Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started

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Submissions from 2009


Reconfiguring Collection Development for the Future: A Faculty Print Serials Review, Audrey Powers, Matt Torrence, Cheryl McCoy, and Jared Hoppenfeld


Controversies in Evaluating Competency to Stand Trial, Norman Poythress and Patricia A. Zapf


The Team Personality–Team Performance Relationship Revisited: The Impact of Criterion Choice, Pattern of Workflow, and Method of Aggregation, Matthew S. Prewett, Ashley A. G. Walvoord, Frederick R.B. Stilson, Michael Rossi, and Michael T. Brannick


Diatom Response to the Tsoyowata Ashfall in Fallen Leaf Lake, California, Marcella Purkey, Paula J. Noble, Shane B. Smith, Robert E. Karlin, and Anthony J. Menicucci


Broadleaf Species Recognition with in situ Hyperspectral Data, Ruiliang Pu


21st Century STEM Careers: Communication Perspectives and Research Opportunities, Linda L. Putnam, Lorraine G. Kisselburgh, Brenda L. Berkelaar, Patrice M. Buzzanell, Maria Mastronardi, Michele H. Jackson, Kimberly Stoltzfus, Jane Jorgenson, and June Wang


Paleomagnetic Directions from Mid-Latitude Sites in the Southern Hemisphere (Argentina): Contribution to Time Averaged Field Models, Xavier Quidelleur, J. Carlut, P. Tchilinguirian, Aurélie Germa, and P. Y. Gillot


Comprehensive Model of Worker Nonwork-Activity Time Use and Timing Behavior, Bharath S. Rajagopalan, Abdul Rawoof Pinjari, and Chandra R. Bhat


Social Information Processing Theory, Artemio Ramirez Jr.


The Effect of Interactivity on Initial Interactions: The Influence of Information Seeking Role on Computer-Mediated Interaction, Artemio Ramirez Jr.


`IM me': Instant Messaging as Relational Maintenance and Everyday Communication, Artemio Ramirez Jr. and Kathy Broneck


Information Seeking and Interpersonal Outcomes Using the Internet, Artemio Ramirez Jr. and Joseph B. Walther


Leadership Predictors of Innovation and Task Performance: Subordinates’ Self-esteem and Self-Presentation as Moderators, Johannes Rank, Nicole E. Nelson, Tammy D. Allen, and Xian Xu


Relationships Between Psychopathy and Impulsivity in the Domain of Self-Reported Personality Features, James Ray, Norman Poythress, John M. Weir, and Angela Rickelm


Controlling a Robotically Steered Needle in the Presence of Torsional Friction, Kyle B. Reed and Allison M. Okamura


Modeling and Control of Needles with Torsional Friction, Kyle B. Reed, Allison M. Okamura, and Noah J. Cowan


A Genealogy of Black Organizing in Brazil, Bernd Reiter


A Genealogy of Black Organizing in Brazil, Bernd Reiter


Civil Society and Democracy: Weimar Reconsidered, Bernd Reiter


Fighting Exclusion with Culture and Art: Examples from Brazil, Bernd Reiter


Inequality and School Reform in Bahia, Brazil, Bernd Reiter


Wampler B., 2007. Participatory Budget in Brazil: Contestation, Cooperation and Accountability, Bernd Reiter


Whiteness as Capital: Constructing Inclusion and Defending Privilege, Bernd Reiter

Brazil’s New Racial Politics, Bernd Reiter and Gladys Mitchell


Effect of Communication Media on Developmental Relationships: Self-Reported and Observed Behaviors, Rosemarie Reynolds and Michael T. Brannick


Perspectives on Ecological and Evolutionary Systems Biology, Christina L. Richards, Yoshie Hanzawa, Manpreet Katari, Ian M. Ehrenreich, Kathleen E. Englemann, and Michael D. Purugganan


Sailfish (Istiophorus Platypterus) Spawning and Larval Environment in a Florida Current Frontal Eddy, D. E. Richardson, J. K. Llopiz, K. D. Leaman, P. S. Vertes, Frank E. Muller-Karger, and R. K. Cowen


