Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started

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Submissions from 2008


Family Caregivers' Future Planning for Younger and Older Adults With Serious Mental Illness (SMI), Elizabeth A. Corsentino, Victor Molinari, Amber M. Gum, Lori A. Roscoe, and Whitney L. Mills


Sexual need fulfillment in the relationships of straight and bisexual men with HIV, Shonda M. Craft and Julie M. Serovich


Stress, attachment and partner violence in same-sex relationships, Shonda M. Craft, Julie M. Serovich, Patrick C. McKenry, and Ji-Young Lim


Low-Cost Pyrometric Temperature Measurement in Concentrated Sunlight with Emissivity Determination, Nathan B. Crane


Isotopic Variability in the Intertidal Acorn Barnacle Semibalanus balanoides: A Novel Sea-Level Proxy Indicator, K. F. Craven, M. I. Bird, W. E.N. Austin, and Jonathan G. Wynn


Evidence in Favor of the Early-Phase Elevated-Attention Hypothesis: The Effects of Letter Frequency and Object Frequency, Amy H. Criss and Kenneth J. Malmberg


Morphology and Filling of Incised Submarine Valleys on the Continental Shelf Near the Mouth of the Fly River, Gulf of Papua, J. S. Crockett, C. A. Nittrouer, A. S. Ogston, D. F. Naar, and B. T. Donahue


The Use of CMC Technologies in Academic Libraries, Courtney Crummett and Anna Perrault

Between a rock and a hard place? Two perspectives on the role of “middle leader” in Library 2.0 transformation, Nancy Cunningham

Best Practices in System-Level Change, M J. Curtis, Jose M. Castillo, and R M. Cohen

The Status of School Psychology: Demographic Characteristics, Employment Conditions, Professional Practices, and Continuing Professional Development, M Curtis, A Lopez, Jose Castillo, G Batsche, D Minch, and J Smith


The Relationship Between Distress Tolerance and Antisocial Personality Disorder Among Male Inner-City Treatment Seeking Substance Users, Stacey B Daughters, Marsha N. Sargeant, Marina Bornovalova, Kim L. Gratz, and Carl W Lejuez


The Interactive Effects of Antisocial Personality Disorder and Court-Mandated Status on Substance Abuse Treatment Dropout, Stacey B. Daughters, Brooke A Stipelman, Marsha N. Sargeant, Randi Schuster, Marina Bornovalova, and C W Lejuez


Subjective and Objective Napping and Sleep in Older Adults: Are Evening Naps “Bad” for Nighttime Sleep?, Natalie D. Dautovich, Christina S. McCrae, and Meredeth A. Rowe


Emergent Methods in Autoethnographic Research: Autoethnographic Narrative and the Multiethnographic Turn, Christine S. Davis and Carolyn Ellis


Factor Structure of the Child Behavior Checklist/6-18 in a Sample of Girls Adopted from China, Robert F. Dedrick, Tony X. Tan, and Kofi Marfo


Psychosocial Functioning Problems over Time among High Risk Youths: A Latent Class Transition Analysis, Richard Dembo, Jennifer Wareham, Norman Poythress, Kathleen Meyers, and James Schmeidler


Biodiversity and Biogeography of Phages in Modern Stromatolites and Thrombolites, Christelle Desnues, Beltran Rodriguez-Brito, Steve Rayhawk, Scott Kelley, and Mya Breitbart


The Paradox of "Fair Trade": The Influence of Neoliberal Trade Agreements on Food Security and Health, Rebecca De Souza, Ambar Basu, Induk Kim, Iccha Basnyat, and Mohan J. Dutta


The Search for Hormesis in the Nervous System, David M. Diamond


Functional Metagenomic Profiling of Nine Biomes, Elizabeth Dinsdale, Robert Edwards, Dana Hall, Florent Angly, Mya Breitbart, Lauren D. McDaniel, and John Paul


Alfred the Great and the Anonymous Prose Proem to the Boethius, Nicole Guenther Discenza


Review of Source of Wisdom: Old English and Early Medieval Latin Studies in Honour of Thomas D. Hill, Nicole Guenther Discenza


Technologies of the Word, Nicole Guenther Discenza


Strengthening Links Between the Levels: School Counselor Collaboration for Successful Student Transitions, Andrea L. Dixon, Joyce A. DeVoss, and Eric S. Davis


