The family of the Antroleucosomidae is known from the Mediterranean region. In this paper the author describes the new genus Dacosoma with the species D. motasi of caves of the southern Carpathians together with two new species of Bulgarosoma, B. Ocellatum n. sp. of the caves of Mount Banat and B. meridionalis of the cave on Rhodope mountains. A new and complete description is also given for Antroleucosoma banaticum Verh. 1899 and B. bureschi Verh. 1926 based on the study of material coming from the type localities.
Recommended Citation
Tabacaru, Ionel.
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der cavernicolen Antroleucosomiden (Diplopoda, Ascospermophora).
International Journal of Speleology,
3: 1-31.
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