Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Narratives of Resilience: The Power of Creative Expression and Community Support during Familial Incarceration, Alana Alexander
“You are not the Same Person You Were:” On Diagnosis Seeking During a Liminal Period and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Kaylee A. Appleton
Cues and Identity: Assessing Substance Use Cues, Life Experience, and Context, Katelynn Carlsen
“Siguiendo Adelante”/ "Moving Forward:" Gender-based Violence (GBV) Service-Seeking and Survivorship among Indigenous Guatemalan Women, Caitlynn C. Carr
Beyond the Mask: Veterans Challenging the Strong Black Woman Trope in Their Journey to Heal in the South, Meya J. Hemphill-Hodges
Good Times, Politics, and Collapse: The Archaeology of Old St. Joseph, Florida, Christopher N. Hunt
Seminoles, Soldiers, and Settlers: Identity and Power on the Florida Frontier, Jean Louise Lammie
Beyond Climate in Placencia, Belize: Navigating Environmental Change in the Anthropocene, Rory E. McKenna
“It’s essential we learn how to grow for ourselves”: The legacies of Black gardening in racialized food systems., Funmi Odumosu
Mill Point (8HI16-20) and Mosaic Park (8HI6747) in the Pre-Columbian and Historic Periods, Dennis Pierson
Navigating Change: Youth Civic Engagement at Tampa Heights Junior Civic Association, Alex R. Whitacre
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Environmental Justice from the Ground(water) Up: Coping with Contamination in Tallevast, Florida, Grey W. Caballero
The Local Neurologies of Substance Use Triggers, Breanne I. Casper
Entanglements of Teenage Food Security Within High School Pantries in Pinellas County, Florida, Karen T. Díaz Serrano
The Applicability of the Postmortem Submersion Interval Estimation Formula for Human Remains Found in Subtropical Aquatic Environments, Kara L. DiComo
Early Agricultural Lives: Bioarchaeological Inferences from Neolithic and Early Copper Age Tombs in the Central Po Valley, Italy, Christopher J. Eck Jr.
The Process of Government in Clearwater, Florida, Picot deBoisfeuillet Floyd
“I Was Doing the Best with What I Had”: Exploring Student Veterans’ Experiences with Community Reintegration, Food Insecurity, and Health Challenges, Jacquelyn N. Heuer
Transformative Psychedelic Experiences at Music Events: Using Subjective Experience to Explore Chemosocial Assemblages of Culture, Gabrielle R. Lehigh
“They’re Still Trying to Wrap Their Head Around Forever”: An Anatomy of Hope for Spinal Cord Injury Patients, William A. Lucas
Foodways of the Florida Frontier: Zooarchaeological Analysis of Gamble Plantation Historic State Park (8MA100), Mary S. Maisel
The Impacts of Disability Policy and its Implementation on Deaf University Students: An Applied Anthropological Approach, Tailyn Marie Osorio
“I’m Still Suffering”: Mental Health Care Among Central African Refugee Populations in the Tampa Bay Area, C. Danee Ruszczyk
Clinically Applied Anthropology: A Syndemic Intervention., Jason W. Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Ethnographic Insight on the Construct of Blackness: Heritage, ‘Home,’ Community, and Reality in Carver City-Lincoln Gardens, Tampa, Florida, 1928-2021, Lisa Katina Armstrong
An Assessment of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals Gender Affirming Health Care Practices in the Greater Tampa Bay, Sara J. Berumen
Mound-Summit Practices at Cockroach Key (8HI2) Through the Lens of Practice Theory, Chandler O. Burchfield
Crafting a Scene: The Nexus of Production and Consumption of Tampa Bay Craft Beer, Russell L. Edwards
Applied Anthropology of Addiction in Clinical Spaces: co-Developing and Assessing a Novel Opioid Treatment Pathway, Heather Diane Henderson
Japan’s COVID 19 Infection Rate: A Focus on Tokyo Neighborhoods, Lauren Koerner
