This collection includes articles associated with the Karst Information Portal
Submissions from 1973
Les populations naturelles de Stanasellus virei Dollfus (Crustacé Asellote troglobie), Guy Magniez
Niugini Caver, Volume 1, No. 1, January 1973, R. Michael Bourke
Niugini Caver, Volume 1, No. 2, April 1973, R. Michael Bourke
Note sulla distribuzione dei Trichoniscidae in Sardegna (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscoidea), Roberto Argano and Mauro Rampini
Observations sur la faune aquatique souterraine de Cuba, L. Botosaneanu
Olmec Altars and Myths, David C. Grove
Olmec Hieroglyphic Writing: The Probable Background and Meaning of an Inscribed Stone Tablet from Ahuelicán, Guerrero, Mexico., Carlo T.E. Gay
Petición de Lluvias en Ostotempa, María Teresa Sepúlveda
Picture Writing from Ancient Southern Mexico; Mixtec Place Signs and Maps, Mary Elizabeth Smith and Mary Elizabeth Griffin
Post Classic Finds in the Cayo District, Belize, Alberto Ruz Lhuillier and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Seminario de Cultura Maya, SciELO
Ragni delle Filippine, 1. Un nuovo Althepus cavernicolo dell'Isola di Mindanao (Araneae, Ochyroceratidae), Paolo Marcello Brignoli
Recherches sur les Grégarines (Gregarinida: Stenophoridae) du Diplopode troglobie Typhloiulus bureschi Verhoeff en Bulgarie, Vassil Golemansky and Dimitar Taschev
Redescription of Centromerus bulgarianus (Drensky 1931) and Centromerus lakatnikensis (Drensky 1931), (Araneae, Linyphiidae), Ch. Deltshev
Stato attuale delle conoscenze sugli Histeridae ipogei, Vincenzo Vomero
Sur un nouvel Amphipode souterrain de Bulgarie Niphargus kochianus melticensis n. ssp., Dan Dancau and Stoitze Andreev
Temperature preference responses of some aquatic, cave-adapted crustaceans from Central Texas and Northeastern México, William R. Elliott and Robert W. Mitchell
The cavernicolous fauna of Hawaiianlava tubes, 1. Introduction, Francis G. Howarth
The evolution of the eastern North American isopods of the genus Asellus (Crustacea: Asellidae) Part II, Laurence E. Fleming
¿Un Chicomostoc en Teotihuacan? La Cueva Bajo la Pirámide del Sol, Doris Heyden
Un nouvel Asellide cavernicole d'Espagne centrale: Bragaselius lagari n.sp. (Crustacea Isopoda Asellota), Jean-Paul Henry and Guy Magniez
XLIX contribution to the knowledge of the amphipoda. On three Niphargus species (Fam. Gammaridae) from the Balkans, Gordan S. Karaman
Submissions from 1972
Algunos aspectos del culto a la luna en el México antiguo, Yólotl Torres González
A new genus of Bulgarian cave spiders (Protoleptoneta bulgarica n.g., n. sp., Leptonetidae), Christo Deltshev
A new Textile Technique from Oaxaca, Mexico, Mary Elizabeth King
An Old Titulo of Santo Domingo Sacapulas, Guatemala. Katunob (18th century), Lawrence H. Feldman
A propos du Stenasellus laticarpus Birstein (Crustacea Isopoda Asellota), Guy Magniez
Association of Mexican Cave Studies Newsletter, Volume 3, No. 4, February 1972, Terry W. Raines
Association of Mexican Cave Studies Newsletter, Volume 3, No. 5, July 1972, Terry W. Raines
Association of Mexican Cave Studies Newsletter, Volume 3, No. 6, August 1972, Terry W. Raines
Belize, the Awakening Land, Louis de la Haba
Biométrie spatiale dans l'écosystème souterrain: répartition de Meta menardi Latr. (Argiopidae), R. R. Tercafs
Biospeologica Sovietica L: Une nouvelle espèce cavernicole de Harpolithobius (Chilopoda, Lithobiidae) du Caucase, Harpolithobius birsteini n.sp., N. T. Zalesskaja
Biospeologica sovietica.XLIX. Le premier représentant anophtalme des Trechini (Coléoptères Carabiques) de la Ciscaucasie, S. I. Ljovuschkin
Diploures campodéidés des grottes du Pendjab (Simlacampa clayae), C. Bareth and B. Condé
Diploures campodéidés des grottes du Pendjab (Simlacampa clayae), C. Bareth and B. Condé
Edwards Group, Surface and Subsurface, Central Texas, P. R. Rose
El Mal Aire en el Mexico Prehispanico, Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología
Estudio Comparativo de los Mitos del Origen del Maiz entre los Mayas y los Nahuas, María Montolíu Villar
Estudio Cuantitativo de la Actividad del Carso en Cuba, Manuel A. Iturralde Vinent
Etude comparée du comportement alimentaire de deux poissons cavernicoles (Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs et Innes et Caecobarbus geertsi Blgr.), Georges Thinès and Nicole Wissocq
Geomorphology and hydrology of karst drainage basins and cave channel networks in east central New York, Victor R. Baker
La migration des Trichoptères cavernicoles. Mise en évidence par piégeage lumineux, Yvette Bouvet
Le Cinquantenaire du Premier Institut de Spéléologie du Monde, Traian Orghidan
Les Japygidés cavernicoles de la faune française, Jean Pagés
Les surfaces cuticulaires des gnathopodes de deux Crustacés Amphipodes: Niphargus (Gammaridé hypogé) et Gammarus (Gammaridé épigé), Evelyne Sellem
