La Difesa Della Razza
In the years leading up to World War II, Mussolini's policies and laws reflected and encouraged the intensification of racism across Fascist Italy. To advance and garner support for his policies, Mussolini used the political and popular press. Publication of the biweekly newspaper La Difesa della Razza ( In Defense of Race) began in August 5, 1938 and continued until June 20, 1943. Together with the so-called "Manifesto degli Scienziati Razzisti" (Manifesto of Racial/Racist Scientists), the publication's goal was to foster racism through biological and scientific rather than political arguments.
The La Difesa della Razza Collection in Special Collections at the USF Tampa Library holds a complete run of the publication. In 2013, the Library completed a project to digitize all issues of this collection and make them freely available online.
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, June 20, 1943
Contents: Is there a hierarchy of human races?; Jewish anthropologists and racists; The Italian spirit of the 16th and 17th centuries; Racial Europe; Superiority and inferiority of Arianism; History of Judaism in the Spanish "Renaissance"; Back to the origins of fascist racism; Anthroposociology; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, June 5, 1943
Contents: Intelligence with the enemy; The document of Jewish hatred against Rome; Racism and volunteering; Notes on the Etruscans; Citizens and subjects in the Dodecanese; The "Reading" El Dorado of Judaism; Jewish psyche; Anti-Aryan instinct; Controversy and propaganda of Judaism; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, May 20, 1943
Contents: Corsican Italianness; Buttadeo: The legend of the wandering Jew; Notes on the Etruscans; In defense of women; In defense of the Jews in the presence of Aryans: The mestizo formation of the Jewish race; Ancient people of South India; Brain and intelligence; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, May 5, 1943
Contents: Internal history of Anglo-Judaism; The stages of the Jewish ascendancy in England; Jewish influence on English society; Who unites it?: the coalition led by Judas; British and Jews at war with the Axis; The race of the Jews to power; An English king, servant of the Jews; Judeo-English plutocracy; Zionists Albion; A Zionist from the 1600s; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, April 20, 1943
Contents: Present and future of Italian racism; "Seriousness" of high Jewish culture; Europe and Race; Curiosities about twins; What could be made from a human body?; Is there a hierarchy of human races?; Meaning of the environment for the breed; The Jews in the face of the Aryan race; Reasons for Tacitus' Anti-Judaism; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, April 5, 1943
Contents: British barbarism and a new European conscience; Slums; The massacre of the innocents: the trafficking of whites; Pauperism; English plague; Social injustice; Feminine degradation; One drunk out of every twelve Englishmen; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, March 20, 1943
Contents: Invasion of the Mongols; Racial pride in southern India; Arabism and Judaism in the Holy Land; Racial Inferiority of the Anglo-Saxons; Talmud and Anti-Talmud; Celts and Aryans; The wandering Jew; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, March 5, 1943
Contents: The sounding in the sewer; Offenders from birth; Documents of infamy; The unworthy clergy; Inhuman; Scandals and prostitution; The British army is the most syphilitic in the world; Pirates; Typical English as described by Dickens; English "civilization" in Africa; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, February 20, 1943
Contents: Jewish journalism in Rome; Judaized Hegel; Racial inferiority of the Anglo-Saxons; United front of Italian racism; The Jewish "Pain"; The wandering Jew; Among the primitives of southern India; Racial chaos in the United States; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, February 5, 1943
Contents: The English or of the intimate election; The horrible journey; Fires, massacres, violence … the legacy of English domination in Africa; Two images, one race; England and the slave trade; The slave hunters; How the British punished the rebels; Slave patricians and shepherds; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, January 20, 1943
Contents: Anglo-Saxon youth; Anthropology of big cities; Function of the idea of race; in the construction of living spaces; The Jews in Morocco; Italic Aryan blood; The "uniform" of the Jews; Racial inferiority of the Anglo-Saxons; South Indian races and castes; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, January 5, 1943
Contents: The Anglo-Saxon race against Europe; The moving center; Racial inferiority of the Anglo-Saxons; Heaven does not change its mind; Italianness of Corsica; Unity and Arianism of Pelasgian, Italy; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, December 20, 1942
Contents: Racial inferiority of the Anglo-Saxons; The Jews in Tiraboschi and Vasari; Race conflict; Judaism and war: the Zionist republic is born; Aristocracy of law and aristocracy of fact; Racist terminology; The sex of the race; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, December 5, 1942
Contents: Racism and the Italian youth; Defending ourselves against Israel: Philosophy and politics; The racial evolution of the Brahmins; Integral racism; Arab Miso-Judaism in religion, controversy, and history; Origin of the song of Baruccaba; Slavs; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, November 20, 1942
Contents: Anti-Aryan Function of Historical Mestizaje; Italianness in Switzerland; Racial pedagogy; Women in sports; The problem of crossings in Trinidad and Venezuela; The Jew in the letters of St. Catherine of Siena; People of the Nile; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, November 5, 1942
Contents: India seen by a racist; The Spinoza amendment; Biological racism and scientism; Introduction history of Judaism in exile; The Jew in the sonnets; The instinct of superiority in Aryan blood; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, October 20, 1942
Contents: The Italian racism and South-Eastern Europe; The Origin of Species by Racial Reactivity; The ghetto of Milan; The story of Baruccaba; Motherhood and childhood on five continents; Racial and stoic synthesis of Arianism; The Japanese race; Jews in a contemporary novel; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, October 5, 1942
Contents: The face of the Italian race; The Jews seen by G.C. Croce: Scuffle for a goose; The Japanese race; The race that builds; Psychology of prehistory; Jews and India; Archaeological foundations of Arianism; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, September 20, 1942
Contents: The Japanese race; Biological interpretation of the western crisis; Brawl between Mordechai and Badami; Disraeli and the Suez Canal; Education and racism; Israel in England; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, September 5, 1942
Contents: Racism and imperial expansion; Magyar anti-Judaism; Childhood and motherhood on the 5 continents; War Zionism; Race as a function of personality; The Jew in Proverbs; At the origins of the Anglo-Jewish alliance; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, August 20, 1942
Contents: Blood consciousness; A new theory of the origin of races; African breeds: "Real men" of the Upper Zambezi; Judaism and Pan-Slavism; The "Concord of races" in Manchuria; Jews in the former Yugoslavia; Israel in England; Genetics; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, August 5, 1942
Contents: The problem of race and experimental science; History of Judaism: the annihilation of 10 BC; Anthroposociology; Racial decadence in English South Africa; Authentic face of England; French Jewry in numbers; Hereditary racial law; The sheep's Jew; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, July 20, 1942
Contents: The ancestral passport; Australians judged by Darwin; Lament and Death of Mana Hebrew; Psychic geography and racial diversity; Four years of racism; The authentic face of Mediterranean civilization; Churchill agent of Judaism; India versus England; Otherness as Inequality; Jews in popular poetry; Questions
Difesa della Razza: Scienza, Documentazione, Polemica, Questionario, July 5, 1942
Contents: Racism and Italian science; Human races exist; Large and small breeds; The concept of the purely biological race; Aryan Italy; Continuity of the Italian race; There is a pure Italian race; All Italians must frankly proclaim themselves racist; Mediterranean and African; Jews do not belong to the Italian race; Miscegenation