Mental Health and the Effects of Stress and Violence on Migrant Farmworker Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Russell Rice Manzano
Farmers’ Organizations and Development Actors in a Pandemic: Responses to Covid-19 and the Food-Energy-Water Nexus, Atte Penttilä
An Ideology of Racism: Community Representation, Segregation, and the Historical Cemeteries of Panama City, Florida, Ethan David Mauldin Putman
Beyond Health and Animal Rights: A Study in Black Veganism, Wendy J. Rib
Afro-Latinx and Afro-Latin Americans in the United States: Examining Ethnic and Racial Experiences in Higher Education, Glenda Maria Vaillant Cruz
“That’s What We Call ‘Aesthetics’”: The Social Construction of Tap Water Mistrust in an Underbounded Community, Abby Vidmar
Black Cemeteries Matter: The Erasure of Historic Black Cemeteries in Polk County, Florida, Juliana C. Waters
An Anthropology with Human Waste Management: Non-Humans, The State, and Matters of Care on the Placencia Peninsula, Belize, William Alex Webb
An Edgefield Ceramic Assemblage from the Lost Town of St. Joseph, Northwest Florida, Crystal R. Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Aspiring to “Make it Work”: Defining Resilience and Agency Amongst Hispanic Youth Living in Low-Income Neighborhoods, Sara Arias-Steele
“I Wish Somebody Called Me, Told Me Not to Worry”: Evaluating a Non-Profit’s Use of Social Support to Address Refugee Women’s Resettlement Challenges, Brandylyn L. Arredondo
Of Body and Mind: Bioarchaeological Analysis of Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Anatomization and Institutionalization in Siena, Italy, Jacqueline M. Berger
Cannabis Capitalism in Colorado: An Ethnography of Il/legal Production and Consumption, Lia Berman
Analyses Of Woodland Check-Stamped Ceramics In Northwest Florida, John D. Blackburn
Privies as Portals: A Ceramic and Glass Bottle Analysis of a Late 19th Century Household Privy in Ellenton, FL, Shana Boyer
Making Change in the Nickel City: Food Banking and Food Insecurity in Buffalo, NY During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sarah E. Bradley
Ware and Tear in Ancient Tampa Bay: Ceramic Elemental Analyses from Pinellas County Sites, McKenna Loren Douglass
Rethinking Settlement Patterns at the Weeden Island Site (8PI1) on Florida’s Central Gulf Coast, Heather E. Draskovich
Listening to Women: Using a Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding Women’s Desires and Experience During Childbirth, Nicole Loraine Falk Smith
Archaeology and Seasonality of Stock Island (8Mo2), a Glades-Tradition Village on Key West, Ryan M. Harke
Educational Experiences of Congolese Refugees in West-Central Florida High Schools, Michaela J. Inks
Constructing 'Child Safety': Policy, Practice, and Marginalized Families in Florida's Child Welfare System, Melissa Hope Johnson
"We're the Lucky Ones": A Social Network Analysis of Recovery After the Iowa Derecho, Kayla C. Jones
How Race is Made in Everyday Life: Food, Eating, and Dietary Acculturation among Black and White Migrants in Florida, U.S., Laura Kihlstrom
Tourism, Education, and Identity Making: Agency and Representation of Indigenous Communities in Public Sites within Florida., Timothy R. Lomberk II
Pregnancy and Fertility Amongst Women with the MTHFR C677T Polymorphism: An Anthropological Review, Caroline A. MacLean
A Biocultural Analysis of the Impacts of Interactions Between West Africans and Europeans During the Trans-Atlantic Trade at Elmina, Ghana, Heidi Ellen Miller
The Distribution in Native Populations from Mexico and Central America of the C677T Variant in the MTHFR Gene, Lucio A. Reyes
Politics vs. The Environment: The Spatial Distributions of Mississippian Mound Centers in Tampa Bay, Adam J. Sax
Seasonality, Labor Organization, and Monumental Constructions: An Otolith Study from Florida’s Crystal River Site (8CI1) and Roberts Island Shell Mound Complex (8CI40 and 41), Elizabeth Anne Southard
