This collection includes articles associated with the Karst Information Portal
Submissions from 1971
Note on Lepidoptera from Bulgarian caves, Andrzej Skalski
Occurrence of a new genus of troglobitic Nicoletiidae (Ins., Thysanura) in Mexico, J. Paclt
Preference responses and tolerances of the troglobitic carabid beetle, Rhadine subterranea, Robert W. Mitchell
Preliminary bibliography of Mexican cave biology, with a checklist of published records Association for Mexican Cave Studies bulletin, Vol. 3, 1971, James Russell Reddell
Prohibición de la danza del Tigre en Tamulte, Tabasco, en 1631, Carlos Navarrete
Quaire nouvelles Bathynella (Crustacea, Syncarida) de Roumanie: de nouveau sur le «Dilemme Bathynella natans Vejd», Eugène Serban
Religion in Pre-Hispanic Central Mexico, Henry B. Nicholson
Review of: Balankanche: Throne of the Tiger Priest, E. Wyllys Andrews III
Stenasellus skopljensis thermalis ssp.n. (Crustacea, Isopoda) d'une source chaude en Bosnie, Milan Meštrov and Romana Lattinger-Penko University of Zagreb
Studies on the biology of oligochaetes from the phreatic water of an exposed gravel bed, Michael Ladle
The invertebrate fauna of Texas caves, R. W. Mitchell and J. R. Reddell
The microclimate in Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, J. S. McLean
The Pottery of Mayapan: Including Studies of Ceramic Material from Uxmal, Kabah, and Chichen Itza, Robert Eliot Smith
The subterranean fauna associated with the blind Palaemonid prawn Typhlocaris galilea Calman, Moshe Tsurnamal and Francis Dov Por
Trichoniscoides saeroeensis Lohmander, an Isopod Crustacean new to the British fauna, Edith M. Sheppard
Wilderness Resources in Mammoth Cave National Park : A Regional Approach
ПЕЩЕРЫ ВЫП. 10-11, 1971, G. A. Maksimovich
Submissions from 1970
Acta carsologica, Volume V, February 2, 1970, Srečko Brodar
Balankanche, throne of the tiger priest, E. W. Andrews
Culto en las Cuevas de Cuautlapa en el Siglo XVIII, Hilberto Martínez and Luis Reyes Garcia
Cutting the Hour, Tugrul Uke
Ear Movements in a Hipposiderid Bat, J. D. Pye and L. H. Roberts
El Campeche Desconocido, Luis Alvarez Barret
Etnológo y folklorista Altaverapacense, Marco Aurelio Alonso
Evaluation and application of dye tracing in karst terrain, Milton Frank Bradley
Huichol Ceremonial Reuse of a Fluted Point, Phil C. Weigand
Olmec Jaguars and Olmec Kings, Elizabeth P. Benson
Stories of a Mixteco Town, Avendaño Lucio
The Central Kentucky Karst, William B. White, Richard A. Watson, and E. R. Pohl
The Central Kentucky Karst, William B. White, Richard A. Watson, E. R. Pohl, and Roger Brucker
The Ceremony of Tsikul T'an Ti' Yuntsiloob at Balankanche, Edward W. Andrews
The hydro-mechanics of the ground water system in the southern portion of the Kaibab plateau, Arizona, P. W. Huntoon
The Olmec Paintings of Oxtotitlan Cave, Guerrero, Mexico, David C. Grove
The Terrestrial Arthropod Fauna of Florida Caves, Stewart B. Peck
Treasure Hunts in the Highlands of Chiapas., Timothy Rush
ПЕЩЕРЫ ВЫП. 8-9, 1966, G. A. Maksimovich
Submissions from 1969
5.Internationaler Kongress für Speläologie. Abhandlungen. Band 6: Sektion, Dokumentation , Höhlentouristik, International Speleological Congress
Association of Mexican Cave Studies Newsletter, Volume 3, No. 2, December 1969, Terry W. Raines
Criteria Useful in Interpreting Environments of Unlike But Time-Equivalent Carbonate Units (Tansill-Capitan-Lamar), Capitan Reef Complex, West Texas and New Mexico, Willis W. Tyrrell Jr.