Note on Lepidoptera from Bulgarian caves, Andrzej W. Skalski
Observations sur un Aselle obscuricole de France: Proasellus racovitzai n.sp. (Crustacea Isopoda Asellota), Jean-Paul Henry and Guy Magniez
Olmec Felines in Highland Central Mexico, Elizabeth P. Benson
On the food and feeding habits of Lepidomysis longipes (Pillai & Mariamma) (Crustacea Mysidacea), C. N. Nath and N. K. Pillai
Optic regression in a subterranean mysid (Crustacea, Mysidacea), C. N. Nath, D. M. Thampy, and N. K. Pillai
Permian Brachiopods of West Texas, I, G. A. Cooper and Richard E. Grant
Prehispanic Settlement Patterns of the Ixtapalapa Peninsula Region Mexico, Richard Blanton
Reconocimiento y Exploración de una "Cueva Votiva" en la Zona Arqueológica de las Ruinas de Cópan, Jesús Núñez Chinchilla
Relaciones entre el Parte y la Religión, Eduardo Matos Moctezuma
Response of Karst Aquifers to Recharge, Walter G. Knisel
Santuarios y Pereginaciones en el Mexico Prehispanico, Carlos Martínez Marin
Temperature and relative humidity responses of two Texas cave-adapted millipedes, Cambala speobia (Cambalida: Cambalidae) and Speodesmus bicornourus (Polydesmida: Vanhoeffeniidae), Eddie Bull and Robert W. Mitchell
The Cave of the Holy Ghost, Wolfgang Haberland
The Cult of the Feline: A Conference in Pre-Columbian Iconography, Elizabeth P. Benson
The evolution of the Eastern North American isopods of the genus Asellus (Crustacea: Asellidae). Part I, Laurence E. Fleming
The Fertile Mountain: An Investigation of Cerro Gordo's Importance to the Town Plan and Iconography of Teotihuacan, Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología. Mesa Redonda
The Highland Chontal, Paul R. Turner
Tlaloc: A New Etymological Interpretation of the God's Name and What it Reveals of his Essence and Nature, Thelma D. Sullivan
Un Aselle cavernicole d'Espagne méridionale: Proasellus solanasi n.sp. (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota), Jean-Paul Henry and Guy Magniez
Un botellón monopodio del centro de Yucatán, México, William J. Folan
Une nouvelle espèce africaine du genre Stenasellus (Crustacea Isopoda Asellota) du bassin du Niger, J. A. Birstein
Untersuchungen über das Nervensystem von Hexaurus merkli J. Frivaldzsky (Coleoptera, Bathysciinae), Michail Kwartirnikov
Utilization of Southwestern Bat Caves by Terrestrial Carnivores, William G. Winkler and Devil B. Adams
ПЕЩЕРЫ ВЫП. 12-13, 1972, G. A. Maksimovich
Submissions from 1971
According to Our Ancestors: Folk Texts from Guatemala and Honduras, Mary Shaw
A Model of Subterranean Limestone Erosion in the British Isles Based on Hydrology, Malcolm D. Newson
Analysis of Scallop Patterns by Simulation Under Controlled Conditions, M. F. Goodchild and D. C. Ford
An Ancient Maya Cave., M. B. Malone
A new cave amphipod Crustacea from Japan, Masuzo Uéno
A new species of the subterranean amphipod genus Allocrangonyx (Gammaridae), with a redescription of the genus and remarks on its zoogeography, John R. Holsinger
Archaeological Sythesis of Guerrero, Robert H. Lister
Association of Mexican Cave Studies Newsletter, Volume 3, No. 3, May 1971, Terry W. Raines
Brujerías y Papel Precolombino/ Witchcraft and Pre-Columbian Paper, Bodil Christensen and Samuel Martí
Caving in British Honduras, David P. Albert and Barbara MacLeod
Contribution à l'étude des Mycetophilidae des grottes de Roumanie avec la description de deux espèces nouvelles, Anca Burghele-Balacesco
Deux Monolistrini nouveaux (Crustacea, Isopoda) des eaux souterraines de Croatie, Christa L. Deeleman-Reinhold
Die Isopoda terrestria der Höhlen von Ereğli am Schwarzen Meer (5. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der türkischen Isopoden), Hans Strouhal
Distribution and dispersion of the troglobitic carabid beetle Rhadine subterranea, Robert W. Mitchell
Durées de la mue, de l'intermue des adultes, et longévité de Stenasellus virei Dollfus (Crustacé Asellote troglobie), Guy Magniez
Echolocation: Discrimination of targets by the bat, Eptesicus fuscus, James A. Simmons and Jack A. Vernon
Ethnomineralogy of Ticul, Yucatan Potters: Etics and Emics, Dean E. Arnold
Excavations at Eduardo Quiroz Cave, British Honduras (Belize), David M. Pendergast and Howard G. Savage
Excavations at Eduardo Quiroz Cave, British Honduras (Belize), Howard G. Savage
Faunal Material., David M. Pendergast
Food and feeding habits of the troglobitic carabid beetle Rhadine subterranea, Robert W. Mitchell
Geology of Bat Cave quadrangle, Comal and Bexar Counties, Texas, John Hartnell Newcomb
Introducción al ciclo de ferias de Cuaresma en la región de Cuautla, Morelos, México, G. Bonfil Batalla
Lava tubes and channels in the lunar Marius Hills, Ronald Greeley
Les milieux de vie de Stenasellus virei Dollfuss, 1897 (Crustacé Asellote troglobie): données préliminaires, Guy Magniez
Los vientos de Ixtepeji: concepción del mundo y estructura social de un pueblo zapoteco, Michael Kearney