Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Fort Walton ceramics in the Perry Collection, Apalachicola Valley, Northwest Florida, Amber J. Yuellig
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Traumatic loss and transformative life experiences: The lived experience of Green Cross traumatologists deployed to the New York City World Trade Center disaster, Carron C. Cherrie
Improving long-term resettlement services for refugees, asylees, and asylum seekers: Perspectives from service providers, Kristina M. Dunman
Middle Woodland Mound Distribution and Ceremonialism in the Apalachicola Valley, Northwest Florida, Anya C. Frashuer
West Tampa: Economic development and community engagement within an urban neighborhood, Jenna Holzberg
Breathing easier: Ethnographic study of acute respiratory infection in children in rural Ecuador, John S. Luque
Animal Husbandry at Tell el Hesi (Israel): Results from Zooarchaeological and Isotopic Analysis, Shannon Marie Peck-Janssen
Before the Inca: Prehistoric Dietary Transitions in the Argentine Cuyo, Nicole Shelnut
A Family’s Deadly Sin: Fatal Child Abuse in Florida An Anthropological Perspective on Child Deaths Due to Abuse and Neglect, Christa A. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Developing an Anthropology Curriculum for High School: A Case Study from Durant High School, Hillsborough County, Florida, Kory McNeil Bennett
Establishing a Farmers Market for a Low-Income Latino Community, Ann L. Bretnall
Trade and Plunder Networks in the Second Seminole War in Florida, 1835-1842, Toni Carrier
Promotoras of the U.S.-Mexico Border: An Ethnographic Study of Culture Brokerage, Agency, and Community Development, Ricardo B. Contreras
Cuidate: Tourism, drugs, sex and HIV among young people in Monteverde, Costa Rica, Andrea Lee Freidus
Prehistoric Human Subsistence Patterns in Northern Patagonia, Argentina: Isotopic Evidence for Reconstructing Diet, Scott Grammer
The Cost of Professionalization: A Case Study Of Osteopathic Medicine In the United States, Rochelle Harris
“Ethnographizing” Service-Learning: Creating Politically Engaged Anthropology, Wendy Ann Hathaway
Professional Wrestling, Embodied Morality, and Altered States of Consciousness, Lawrence B. McBride
“They Say that this Clinic is for Migrants”: Cultural Sensitivity in a Rural Health Center, Nadine I. Ohlinger
HIV/AIDS Workplace Interventions in South Africa and the United States, Joel Christian Reed
Microfinance in Neoliberal Times: The Experience of an Egyptian NGO, Sarah A. Tobin
Mental Health Policy and Services in Tampa, Florida, Shelly Yankovskyy
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Globalization, Ecotourism, And Development In The Monte Verde Zone, Costa Rica, Edgar Allan Amador
Sourcing of Marble Used in Mosaics at Antioch (Turkey), Marie Jeanette Archambeault
"Studying Up" In Tampa Bay: Globalization And Business Elites, Jennifer Laurel Avery
Investigating Second Seminole War Sites in Florida: Identification Through Limited Testing, Christine Bell
Mapping A Generation: Oral History Research in Sulphur Springs, FL, Connie J. Brown
Efforts To Promote Tourism As A Catalyst For Urban Redevelopment In Florida: Insights From The Anthropology Of Tourism And An Annotated Bibliography., John F. Collins
Colombian Immigrant Children in the United States: Representations of Food and the Process of Creolization, María Claudia Duque-Páramo
The History and Results of Archaeological Investigations at 1Cv32, the Mitchell Site, in Covington County, Alabama, Tray G. Earnest
Prehistoric Shell Artifacts from the Apalachicola River Valley Area, Northwest Florida, Eric Eyles
The Tampa Heights Greenprinting Initiative: An Attempt at Community Building through Park Revitalization, Maya Marie Harper
Apalachicola’s Gold: Archaeology and History of Tupelo Honey Production in Northwest Florida, Kelly S. Hockersmith
Tracing the Source of the Elephant and Hippopotamus Ivory from the 14th Century B.C. Uluburun Shipwreck: The Archaeological, Historical, and Isotopic Evidence, Kathryn Anne Lafrenz
Weblogs and the Technology Lifecycle: Context, Geek-Chic and Personal Community, James M. Milne
Community Participation and Consensus in HIV/AIDS Prevention: An Exploration of the Suzgo, the Issues of AIDS in Malawi, Jon Aaron Poehlman
African American Women With Type 2 Diabetes: Understanding Self-Management, F Bridgett Rahim-Williams
Use-Wear Experiments With Sardinian Obsidian: Determining Its Function In The Neolithic, Teddi J. Setzer
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Designing Interactive Multimedia for the Anthropology Exhibit Gallery, Kelley Curtis
An Archaeological Study of Architectural Form and Function at Indian Key, Florida, Kelly A. Driscoll
Film in the Classroom: Toward a More Effective Pedagogy, Jonathan Godwin
Charitable Choice in Florida: The Politics, Ethics and Implications of Social Policy, Angela Gomez
Historical Archaeology of the Indian Key (8MO15) Warehouse: An Analysis of Nineteenth-Century Ceramics, Lisa Nicole Lamb
Mediating The Model: Women's Microenterprise And Microcredit In Tobago, West Indies, Cheryl A. Levine
Comida Sin Frijoles No es Comida: Evaluation of a Type 2 Diabetes Education Program for Latinos, Danielle R. O'Connor
Falun Gong in the United States: An Ethnographic Study, Noah Porter
Signs of Life: Rediscovering Nineteenth Century Indian Key through Glass Analysis, Alexis Broadbent Sykes
Characterization Of Obsidian Sources In Pantelleria, Italy, Barbara A. Vargo
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Public Participation in Environmental Management: Seeking Participatory Equity through Ethnographic Inquiry, John V. Stone