Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Nature's Classroom: An Ethnographic Case Study of Environmental Education, Dorothea Jody Owens
Parental Leave: Policy and Practice, Amanda Parr
Occupational Stressors Among Providers of HIV Prevention and Support Services, Mackenzie Kaye Rapp
Perceived Barriers for Implementing Primary Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention, Rachel Monique Stewart-Campbell
Love and Risk: Intimate Relationships among Female Sex Workers who Inject Drugs and their Non-Commercial Partners in Tijuana, Mexico, Jennifer L. Syvertsen
Paleo-Indian to Spanish Occupation around Choctawhatchee Bay, Northwest Florida, as Documented in a Private Artifact Collection, Deena Woodward
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Contextualizing HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Programs in Zanzibar, Tanzania, Naheed Ahmed
"Not If, but When": Sex, Risk, and Trust in Timing Gardasil Vaccine Decisions, An Exploratory Study among Healthcare Providers and Middle-Class Parents in the U.S., Kathleen Marie Brelsford
Adolescence is an Ocean: A Biocultural Investigation of Youth Food Consumption in Tanzania, Elizabeth J. Danforth
The Dirt on Prehispanic Water Management at Palmarejo, Honduras, Zaida Darley
More than "Modern Day Slavery": Stakeholder Perspectives and Policy on Human Trafficking in Florida, Nathaniel Dickey
Postnatal Dental Mineralization: a Comparative Analysis of Dental Development Among Contemporary Populations of the Southeastern United States, Meryle Akeara Dotson
The Archaeology of Yon Mound and Village, Middle Apalachicola River Valley, Northwest Florida, Jeffrey Patrick Du Vernay
Social Landscapes of Transegalitarian Societies: An Analysis of the Chipped Stone Artifact Assemblage from the Crystal River Site (8CI1), Citrus County, Florida, Richard William Estabrook
The Clash of Heritage and Development on the Island of Roatán, Honduras, Alejandro J. Figueroa
Historical Archaeology of the Pine Level Site (8DE14), DeSoto County, Florida, Jana Futch
Archaeology and Indigeneity, Past and Present: A View from the Island of Roatán, Honduras, Whitney Annette Goodwin
Dengue Fever in Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Use of the Explanatory Model in a Sample of Urban Neighborhoods to Contextualize and Define Dengue Fever Among Community Participants, Jose Enrique Hasemann
Inalienable Possessions and Flyin' West: African American Women in the Pioneer West, Justin Hosbey
A House But Not A Home? Measuring "Householdness" in the Daily Lives of Monticello's "Nail Boys", Shannon Lee McVey
Investigating the Role of the Internet in Women and Minority STEM Participation: A Case Study of Two Florida Engineering Programs, Arland Nguema Ndong
Evaluating the Get Into Fitness Today (GIFT) Program: Weight Loss and the Roles of Education and Empowerment, Emily Koby Novicki
Nearer, My Farm, to Thee: A Spatial Analysis of African American Settlement Patterns in Hillsborough County, Florida, Matthew Andrew O'Brien
The Maghreb Maquiladora: Gender, Labor, and Socio-Economic Power in a Tunisian Export Processing Zone, Claire Therese Oueslati-Porter
Egyptian Body Size: A Regional and Worldwide Comparison, Michelle H. Raxter
An Archaeological and Archival Appraisal of "Spanish Indians" on the West Coast of Florida in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Margaret Stack
Growing Up with HIV: Disease Management among Perinatally Infected Adolescents, Barbara J. Szelag
Shaping Topographies of Home: A Political Ecology of Migration, Carylanna Kathryn Taylor
People in Between: The Value of Life Stories in Exploring the Needs of Colombian Asylum Seekers, Poonam R. Valliappan
Life and Death Journeys: Medical Travel, Cancer, and Children in Argentina, Cecilia Vindrola Padros
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Evaluation Assessment of Metropolitan Ministries “Uplift U™” Program and Preliminary Analysis of Collected Data, Robert D. Bowers
