Holocaust and Genocide Studies | University of South Florida Research | Digital Commons @ University of South Florida
Genocide and mass violence have become global threats to peace and security and a sad testament to the human condition. Almost a half million genocide and torture victims currently reside in the United States, with millions more suffering silently in other parts of the world. Recognizing an important opportunity to unify the University of South Florida’s wide-ranging genocide studies initiatives and to contribute to global education and action, the USF Libraries have created a global interdisciplinary center to understand and prevent genocide, with particular emphasis on the Holocaust, Armenia, and the Great Lakes Region of Africa. The USF Libraries Holocaust and Genocide Studies Center is becoming an internationally recognized center for the quality of its collections, research, teaching, and community engagement. To achieve this goal, the Center’s mission is to cross international boundaries to engage information specialists, scholars, educators, students, analysts, and activists in a centralized, interdisciplinary, collaborative, and synergistic approach to genocide education, mental health and public policy, and prevention.


Browse the Holocaust and Genocide Studies Collections:

Alicia Appleman-Jurman Photographs

Asaba Memorial Oral History Project

Concentration Camp Liberators Oral History Project

Florida Center for Survivors of Torture Collection

Gerta Pfeffer Collection

Holocaust and Genocide Studies Publications

Holocaust Survivors Oral History Project

La Difesa Della Razza

Legioni e Falangi

Waging Peace Darfuri Children's Drawings