This collection includes articles associated with the Karst Information Portal
Submissions from 1987
The Provenience of the Offerings: Tribute and Cosmovision, Johanna Broda
The role of gradualism and punctuation in cave adaptation, David C. Culver
"Uno Venado" y la Creación del Cosmos en las Crónicas y los Códices de Oaxaca, Jesús Monjarás-Ruiz
"We are people who eat tortillas": Household and community in the Mixteca, John Desmond Monaghan
Submissions from 1986
Acta carsologica, Volume 13, February 26, 1986, Peter Habič
Acta carsologica, Volume 14-15, February 26, 1986, Peter Habič
Aktun Na Kan, Leira Joaquín Guillermo and Enrique Terrones González
Aventura Fluvial Subterránea., Pablo Tapie, Mauricio Tapie, and Louis Torreli
Bacterial Deposition of Iron and Manganese Oxides in North American Caves, Stewart B. Peck
Bird remains from Gough’s Cave, Cheddar, Somerset, C. J.O. Harrison
Carbonate Geology and Hydrology of the Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio Aquifer Area, Texas, R. W. Maclay and T. A. Small
Carbonate Geology and Hydrology of the Edwards Aquifier in the San Antonio Area, Texas, R. W. Maclay and T. A. Small
Case histories of induced sinkholes in the eastern United States, Barry F. Beck and William L. Wilson
Cave Minerals of the World, Carol A. Hill and Paolo Forti
China karst, Y. R. Lu
Chiquibul Expedition: Preliminary Archaeologic Report, Logan McNatt
Die Petroglyphen Von Las Cuevas/tlax, E. Seele
El Proyecto Arqueológico "Cocila": Resultados Generales, Rubén Cabrera Castro
Estudio Palinológico del Perfil Estratigráfico de la Unidad "El Toro," Grutas de Loltún, Yucatán, María Susana Xelhuantzi López
Evidence for karstic mechanisms involved in the evolution of Moroccan hamadas, Vittorio Castellani and Walter Dragoni
Explorations of the Rio Talgua, Larry Cohen
Flooding along the Balcones Escarpment, central Texas, Patrick L. Abbott
Flooding Along the Balcones Escarpment, Central Texas, S. Christopher Caran and Victor R. Baker
Fluorometric Procedures for Dye Tracing, James F. Wilson Jr., Ernest D. Cobb, and Frederick A. Kilpatrick
Fractal dimensions and geometries of caves., Rane L. Curl
Further Studies on the Cavernicole Fauna of Mexico and Adjacent Regions Association for Mexican Cave Studies Bulletin, Vol. 8, 1986, James R. Reddell
History and Characteristics of Settlement in the Copan Valley, and Some Comparisons with Quirigua, William L. Fash Jr.
Hydrology and Water Quality of the Edwards Aquifer Associated With Barton Springs in the Austin Area, Texas, Raymond M. Slade Jr., Michael E. Dorsey, and Sheree L. Stewart
Inventaire speleologique de la Suisse - tome 2: Canton du Jura, Raymond Gigon and Rémy Wenger
Kurzbericht der ersten Deutschen speläologischen Himalaya-expedition, Herbert Daniel Gebauer
La Legendaria Gruta de Xtacumbil Xunaan., Alejandro Figueroa Tenorio
Large rainstorms along the Balcones Escarpment in central Texas, Patrick L. Abbot and C. M. Woodruff. Jr.
Las Cavernas de la Sierra Gorda, Carlos Lazcano Sahagún
Las Grutas de Huacalapan, Ramón Espinasa Pereña
Late Palaeolithic exploitation of horse and red deer at Gough’s Cave, Cheddar, Somerset, R. A. Parkin, P. Rowley-Conwy, and Dale Serjeantson
Los mayas de la gruta de Loltún, Yucatán, a través de sus materiales arqueológicos, Ernesto Licón González
Maya Time Warps, Walter F. Morris Jr.
Metaphors, Nahualtocaitl, and Other "Disguised" terms among the Aztecs, Gary H. Gossen
Mis Vivencias Subterráneas, Carlos Lazcano Sahagún
Naj Tunich: Entrance to the Maya Underworld, James E. Brady and Andrea Stone
On a Mountain Road in the Dark: Encounters with the Quiche Maya Culture Hero, Gary H. Gossen
Origination of stone forests in China, Lin Hua Song
Ossuary Burial of Cremated Human Remains from Copan, Honduras., Diana Ballenger
Paper Spirits of Mexico, Alan R. Sandstrom
Phreatic Hydrobiids (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) from the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer Region, South-central Texas, R. Hershler and G. Longley
Pollen analysis of sediment samples from Gough’s Cave, Cheddar, Arlette Leroi-Gourhan
Recharge zone of the Edwards aquifer hydrologically associated with Barton springs in the Austin area, Texas, Diana L. Slagle, Ann F. Ardis, and Raymond M. Slade
Springs of West Virginia. West Virginia Geol., J. S. McColloch
Stream piracy and evolution of the Edwards Aquifer along the Balcones Escarpment, central Texas, Patrick L. Abbott and C. M. Woodruff Jr.