Contemporary Afro-Cuban Voices in Tampa: Reclaiming Heritage in “America’s Next Greatest City”, Linda M. Callejas
Articulating Social Change in Puerto Rico: Environmental Education as a Model for Youth Socio-Political Development and Community-Led School Reform, Federico Cintrón-Moscoso
Differentiation of Labor-Related Activity by Means of Musculoskeletal Markers, Annette Doying
Life in the Florida Everglades: Bioarchaeology of the Miami One Site, Cristina Echazabal
Lithic Technology and Obsidian Exchange Networks in Bronze Age Sardinia, Italy (ca. 1600-850 B.C.), Kyle P. Freund
Migration, Education, and Health Policy: A Closer Look into the Reasons Behind Poor Health Outcomes in Rural Ecuador, Lauren Harris
Towards Understanding Water Conservation Behavior in Southwest Florida: The Role of Cultural Models, Bernard T. (Terry) Johnson
Contextualizing Obesity among Latino Farmworkers: A Critical Analysis of Structural and Cultural Processes Affecting Farmworker Health and Nutrition in Central Florida, Melissa H. Johnson
Toward an Applied Anthropology of GIS: Spatial Analysis of Adolescent Childbearing in Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties, Florida, Kathleen I. Maes
Down, but Not Out: An Ethnographic Study of Women who Struggled with and Overcame Methamphetamine Addiction, Jodi Nettleton
Small Plots, Big Hopes: Factors Associated with Participation in an Urban Garden Project in Lesotho, Charlotte Ann Noble
Assessment of “Community Stepping Stones,” a Community-Based Youth Art Education Program, Jennifer E. A. Pedraza
Differential Decomposition Patterns Of Human Remains In Variable Environments Of The Midwest, Melissa A. Pope
Multi-Elemental Chemical Analysis of Anthropogenic Soils as a Tool for Examining Spatial Use Patterns at Prehispanic Palmarejo, Northwest Honduras, Kara A. Rothenberg
An Assessment of Microevolutionary Change among Prehistoric Florida Populations through the Analysis of Craniometric Data, Samantha M. Seasons
Malaria in Prehistoric Sardinia (Italy): An Examination of Skeletal Remains from the Middle Bronze Age, Teddi J. Setzer
Beyond the Business: Social and Cultural Aspects of the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, Alisha R. Winn
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
GIS Spatial Analysis of Multiple Scenes in Criminal Homicides, Casey C. Anderson
Creek/Seminole Archaeology in the Apalachicola River Valley, Northwest Florida, April J. Buffington
Integrating Rural Cambodian Villagers’ Perspectives into Monitoring and Evaluation Protocols for an NGO’s Water and Sanitation Program, Elizabeth Churchill
Hunger of the Body, Hunger of the Mind: The Experience of Food Insecurity in Rural, Non-Peninsular Malaysia, Elizabeth Elliott Cooper
Fireproofing the Lawn: Reclaimed Water and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Tampa Bay, Ryan C. Davis
African American Perceptions of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) and High School Graduation, Maressa L. Dixon
Ethnomedical and Biomedical Health Care and Healing Practices Among the Rathwa Adivasi of Kadipani Village, Gujarat State, India, Margaret A. Karnyski
The political ecology of intestinal parasites among Nicaraguan immigrants in Monteverde, Costa Rica, Jason D. Lind
Giving birth in a different country: Bangladeshi immigrant women's childbirth experiences in the U.S., Mst Khadija Mitu
Facilitating youth participatory action research: Reflections, strategies, and applications at the institute for community research, Aki Nakanishi
For neither love nor money: Gender, sexuality, and tourism in Costa Rica, Ellen Puccia
Assessing Druze identity and strategies for preserving Druze heritage in North America, Chad Kassem Radwan
Agriculture and Tampa Bay news: How do local news media frame agribusiness?, Alex R. Ritzheimer
An Absence of Presence: The Voices of Marginalized Communities in the Development and Implementation of Cultural Resource Management Initiatives in the British West Indies: A Case Study, Kelley Scudder-Temple
