"Perceived Barriers for Implementing Primary Sexually Transmitted Infec" by Rachel Monique Stewart-Campbell

Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department


Major Professor

David A. Himmelgreen


community based programs, health education, providers, youth


Adolescents continue to be at increased risk for contracting sexually transmitted infections (STI's). This research study describes the perception of barriers that providers in the Tampa Bay area encounter when implementing primary STI prevention programs for adolescents within the community context. This study used semi structured interviews to explore perceived barriers for implementing primary such programs for adolescents in the Tampa Bay area programs. Participants reported faith based institutions/churches and schools as common sectors for presenting a variety of barriers for implementing their program. Perceptions of barriers were described as, the need to tailor program messages and presentations based on restrictions from school officials and parent's opposition to the program; the lack of appropriate places for program activities and distribution of program materials. Other issues that were identified by several participants were lack of political support for programs at the national level and the need for more funding to administer programs.
