Dataset Authors

Anusha L. Dissanayake


The Texas A&M Oil spill (Outfall) Calculator (TAMOC) is a numerical model for simulating the physical, chemical, and thermodynamic behavior of petroleum fluids released from an accidental oil well blowout. The fate of oil in the ocean water column depends on the release conditions, the initial oil droplet and gas bubble size distributions, and the chemical composition of the released oil. This dataset contains a set of sensitivity runs of the TAMOC suite in which one of the initial conditions is changed in order to understand the effect of that initial condition on the overall model simulation. Conditions that were varied in the sensitivity analysis include varying the chemical processes associated with dispersed phases in the plume and the oil and gas composition.



The dataset contains the output from the Texas A&M Oil spill Calculator (TAMOC) model simulations carried out with variable input data.

Supplemental Information

Beta, thermal expansion coefficient, (m/s); calc_delta, Calculate delta (-1: false, 1: true), (boolean); cj, Discharge tracer concentration, (nondimensional); co, isothermal compressibility coefficient, (Pa^(-1)); delta_groups, group contribution method delta groups, (nondimensional); depth, Initial depth below the water surface, (m); diameter, Orifice diameter, (m); dt_max, Simulation maximum duration, (s); extern_data, External chem database (0: false, 1: true), (boolean); fdis, dissolution criteria, (nondimensional); fp_type, fluid phase (0: gas, 1: liquid, 2: solid), (nondimensional); gamma, API Gravity, (deg API); isair, fluid is air (0: false, 1: true), (boolean); iscompressible, Compressibility (0: false, 1: true), (boolean); isfluid, Fluid status (0: false, 1: true), (boolean); issoluble, solubility (0: false, 1: true), (boolean); K, mass transfer reduction factor, (nondimensional); K_T, heat transfer reduction factor, (nondimensional); m0, initial mass flux, (kg/s); P, ambient pressure at the release point, (Pa); particle_type, dispersed_phases Particle type, (0: Single, 1:Plume, 2:Bent plume particle); phi_0, Discharge vertical angle to horizontal, (rad); q, Lagranian plume model state space, (variable); rho_p, particle density, (kg/m^3); Sa, ambient salinity at the release point, (psu); sd_max, Maximum distance along centerline s/D, (nondimensional); sigma_correction, interfacial tension reduction factor (--), (nondimensional); Sj, Discharge salinity, (psu); T0, initial temperature, (K); Ta, ambient temperature at the release point, (K); theta_0, Discharge horizontal angle to x-axis, (rad); time, time along the plume centerline, (s); Tj, Discharge temperature, (K); track, SBM Status (0: false, 1: true), (boolean); Vj, Discharge velocity, (m/s); x0, Initial value of the x-coordinate, (m); y0, Initial value of the y-coordinate, (m).|The data presented is the output from the Texas A&M Oil spill/Outfall Calculator (TAMOC) model simulations carried out with variable input data used. The scripts with variable input data used to run the simulations are provided within the data set. The data set also includes a Readme.txt file with the description of different scripts, input and output data created.||||


Datasets were created to do a sensitivity analysis of the Texas A&M Oil spill Calculator (TAMOC) model.


Oil and Gas, Texas A&M Oil spill Calculator, TAMOC Model, oil spill, sensitivity analysis, near field plume




June 2021

Point of Contact


Scott A. Socolofsky


Texas A&M University / Zachry Department of Civil Engineering


Anusha Dissanayake


Texas A&M University / Zachry Department of Civil Engineering

Funding Source




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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 License.