Living with Sugar: Socioeconomic Status and Cultural Beliefs About Type 2 Diabetes Among Afro-Caribbean Women, Chrystal A.S Smith
The Participation Of NGOs In Healthcare: The Case Of Pediatric Cancer Treatment In Argentina, Cecilia Vindrola Padros
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Cultural Factors and Concepts of Pollution: Colorectal Cancer and Health Behaviors among Ashkenazi Jewish Women, Karen Besterman-Dahan
From Cancer to Sexually Transmitted Infection: Explorations of Social Stigma Among Cervical Cancer Survivors, Karen E. Dyer
Life on the Campaign Trail: The Political Anthropology of Local Politics, E.J Ford
“This Isn’t Like Diphtheria, You Know?”: The Sociocultural Context of Human Papillomavirus Immunization, Potential Mandates, and Narratives of Risk Among, Hannah Louise Helmy
Quebrada Communities in the Palmarejo Valley, Northwest Honduras, William A. Klinger
Creative City and Fields of Cultural Production: Ethnographic Perspectives of “The Arts” in Tampa, James Kuzin
The Social Context of Stress and Social Support among Immigrant Latinas Diagnosed with Breast Cancer, Dinorah Martinez Tyson
The Social Context of Cervical Cancer Knowledge and Prevention Among Haitian Immigrant Women, Janelle Marie Menard
Access to Health Care Services: A Case Study in Hillsborough County, Florida, Jaime Nodarse
Psycho-Socio-Cultural Risk Factors for Breech Presentation, Caroline Peterson
Gardens at Home, Gardens at School: Diet and Food Crop Diversity in Two Q'eqchi' Communities in Southern Belize, Douglas Carl Reeser
Determining Fort Walton Burial Patterns and Their Relationship within the Greater Mississippian, Gabrielle Shahramfar
Historical Archaeology Research Designs for Gamble Plantation, Ellenton, Florida, Felicia Bianca Silpa
Race, Class, and Real Estate: Neoliberal Policies in a “Mixed Income” Neighborhood, Ashley E. Spalding
The Paleoindian Chipola: A Site Distribution Analysis and Review of Collector Contributions in the Apalachicola River Valley, Northwest Florida, William D. Tyler
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Examining Physicians’ Motivations to Volunteer: An Applied Visual Anthropological Approach, Jess Paul Ambiee
An Urban Model of Applied Preservation, David Stewart Barksdale Butler
End of Life Issues Among Hispanics/Latinos: Studying the Utilization of Hospice Services by the Hispanic/Latino Community, Iraida V. Carrión
"Either You Conquer It, or It Conquers You": An Applied Anthropological Approach to Veterans With a Spinal Cord Injury, Sherman Chow
Understanding and Closing the Gaps: A GAP Audit Approach Linking Archaeology and Land Acquisition Strategies in Florida, Lori D. Collins
An Unexplored Realm in the Heartland of the Southern Gulf Olmec: Investigations at El Marquesillo, Veracruz, Mexico, Travis F. Doering
Comprehensive school reform in the wake of No Child Left Behind: Teacher perceptions in Dodgeland, Allyson Regina Haag
A paradox of diversity: Billions invested, but women still leave, Rebekah S. Heppner
The pedagogy and politics of online education in anthropology, Linda J. Hose
High stakes testing in Florida: Media portrayals and parental realities, Jennifer Gilroy Hunsecker
Between knowledge & practice: Factors that influence the operationalization of sexual health knowledge in African American female college students, Jamae F. Morris
The Right to Health: Conflicting Paradigms of Health as Commodity vs. Health as Human Right, Robert Colin Nelson
Forging identities through style: Elite interaction and identity formation at Late Classic (AD 650-900) Palmarejo, Northwest Honduras, Claire Novotny
Real challenges, virtual challengers: The Democracy for America movement, Noah Porter
Reconstructing the past: Heritage research and preservation activities in Tampa Bay communities, Courtney Ross Spillane
Local strategies in a global network: Disability rights in Jamaica, Joan A. Tucker