Theses/Dissertations from 2020
An Ethnography of WaSH Infrastructures and Governance in Sulphur Springs, Florida, Mathews Jackon Wakhungu
A Plan for Progress, Preservation, and Presentation at the Safety Harbor Museum and Cultural Center, Amanda L. Ward
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Pathways to Parenthood: Attitudes and Preferences of Eight Self-Identified Queer Women Living in Tampa Bay, FL, Emily Noelle Baker
"It's Not Addiction Until You Graduate": Natural Recovery in the College Context, Breanne I. Casper
Tales of Trafficking: Performing Women's Narratives in a Sex Trafficking Rehabilitation Program in Florida, Jaine E. Danlag
Perceptions of Infrastructure, Flood Management, and Environmental Redevelopment in the University Area, Hillsborough County, Florida, Kris-An K. Hinds
Eating in America: Easing the Transition for Resettled Refugees through an Applied Anthropological Intervention, Emily A. Holbrook
Genetic Testing and the Power of the Provider: Women’s Experiences with Cancer Genetic Testing, Dana Erin Ketcher
An Archaeological Investigation of Enslavement at Gamble Plantation, S. Matthew Litteral
“Right in the Trenches with Them”: Caregiving, Advocacy, and the Political Economy of Community Health Workers, Ryan I. Logan
Exploring Variations in Diet and Migration from Late Antiquity to the Early Medieval Period in the Veneto, Italy: A Biochemical Analysis, Ashley B. Maxwell
Least of My Worries: Food Security, Diet Quality, and Antiretroviral Adherence among People Living with HIV, Charlotte Ann Noble
The Tampa Gym Study: An Ethnographic Exploration of Gyms, Female Gym-Goers and The Quest for Fitness in Tampa, FL, Danielle Reneé Rosen
Environmental Legacies of Pre-Contact and Historic Land Use in Antigua, West Indies, Anthony Richard Tricarico
“What I Hadn’t Realized is How Difficult it is, You Know?”: Examining the Protective Factors and Barriers to Breastfeeding in the UK, Cheyenne R. Wagi
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
“I Want Ketchup on my Rice”: The Role of Child Agency on Arab Migrant Families Food and Foodways, Faisal Kh. Alkhuzaim
Exploring Explicit Fanfiction as a Vehicle for Sex Education among Adolescents and Young Adults, Donna Jeanne Barth
Elemental Analyses of Archaeological Bone Using PXRF, ICP-MS, and a Newly Developed Calibration to Assess Andean Paleodiets, Christine L. Bergmann
Cancer Patient Experience Using Integrative Health Techniques, Spencer R. Bockover
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: A Tool For Veteran Reassimilation, Gino L. Collura
High-Precision Lead Isotope Analysis on Modern Populations to Determine Geolocation Reliability, Gennifer M. Goad
Producing the Past: Contested Heritage and Tourism in Glastonbury and Tintagel, Vivian Beatrice Gornik
“I am More Than my Addiction”: Perceptions of Stigma and Access to Care in Acute Opioid Crisis, Heather D. Henderson
Positive Deviance as a Framework for Understanding Motivations and Barriers to Exercise for University Students at Campus Recreation, René Dario Herrera
Raptors and Humans: Exploring Alternative Therapies in Non-Clinical Environments using Birds of Prey, Kaleigh Hoyt
Porter’s Bar: A Coastal Middle Woodland Burial Mound and Shell Midden in Northwest Florida, Kerri Knigge
Collecting the Past: Using a Private Collection of Artifacts to Assess Prehistoric Occupation of the Chipola River Valley in Northwest Florida, Kelsey Kreiser
Capacity Building, Environmental Justice, and Brownfield Redevelopment: A Case Study of Harvest Hope Park, Tampa Bay, FL, Gabrielle R. Lehigh
Ripple Effects of the Belo Monte Dam: A Syndemic Approach to Addressing Health Impacts for the Downstream Community of Gurupá, Cynthia A. Pace
Do All “Good Mothers” Breastfeed? How African American Mothers’ Values and Experiences of Early Motherhood Influence Their Infant Feeding Choices, Airia S. Papadopoulos
The Performance of Memorialization: Politics of Memory and Memory-Making at the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys, Kaniqua Robinson
