This collection includes articles associated with the Karst Information Portal
Submissions from 1991
Acerca de la Articulación de la Espeleología con las Ciencias, Ismael Arturo Montero García
Aktunkin: A Maya Cavern in Campeche, F. Garcia Cruz
Algunas Consideraciones para la Conservación de los Vestigios Arqueológicos en las Cuevas del Sur de Yucatán, Eunice Uc González
AMCS Activities Newsletter, No. 18, January 1991, Patricia Kambesis
Archaeological Sites in the Río Bravo Area, Thomas H. Guderjan, Michael Linderman, Ellen Ruble, and Froyla Salam
A Winter Term in Mexico and Yucatan, Edward Seler
Biogéochimie isotopique (13C, 15N, 18O) et paléoécologie des ours pléistocènes de la grotte d'Aldène, Hervé Bocherens, Marc Fizet, and A. Mariotti
Caves and Cosmovision at Utatlan by J.E. Brady, J. E. Brady
Cosmovisión y Observación de la Naturaleza: El Ejemplo del Culto de los Cerros en Mesoamerica, Johanna Broda, Stanislaw Iwaniszewski, and Lucrecia Maupomé
Discovery of a New Maya Cave Painting Site in Guatemala, James E. Brady and Federico Fahsen
Discrimination of wingbeat motion by bats, correlated with echolocation sound pattern, Roald C. Roverud, Volker Nitsche, and Gerhard Neuweiler
Dryness before the Rains: Tocatl and Tezcatlipoca, Davíd Carrasco
El Dueño del Maíz y Otro Relatos Nahuas del Sur de Veracruz, Antonio Garcia De Leon
Estudio de Túneles y Cuevas en Teotihuacan. Segunda Fase (1990)., Linda Rosa Manzanilla Naim
Flying Foxes as Strong Interactors in South Pacific Island Ecosystems: A Conservation Hypothesis, Paul Alan Cox, Thomas Elmqvist, and Elizabeth D. Pierson
Flying Foxes (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae): Threatened Animals of Key Ecological and Economic Importance, Marty S. Fujita and Merlin T. Tuttle
Gonyleptidae (Opiliones) del bosque subantartico Chileno-Argentino. 1. El genero Acanthoprocta Loman, 1899, Emilio A. Maury
Homshuk y el simbolismo de la ovogénesis en Mesoamérica (Reflexiones en torno a los radicalismos difusionistas), Félix Báez-Jorge
Idolatry Among the Modern Indians of Mexico, Edward Seler
Informe preliminar de investigaciones arqueológicas en la gruta de Corinto y sus alrededores, Wolfgang Haberland
Inter-relatonships between cave and outside air temperatures, P. A. Smithson
Itza Maya Texts with a Grammatical Overview, Charles A. Hafling
La Cueva de Cerro Prieto: Nevada de Toluca, Edo. de México, Ismael Arturo Montero García
La Cueva de los Brujos, Iztaccihuatl, Ismael Arturo Montero García
La Matriz de la Tierra, Johanna Broda, Stansilaw Iwaniszewski, and Lucrecia Maupomé
Las cavernas de municipio de Oxkutzcab, Yucatán, México nuevas aportaciones, Juan Luis Bonor Villarejo and Ismael Sánchez y Pinto
Las cuevas entre los mayas: reconocimiento de la Península de Xkalak, Quintana Roo, Eunice Uc González
Las Pinturas Y Petroglifos de Naj Tunich, Petén: Investigaciones Recientes, Andrea Stone
"Los Sombreros" de las Grutas de Calcehtok, Eunice Uc González and Carlos Evia Cervantes
Machine Guns and Mountain Spirits: The cultural effects of state repression among the Q'eqchi' of Guatemala, Richard Wilson
Manifestaciones Culturales en Cavidades Subterraneas y su Conservación, Omar Ruíz
Metabolic efficiency and regulation of body weight: a comparison between life in hypogean and epigean ecosystems, Jayant Biswas
Mundos Subterráneos, No. 2, September 1991, José G. Palacios-Vargas
Naj Tunich: Cueva de las Inscripciones, Rafael Romero Sosa
New Vandalism at Naj Tunich Cave, James E. Brady
Observations on the biology of Spelaelacris tabulae Peringuey (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae), from the Wynberg cave (Capetown, South Africa), Gianmaria Carchini, Claudio Di Russo, and Mauro Rampini
Origin and morphology of limestone caves, Arthur N. Palmer
Palaeoseismicity from karst sediments: the “Grotta del Cervo” cave case study (Central Italy), D. Postpischl, S. Agostini, and P. Forti
Pilgrimage and Shrine: Religious Practices among the Otomi of Huixquilucan, Mexico, N. Ross Crumrine and Alan Morinis
Pipas de piedra de cueva vetada, San Luis Potosí, México, Agustín Delgado and Patricio Dávila Cabrera
Population size of Pyrenean troglobiont coleopters (Speonomus species) in a cave in Belgium, Raymond Tercafs and Christine Brouwir
Proyecto Arqueológico Regional de Cuevas Petexbatún, James E. Brady, Irma Rodas, Lori Wright, and Katherine Emery
Recognition of microclimate zones through radon mapping, Lechuguilla Cave, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico, K. I. Cunningham and E. J. LaRock
Restos Oseos en Cuevas, Omar Ruíz Gordillo
Revision of the genus Troglophilus (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae) in Crete, Greece, Dimitrios Kollaros, Kaloust Paragamian, and Anastassios Legakis
Social Structure in Pilgrimage and Prayer: Tzeltales as Lords and Servants, N. Ross Crumrine and Alan Morinis