Carbonatite and Silicate Melt Metasomatism of the Mantle Surrounding the Hawaiian Plume: Evidence from Volatiles, Trace Elements, and Radiogenic Isotopes in Rejuvenated‐stage Lavas from Niihau, Hawaii, Jacqueline Dixon, David A. Clague, Brian Cousens, Maria Luisa Monsalve, and Jessika Uhl


Earth Scientists and Public Policy: Have We Failed New Orleans?, Timothy H. Dixon and Roy K. Dokka


The Geological Perspective, Timothy H. Dixon and C. Moore


A Call to Action for Coral Reefs, Richard E. Dodge, Charles Birkeland, Marea Hatziolos, Joan Kleypas, Stephen R. Palumbi, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Rob van Woesik, John C. Ogden, Richard B. Aronson, Billy D. Causey, and Francis Staub

Personal transformation from student to working professional, Claudia J. Dold

What’s new for you in the FMHI Research Library, Claudia J. Dold


Youth driven research: Finding a voice, Claudia J. Dold

How to keep up in your field when you are no longer a student, Claudia J. Dold and Ardis Hanson


Criminal Recidivism among Juvenile Offenders: Testing the Incremental and Predictive Validity of Three Measures of Psychopathic Features, Kevin S. Douglas, Monica E. Epstein, and Norman G. Poythress


Relation of Antisocial and Psychopathic Traits to Suicide-Related Behavior among Offenders, Kevin S. Douglas, Scott O. Lilienfeld, Jennifer L. Skeem, Norman Poythress, John F. Edens, and Christopher J. Patrick


Estimating Carrying Capacity for Sandhill Cranes using habitat Suitability and Spatial Optimization Models, Joni A. Downs, Robert J. Gates, and Alan T. Murray


Effects of Point Pattern Shape on Home-Range Estimates, Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner


Spatially Modelling Pathways of Migratory Birds for Nature Reserve Site Selection, Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner


Performing Race in Flavor of Love and The Bachelor, Rachel E. Dubrofsky and Antoine Hardy


A Personal Visit with Ashley Bryan, Cora P. Dunkley


A Retrospective Analysis and Comparative Study of Stony Coral Assemblages in Biscayne National Park, FL (1977-2000), Jennifer M. Dupont, Walter C. Jaap, and Pamela Hallock

Wildlife Habitat and Wildlife Utilization of Phosphate-Mined Lands, D Durbin, S Gonzalez, K Robbins, N Halstead, H R. Mushinsky, and Earl D. McCoy


Between Us: A Bio-Poem, Aisha Durham


Meanings of Health: Interrogating Structure and Culture, Mohan J. Dutta and Ambar Basu


Health Disparity and the Racial Divide Among the Nation’s Youth: Internet as an Equalizer?, Mohan J. Dutta, Graham D. Bodie, and Ambar Basu

Religions of India: Their Particularity and Universality for Environmental Protection, O. P. Dwivedi and Mark R. Hafen


Moving Toward Interdisciplinary Dialogue in Mentoring Scholarship: An Introduction to the Special Issue, Lilian T. Eby and Tammy D. Allen


Does Mentoring Matter? A Multidisciplinary Meta-Analysis Comparing Mentored and Non-Mentored Individuals, Lillian T. Eby, Tammy D. Allen, Sarah C. Evans, Thomas Ng, and David Dubois


Further Evidence of the Divergent Correlates of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory Factors: Prediction of Institutional Misconduct among Male Prisoners, John F. Edens, Norman G. Poythress, Scott O. Lilienfeld, Christopher J. Patrick, and Amy Test


Revision: Autoethnographic Reflections on Work and Life, Carolyn Ellis


Let’s Get Personal: First-Generation Autoethnographers Reflect on Writing Personal Narratives, Carolyn Ellis, Art Bochner, Norman K. Denzin, H. L. Goodall Jr., Ron Pelias, and Laurel Richardson


Talking and Thinking about Qualitative Research, Carolyn Ellis, Arthur P. Bochner, Norman Denzin, Yvonna Lincoln, Janice Morse, Ronald Pelias, Laurel Richardson, Ronald Pelias, and Laurel Richardson