Cuevas Secas del Rio La Venta, Chiapas: Informe Preliminar, Instituto de Antropología e Historia (Guatemala)
Ein Lakandonischer Gottesdienst in der Höhle des Gottes Tsibaná am Heiligen See von Mensabok, Jarslaw Theodore Petryshyn
Gambusia georgei sp. nov. from San Marcos, Texas, Clark Hubbs and Alex E. Peden
History of the Redwall Limestone of Northern Arizona, Edwin D. McKee and Raymond C. Gutschick
Indian Notes and Monographs, William Lannik, Raymond L. Palm, and Marsha P. Takton
Ixil Country: A Plural Society in Highland Guatemala, Benjamin N. Colby and Pierre L. Van den Berghe
Los "Dueños de Agua" en Tlaxcalancingo, Mercedes Olivera de Vázquez
Los Pamas Bajos de la Sierra Madre Occidental, Margarita Nolasco Armas
Microecosystems in Lehman Cave, Nevada, N. Stark
New Permian Brachiopods from West Texas, G. A. Cooper and Richard E. Grant
Olmec Cave Paintings: Discovery from Guerrero, Mexico, David C. Grove
Paper Figures and Folk Medicine Among the San Pablito Otomi, William Lannik, Raymond L. Palm, and Marsha P. Tatkon
Representaciones Fálicas de EhécatlQuetzalcóatl en el Centro de Vera Cruz, Lorenzo Ocho Salas
Sacalum, Yucatán: A Pre-Hispanic and Contemporary Source of Attapulgite, W. J. Folan
Techniques for the tracing of subterranean drainage, P. Drew and David Ingle Smith
The Cave Environment, Thomas L. Poulson and William B. White
The Huastec, Robert M. Lauglin
The Lacandon, Gertrude Derby and Frans Blom
The Mazatec, Roberto J. Weitlaner and Walter A. Hoppe
The Mixe, Zoque, and Popoluca, George M. Foster
The Mixtec, Robert Ravicz and Kimball Romney
The Nahua, William Madsen
The Otomi, Leonardo C. Manrique
The Prehistory of Actun Balam, British Honduras, David M. Pendergast
The Problem of Olmec Influence in the Pottery of Western Honduras, K. Renner
The Tojolabal, Robert Montagu
The Trique of Oaxaca, Laura Nader
ОСНОВЫ КАРСТОВЕДЕНИЯ. ТОМ II Вопросы гидрогеологии карста, реки и озера карстовых районов, карст мела, гидротермокарст (учебное пособие), G. A. Maksimovich
Submissions from 1968
Agasajo a los Espíritus en una Comunidad de Indígenas Mayances, June Nash
Algunos Titulos del Archivo General del Gobierno de Guatemala, Mario M. Crespo
An analytical study of air circulation in caves, Arrigo A. Cigna
A propos de Troglobies vivant dans les eaux d'une mine de fer de Lorraine, Jean-Paul Henry and Claude Marvillet
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der cavernicolen Antroleucosomiden (Diplopoda, Ascospermophora), Ionel Tabacaru
Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
Calcium Carbonate Content of Karst Water in relation to Flow-through Time, A. F. Pitty
Chalcatzingo, Morelos, Mexico: A Reappraisal of the Olmec Rock Carvings, David C. Grove
Compte-rendu de la Conférence Internationale de Spéléologie et de Karstologie d'Istanbul (24 sept.-14 oct. 1964), Paul Fenelon
Die präklassischen Pyramiden von Totimehuacan, Puebla (Mexico), Bodo Spranz
Dos deidades de las agues modeladas en resina de arbol, Carlos Navarrete
Dos Deidados de las Aguas Modeladas en Resina de Arbol., Carlos Navarrete
Ecological studies in the Mammoth Cave system of Kentucky, Thomas C. Barr Jr.
Etude du comportement de l'homme en milieu souterrain (Bilan de cinq experimentations), Pierre Saumande
Evaluation and application of dye tracing in a karst terrain, James William Scanlan
Exploraciones del Cenote de Chichén Itzá: 1967-68. Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Román Piña Chán
Food and feeding habits of the troglobitic carabid beetle Rhadine subterranea, Robert W. Mitchell
Food and feeding habits of the troglobitic carabid beetle Rhadine subterranea, Robert W. Mitchell
Four Maya Pottery Vessels from British Honduras, David M. Pendergast
Los Lacandones: Sus Dioses, Ritos y Creencias Religiosas. America Indígena, Alfonso Villa Rojas
Los que trabajan con el tiempo. Notas etnográficas sobre los graniceros de la Sierra Nevada de México, G. Bonfil Batalla
Magia y Cacería entre los Nahas de la Sierra de Hidalgo, José de Jesús Montoya Briones
Maya Cave Discoveries, Russell H. Gurnee, Ward Randol, A. Richard Smith, and Richard Gould
Ökologie, Systematik und Verbreitung zweier in Norddeutschland sympatrisch lebender Bathynella-Arten (Crustacea, Syncarida), Siegfried Husmann
On a new species of earthworm from a Mexican cave, Gordon Gates
Sótano de las Golondrinas Association for Mexican Cave Studies bulletin, Vol. 2, 1968
Sur quelques Collemboles cavernicoles de Roumanie, Magdalena Gruia
Sur une nouvelle sous-espèce de Niphargus jovanovici Karaman (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridae) de Dijon, France, François Graf and Milan Straškraba
The Evolution of Paleolithic Art, André Leroi-Gourhan
Titulo de los señores de Sacapulas, René Acuña