Structural Style in an En Echelon Fault System, Balcones Fault Zone, Central Texas: Geomorphologic and Hydrologic Implications, Patrick L. Abbott and C. M. Woodruff
Symbol and Meaning Beyond the Closed Community: Essays in Mesoamerican Ideas, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, University at Albany, and State University of New York
Tabasqueño: Indicios de la Cosmología Maya en un Sitio de los Chenes, Campeche, México., Abel Morales López
The Collapse of the Classic Maya Civilization, Arthur A. Demarest
The Hands of Gargas: Toward a General Study, André Leroi-Gourhan and Annette Michelson
The Hero in Maya Folklore, Gary H. Gozzen
The Lateglacial mammal fauna of Gough’s Cave, Somerse, A. P. Currant
The Lords of "Place of the Ascending Serpent": Dynastic Succession on the Nuttall Obverse., Gary H. Gossen
The speleogenetic role of air flow caused by convection. 1st contribution, Arrigo A. Cigna and Paolo Forti
The Teotihuacan Cave of Origin: The Iconography and Architecture of Emergence Mythology in Mesoamerica and the American Southwest, Karl A. Taube
The Teotihuacan Valley Project Final Report: The Toltec period occupation of the valley, Department of Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University
Use of cave-maps for tectonic surveys, Franz Jaskolla and Peter Volk
Wintering Bats of the Upper Snake River Plain: Occurrence in Lava-Tube Caves, David L. Genter
Yaax-Nik, una Fantasía Subterránea, Helena Lazcano and Carlos Lazcano Sahagún
ПЕЩЕРЫ. МЕТОДИКА ИЗУЧЕНИЯ Межвузовский сборник научных трудов, No. 20, 1986, V. N. Andreychuk
Submissions from 1985
Age and development of collapse dolines above the cave systems. The examples from classical karst of Slovenia (NW Yugoslavia), Rado Gospodarič
A karsztos beszivárgás számítási módszereinek összehasonlítása a vízszintváltozások elemzése alapján, Csepregi András
AMCS Activities Newsletter, No. 15, December 1985, Peter Sprouse and Terri Treacy Sprouse
Analysis of sediments in Gough’s Cave, Cheddar, Somerset and their bearing on the Palaeolithic archaeology, S. N. Collcut
Application of karstol- ogy and speleology, Y. J. Zhang, Z. L. Miu, and J. Q. Mao
Architecture as Metaphor, Merle Greene Robertson and Virginia M. Fields
A Re-Evaluation of the Isotopic and Archaeological Reconstructions of Diet in the Tehuacan Valley, Paul Farnsworth, James E. Brady, and Michael J. DeNiro
Cuando los santos vienen marchando: rituales públicos intercomunitarios tzotziles, Kazuyasu Ochiai
Cuevas Mayas en el Municipio de Oxkutzcab (II): Cuevas Ehbis, Xcosmil, Cahum, Matthias Strecker
Cuevas Mayas en el Municipio de Oxkutzcab (III): Una Mascara de Madera Proveniente de una Cueva, Matthias Strecker
Cuevas Mayas en el Municipio de Oxkutzcab, Yucatán (II): Cuevas Ehbis, Xcosmil, y Cahum., M. Strecker
Cuevas Secas del Río La Venta, Chiapas: Informe Preliminar, Thomas A. Lee Jr.
Descriptive Guide to Chichén Itzá. Libro Revistas y Folletos de Yucatán, Gualberto Zapata Alonzo
Edwards Aquifer, northern segment, Travis, Williamson, and Bell Counties, Texas: Austin Geological Society, Guidebook, Charles M. Woodruff Jr., Fred Snyder, and Laura De La Garza
Estudio ecologico del ecosistema cavernicola de una Sima de Origen volvanico: La Sima Robada (Tenerife, Islas Canarias), J. L. Martin and P. Oromi
Evidence for echolocation in the oldest known bats, Michael J. Novacek
Flowers, Saints, and Toads: Ancient and Modern Maya Textile Design Symbolism, Walter F. Morris Jr.
Flow in a limestone aquifer as determined from water tracing and water levels in wells, John Thrailkill
Fourth Palenque Round Table, 1980, Merle Greene Robertson and Elizabeth P. Benson
Gene Flow in Cave Arthropods: A Qualitative and Quantitative Approach, Adalgisa Caccone
Guidebook 8, C. M. Woodruff, Fred Snyder, and Laura De La Garza
Hydrogeological and Engineering Geological Problems of Hydrotechnical Constructions in Karst, Petar Milanovic
International News, Jay Arnold
Karst Geomorphology, J. N. Jennings
Large-scale karst features and open taliks at Vardeborgsletta, outer Isfjorden, Svalbard, Otto Salvigsen and Anne Elgersma
Lluvia de Polen en Bromelias, Musgos y Suelo Superficial en los Alrededores de Santa Marta Ocozocoautla, Chiapas, Aurora Montúfar López
Maya Ceramics: Papers from the 1985 Maya Ceramic Conference, Part 1, Prudence M. Rice and Sharer J. Robert
Método de predicción de las direcciones principales de drenaje en el karst, Adolfo Eraso Romero
Morphological clines in reduced areas. The case of Henrotius jordai (Reitter), cave-dwelling beetle from Majorca Island, Xavier Bellés
Mysteries of the Mexican Codices, Terry Stocker and Scott Lamb
Nahuatl Literature, Miguel León-Portilla
New records for Salentinella Ruffo (Crustacea Amphipoda) from phreatic waters of Italy and Greece, Giuseppe Lucio Pesce
Nouvelles données morphologiques et caryologie du Triclade hypogé pyrénéen Dendrocoelum lescherae, Nicole Gourbault
Origin of caves and other solution openings in the unsaturated (vadose) zone of carbonate rocks: A model for CO2 generation, Warren W. Wood