbert, Uta Passow, and Antonietta Quigg
Revealing the Intensity of Turbulent Energy Transfer in Planetary Atmospheres, Simon Cabanes, Stefania Espa, Boris Galperin, Roland M. Young, and Peter L. Read
Dataset for: Natural and anthropogenic oil impacts on benthic foraminifera in the southern Gulf of Mexico, Maria Luisa Machain Castillo
Altered Tropical Seascapes Influence Patterns of Fish Assemblage and Ecological Functions in the Western Indian Ocean, D. H. Chacin, C. D. Stallings, M. Eggertsen, C. Åkerlund, C. Halling, and C. Berkström