This collection includes articles associated with the Karst Information Portal
Submissions from 1990
Report on the Protection of the Wiri Lava Cave
Secondary sympatric occurrence of sibling species of subterranean shrimps in the Karst, M. Cobolli Sbordoni, M. Mattoccia, G. La Rosa, E. De Matthaeis, and V. Sbordoni
Spirit of Enterprise: The 1990 Rolex Awards, Reed W. David
Stratigraphic, geomorphic and structural controls of the Edwards aquifer, Texas, U.S.A, Jack Sharp
Studying the Hydrology and Making the Movie, James H. Smith and C. William Steele
Sulfuric Acid Speleogenesis of Carlsbad Cavern and Its Relationship to Hydrocarbons, Delaware Basin, New Mexico and Texas, A. Hill Carol
The Discovery and Exploration of Maya Sacred Caves, David W. Reed
The Early Ceramic History of the Lowland Maya, Flora S. Clancy and Peter D. Harrison
The Fossil Green Alga Mizzia (Dasycladaceae): A Tool for Interpretation of Paleoenvironment in the Upper Permian Capitan Reef Complex Southeastern New Mexico, Brenda L. Kirkland and Russel L. Chapman
The largest late Paleozoic bellerophontid gastropod, Barry S. Kues and Harvey R. Duchene
The Plio-Pleistocene cheetah-like cat Miracinonyx inexpectatus of North America, Blaire Van Valkenburgh, Frederick Grady, and Björn Kurtén
The Role of Dissolution Kinetics in the Development of Karst Aquifers in Limestone: A Model Simulation of Karst Evolution, W. Dreybrodt
The Search for History in Mixtec Codices, Maarten Jansen
Tunichil Muknal, Tomas Miller
Two new Niphargus species (Amphipoda) from caves in Yugoslavia, Gordan Karaman and Boris Sket
Ultrastructure des sensilles cylindriques, mécanorécepteurs d'un Crustacé Mysidacé souterrain, Yves Crouau
Una Mandíbula Humana Grabada de la Sierra Mazateca, Oaxaca, Javier Urcid
Underground Archaeology: Perspectives on Caves and Rockshelters, Lawrence Guy Straus
ПЕЩЕРЫ Проблемы изучения Межвузовский сборник научных трудов, No. 22, 1990, V. N. Andreychuk
Submissions from 1989
Abrupt Mousterian/Aurignacian boundary at c. 40 ka bp: Accelerator 14C dates from l'Arbreda Cave (Catalunya, Spain), James L. Bischoff, Narcís Soler, and Julià Maroto
Accelerator 14C dates for early upper paleolithic (basal Aurignacian) at El Castillo Cave (Spain), Victoria Cabrera Valdes and James L. Bischoff
Acta carsologica, Volume 18, November 21, 1989, Peter Habič
Actun Ch'on, Oxkutzcab, Yucatán: Una Cueva Maya con Pinturas del Clásico Tardío, Andrea Stone
Análisis de Cerámica de la Cueva de Pimienta y la Cueva de Tigre, Arthur Andrew Demarest and Stephen D. Houston
An investigation of Maya ritual cave use with special reference to Naj Tunich, Peten, Guatemala, George Veni and James E. Brady
An Investigation of Maya ritual cave use with special reference to Naj Tunich, Peten, Guatemala /, James E. Brady
An isotope study of water bodies along a traverse of southwestern Canada, Charles J. Yonge, Lior Goldenberg, and H. R. Krouse
Aproximación multidisciplinaria a un rnodelo matemático del KARST, Leslie F. Moleiro León
Archaeology and Maya Writing, Stephen D. Houston
A review of the genus Cavernocypris Hartmann (Ostracoda, Cypridopsinae): Systematics, ecology and biogeography, Pierre Marmonier, Claude Meisch, and Dan L. Danielopol
Arqueología del Valle de Zapotitlán. In Las Máscaras de la Cueva de Santa Ana Teloxtoc, Fernando Cortés de B
Aspectos Geográficos del Area Zapotitlán San Juan Raya, Puebla, Vargas Pacheco
Aspectos Mágico-Religiosas de las Cuevas, Davíd Pacheco Vargas
Calcehtok desde la Perspectiva Arqueológica, Eunice Uc González and Elena Canché Manzanero
Caratteri generali delle morfologie nelle Alpi e Prealpi Giulie e nel Carso Triestino, Franco Vaia
Caratteristiche mineralogiche delle grotte del Carso Triestino, Graziano Cancian and Francesco Princivalle
Caves and Drainage North of the Green River, Angelo I. George
Cuevas de la Región de Ocozocoautla y el Río La Venta: El Diario de Campo, 1945, de Matthew W. Sterling con Notas Arqueológicas, Maricruz H. Pailles and Ludwig Beutelspacher
Dating the thermal waters in the Eger area, J. Deák
Description du premier Campodéidé cavernicole du sud de la péninsule Ibérique (Diplura, Campodeidae), B. Condé and A. Sendra
El Complejo Cueva-Pirámide en la Cultura Maya Antigua, Juan Luis Bonor Villarejo
El Estudio de la Cerámica de Naj Tunich 1988-1989., Héctor Leonel Escobedo Ayala
El Hallazgo: Una Ventana Hacia el Pasado, Carlos Rangel
El Inframundo de Teotihuacan. Geofísica y Arqueología, Linda Rosa Manzanilla Naim, Luis Barba, René Chávez, and Jorge Arzate
Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Sinkholes and Karts, Barry F. Beck
Etude statistique des cavités karstiques de la région montpellieraine (Causses méridionaux et Garrigues), Jean-Frédéric Brun
Excavations at Gough's Cave, Somerset 1986–7, A. P. Currant, R. M. Jacobi, and C. B. Stringer