TGF-β2 in human milk research: Exploration of a new field methodology and new findings of biosimilar TGF-β2 in non-human milk, Chlöe A. Sweetman
Looking Beyond Patient Satisfaction: Experiences of Spanish-Speaking Patients Seeking Non-Urgent Care in an Emergency Department, Seiichi Villalona
A Culture of Resistance: An Ethnography of Tampa Bay’s Racial Justice Activist Community, Emily Janna Weisenberger
The Association of Size Variation in the Dental Arch to Third Molar Agenesis for a Modern Population, Devin N. Williams
Vulnerability and Power: Exploring the Confluence of Politics and Climate Change in Cortez, Florida, Justin P. Winn
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Time to Love: Ideologies of "Good" Parenting at a Family Service Organization in the Southeastern United States, Anna Davidson Abella
The Time to Love: Ideologies of "Good" Parenting at a Family Service Organization in the Southeastern United States, Anna Davidson Abella
More Than Just Empty Space: Integrated Geoarchaeological Investigations of the Crystal River Site (8CI1) Plaza, Alexander C. Delgado
"Beautifully Awful": A Feminist Ethnography of Women Veterans' Experiences with Transition From Military Service, Kiersten H. Downs
Adverse Childhood Experiences and its Association with Cognitive Impairment in Non- Patient Older Population, Mohini D. Dutt
Problematic Participation and Educational Dilemmas: Ethnography of the Educational Experiences of Black Male Youth in Hillsborough County, Florida, Deneia Y. Fairweather
Water, Sanitation, and Citizenship: Perceptions of Water Scarcity, Reuse, and Sustainability in Valparaiso de Goias, Brazil, Paola Andrea Gonzalez
The Lives of Suburban Peasants: Agricultural Change and Mobility in Haiti, Rachel M. Grabner
Diagnostic Divisions of Eating Disorders: A Critical Analysis, Channah A. Leff
Like Watching a Brother Die: Environmental Racism in Bahia, Brazil, Meredith Main
Re-Placing the Plantation Landscape at Yulee’s Margarita Plantation, Katherine M. Padula
Trade, Interaction and Change: Trace Elemental Characterization of Maltese Neolithic to Middle Bronze Age Ceramics Using a Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer, Frederick S. Pirone
Evolution, Ecology, and Disparities: Constructing Stature, Immune Functioning, and Reproduction in Brazilian Quilombo, and United States, Women, Anna C. Rivara
Grassroots Branding: An Exploration of Grassroots Businesses within the Florida Skateboard Community, Lawrence M. Shaw
Poverty in the Land of Plenty? Deconstructing Role of Community-Based Organizations in a Small Community, John Kevin Trainor
Behind the Lens: the Pride and Politics of Filmmaking in Ghana, Farah Leigh Vickery
Impacts of Tourism Development on Livelihoods in Placencia Village, Belize, Crystal Ann Vitous
(Not) Everything is Good and Easy: Language-related Healthcare Experiences of Two Groups of Low-income Latina Mothers, Aria Anna Walsh-Felz
Investing In Change: Illuminating Interactive Systems in HIV Research, Communication Diffusion, and Financing in Lesotho, Sharon Elizabeth Watson
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Concerns of Water Scarcity and Water Quality among two Andean Communities in Peru, Kelsey Anne Anderson
Neighborhood Perceptions of Proximal Industries in Progress Village, FL, Laura E. Baum
Reification, Resistance, and Transformation? The Impact of Migration and Demographics on Linguistic, Racial, and Ethnic Identity and Equity in Educational Systems: An Applied Approach, Rebecca Ann Campbell
Costumbres, Creencias, y “Lo normal”: A Biocultural Study on Changing Prenatal Dietary Practices in a Rural Tourism Community in Costa Rica, Allison Rachel Cantor
Access to Health Services and Health Seeking Behavior Among Former Child Soldiers in Manizales, Colombia, Adriana Marcella Dail
Comparison of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Components at the Lighthouse Bayou Shell Midden, 8Gu114, Northwest Florida, Theodore Gold Gold