Physical Performance of Beach Nourishment Projects Along a Microtidal Low-Energy Coast, West-Central Florida, USA, Tiffany M. Roberts, Ping Wang, and Nicole A. Elko


Avoidance of Overlearning Characterizes the Spacing Effect, Doug Rohrer


The Effects of Spacing and Mixing Practice Problems, Doug Rohrer


Diverse Circovirus-like Genome Architectures Revealed by Environmental Metagenomics, Karyna Rosario, Siobain Duffy, and Mya Breitbart


Metagenomic Analysis of Viruses in Reclaimed Water, Karyna Rosario, Christina Nilsson, Yan Wei Lim, Yijun Ruan, and Mya Breitbart


Pepper Mild Mottle Virus as an Indicator of Fecal Pollution, Karyna Rosario, Erin M. Symonds, C. D. Sinigalliano, Jill Stewart, and Mya Breitbart


Ecophysiological Influence on Scaling of Aerobic and Anaerobic Metabolism of Pelagic Gonatid Squids, Rui Rosa, Lloyd Trueblood, and Brad A. Seibel


Gender and Death, Lori A. Roscoe


Gender and Death, Lori A. Roscoe


Therapeutic Acts of Witness: Why Writing Poetry and Prose has Never Been Just for Patients, Lori A. Roscoe


Well-Being of Family Caregivers of Persons with Late-Stage Huntington's Disease: Lessons in Stress and Coping, Lori A. Roscoe, Elizabeth Corsentino, Shirley Watkins, Marcia McCall, and Juan Sanchez-Ramos


Calibration of Sclerosponge Oxygen Isotope Records to Temperature using High-resolution δ18O Data, Brad E. Rosenheim, Peter K. Swart, and Philippe Willenz


Trade-off Between Aerobic Capacity and Locomotor Capability in an Antarctic Pteropod, Joshua J. C. Rosenthal, Brad A. Seibel, Agnieszka Dymowska, and Francisco Bezanilla


Reducing Dangerous Nighttime Events in Persons with Dementia Using a Nighttime Monitoring System, Meredeth A. Rowe, Annette Kelly, Claydell Horne, Steve Lane, Judy Campbell, Brandy Lehman, Chad Phipps, Meredith Keller, and Andrea Pe Benito


Reducing Dangerous Nighttime Events in Persons with Dementia Using a Nighttime Monitoring System, Meredeth Rowe, Annette Kelly, Claydell Horne, Steve Lane, Judy Campbell, Brandy Lehman, Chad Phipps, Meredith Keller, and Andrea Pe Benito


Improving Caregivers’ Well-Being by Using Technology to Assist in Managing Nighttime Activity in Persons with Dementia, Meredeth Rowe, Heather J. Spring, and Annette Kelly


Producing the Eighteenth-century Book: Writers and Publishers in England, 1650-1800, Laura Runge and Pat Rogers


Serpentinite in Subduction Zones: How Do We Find it, and How Common Is it?, Jeffrey G. Ryan


What Goes into Making Volcanic Arc Magmas, and How Do We Know It?, Jeffrey G. Ryan


Effect of a Brief, Regular Telephone Intervention by Paraprofessionals for Type 2 Diabetes, William P. Sacco, J. I. Malone, Anthony D. Morrison, Andrea Friedman, and Kristen J. Wells


Subgroup Differences on Cognitively Tests in Contexts Other than Personnel Selection, Paul R. Sackett and Winny Shen


Recycling of Municipal Solid Waste Ash Through an Innovative Technology to Produce Commercial Zeolite Material of High Cation Exchange Capacity, Maysson Sallam, Robert P. Carnahan, Abla Zayed, and Sermin Sunol

Major Depressive Disorder is Associated with Attenuated Cardiovascular Reactivity Among Those Free of Cardiovascular Disease, Kristen Salomon, April Clift, Mardís Sara Karlsdóttir, and Johnathan Rottenberg