Speciation of troglobites: studies in the San Antonio cave (Oaxaca, Mexico), Horst Wilkens, Peter Junge, and Thomas G. Langecker
The Ancient Town of Chacula, Edward Seler
The Chicomoztoc of Chichén Itzá, Annabeth Headrick
The European Roots of Latin American Pilgrimage, Mary Lee Nolan
The Lords of Light Versus the Lords of Dark: The Postclassic Highland Maya Ballgame, John W. Fox
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 4, 1991, Dan Dancău
Three Traveling Letters from Pueblo Viejo (quen Santo) and Chacula, Edward Seler
Una Cueva Ceremonial en Teotihuacán y sus Implicaciones Astronómicas Religiosas, Johanna Broda, Stanislaw lawaniszewski, and Lucrecia Muapome
Underwater Archaeology in Mexico/La Arqueología Subacuática en México, Miguel Guzmán Peredo
Vamos a Rezar a San Marcos: A Tlapanec Pilgrimage, David Carrasco
Where Was Aztlan, the Home of the Aztecs?, Edward Seler
Zbornik Slovensko-Francoske Okrogle Mize o Gorskem Mediteranskem Krasu, Peter Habič
Submissions from 1990
Acta carsologica, Volume 19, November 22, 1990, Peter Habič
A model of karstification in the vicinity of hydraulic structures, W. Dreybrodt
A Yucatec-Mayan Prayer for Rain from the Ch'aa Chaac Ritual, José Góngora Cámara and Mary H. Preuss
Caves and tunnels at Teotihuacan, Mexico; A geological phenomenon of archaeological interest, L. A. Barba P., Linda Manzanilla, R. Chávez, and Luis Flores
Classification of insects by echolocating greater horseshoe bats, Gerhard von der Emde and Hans‐Ulrich Schnitzler
Correlation of structural lineaments and fracture traces to water-well yields in the Edwards Aquifer, Central Texas, Kenneth B. Alexander
DESCUBRIMIENTOS RECIENTES EN LA CUEVA DE SANGRE DE DOS PILAS, PETÉN, James E. Brady, Luis Fernando Luin, Lori Wright, and Carolina Foncea de Ponciano
Troglobius coprophagus, a new genus and species of cave Collembola from Madagascar, with notes on its ecology, José G. Palacios-Vargas and Jane Wilson
Evaluation of ground-water resources in parts of Loving, Pecos, Reeves, Ward, John B. Ashworth
Field Investigations and Numerical Simulation of Ground-water Flow in the Karstic Aquifer of Northwestern Yucatan, Mexico, Luis Ernesto Marin
Geochemical Modeling of the Madison Aquifer in Parts of Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota, L. Niel Plummer, John F. Busby, and Roger W. Lee
Geologic and Management Considerations in the Preservation of the Maya Naj Tunich Cave Paintings, Peten Guatemala., George Veni
Hydrogeology of the Northern Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Austin, R. K. Senger, E. W. Collins, and C. W. Kreitler
Il complesso carsico Grotta del Fiume - Grotta Grande del Vento e l'evoluzione geomorfologica della gola di Frasassi (Appennino umbro-marchigiano), A. Bocchini and Mauro Coltorti
Impact of quarries on karst groundwater systems, Mehmet Ekmekci
Importantes Hallazgos en una Gruta del Sur Aportan Más Datos sobre los Mayas., Carlos Augusto Evia Cervantes
Investigaciones en la Cueva de El Duende., James E. Brady
Investigaciones en la Cueva de Sangre y otras Cuevas de la Región de Petexbatún, James E. Brady, Luis Fernando Luin, Lori Wright, and Carolina Foncea de Ponciano
Laboratory studies of predatory behaviour in two subspecies of the Carabid cave beetle: Neaphaenops tellkampfi, David M. Griffith
La Epoca Clasica: Nuevos Hallazgos, Nuevas Ideas, Amalia Cardos
La Ideología: Religión Y Ritual, Centro Cultural de la Villa de Madrid, Museu Etnològic (Barcelona, Spain)
La industria lı´tica de los niveles paleolı´ticos, A Baldeón
Lithic industry of level 27 beta of the Fossellone, Silvana Vitagliano and Marcelo Piperno
Los Sitios del Valle de Sacul: Sacul 1, Sacul 2, Sacul 3, Sacul 4 y Limones, Juan Pedro Laporte, Rolando Torres, Paulino I. Morales, and Héctor L. Escobedo
Magnetic Prospecting for Tunnels and Caves in Teotihuacan, México, J. A. Arzate, L. Flores, R. E. Chávez, and L. Barba
Maya History and Religion, J. E. Thompson
Maya utilization of karst groundwater resources, George Veni
Mixtec Landscape Perception and Archaeological Settlement Patterns, John M.D. Pohl and Bruce E. Byland
Mountain spirits and maize: Catholic conversion and renovation of traditions among the Q'eqchi' of Guatemala, Richard Wilson
Mundos Subterráneos, No. 1, August 1990, José G. Palacios-Vargas
Observations of Mayan Cave Archaeology in Belize, Charlotte A. Roberts
Origin of the Qattara Depression, Egypt, Claude C. Albritton Jr., James E. Brooks, and Bahay Issawi
Origins of ground water discharging at the springs of Balmorhea, Charles W. Kreitler and John M. Sharp Jr.
Oxtotitlan Cave Revisited, Anton Schnell
Proyecto Salvamento Arqueológico Rancho Ina, Quintana Roo, Enrique Terrones González
Quintana Roo Speleological Survey
Report on Recent Damage to the Inscriptions at Naj Tunich, James E. Brady