Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started
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Submissions from 2022
Using Caregiver Strain to Predict Participation in a Peer-Support Intervention for Parents of Children With Emotional or Behavioral Needs, Kristin L. Hurley, Stacy-Ann A. January, and Matthew C. Lambert
Supporting Parents and Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Rural Settings: Administrator Perspectives, Jacqueline Huscroft-D’Angelo, Stacy-Ann A. January, and Kristin L. Hurley
Technical Adequacy and Acceptability of Curriculum-Based Measurement and the Measures of Academic Progress, Stacy-Ann A. January and Scott P. Ardoin
Students at Enrollment Into Community-Based Systems of Care: Characteristics and Predictors of Functioning in School, Stacy-Ann A. January, Matthew C. Lambert, Michael H. Epstein, Mary Spooner, and Tesfayi Gebreselassie
Geographic Accessibility to Health Facilities Predicts Uptake of Community-based Tuberculosis Screening in an Urban Setting, Helen E. Jenkins, Sally Ayuk, Daniela Puma, Meredith B. Brooks, Ana Karina Millones, Judith Jimenez, Leonid Lecca, Jerome T. Galea, Mercedes Becerra, Salmaan Keshavjee, and Courtney M. Yuen
Status, Change, and Futures of Zooplankton in the Southern Ocean, Nadine M. Johnston, Eugene J. Murphy, Angus Atkinson, Andrew J. Constable, Cédric Cotté, Martin Cox, Kendra L. Daly, Ryan Driscoll, Hauke Flores, Svenja Halfter, Natasha Henschke, Simeon L. Hill, Juan Höfer, Brian P. Hunt, So Kawaguchi, Dhugal Lindsay, Cecilia Liszka, Valerie Loeb, Clara Manno, Bettina Meyer, Evgeny A. Pakhomov, Matthew H. Pinkerton, Christian S. Reiss, Kate Richerson, Walker O. Jr., Deborah K. Steinberg, Kerrie M. Swadling, Geraint A. Tarling, Sally E. Thorpe, Devi Veytia, Peter Ward, Christine K. Weldrick, and Guang Yang
Cell Towers have Come to Symbolize Our Deep Collective Anxieties, Steven E. Jones
Response: In and Out of the Game, as Usual, Steven E. Jones
Teaching Engineering Ethics through Storytelling, Megan Kenny Feister, Patrice M. Buzzanell, and Carla B. Zoltowski
A Hyperactive End to the Atlantic Hurricane Season October–November 2020, Philip J. Klotzbach, Kimberly M. Wood, Michael M. Bell, Eric S. Blake, Steven G. Bowen, Louis-Philippe Caron, Jennifer M. Collins, Ethan J. Gibney, Carl J. Schreck III, and Ryan E. Truchelut
Implementing Diversity Training Targeting Faculty Microaggressions and Inclusion: Practical Insights and Initial Findings, Ellen Ernst Kossek, Patrice M. Buzzanell, Brittany J. Wright, Cassondra Batz-Barbarich, Amy C. Moors, Charlene Sullivan, Klod Kokini, Andrew S. Hirsch, Kayla Maxey, and Ankita Nikalje
Conversational Artificial Intelligence: A New Approach for Increasing Influenza Vaccination Rates in Children with Asthma?, K. Krupp, J. Galea, P. Madhivanan, and L. Gerald
Development and Validation of a Culturally Adapted Measure of Communication Resilience Processes for Chinese Contexts, Kai Kuang, Steven R. Wilson, Zhenyu Tian, and Patrice M. Buzzanell
Kielellisten vaikeuksien riski- ja suojaavat tekijät (Risk and Protective Factors for Developmental Language Disorder), M. Laasonen and Ji Sook Park
Impact of Model Choice in Predicting Urban Forest Storm Damage When Data is Uncertain, Casey Lambert, Shawn Landry, Michael G. Andreu, Andrew Koeser, Gregory Starr, and Christina Staudhammer
The Role of Parental Involvement in Narrowing the Academic Achievement Gap for High School Students With Elevated Emotional and Behavioral Risks, Matthew C. Lambert, Kristin Hurley, Stacy-Ann January, and Jacqueline Huscroft D’Angelo
Comparing Behavioral and Emotional Strengths of Students With and Without Emotional Disturbance, Matthew C. Lambert, Stacy-Ann A. January, Jorge E. Gonzalez, Michael H. Epstein, and Jodie Martin