Eating and Body Image Disorders in the Time of COVID19: An Anthropological Inquiry into the Pandemic’s Effects on the Bodies, Theresa A. Stoddard
The Early Medieval Transition: Diet Reconstruction, Mobility, and Culture Contact in the Ravenna Countryside, Northern Italy, Anastasia Temkina
The Science of Guessing: Critiquing Ancestral Estimation Through Computer Generated Statistical Analysis Within Forensic Anthropology in a Real-World Setting, Christopher J. Turner
Listening to Queens: Ghana's Women Traditional Leaders as a Model for Gender Parity, Kristen M. Vogel
Site Suitability Modeling in the Sand Pine Scrub of the Ocala National Forest, Jelane M. Wallace
Our Story, Our Homeland, Our Legacy: Settlement Patterns of The Geechee at Sapelo Island Georgia, From 1860 To 1950, Colette D. Witcher
Identifying Skeletal Puberty Stages in a Modern Sample from the United States, Jordan T. Wright
Pollen-Vegetation Relationships in Upper Tampa Bay, Jaime E. Zolik
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Maternal Social Status, Offspring 2D:4D Ratio and Postnatal Growth, in Macaca mulatta (Rhesus Macaques), Juan Pablo Arroyo
Social Exclusion of Older Mossi Women Accused of Witchcraft in Burkina Faso, West Africa, Clarisse Barbier
Fields Brook Superfund Site: Race, Class, and Environmental Justice in a Blasted Landscape, Richard C. Bargielski
The Effects of Feudalism on Medieval English Mobility: A Biological Distance Study Using Nonmetric Cranial Traits., Jonathan H. Barkmeier
Before the Storm: Water and Energy Utilities, Human Vulnerability and Disaster Risk, Cori D. Bender
Save Water Drink Wine: Challenges of Implementing the Ethnography of the Temecula Valley Wine Industry into Food-Energy-Water Nexus Decision-Making, Zaida E. Darley
İYo luché!: Uncovering and Interrupting Silencing in an Indigenous and Afro-descendant Community, Eileen Cecelia Deluca
Unwritten Records: Crime and Punishment in Early Virginia, Jessica L. Gantzert
‘It’s Been a Huge Stress’: An In-Depth, Exploratory Study of Vaccine Hesitant Parents in Southern California, Mika Kadono
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Elemental Analysis in Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology, Kelsi N. Kuehn
Middle Woodland Mounds of the Lower Chattahoochee, Lower Flint, and Apalachicola River Basin, Michael H. Lockman
Overturning the Turnbull Settlement: Artifact Analysis of the Old Stone Wharf in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, Tracy R. Lovingood
Nurses and Needlesticks: Perceptions of Stigma and HIV Risk, Bethany Sharon Moore
Circadian Rhythms and the Embodiment of Social Zeitgebers: Linking the Bio and Social, Tiffany R. Moore
Civic Engagement amid Civil Unrest: Haitian Social Scientists Working at Home, Nadège Nau
“Placing our breasts on a hot kerosene lantern”: A Critical Study of Microfinancialization in the Lives of Women Entrepreneurs in the Informal Economic Sector in Ibadan, Nigeria, Olubukola Olayiwola
Domestic Life during the Late Intermediate Period at El Campanario Site, Huarmey Valley, Peru, Jose Luis Peña
Archaeology and the Philosopher's Stance: An Advance in Ethics and Information Accessibility, Dina Rivera
A South Florida Ethnography of Mobile Home Park Residents Organizing Against Neoliberal Crony Capitalist Displacement, Juan Guillermo Ruiz
From Colonial Legacy to Difficult Heritage: Responding to and Remembering An Gorta Mór, Ireland’s Great Hunger, Katherine Elizabeth Shakour
The Role of Financial Insecurity and Expectations on Perspectives of Mental Health Services among Refugees, Jacqueline M. Siven
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Trauma Analysis in Cases of Child Fatality, Jaime D. Sykes
Characterizing Childhood and Diet in Migration Period Hungary, Kirsten A. Verostick