Resilience in Uncertainty: An Examination of a Moroccan Centre Serving Unwed Mothers, Dana Louise Goodlett
The Archaeopalynology of Crystal River Site (8CI1), Citrus County, Florida, Kendal Jackson
The Household Water Management System in the Village of Falifah, Gambia: A Case Study in Sustainable Local Development, Baboucar Jobe
"But Our Hands Are Tied": Assessing School Gardening Efforts at Title I Elementary Schools in Pinellas County, Florida, Alexandra Grace Lancey
The Other Earthquake: Janil Lwijis, Student Social Movements, and the Politics of Memory in Haiti, Laura A. Leisinger
The Construction of Latino Im/migrant Families in U.S. News Media: Parents’ Responses and Self-representations, Jason Edward Miller
What’s in Your Toolbox? Examining Tool Choices at Two Middle and Late Woodland-Period Sites on Florida’s Central Gulf Coast, Lori L. O'neal
Access and Barriers to Services for Dependent and Non-Dependent Commercially Sexually Exploited Children in Florida, Brianna O'steen
The Sweet Burden: Constructing and Contesting Druze Heritage and Identity in Lebanon, Chad Kassem Radwan
Investigating Alternative Subsistence Strategies among the Homeless Near Tampa, Florida, Matthew Peter Rooney
The Blurred Lines of HPV and Cervical Cancer Knowledge: Exploring the Social and Cultural Factors of Identity, Gender, and Sexuality in Caribbean Immigrant Women, Maisha Standifer
“A Wound That Never Heals”: Health-Seeking Behaviors and Attitudes Towards Breast Cancer and Cancer in General Among Women in Nakirebe, Uganda, Ann Louise Tezak
Understanding Identity Through Ceramic Analysis at the Crystal River and Roberts Island Sites, Rachel Elizabeth Thompson
Just Hospitality: Wage Theft, Grassroots Labor Organizing, and Activist Research in Nashville, Tennessee, Rachel Tyree
Archaeology of Silver Springs State Park, Marion County, Florida, Rudy J. Westerman
Investigating Early Village Community Formation and Development at Kolomoki (9ER1), Shaun Eric West
Making a Place for People at a Wildlife Corridor on Chicago's South Side, Alexis Winter
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Slope Settlement and Post-Disaster Health Needs of Urban Displacement in La Paz, Bolivia, James Steven Arango
Food Insecurity and Hunger Experiences and their Impact on Food Pantry Clients in the Tampa Bay, Nora Brickhouse Arriola
Southern Chivalry: Perception of Health & Environmental Justice in a Small Southern Neighborhood, Brian S. Brijbag
Latino Immigrant Workers’ Search for Justice After Occupational Injury, Carla Gabriela Castillo
Spatial Analysis of Archaeological Assemblages from the Late Ceramic Age (AD 400-1400) Site of Grand Bay, Carriacou, West Indies, Kara I. Casto
The “Other” Side of Wall Street: Banking, Policies, and Adaptive Methods of U.S. Migrant Workers, Cassandra Rae Decker
Identifying Humanized Ecosystems: Anthropogenic Impacts, Intentionality, and Resource Acquisition at Crystal River (8CI1) and Roberts Island (8CI41), Charles Trevor Duke
Community Identity and Social Practice during the Terminal Classic Period at Actuncan, Belize, Kara Ann Fulton
A Comparative Analysis of Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry and Stable Isotopes in Assessing Ancient Coastal Peruvian Diets, Theresa Jane Gilbertson
Maternal Stress, Breastmilk IGF-1, and Offspring Growth among Breastfeeding Mothers-Infant Pairs in the Tampa Bay Area, Lauren Michelle Gottfredson
Improving LiDAR Data Post-Processing Techniques for Archaeological Site Management and Analysis: A Case Study from Canaveral National Seashore Park, Christopher James Griesbach
Situating Contraceptive Practices and Public Health Strategy in the Bronx: Perspectives from Female Youth, Healthcare Workers, and Reproductive Health Leaders, Hannah Louise Helmy
Teaching About Race in Introductory Anthropology Courses: An Ethnographic Study, Jennifer Gilroy Hunsecker
Rib Fracture Patterns in Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents, Cristina Lynn Kelbaugh
Pottery Exchange and Interaction at the Crystal River Site (8CI1), Florida, Kassie Christine Kemp