Latent Structure of Scores From the Emotional and Behavioral Screener, Matthew C. Lambert, Stacy-Ann A. January, and Corey D. Pierce
Media and minority children, Diana Leon-Boys, Michelle M. Rivera, and Angharad N. Valdivia
The Future of Sociology: Ideology or Objective Social Science?, Robert Leroux, Thierry Martin, and Stephen Turner
Analysing Economic Costs of Invasive Alien Species with the Invacost R Package, Boris Leroy, Andrew M. Kramer, Anne-Charlotte Vaissière, Melina Kourantidou, Franck Courchamp, and Christophe Diagne
Analysing Economic Costs of Invasive Alien Species with the Invacost r Package, Boris Leroy, Andrew M. Kramer, Anne-Charlotte Vaissière, Melina Kourantidou, Franck Courchamp, and Christophe Diagne
Boron Isotopes in Boninites Document Rapid Changes in Slab Inputs during Subduction Initiation, Hong-Yan Li, Xiang Li, Jeffrey G. Ryan, Chao Zhang, and Yi-Gang Xu
Considerations for Partnering with Ryan White Case Managers to Create Equitable Opportunities for People with HIV to Participate in Research, Elizabeth Lockhart, DeAnne Turner, Jerome T. Galea, and Stephanie L. Marhefka
Pivoting Multiple Liminalities in Working Parenthood: Communicative Negotiations of Permanent, Transitional, and Limbo Liminalities, Ziyu Long, Patrice M. Buzzanell, and Abigail S. King
Coastal Cities in the Southern US Floodplains: An Evaluation of Environmental Equity of Flood Hazards and Social Vulnerabilities, Lubana Tasnim Mazumder, Shawn Landry, and Kamal Alsharif
Changing Demographics and the Environmental Equity of Coastal Floodplain in Tampa, Florida, Lubana Tasnim Mazumder, Shawn Landry, Kamal Alsharif, and Michael K. Eduful
Cenozoic History of Antarctic Glaciation and Climate from Onshore and Offshore Studies, Robert M. McKay, Carlota Escutia, Laura De Santis, Federica Donda, Bella Duncan, Karsten Gohl, Sean Gulick, Javier Hernández-Molina, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Katharina Hochmuth, Sookwan Kim, Gerhard Kuhn, Robert Larter, German Leitchenkov, Richard H. Levy, Tim R. Naish, Phil O’Brien, Lara F. Pérez, Amelia E. Shevenell, and Trevor Williams
Engaging the Community to Effectively Plan and Implement Community-Based Mental Health Programs, Roxann McNeish, Alexandra Albizu-Jacob, and Casey Memmoli
Spatial Variation of Subduction Zone Fluids during Progressive Subduction: Insights from Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes, Catriona D. Menzies, Roy E. Price, Jeffrey Ryan, Olivier Sissmann, Ken Takai, and C. Geoffrey Wheat
Multi-proxy Characterization of Storm Deposits on Sanibel Island, Florida: A Modern Analog for Paleotempestology, Joanne Muller, Christian Ercolani, Jennifer Collins, and Shelby Ellis
How Social Media Gives Black NBA Athletes a Platform to Rally Around Racial Injustice During the #BlackLivesMatter Movement, Teveraishe Mushayamunda and Mildred F. Perreault
Feasibility of a School-based Mental Health Program Implementation to Improve the Status of Depression and Quality of Life of Mothers of Children with Autism spectrum Disorders in Urban Bangladesh: MENTHOL Study, Aliya Naheed, Saimul Islam, Meredith B. Brooks, Mary C. Smith Fawzi, Mir Nabila Ashraf, Helal Uddin Ahmed, M. M. Jalal Uddin, Kamrun Nahar Koly, Jerome T. Galea, Shaheen Akhter, Charles Nelson, Saima Wazed Hossain, and Kerim M. Munir
Queer Marketing, Who is it Really For?: Identifying a Strategy for Authentic Approaches to LGBTQ+ Branded Messages, Becky Parsons and Mildred F. Perreault
Early and Middle Miocene Ice Sheet Dynamics in the Ross Sea: Results from Integrated Core-log-seismic Interpretation, Lara F. Pérez, Laura De Santis, Robert M. McKay, Robert D. Larter, Jeanine Ash, Phil J. Bart, Gualtiero Böhm, Giuseppe Brancatelli, Imogen Browne, Florence Colleoni, Justin P. Dodd, Riccardo Geletti, David M. Harwood, Gerhard Kuhn, Jan Sverre Laberg, R. Mark Leckie, Richard H. Levy, James Marschalek, Zenon Mateo, Timothy R. Naish, Francesca Sangiorgi, Amelia E. Shevenell, Christopher C. Sorlien, and Tina van de Flierdt
