Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Patterns of Consumption: Ceramic Residue Analysis at Liangchengzhen, Shandong, China, Rheta E. Lanehart
Understanding How Young People Experience Risk with Online-to-Offline Sexual Encounters: A Second Qualitative Phase for the CH@T Project, Elizabeth Vp Marwah
Interpreting Bronze Age Exchange in Sicily through Trace Element Characterization of Ceramics Utilizing Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF), Erin Marie Mckendry
The Relationship between Social Networks, Exchange and Kids’ Food in Children’s Peer Culture, Stephanie Tillman Melton
Like Blood from a Stone: Teasing out Social Difference from Lithic Production Debris at Kolomoki (9ER1), Martin Menz
Living Among the Ruins of an Unknown Past: Economic Realities, Sociocultural Perceptions, and Archaeological Practice in the Naco Valley, Honduras, Jose Enrique Moreno-Cortes
Obsidian Source Selection in the Early Bronze Age Cyclades, Jessica Anne Morgan
Reproductive Health Seeking Behaviors Among Female University Students: An Action Oriented Exploratory Study, Robin Emily Mowson
Multi-Isotope Analysis to Reconstruct Dietary and Migration Patterns of an Avar Population from Sajópetri, Hungary, AD 568-895, Liotta Desiree Noche-Dowdy
Myths and Miracles in Mexico City: Treatment Seeking, Language Socialization, and Identity among Deaf Youth and their Families, Anne Elaine Pfister
Multiple Stain Histology of Skeletal Fractures: Healing and Microtaphonomy, John Wellington Powell
Landscape Legacies of Sugarcane Monoculture at Betty's Hope Plantation, Antigua, West Indies, Suzanna M. Pratt
The Archaeology of the McKinnie Site (8JA1869), Apalachicola River Valley, Northwest Florida: Four Thousand Years in the Backswamp, Eric D. Prendergast
A Community of Isolation: An Ethnographic Examination of Mothering in Poverty and Its Impact on Food Security in Pinellas County, Florida, Amanda M. Terry
Creating a Professional Pathway for the Women who Care for our Children: An Anthropological Study of an Early Childhood Workforce Development Policy, Melissa Kay Van Dyke
"It Takes Time to Shift Historical Paradigms": Changes in Structure, Governance, Perception, and Practice During a Decade of Child Welfare Policy Reform in Florida, Amy Catherine Vargo
Narrating Climate Change at the San Juan National Historic Site at the Community Level, Leslie Paul Walker Jr.
Engaging-Up: Compromised Spaces and Potential Partners, Jennifer Necole Webb
Trash Talk: Understanding Food Waste at a Charter Elementary School in Florida, Steven A. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Can Anyone with Low Income Be Food Secure?: Mitigating Food Insecurity among Low Income Households with Children in the Tampa Bay Area, Edgar Allan Amador
Interregional Interaction and Dilmun Power in the Bronze Age: A Characterization Study of Ceramics from Bronze Age Sites in Kuwait, Hasan Ashkanani
Assessing Attachment Process Among Early Institutionalized Orphans in Burkina Faso, Africa, Clarisse Barbier
Environment, Rights, and Waste in Bolivia: Addressing Water and Sanitation Processes for Improved Infrastructure, Maryann R. Cairns
Medicaid Pays for That? An Exploratory, Mixed-Methods Analysis of Florida Home Birth, Nicole K. Demetriou
Cultivating Change: Negotiating Development and Public Policy in Southern California's Wine Country, Laurel Dawn Dillon-Sumner
Pathways of Embodiment: Drug Use Among Adolescents in Popay[aacute]n Colombia, Sarah Louise Fishleder
Is Sickle Cell Trait as Benign as is Usually Assumed?, Carroll Nicole Flansburg
Structural Processes and Local Meaning: Explanatory Models, Political Economy, and Chagas Disease in Tropical Bolivia, Colin James Forsyth
Not on My Street: Exploration of Culture, Meaning and Perceptions of HIV Risk among Middle Class African American Women, Corliss D. Heath
A Forgotten Community: Archaeological Documentation of Old St. Joseph, Gulf County, Florida, Christopher N. Hunt
Obesity and dining out: An exploration of dietary trends in urban Malaysia, Sylvia S. Lim
Recreational Segregation: The Role of Place in Shaping Communities, Iyshia Michelle Lowman
