Two explorations of the galleries of the Orne-Pauline iron mine at Moyeuvre-Grande (Moselle), made one year apart, resulted in the collection on each occasion of varied and abundant material (5 spp. of peracarid crustaceans and a worm) of aquatic troglobites: 3 spp. of Niphargus, one of which is new to Lorraine (N. kochianus kochianus), 2 spp. of isopods, Asellus cavaticus and Caecosphaeroma burgundum (for which this is the northernmost locality), and finally a local form of Dendrocoelides collini.
Recommended Citation
Henry, Jean-Paul and Claude Marvillet.
A propos de Troglobies vivant dans les eaux d'une mine de fer de Lorraine.
International Journal of Speleology,
3: 89-96.
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