Color Harmony Increases the Capacity of Visual Short Term Memory, Thomas Sanocki and Noah P. Sulman


Priming of Simple and Complex Scene Layout: Rapid Function From the Intermediate Level, Thomas Sanocki and Noah Patrick Sulman


Shaping Economic Reality: A Critical Metaphor Analysis of President Barack Obama’s Economic Language During His First 100 Days, Joshua M. Scacco


Stability of the Rotation Axis in High‐Resolution Mantle circulation Models: Weak Polar Wander despite Strong core Heating, K. Schaber, H. -P. Bunge, B. S. A. Schuberth, Rocco Malservisi, and A. Horbach

Program and Abstracts of The Seventh Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles, C. Schaffer, Elizabeth M. Walton, E. Walton, and R. Schaffer


In Search of a Good Death, David P. Schenck and Lori A. Roscoe


Cognitive Engagement with a Multimedia ERP Training Tool: Assessing Computer Self-Efficacy and Technology Acceptance, Judy E. Scott and Steven Walczak


Animal Function at the Heart (and Gut) of Oceanography, Brad A. Seibel and Heidi M. Dierssen


Towards a Regional Coastal Ocean Observing System: an Initial Design for the Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association, Harvey E. Seim, M. Fletcher, C. N. K. Mooers, James R. Nelson, and Robert H. Weisberg


Methods of promoting safe sex behaviors utilized by men who have sex with casual sex partners, Julie M. Serovich, Shonda M. Craft, Tiffany L. McDowell, Erika L. Grafsky, and David Andrist


An intervention to assist men who have sex with other men disclose their serostatus to casual sex partners: Results from a pilot study, Julie M. Serovich, Sandra J. Reed, Erika L. Grafsky, and David Andrist


Curing Researcher’s Block: Generating Innovative Research Ideas, Winny Shen


Why Can Birds Be So Smart? Background, Significance, and Implications of the Revised View of the Avian Brain, Toru Shimizu


Evolution of the Visual System in Reptiles and Birds, Toru Shimizu, Tadd B. Patton, Gabrielle Szafranski, and Ann B. Butler


Assessment of Body Image, Hermal Shroff, Rachel M. Calogero, and Joel Kevin Thompson


Unusual Anatomy of the Ectoparasitic Muricid Vitularia salebrosa (King and Broderip, 1832) (Neogastropoda: Muricidae) from the Pacific Coast of Panama, Luiz R. L. Simone, Gregory S. Herbert, and Didier Merle


Exploring Ethnic Group and Geographic Differences in Social Axioms in the USA, Theodore M. Singelis, Dharm P. S. Bhawuk, William K. Gabrenya Jr., Michele Gelfand, Jake Harwood, Pa Her, Junko Tanaka-Matsumi, and Joseph A. Vandello


A review of services and interventions for runaway and homeless youth: Moving forward, Natasha Slesnick, Pushpanjali Dashora, Amber Letcher, Gizem Erdem, and Julie M. Serovich


Dependence of Total Longshore Sediment Transport Rates on Incident Wave Parameters and Breaker Type, Ernest R. Smith, Ping Wang, Bruce A. Ebersole, and Jun Zhang


The Sediment Infill of Subglacial Meltwater Channels on the West Antarctic Continental Shelf, James A. Smith, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Robert D. Larter, Alastair G. C. Graham, and Gerhard Kuhn


Body Image, Eating Disorders, and Obesity in Youth: Assessment, Prevention, and Treatment (2nd Ed.), Linda Smolak and Joel Kevin Thompson


More Questions: Some Concluding Thoughts on Body Image, Eating Disorders, and Obesity in Youth, Linda Smolak and Joel Kevin Thompson


The Delineation of Agricultural Management Zones with High Resolution Remotely Sensed Data, Xiaoyu J. Song, Jihua Wang, Wenjiang Huang, Liangyun Liu, Guangjian Yan, and Ruiliang Pu