Metajournalistic Discourse and Reporting Policies on White Nationalism, Gregory Perreault and Kimberly Meltzer
Gatekeeping, Gregory P. Perreault
News After Trump: Journalism’s Crisis of Relevance in a Changed Media Culture, Gregory P. Perreault
Religion Journalism, Gregory P. Perreault
The Lifestyle of Lifestyle Journalism: How Reporters Discursively Manage Their Aspirations in Their Daily Work, Gregory P. Perreault and Valerie Harlow Belair-Gagnon
Towards a “Digital” Sports Journalism: Field Theory, Changing Boundaries and Evolving Technologies, Gregory P. Perreault and Travis R. Bell
Demystifying The Fulbright Scholarly Experience, Gregory P. Perreault and Daniela V. Dimitrova
Field Insurgency in Lifestyle Journalism: How Lifestyle Journalists Marginalize Instagram Influencers and Protect Their Autonomy, Gregory P. Perreault and Folker Hanusch
Covering Hate: Field Theory and Journalistic Role Conception in Reporting on White Nationalist Rallies, Gregory P. Perreault, Brett Johnson, and Leslie Klein
Discourse of Gaming: A Conceptual Framework of Gaming as an Interpretive Community, Gregory P. Perreault and Teresa Lynch
Metajournalistic Discourse and Reporting Policies on White Nationalism, Gregory P. Perreault and Kimberly Meltzer
When Journalists are Voiceless: How Lifestyle Journalists Cover Hate and Mitigate Harassment, Gregory P. Perreault and Kaitlin Miller
“It’s Not Hate But … ”: Marginal Categories in Rural Journalism, Gregory P. Perreault, Ruth Moon, Jessica Fargen Walsh, and Mildred F. Perreault
What is Sports Journalism? How COVID-19 Accelerated a Redefining of U.S. Sports Reporting, Gregory P. Perreault and Daniel Nölleke
Metajournalistic Discourse as a Stabilizer Within The Journalistic Field: Journalistic Practice in The Covid-19 Pandemic, Gregory P. Perreault, Mildred F. Perreault, and Phoebe Maares
“Every Four Years we Shoot Ourselves in the Foot”: Should News Outlets still Endorse Political Candidates?, Greg P. Perreault and Volha Kananovich
Snapchat, Mildred F. Perreault
Pepper Potts: Partner, Professional, CEO and Superhero in Performance, Mildred F. Perreault and Gregory P. Perreault
What Does It Mean to Be a Female Character in “Indie” Game Storytelling? Narrative Framing and Humanization in Independently Developed Video Games, Mildred F. Perreault, Gregory P. Perreault, and Andrea Suarez
Attitudes Toward Payment for Research Participation: Results from a U.S. Survey of People Living with HIV, Andrea N. Polonijo, Karine Dubé, Jerome T. Galea, Karah Yeona Greene, Jeff Taylor, Christopher Christensen, and Brandon Brown
Impact of Prolonged Isolation on Adolescents with Drug-susceptible Tuberculosis in Lima, Peru: a Qualitative Study, Victoria Elena Rapoport, Elmer Altamirano, Liz Senador, Milagros Wong, Catherine B. Beckhorn, Julia Coit, Stephanie D. Roche, Leonid Lecca, Jerome T. Galea, and Silvia S. Chiang
The Magnitude, Diversity, and Distribution of the Economic Costs of Invasive Terrestrial Invertebrates Worldwide, David Renault, Elena Angulo, Ross N. Cuthbert, Phillip J. Haubrock, César Capinha, Alok Bang, Andrew M. Kramer, and Franck Courchamp
The Mask Makers: How Women in Appalachia Were Empowered through Sewing during the COVID-19 Response, Melanie B. Richards and Mildred F. Perreault
Student Understandings of Career and Gainful Employment: a Critique of US Educational Policy Using Structurating Activity Theory, Shelly L. Robinson and Patrice M. Buzzanell
Geodetic Applications to Geomorphology, Mel Rodgers, Fanghui Deng, Timothy H. Dixon, Craig L. Glennie, Mike R. James, Rocco Malservisi, Robert Van Alphen, and Surui Xie