Digital Modeling and Non-Destructive Technological Examination of Artifacts and Safety Harbor Burial Practices at Picnic Mound 8Hi3, Hillsborough County, Florida, James Bart Mcleod
Modeling the Relationship between Climate Change and Landscape Modification at the Crystal River Site (8CI1), Florida, Sean Patrick Norman
Portable X-ray Fluorescence Analysis of Pottery at the Bayshore Homes Site in Pinellas County, Florida, Rachel Nostrom
Examining Activity Organization in Plazas through Geochemical Analysis at Tlalancaleca, Puebla, Mexico (800 BC-AD 100), Paige Gale Phillips
Medical Pluralism in a Neoliberal State: Health and Deservingness in Southern Belize, Douglas Carl Reeser
Growing Children: The relationship between food insecurity and child growth and development., Ernesto Ruiz
Measuring the Adaptation of Military Response During the Second Seminole War Florida (1835-1842): KOCOA and The Role of a West Point Military Academy Education, Michelle Diane Sivilich
The Reproductive Lives of Chuukese Women: Transnationalism in Guam and Chuuk, Sarah Ann Smith
Craniometric Ancestry Proportions among Groups Considered Hispanic: Genetic Biological Variation, Sex-Biased Asymmetry, and Forensic Applications, Meredith L. Tise
"Wake Up the Knowledge That You Have": An Assessment of Community Food Security in Fellsmere, Florida, Susan Marie Tyler
Guaman Poma's Legacy: Snapshots of Globalization, Identity, and Literacy through the Urban Amazonian Indigenous Intellectual Lens, Roger Maurice Villamar
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Prehispanic Water Management at Takalik Abaj, Guatemala, Alicia E. Alfaro
The Hopewellian Influence at Crystal River, Florida: Testing the Marine Shell Artifact Production Hypothesis, Beth Blankenship
The Political Economy of Maternal Health in a Medically Pluralistic Environment: A Case Study in the Callejón de Huaylas, Isabella Chan
Desert in the Springs: Ethnography of a Food Desert, Margeaux Alana Chavez
Cruising for Culture: Mass Tourism and Cultural Heritage on Roatàn Island, Honduras, Melanie Nichole Coughlin Depcinski
Physicians as Gatekeepers: Uncovering Barriers and Facilitators to Participation in a Prostate Cancer Prevention Intervention Clinical Trial, Theresa T. Crocker
"It's This Simple, You Really Have to Want to Be Together": A Qualitative Study of African American Military Couples, Emelda Curry
Creating Community: A qualitative study to identify factors impacting community in a university Learning Community cohort, Maura B. Denny
More than Feeding: Lived Experiences of Low-Income Women Receiving Lactation Support, Emily Anne Dunn
Survivorship, Infertility and Parenthood: Experiencing Life after Cancer in Puerto Rico, Karen Elizabeth Dyer
The Professionalization and Practice of Lactation Consulting: Medicalized Knowledge, Humanistic Care, Aimee R. Eden
Exploring the Motives, Perceptions and Constructed Identities of the Facilitators for One Regional Council of a Positive Youth Development Program: Girls on the Run, Ashley Ann Gallentine
Ecological Diversity in Hillsborough County, Florida: Correlations between Landscape Metrics and Socio-demographic Variables, David Godfrey
Archaeological and Historic Preservation in Tampa, Florida, Dawn Michelle Hayes
Circulating Ceramics in the Eighteenth Century Colonial Circum-Caribbean: Towards an Archaeological Model for Inter-Site Comparison, Daniel B. Hughes
Risk and HIV-serodiscordant Couples in Porto Alegre, Brazil: "Normal" Life and the Semantic Quarantine, Shana Hughes
Framing Violence: The Hidden Suffering and Healing of Sudan's 'Lost Girls' in Cairo, Egypt, Ginger Ann Johnson
Ten Thousand Years of Prehistory on Ocheesee Pond, Northwest Florida. Archaeological Investigations on the Keene Family Land, Jackson County, Caitlin Kelley
Exploring Potential Applications of Portable X-ray Fluorescence on Earthen Materials from Southeast Mesoamerica, David Rafael Mccormick
Unearthing Augusta: Landscapes of Royalization on Roatan Island, Honduras, Lorena Diane Mihok
Fertile Ground for a Social Movement: Social Capital in Direct Agriculture Marketing, Elizabeth A. Murray
