This collection includes articles associated with the Karst Information Portal


Submissions from 1994

La Cueva de Chimalacatepec, Morelos. Una Interpretación Histórica, Johanna Broda and Druzo Maldonado


La Cueva del Tesoro - Rincón de la Victoria (Málaga, España), Antonio Guzmán, Fernando Mendoza, and José Luís Gutiérrez


La Cueva de Nerja (Malaga, España), José Ramón Andérica Frias


La Grotta del Vento: una realta'nel contesto del parco naturale delle Alpi Apuane, Vittorio Verole-Bozzello


Las Cuevas en el mundo Mesoamericano, Linda Rosa Manzanilla Naim

Las Formas de Almacenamiento de Agua en Algunas de las Cuevas del Puuc., Eunice Uc González and José Huchim Herrera


Las Funciones de las Cuevas en la Antigua Cultura Maya, Universidad Autónoma de Campeche


Les grottes aménagées et l'Union Internationale de Spéléologie (1965-1990), Hubert Trimmel


Life cycle and population ecology of the cave cricket Dolichopoda geniculata (Costa) from Valmarino cave (Central Italy), Glanmaria Carchini, Mauro Rampini, and Valerio Sbordoni


Luminescent microbanding in speleothems: High-resolution chronology and paleoclimate, Y. Y. Shopov, D. C. Ford, and H. P. Schwarrcz


Management of some unusual features in the show caves of the United States, Jeanne Gurnee


Maya Creation: A Shamanic Perspective, Carolyn Jones and Tom Jones


Mundos Subterráneos, No. 5, August 1994, José G. Palacios-Vargas


Nuevos métodos para la investigación de cuevas Mayas, James E. Brady and Ann Scott Schwegman


Paleoclimatic Inferences from a 120,000-Yr Calcite Record of Water-Table Fluctuation in Browns Room of Devils Hole, Nevada, J. Barney, Peter T. Kolesar, and Alan C. Riggs


Political cosmology among the Quiché Maya, John W. Fox


Pollen analysis of three samples from Lechuguilla Cave, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Eddy County, New Mexico, Patricia Jablonsky


Population dynamics of Laemostenus schreibersi (Carabidae) in a cave in Carinthia (Austria), E. Rusdea


Problemi turistici della Grotta Gigante nel carso Triestino, Fabio Forti


Problems of show caves in Bohemia and Moravia, Milka Dusan


Proposition pour une étude micro-climatique en zones souterraines profondes, Jacques Choppy and Arrigo A. Cigna

Prospección Arqueológica en las Cuevas del Cerro Rabón (Sierra Mazateca, Oaxaca), Román Hapka and Fabienne Rouvinez


Purification and partial characterization of draculin, the anticoagulant factor present in the saliva of vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus)., R. Apitz-Castro, S. Béguin, and A. Tablante


Relative Importance of Baseflow and Quickflow from Hydrographs of Karst Spring, Alberto Padilla, Antonio Oulido-Bosch, and A. Mangin


Relative Importance of Baseflow and Quickflow from Hydrographs of Karst Spring, A. Padilla, A. Pulido-Bosch, and A. Mangin


Report of an archaic human skeleton discovered at altamura (Bari), in the “Lamalunga” district, V. Pesce Delfino and E. Vacca


Sinogammarus troglodytes n. gen. n. sp. A new troglobiont Gammarid from China (Crustacea Amphipoda), Gordon Karaman and Sandro Ruffo


Some remarks on the genus Microcharon Karaman in Greece, and description of M. agripensis n. sp. (Crustacea, Isopoda, Microparasellidae), Diana M. P. Galassi, Paola De Laurentiis, and Giuseppe L. Pesce


Speleogenesis in the Guadalupes: the unsettled question of the role of mixing, phreatic or vadose sulfide oxidation, Ira D. Sasowsky and Margaret V. Palmer


230Th dating of the speleothems from the "Grotta del Fiume-Grotta Grande del Vento" karst system in Frasassi (Ancona, Italy) and Paleoenvironmental implications, Adriano Taddeucci, Paola Tuccimei, and Mario Voltaggio


Taxonomy and biogeography of African fruit bats (Mammalia, Megachiroptera). 4. The genus Rousettus Gray, 1821, Wim Bergmans


The cave fauna of Texas with special reference to the western Edwards Plateau, James R. Reddell


The cave fauna of Texas with special reference to the western Edwards Plateau. In: Elliott, W.R., Veni, G. (Eds.), The Caves and Karst of Texas. National Speleological Society, Huntsville, Alabama, pp. 31–50., James R. Reddell