Autoethnographic Introspective in Ethnographic Fiction: A Method of Inquiry, Carolyn Ellis and C. Davis


Wording Pictures: Discovering Heartful Autoethnography, Carolyn Ellis and Karen Scott-Hoy


Tidal Influence on a Fringing Mangrove Intertidal Fish Community as Observed By in Situ Video Recording: Implications for Studies of Tidally Migrating Nekton, William L. Ellis and Susan S. Bell


Introduction, Lawrence E. Estaville and Fenda A. Akiwumi


Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Fauna and Ecosystem Processes, Victoria J. Fabry, Brad A. Seibel, Richard A. Feely, and James C. Orr


The Exploration of Subclinical Psychopathic Subtypes and the Relationship with Types of Aggression, Diana Falkenbach, Norman Poythress, and Caysyn Creevy


Predictors of Volunteer Time: The Changing Contributions of Motive Fulfillment and Role Identity, Marcie Finkelstein


Volunteer Satisfaction and Volunteer Action: A Functional Approach, Marcie Finkelstein


The P300 as an Electrophysiological Probe of Alcohol Expectancy, Inna Fishman, Mark Goldman, and Emanuel Donchin


Superior Karst Management Through Superior Data Management: The Karst Information Portal, E. Spencer Fleury, George H. Veni, Todd A. Chavez, Penelope J. Boston, Diana E. Northup, H. Len Vacher, and Pat Seiser


Expectancy Violations Theory, Kory Floyd, Artemio Ramirez Jr., and Judee K. Burgoon


Sexual Harassment, Sondra J. Fogel


A Decent Home for Every Family? Housing Policy Initiatives Since the 1980s, Sondra J. Fogel, Marc T. Smith, and Anne R. Williamson


Owning a Home: New Opportunities and Challenges for Low-Income Women, Sondra J. Fogel, Marc T. Smith, and Anne R. Williamson


Using Frequency Analysis to Determine Wetland Hydroperiod, Lisa D. Foster, Nirjhar Shah, Mark Ross, G. S. Ladde, and Ping Wang


Discrete Analysis (Matrix Models), Gordon A. Fox

Communication Technology Changes how We Age, J. L. Fozard and William D. Kearns


Communication Technology Changes how We Age, J. L. Fozard and William D. Kearns


Prevalence and Effects of Rape Myths in the Media: The Kobe Bryant Case, Renae Franiuk, Jennifer L. Seefelt, Sandy L. Cepress, and Joseph A. Vandello


Prevalence of Rape Myths in Headlines and their Effects on Attitudes Toward Rape Victims, Renae Franiuk, Jennifer L. Seefelt, and Joseph A. Vandello


Scientific Journals as Fossil Traces of Sweeping Change in the Structure and Practice of Modern Geology, Sarah E. Fratesi and H. Len Vacher


Concept Mapping in Knowledge Organization through a semiotics lens, Alon Friedman


Supply Chain Design in Perfect Competition, Terry L. Friesz and Changhyun Kwon


Zonostrophic Turbulence, Boris Galperin, Semion Sukoriansky, and Nadejda Dikovskaya


Comparison of HIV risks among gay, lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual homeless youth, Rashmi Gangamma, Natasha Slesnick, Paula Toviessi, and Julie M. Serovich


Convergence of Information and Law: A Comparative Study between I-Schools and Other ALISE Schools, John N. Gathegi and Darrell E. Burke


Risk for Eating Disorders in the Young Athlete, Stefanie Gilbert, Lauren K. Silberstein, and Joel K. Thompson


The Implications of Death for Health: A Terror Management Model of Behavioral Health Promotion, Jamie L. Goldenberg and Jamie Arndt


Uncovering an Existential Barrier to Breast Self-Exam Behavior, Jamie L. Goldenberg, Jamie Arndt, Joshua Hart, and Clay Routledge


The Thrust of the Problem: Bodily Inhibitions and Guilt as a Function of Mortality Salience and Neuroticism, Jamie L. Goldenberg, Nathan Heflick, and Douglas P. Cooper


Life Histories of Latino/a Teacher Candidates, Mary L. Gomez, Terri L. Rodriguez, and Vonzell Agosto