Constructing a Healthcare Assets Map in Rural Appalachia: An Analysis of Healthcare Services and Perceived Health Threats, Catherine Myers
Pottery Production during the Late Horizon in the Huancabamba Valley, Cajamarca - Peru, Jose Luis Pena
Cultivating Local: Building a Local Food System in Western North Carolina, Allison S. Perrett
Community Arts in the Lives of Disadvantaged African American Youth: Educating for Wellness and Cultural Praxis, Mabel Sabogal
Archaeology of the Early Eighteenth-Century Spanish Fort San José, Northwest Florida, Julie Rogers Saccente
The Elimination of Blindness: An Ethnographic Exploration of the Fight Against Trachoma in Niger, Kelley Cosby Sams
Archaeological Site Distribution in the Apalachicola/Lower Chattahoochee River Valley of Northwest Florida, Southwest Georgia, and Southeast Alabama, Adam M. Schieffer
Turning Water into Wine: The Political Economy of the Environment in Southern California's Wine Country, Jason Simms
"When You Tell Them, Your Secret is Out There": Experiences of Sexuality and Intimacy Among HIV Positive Black Women, Mackenzie Rae Tewell
A Critical Ethnography of Globalization in Lesotho, Africa: Syndemic Water Insecurity and the Micro-politics of Participation, Cassandra Lin Workman
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Resisting Criminalization through Moses House: An Engaged Ethnography, Lance Arney
Becoming the Corporate Native...Virtually: An Ethnography and Corporate Culture Assessment of a Virtual Organization, Jennifer Laurel Avery
Good Men Grow Corn: Embodied Ecological Heritage and Health in a Belizean Mopan Community, Kristina Linda Baines
Hurricane Preparedness of Community-Dwelling Dementia Caregivers in South Florida, Janelle J. Christensen
The Effects of Food Insecurity on Mental Wellbeing in Monteverde Costa Rica, Robert Eugene Cowherd
Reciprocity and Development in Disaster-Induced Resettlement in Andean Ecuador, Albert J. Faas
Learning Without Being Taught: A Look at How Schools, the Home and the Neighborhood Influence "Race" Conceptualization, Owen Christopher Gaither
Fishermen, Politics, and Participation: An Ethnographic Examination of Commercial Fisheries Management in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Cynthia Grace-Mccaskey
Stable Isotope Analysis of Busycon sinistrum to Determine Fort Walton-Period Seasonality at St. Joseph Bay, Northwest Florida, Ryan Michael Harke
"People...Do Not Come with Standardized Circumstances": Toward A Model for an Anthropology of E-Government, Marc K. Hebert
Interrogating Grenadian Masculinities and Violence Against Women: An Evaluation of the United Nations Partnership for Peace Program, Rohan Dexter Jeremiah
Selling Masculinity and Profiting from Marginality: Sex Work and Tourism in a Jamaican Resort Town, Lauren C. Johnson
Archaeological Survey and Testing on St. Vincent Island, Northwest Florida, Elicia Victoria Kimble
Specialization in Small-Scale Societies: The Organization of Pottery Production at Kolomoki (9ER1), Early County, Georgia, Travis Laforge
Wetland and Lake Destruction, Development and Mental/Emotional Distress Among Residents of Tampa Bay, Florida, Gina Larsen
Studying Socioeconomic Trends through Cemetery Sales Records: A Case Study of Greenwood Cemetery, Orlando, Florida, Victoria Abigail Kennedy Lawrence
Program Evaluation: An NGO's Attempt to use Volunteerism to Promote Community Development, Adrienne Sage Mael
Schooling, Community, and Identity: The Perspectives of Muslim Girls Attending an Islamic School in Florida, Vanessa Martinez
"You have to have children to be happy:" Exploring Beliefs About Reproduction with Burmese Refugee Women in the United States, Kara E. McGinnis
"Planting Wholesome Seeds": Organic Farming and Community Supported Agriculture at Sweetwater Organic Community Farm, Philip R. Mcnab
Wrecking Recreation Center Relationships: How policy affects urban youth in Tampa, Florida, Brett A. Mervis
Beyond Practice and Constraint: Toward Situating Female Sexual Agency on St. Croix, USVI, Jamae F. Morris
Out of the Land of Forgetfulness: Archaeological Investigations at Bulow Plantation (8FL7), Flagler County, Florida, Rebecca Claire O'sullivan