Physical Connectivity in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Inferred from 9 Years of Ocean Color Observations, I. Soto, S. Andréfouët, C. Hu, Frank E. Muller-Karger, C. C. Wall, J. Sheng, and B. G. Hatcher


Progress in Developing a New Detection Method for the Harmful Algal Bloom Species, Karenia brevis, through Multiwavelength Spectroscopy, Adam H. Spear, Kendra L. Daly, Debra Huffman, and Luis Garcia-Rubio


The Role of Job Control in Employee Health and Well‐Being, Paul E. Spector


Common Method Variance or Measurement Bias?: The Problem and Possible Solutions, Paul E. Spector and Michael T. Brannick


Occupational Health, Paul E. Spector and Chu H. Chang


Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Paul E. Spector and Lori F. Thompson


Treatment of Eating Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence, Steffanie Sperry, Megan Roehrig, and Joel Kevin Thompson


Cosmetic Surgery Reality TV Viewership: Relations With Cosmetic Surgery Attitudes, Body Image, and Disordered Eating, Steffanie Sperry, Joel Kevin Thompson, David B. Sarwer, and Thomas F. Cash


Exploring the Determinants of Probationers' Perceptions of their Supervising Officers, Nicolette F. Springer, Brandon K. Applegate, Hayden P. Smith, and Alicia H. Sitren


Fishery-Independent Data Reveal Negative Effect of Human Population Density on Caribbean Predatory Fish Communities, Christopher D. Stallings


Predator Identity and Recruitment of Coral-reef Fishes: Indirect Effects of Fishing, Christopher D. Stallings


Il 3D modeling in Archeologia: Il Caso della Montagna di Polizzello, Filippo Stanco and Davide Tanasi


Enduring Changes in Reward Mechanisms after Developmental Exposure to Cocaine, Kirstie H. Stansfield and Cheryl L. Kirstein


Wetland Assessment Alphabet Soup: How to Choose (or not Choose) the Right Assessment Method, Eric D. Stein, Mark Brinson, Mark Cable Rains, William Kleindl, and F. Richard Hauer


Interventions for Intimate Partner Violence: Review and Directions for Evidence Based Practice, Carla Smith Stover, Amy Lynn Meadows, and Joan Kaufman


The Domestic Violence Home Visit Intervention: Impact on Recidivism, Carla Smith Stover, Gina Poole, and Steven Marans


Evaluation of Groundwater Storage Monitoring with the GRACE Satellite: Case Study High Plains Aquifer, Central United States, Gil Strassberg, Bridget Scanlon, and D. Chambers


The Social Distribution of Neighborhood-Scale Air Pollution and Monitoring Protection, Amy L. Stuart, Sarntharm Mudhasakul, and Watanee Sriwatanapongse


Transport of Momentum and Scalar in Turbulent Flows with Anisotropic Dispersive Waves, Semion Sukoriansky, Nadejda Dikovskaya, and Boris Galperin


A Quasi-Normal Scale Elimination Theory of Turbulent Flows With Stable Stratification, Semion Sukoriansky and Boris Galperin


Quasi-Normal Scale Elimination Theory of Turbulence, Semion Sukoriansky and Boris Galperin


The Use of Low Cost Data Logging Temperature Sensors in the Evaluation of an Urban Heat Island in Tampa, Florida, JoAnn Sullivan and Jennifer M. Collins


Improving Project Outcomes through Operational Reliability: A Conceptual Model, John J. Sullivan and Roger Beach


The Costs of Multiple Concurrent Tasks in Scene Perception, Noah P. Sulman and Thomas Sanocki


Estimation of Fingertip Force Direction With Computer Vision, Yu Sun, John Hollerbach, and Stephen Mascaro


Identity Negotiation at Work, William B. Swann Jr., Russell E. Johnson, and Jennifer K. Bosson


Racial Disparities in Involuntary Outpatient Commitment: Are They Real?, Jeffrey W. Swanson, Marvin S. Swartz, Richard A. Van Dorn, John Monahan, Thomas McGuire, Henry Steadman, and Pamela Robbins