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Publication Date

January 1994

Publication Title

Theoretical and Applied Karstology

Volume Number



Contents: Editorial -- Utilisation de l'analyse systemlque dans l'etude des aquiferes karstiques des Monts Valcan (Roumanie) -- Carbonate rocks and bottling mineral waters in Romania -- Hydrogeology of the Bogovina cave system - the biggest in the Serbian Carpathians -- Recherches hidrogeologiques dans Ia zone de Tureni-Petrestii de Sus (Roumanie). Utilisation de l'electrometrie en hydrogeologie -- Monitoring karstic ground water: the practical aspect of subterranean ecology -- Characteristics of the water table topography in the southern part of the Romanian Black Sea Coast -- Elements fondamentaux dans Ia dynamique des speleothemes de glace de Ia grotte de Scarisoara, en relation avec Ia meteorologie exteme -- The influence of natural and anthropogenous factors on temperature regime and ice formations of Kungur Cave (Russia) -- On the paleokarst in the cave Ghetarul de la Scarisoara (Bihor Mountains, Romania) -- Cave bear worship site in Pestera Rece, Bihor Mountains, Romania -- Gravettian micromammals of the Marronnier Cave (Saint-Remeze, Ardeche, France) -- Sur la couleur d'une stalactite de Gran Caverna de Santo Tomas, Cuba -- Calcite speleothems generated by underground evapocondensation (Pestera Cobasel, Rodna Mountains) -- The corrosion process in "Pestera de la Movile" Cave (Southern Dobrudja, Romania) -- Automated information cave system (CAVIS) in Slovakia -- In Memoriam: Dan Dancau (1933-1994) -- In Memoriam: Teodor Rusu (1929-1994)



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French and English





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