Alternative Title
Association for Mexican Cave Studies Bulletin, Vol. 4, September 1971
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Publication Date
January 1971
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AMCS Bulletin, Vol. 4/ Edited by James R. Reddell and Robert W. Mitchell, 239 pages 1971 (PDF reprint 2005) This collection of papers adds more than two hundred species to the known cave fauna of Mexico, including 103 newly described species, of which 18 are troglobites. GATES, G.E., On Some Earthworms from Mexican Caves PECK, S.B., New and Poorly Known Ptomaphagus from Mexican Caves (Coleoptera; Leiodidae; Catopinae) ROWLAND, J.M., Agastoschizomus lucifer, a New Genus and Species of Cavernicole Schizomid (Arachnida, Schizomida) from Mexico MOLLHAGEN, T., Checklist of Bats in Caves in the Regions of the Sierra de Guatemala and Sierra de EI Abra, Northeastern Mexico CAUSEY, N.B., Millipedes in the Collections of the Association for Mexican Cave Studies (Diplopoda) GOODNIGHT, C.J., M.L. GOODNIGHT, Opilionids (Phalangida) of the Family Phalangodidae from Mexican Caves GERTSCH, W.J., A Report on Some Mexican Cave Spiders BARR, T.C., JR., A New Species of Mexaphaenops from Tamaulipas, Mexico (Coleoptera: Carabidae) ROWLAND, J.M., New Species of Schizomids (Arachnida, Schizomida) from Mexican Caves. GERTSCH, W.J., Three New Species of Ricinuleids from Mexican Caves (Arachnida, Ricinulei) REDDELL, J.R., R.W. MITCHELL, A Checklist of the Cave Fauna of Mexico. I. Sierra de EI Abra, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potost REDDELL, J.R., R.W. MITCHELL, A Checklist of the Cave Fauna of Mexico. II. Sierra de Guatemala, Tamaulipas REDDELL, J.R., A Checklist of the Cave Fauna of Mexico. III. New Records from Southern Mexico. WILEY, S., R.W. MITCHELL, A Bibliography of the Mexican Eyeless Characin Fishes of the Genus Astyanax Open Access - Permission by Publisher See Extended description for more information.
Recommended Citation
"Studies on the cavernicole fauna of Mexico Association for Mexican Cave Studies Bulletin, Vol. 4, September 1971" (1971). KIP Articles. 5168.