The Caves and Karst of Texas: A Guidebook for the 1994 Convention of the National Speleological Society with Emphasis on the Southwestern Edwards Plateau Brackettville, Texas, William R. Elliott and George Veni


The Caves of Caracol: Initial Impressions, Diane Z. Chase and Arlen Frank Chase


Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 7, 1994, Costin Rădulescu


The role of stress release fracturing in the development of cavernous porosity in carbonate aquifers, Ira D. Sasowsky and William B. White


The Use of Invertebrate Communities to Describe Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport in a Fractured Rock Aquifer, F. Malard, J. Mathieu, and J. L. Reygrobellet


Towards regressive evolution: the periodic colour change behaviour of a troglophilic fish Nemacheilus evezardi (Day), Rohit K. Pradhan and Jayant Biswas


Tracing groundwater evolution in a limestone aquifer using Sr isotopes: effects of multiple sources of dissolved ions and mineral-solution reactions, Jay L. Banner, MaryLynn Musgrove, and R. C. Capo


Travaux de L`Institut de Speologie Emile Racovitza


Turning the Capitan Reef upside down; a new appraisal of the ecology of the Permian Capitan Reef, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas and New Mexico, Rachel Wood, J. A.D. Dickson, and Brenda Kirkland-George

Tzatza: Olmec Mountains and the Ruler's Ritual Speech, Maria Elena Bernal-Garcia


Valorisation et developpement touristique de la "Grotta di Bossea" (Frabosa Soprana, Cuneo, Italie), Guido Peano and Giorgio Fisanotti


Walker's Bats of the World, Ronald M. Nowak, Thomas H. Kunz, and Elizabeth D. Pierson

Submissions from 1993


A Comparison of Franco-Cantabrian and Maya Art in Deep Caves: Spatial Stratigies and Cultural Considerations, Jack Steinbring

Algunas Consideraciones sobre los Sitios Arqueológicos de Alta Montaña en el Volcán Iztaccíhuatl, México, Ismael Arturo Montero García


AMCS Activities Newsletter, No. 20, October 1993, Bill Mixon


Análisis de la naturaleza de los depósitos ceremoniales en cuevas Mayas: Investigaciones recientes en la Cueva de Los Quetzales, James E. Brady and Irma Rodas


Anchored Communities: Identity and History of the Maya-Q'eqchi', Richard Wilson


A New Species of Perennibranchiate Salamander (Eurycea: Plethodontidae) from Austin, Texas, Paul T. Chippindale, Andrew H. Price, and David M. Hillis


Annual growth banding in a cave stalagmite, Andy Baker, Peter L. Smart, and R. L. Edwards


An outbreak of vampire bat bite in a Brazilian village, M. Batista-da-Costa, R. F. Bonito, and S. A. Nishioka


Art rupestre en zone maya : l'archéologie des grottes de la zone PUUC, Véronique Breuil-Martinez

Calzadas y Peregrinaciones Prehispánicas a las Deidades del Agua y de los Mantenimientos, Beatriz Barba de Piña Chan


Capital Caver, No. 1, August 1993, Texas Cave Management Association. Austin Committee


Capital Caver, No. 2, October 1993, William H. Russell

Cave Exploration and Mapping on the Northern Vaca Plateau, Philip Reeder


Cave Research Foundation Newsletter, Volume 21, No. 1, February 1993, Sue Hagan and Mick Sutton


Cave Research Foundation Newsletter, Volume 21, No. 2, May 1993, Sue Hagan and Mick Sutton


Cave Research Foundation Newsletter, Volume 21, No. 3, August 1993, Sue Hagan and Mick Sutton


Cave Research Foundation Newsletter, Volume 21, No. 4, November 1993, Sue Hagan and Mick Sutton

Cerámica de las Cuevas Investigadas por el Proyecto Arqueológico Izabal, Juan Luis Valázquez Muñoz


Comparative performances of non-visual food search in the hypogean cyprinid Phreatichthys andruzzii and in the epigean relative Barbus filamentosus, Roberto Berti and Luca Masciarelli


Composition of the Swartkrans bone accumulations, in terms of skeletal parts and animals represented, C. K. Brain

Cuevas No Naturales: Una Forma de Arquitectura No Reconocida en el Altiplano Maya, James E. Brady