Freshwater Macrophytes Harbor Viruses Representing All Five Major Phyla of the RNA Viral Kingdom Orthornavirae, Karyna Rosario, Noémi Van Bogaert, Natalia B. López-Figueroa, Haris Paliogiannis, Mason Kerr, and Mya Breitbart
From Surviving to Thriving the Current Status of the Behavioral, Social, and Psychological Issues of Aging with HIV, Erik L. Ruiz, Karah Y. Greene, Jerome T. Galea, and Brandon Brown
Teaching Ethnographic Methods: The State of the Art, Alissa Ruth, Katherine Mayfour, Jessica Hardin, Thurka Sangaramoorthy, Amber Wutich, H. Russell Bernard, Alexandra Brewis, Melissa Beresford, Cindi SturtzSreetharan, Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy, H. J. François Dengah II, Clarence C. Gravlee, Greg Guest, Krista Harper, Pardis Mahdavi, Siobhán M. Mattison, Mark Moritz, Rosalyn Negrón, Barbara A. Piperata, Jeffrey G. Snodgrass, and Rebecca K. Zarger
Virtualizing Undergraduate Research in the Geosciences: Freely Available Geospatial Data Resources and Strategies for Their Use, Jeffrey G. Ryan
Perceptions Towards Integrated Care Through the Narrative of Practicing Social Workers and Psychologists in PHC: a Cross-case Analysis, Nadezhda Ryapolova, Jerome T. Galea, and Karah Yeona Greene
The Legacy of Hurricanes, Historic Land Cover, and Municipal Ordinances on Urban Tree Canopy in Florida (United States), Allyson B. Salisbury, Andrew K. Koeser, Richard J. Hauer, Deborah R. Hilbert, Amr H. Abd-Elrahman, Michael G. Andreu, Katie Britt, Shawn Landry, Mary G. Lusk, Jason W. Miesbauer, and Hunter Thorn
Petrologic Evolution of Boninite Lavas from the IBM Fore-arc, IODP Expedition 352: Evidence for Open-system Processes During Early Subduction Zone Magmatism, Jesse L. Scholpp, Jeffrey G. Ryan, John W. Shervais, Ciprian Stremtan, Martin Rittner, Antonio Luna, Stephen A. Hill, Zachary D. Atlas, and Bradford C. Mack
Unique thermal sensitivity imposes a cold-water energetic barrier for vertical migrators, Brad Seibel and Matthew A. Birk
Sediment Chronology in Antarctic Deglacial Sediments: Reconciling Organic Carbon 14C Ages to Carbonate 14C Ages Using Ramped PyrOx, Cristina Subt, Kimberly A. Fangman, Julia S. Wellner, and Brad E. Rosenheim
The Open-Ocean Gulf of Mexico After Deepwater Horizon: Synthesis of a Decade of Research, Tracey T. Sutton, Rosanna J. Milligan, Kendra Daly, Kevin M. Boswell, April B. Cook, Maëlle Cornic, Tamara Frank, Kaitlin Frasier, Daniel Hahn, Frank Hernandez, John Hildebrand, Chuanmin Hu, Matthew W. Johnston, Samantha B. Joye, Heather Judkins, Jon A. Moore, Steven A. Murawski, Nina M. Pruzinsky, John A. Quinlan, Andrew Remsen, Kelly L. Robinson, Isabel C. Romero, Jay R. Rooker, Michael Vecchione, and R. J. Wells
Evaluating the Criterion Validity and Classification Accuracy of Universal Screening Measures in Reading, Asia S. Thomas and Stacy-Ann A. January
PHIP Variants Associated with Chung–jansen Syndrome Disrupt Replication Fork Stability and Genome Integrity, Neysha Tirado-Class, Caitlin Hathaway, Wendy K. Chung, and Huzefa Dungrawala
Integrative Review on Contact-Based Interventions to Address LGBTQ+ Related Stigma, Jennifer T. Tran, Vivian K. Mills, Cassidy Bolton, B. Michelle Wilks, Jerome T. Galea, and Kristin A. Kosyluk
Bulmer and the Historical Sensibility, Stephen Turner
Curation: The Digital World of Manipulated Experience, Stephen Turner
Naturalizing Kögler, Stephen Turner
Progress in Sociology?, Stephen Turner
Science without the Romance, Stephen Turner
The Two Parts of Sociological Objectivity, Stephen Turner
Two Paths from Neo-Kantianism, Two Political Consequences, Stephen Turner
“The Heart Has Its Reasons”: Elizabeth II and the Post-colonial Response, Stephen Turner and Edward Kissi
Kelsen in American Political Theory, Stephen Park Turner
Using Digital Chatbots to Close Gaps in Healthcare Access During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Christine Tzelios, C. Contreras, B. Istenes, A. Astupillo, Leonid Lecca, L. Ramos, K. Roca, Jerome T. Galea, M. Tovar, C. D. Mitnick, and J. Peinado