Who are Latino/a Prospective Teachers and What do They Bring to U.S. Schools?, Mary L. Gomez, Terri L. Rodriguez, and Vonzell Agosto


A New Bathymetric Compilation Highlighting Extensive Paleo–ice Sheet Drainage on the Continental Shelf, South Georgia, Sub-Antarctica, Alastair G. C. Graham, Peter T. Fretwell, Robert D. Larter, Dominic A. Hodgson, Christian K. Wilson, Alex J. Tate, and Peter Morris


Teacher Capacity and Social Justice in Teacher Education, Carl A. Grant and Vonzell Agosto


Factors Associated with Co-Occurring Borderline Personality Disorder Among Inner-City Substance Users: The Roles of Childhood Maltreatment, Negative Affect Intensity/Reactivity, and Emotion Dysregulation, Kim L. Gratz, Matthew T Tull, David E Baruch, Marina Bornovalova, and C W Lejuez


Interlaboratory Comparison Study of Calibration Standards for Foraminiferal Mg/Ca Thermometry, M. Greaves, N. Caillon, H. Rebaubier, G. Bartoli, S. Bohaty, I. Cacho, L. Clarke, M. Cooper, C. Daunt, M. Delaney, P. deMenocal, A. Dutton, S. Eggins, H. Elderfield, D. Garbe-Schoenberg, E. Goddard, D. Green, J. Groeneveld, D. Hastings, E. Hathorne, K. Kimoto, G. Klinkhammer, L. Labeyrie, D. W. Lea, T. Marchitto, M. A. Martínez-Botí, P. G. Mortyn, Y. Ni, D. Nuernberg, G. Paradis, L. Pena, T. Quinn, Y. Rosenthal, A. Russell, T. Sagawa, S. Sosdian, L. Stott, K. Tachikawa, E. Tappa, R. Thunell, and P. A. Wilson


Predicting Delinquency in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: A Longitudinal Analysis of Early Risk Factors, Amy Lynn Green, Ellis L. Gesten, Mark A. Greenwald, and O. Salcedo


Dressing Your Online Auction Business for Success: An Experiment Comparing Two E-Bay Businesses, Dawn G. Gregg and Steven Walczak


Discriminating Between Changes in Bias and Changes in Accuracy for Recognition Memory of Emotional Stimuli, Rebecca L. Grieder and Kenneth J. Malmberg


Vertical Zoning in Marine Protected Areas: Ecological Considerations for Balancing Pelagic Fishing with Conservation of Benthic Communities, Rikki Grober-Dunsmore, Lisa Wooninck, John Field, Cameron Ainsworth, Jim Beets, Steve Berkeley, Jim Bohnsack, Rafe Boulon, Richard Brodeur, John Brodziak, Larry Crowder, Danny Gleason, Mark Hixon, Les Kaufman, Bill Lindberg, Marc Miller, Lance Morgan, and Charles Wahle


Developing and Measuring the Emotional Intelligence of Leaders, Kevin S. Groves, Mary Pat McEnrue, and Winny Shen


Measuring Stress Reaction Style: A Construct Validity Investigation, Nigel Guenole, Sasha Chernyshenko, Steve Stark, Keith McGregor, and Siva Ganeshd


Joint Time-Frequency Analysis of GPR Data Over Layered Sequences, S. Guha, Sarah Kruse, and P. Wang


Joint Time-Frequency Analysis of Ground Penetrating Radar Data over Layered Sequences, Swagata Guha, Sarah Kruse, and Ping Wang


A Depositional Model and Paleoecological Reconstruction of the Lower Tortonian Distally Steepened Ramp of Menorca (Balearic Islands, Spain), Mateu-Vicens Guillem, Pamela Hallock, and Marco Brandano


Correspondence Between Self-Report and Interview-Based Assessments of Antisocial Personality Disorder, Laura S. Guy, Norman Poythress, Kevin S. Douglas, Jennifer L. Skeem, and John F. Edens


Cenozoic Evolution of Larger Benthic Foraminifers: Paleoceanographic Evidence for Changing Habitats, Pamela Hallock


Sympatric Masticophis flagellum and Coluber Constrictor Select Prey at Different Levels of Taxonomy, Brian J. Halstead, Henry R. Mushinsky, and Earl D. McCoy