Exploración de la rama nueva en Naj Tunich: Implicaciones para su interpretación, James E. Brady
Extending the limits-a major breakthrough ill Lechuguiiua Cave. New Mexico, P. K. Kambesis
Foraging behavior and echolocation of wild horseshoe bats Rhinolophus ferrumequinum and R. hipposideros (Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae), Gareth Jones and Jeremy M. V. Rayner
Geografía, Clima, y Observación de la Naturaleza en la Mesoamérica Prehispánica, Johanna Broda
Geology of the Capitan Shelf Margin - Subsurface Data from the Northern Delaware Basin, Raymond A. Garber, George A. Grover, and Paul M. Harris
Ground-Water Monitoring in Karst Terranes: Recommended Protocols and Implicit Assumptions, James Quinlan
Guatemala: Nah Tunich Caves Closed, Anonymous
Human depredation by vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) following a hog cholera campaign, Timothy J. McCarthy
I campi solcati di Borgo Grotta Gigante nel Carso Triestino, Franco Cucchi, Nadia Radovich, and Ugo Sauro
Incised ivory fragments and other Late Upper Palaeolithic finds from Gough's Cave, Cheddar, Somerset, R. Charles
Izamal: Nuevos Conceptos Sobre Antiguos Hallazgos, Luis Millet Cámara
Karst-Controlled Reservoir Heterogeneity and an Example from the Ellenburger (Lower Ordovician) of West Texas, Charles Kerans
Karst Geomorphology and Hydrology, D. C. Ford and P. W. Williams
La Espeleología, Eduardo Martínez Alva
Las Cuevas de Oxkintok: Informe Preliminar, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Centro de Estudios Mayas
La storia della Speleologia Triestina in relazione al problema Timavo, Fabio Forti
Lineamenti geomorfologici della costa e dei fondali del Golfo di Trieste e considerazioni sulla loro evoluzione Tardo-Quaternaria, Ruggero Marocco
Maya Blue: A Fresh Look at an Old Controversy, Linda S. Roundhill, Dorie Reents-Budet, and Patrick McGovern
Maya Cave Paintings at Naj Tunich Destroyed, Anonymous
Memorias del Segundo Coloquio Internacional de Mayistas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Nuevo testimonio rupestre olmeca en el oriente de Guerrero, Samuel L. Villela F.
Operaciones de Rescate y Registro de Cuevas en la Zona Petexbatún, Arthur Demarest, Houston Stephen, and Kevin Johnston
Optimal groundwater management models for the Barton Springs-Edwards Aquifer, Nisai Wanakule
Pachyloides hades, nueva especie de opilión de la Argentina (Opiliones, Gonyleptidae, Pachylinae), Luis Eduardo Acosta
Pintura Rupestre En La Región De Cuauhtochco, Veracruz, Omar Ruiz Gordilla
Pollution assessment in carbonate terranes, Philip E. LaMoreaux
Porosity development in coastal carbonate aquifers., Ward E. Sanford and Leonard F. Konikow
Procesos de Restauración y Conservación, Alfonso C. Hinojosa
Proyecto Sureste de Petén, Guatemala: Segunda Temporada., Juan Pedro Laporte, Rolando Torres, Bernard Hermes, and Estela Pinto
Rakov Škocjan Karst Valley, Peter Habič and Rado Gospodarič
Regional Perspectives on the Olmec, Jonathan Haas
Regional scale transport in a Karst Aquifer: 1. Component separation of spring flow hydrographs, Shirley J. Dreiss
Resource partitioning of sonar frequency bands in rhinolophoid bats, Klaus-Gerhard Heller and Otto v. Helversen
Restos Animales, Raul A. Valadez
Restos Botanicos, Javier V. González
Škocjanske Jame Speleological revue, Peter Habič, Martin Knez, Janja Kogovŝek, Andrej Kranjc, Andrej Mihevc, Tadej Slabe, Stanka Šebela, and Nadja Zupan
The Caverns of Copán Revisited: Preclassic Sites in the Sesesmil River Valley, Copán, Honduras, David J. Rue, AnnCorinee Freter, and Diance A. Ballinger
The Dawning Place: Sacred Places from the 16th Century Documents and their Use Today., Duncan M. Earle
The Olmec and the Rise of Civilization in Eastern Mesoamerica, Arthur A. Demarest
The Olmec and the Southeastern Periphery, Robert J. Sharer
The Olmec Heartland: Evolution of Ideology, Robert J. Sharer and David C. Grove
The Painted Walls of Xibalba: Maya Cave Painting as Evidence of Cave Ritual, Willliam F. Hanks and Don Stephen Rice
The Skin and Hair of Tlaltecuhtli, Carrasco
Trieste Karst: geological and stratigraphical notes, Franco Cucchi, Nevio Pugliese, and Furio Ulcigrai
Un reporte preliminar sobre la Cueva de los Huesos, José Rómulo Sánchez
Western Mesoamerica and the Olmec, Paul Tolstoy
Submissions from 1988
1988: Fifth International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology Excursion Guide Book Pre-Activity: November 4-9, 1988 Post-Activity: November 13-20, 1988, International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology
Acta carsologica, Volume 17, November 22, 1988, Peter Habič
Airborne silts and dune-derived sands in the Permian of the Delaware Basin, Alfred G. Fischer
AMCS Activities Newsletter, No. 17, December 1988, Carol Vesely
Analysis of Obsidian from Naj Tunich, Peten, Guatemala, James E. Brady