Community-based Accompaniment for Adolescents Transitioning to Adult HIV Care in Urban Peru: a Pilot Study, Valentina Vargas, Milagros Wong, Carly A. Rodriguez, Hugo Sanchez, Jerome T. Galea, Alicia Ramos, Liz Senador, Lenka Kolevic, Eduardo Matos, Eduardo Sanchez, Renato A. Errea, Karen Ramos, Catherine Beckhorn, Andrew Lindeborg, Carlos Benites, Leonid Lecca, Sonya Shin, and Molly F. Franke
“Well, I’m Going to Have a Baby”: Navigating Safety, Stakeholders, and Strategy in Workplace Pregnancy Disclosures, China Billotte Verhoff and Patrice M. Buzzanell
Land Reversion and Zoonotic Spillover Risk, John E. Vinson, Nicole L. Gottdenker, Luis Fernando Chaves, RajReni B. Kaul, Andrew M. Kramer, John M. Drake, and Richard J. Hall
Developing Survey Methods for Collecting Individual Policy Narratives: A Case Study of Climate Change Narratives Using an Engaged Convenience Sample, Wesley Wehde and Mildred F. Perreault
Under the Surface: Pressure-Induced Planetary-Scale Waves, Volcanic Lightning, and Gaseous Clouds Caused by the Submarine Eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Volcano Provide an Excellent Research Opportunity, David A. Yuen, Melissa A. Scruggs, Frank J. Spera, Yingcai Zheng, Hao Hu, Stephen R. McNutt, Glenn Thompson, Kyle Mandli, Barry R. Keller, Songqiao Shawn Wei, Zhigang Peng, Zili Zhou, Francesco Mulargia, and Yuichiro Tanioka
The Response of Hurricane Inland Penetration to the Nearshore Translation Speed, Yi-Jie Zhu and Jennifer M. Collins
Hurricane Ida (2021): Rapid Intensification Followed by Slow Inland Decay, Yi-Jie Zhu, Jennifer M. Collins, Philip J. Klotzbach, and Carl J. Schreck III
Submissions from 2021
The Rigidity of the Western Arabian Margin: Extensional Strain Rate Field from GPS Networks, Thamer Aldaajani, Kevin Furlong, and Rocco Malservisi
What Is Happening Here? Re-imagining Feminist Communication and Media Work amid a Global Pandemic, Ingrid Bachmann, Patrice M. Buzzanell, Carolyn M. Byerly, Meenakshi Gigi Durham, Stine Eckert, Radha Sarma Hegde, Dafna Lemish, Lana F. Rakow, Karen Ross, Radhika Parameswaran, H. Leslie Steeves, Linda Steiner, and Angharad N. Valdivia
Sensitivity of Satellite Ocean Color Data to System Vicarious Calibration of the Long Near Infrared Band, Brian B. Barnes, Chuanmin Hu, Sean W. Bailey, and Bryan A. Franz
Global COVID-19 Lockdown Highlights Humans as Both Threats and Custodians of the Environment, Amanda E. Bates, Richard B. Primack, Brandy S. Biggar, Tomas J. Bird, Mary E. Clinton, Rylan J. Command, Cerren Richards, Marc Shellard, Nathan R. Geraldi, Valeria Vergara, Christopher Stallings, Joseph S. Curtis, Meaghan E. Faletti, Jonathan A. Peake, Michael J. Schram, and Kara Wall
Adequately Reflecting the Severity of Tropical Cyclones Using the New Tropical Cyclone Severity Scale, Nadia Bloemendaal, Hans de Moel, Jantsje M. Mol, Priscilla R.M. Bosma, Amy Polen, and Jennifer M. Collins
Microviridae, Mya Breitbart and Bentley A. Fane
Prediction Tool to Identify Children at Highest Risk of Tuberculosis Disease Progression Among Those Exposed at Home, Meredith B. Brooks, Leonid Lecca, Carmen Contreras, Roger Calderon, Rosa Yataco, Jerome Galea, Chuan-Chin Huang, Megan B. Murray, and Mercedes C. Becerra
Comparing Payments Between Sociobehavioral and Biomedical Studies in a Large Research University in Southern California, Brandon Brown, Logan Marg, Emily Michels, Zhiwei Zhang, Dario Kuzmanović, Karine Dubé, and Jerome T. Galea
Qigong Mind-Body Program for Caregivers of Cancer Patients: Design of a Pilot Three-Arm Randomized Clinical Trial, Pinky Budhrani-Shani, Kristin Raeesi, Eli Walter, Kai Lewis, Wanyi Wang, Lorenzo Cohen, Gloria Y. Yeh, Cecile A. Lengacher, and Peter M. Wayne