El Proyecto de Cuevas Rituales de Copan, James E. Brady

El Tapesco del Diablo, Carlos Silva Rhoads and Linares Eliseo Villanueva

Entre Cuevas, Cerros, y Cruces, Maricela Ayala


Environmental management of tourist caves, A. A. Cigna

Exploraciones En La Cueva Chávez, Zona Del Resumidero Del Río Xaan, Dolores, Juan Pedro Laporte


From the Mouth of the Dark Cave: Commemorative Sculpture of the Late Classic Maya. Karen Bassie-Sweet, Jane Stevenson Day

Galapagos island troglobites: the questions of tropical troglobites, parapatric distributions with eyed-sister-species, and their origin by parapatric speciation. Mem. Biospeologie, S. B. Peck and T. L. Finston

Galapagos island troglobites: the questions of tropical troglobites, parapatric distributions with eyed-sister-species, and their origin by parapatric speciation. Mem. Biospeologie, S. B. Peck and T. L. Finston


Geographic variation and taxonomy of Rousettus aegyptiacus (Mammalia: Megachiroptera) in the islands of the Gulf of Guinea, J. Juste and C. Ibañez


Gonyleptidae (Opiliones) del bosque subantartico chileno-argentino 3. Descripcion de Osornogyndes, nuevo genero, Emilio A. Maury


Groundwater geochemistry of the carbonate karst aquifer, southcentral Kentucky, U.S.A., John W. Hess and William B. White


Habitat use and gas bubble disease in southern cavefish (Typhlichthys subterraneus), Alex L. S. Schubert, Carl D. Nielsen, and Douglas B. Noltie


Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda) from subterranean waters of Bue Marino cave, Sardinia, and St. Barthélémy cave, Corsica, and description of three new species, Vezio Cottarelli and Maria Cristina Bruno


Impacts of primary deforestation upon limestone slopes in northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, K. A. Harding and D. C. Ford


Interpretation of interglacial cave sediments from a hominid site in North Wales: translocation of Ca-Fe-phosphates, D. A. Jenkins


Karst aquatic ecosystems of the Edwards Plateau region of central Texas, USA: A consideration of their importance, threats to their existence, and efforts for their conservation, David E. Bowles and Thomas L. Arsuffi


Karst aquatic ecosystems of the Edwards Plateau region of central Texas, USA: A consideration of their importance, threats to their existence, and efforts for their conservation, David E. Bowles and Thomas L. Arsuffi


Karst Breccias in the Madison Limestone (Mississippian), Garland Field, Wyoming, A. Serdar Demiralin, Neil F. Hurley, and Thomas W. Oesleby

Karst science in China, D. X. Yuan


Karst springs hydrographs as indicators of karst aquifers, Ognjen Bonacci


Las Cavernas en la Geografía Sagrada de los Mayas, James E. Brady and Juan Luis Bonor Villarejo

Las Cuevas como Espacio Ritual entre los Mayas., Grazyna Sygowska

La Sequencia Cerámica de Topoxté: Un Informe Preliminar, Bernanrd Hermes Cifuentes


Late Pleistocene and Holocene faunal and environmental changes at Hall's Cave, Kerr County, Texas, Rickard Stanley Toomey


Late Quaternary climates and environments of the Edwards Plateau, Texas, Rickard S. Toomey III, Michael D. Blum, and Salvatore Valastro Jr.


Mapping La Milpa: a Maya city in northwestern Belize, Gair Tourtellot III, Amanda Clarke, and Norman Hammond


Modified Cave Entrances: Thermal Effect on Body Mass and Resulting Decline of Endangered Indiana Bats (Myotis sodalis), Andreas R. Richter, Stephen R. Humphrey, James B. Cope, and Virgil Brack Jr.


Modified Cave Entrances: Thermal Effect on Body Mass and Resulting Decline of Endangered Indiana Bats (Myotis sodalis), Andreas R. Richter, Steven R. Humphrey, and James B. Cope


Mundos Subterráneos, No. 4, August 1993, José G. Palacios-Vargas

Nuevos Metodos para la Invest-igacion de Cuevas Mayas, James E. Brady and Ann Scott Schwegman


Population Size, Distribution, and Life History of Eurycea nana in the San Marcos River, Jamet M. Nelson


Premiers Campodeidae cavernicoles de Chine, comme exemple de l’évolution souterraine de la Famille (Diplura), Bruno Condé


Quaternary vertebrates of New Mexico, Arthur H. Harris


Resultados preliminares del análisis de la cerámica de Naj Tunich, Héctor Leonel Escobedo Ayala