Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started

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Submissions from 1999


Vampire Blood: Respiratory Physiology of the Vampire Squid (Cephalopoda: Vampyromorpha) in Relation to the Oxygen Minimum Layer, Brad A. Seibel, Fabienne Chausson, Francois H. Lallier, Franck Zal, and James J. Childress


Visual Circuits of the Avian Telencephalon: Evolutionary Implications, Toru Shimizu and Alexia N. Bowers


Development of an Underwater Mass-spectrometry System for in Situ chemical Analysis, R. T. Short, D. P. Fries, S. K. Toler, C. E. Lembke, and R. H. Byrne


Molecular Systematics, Ethics, and Biological Decision Making under Uncertainty, Kristin Shrader-Frechette and Earl D. McCoy


The Effect of Social Context on Gender Self-Concept, Cynthia J. Smith, Jane A. Noll, and Judith B. Bryant


Body Image Among Men and Women in a Biracial Cohort: The CARDIA Study, Delia E. Smith, Joel Kevin Thompson, James M. Raczynski, and Joan E. Hilner


A Control Theory of the Job Stress Process, Paul E. Spector


The Role of Negative Affectivity in Employee Reactions to Job Characteristics: Bias Effect or Substantive Effect?, Paul E. Spector, Suzy Fox, and Paul T. Van Katwyk


A Componential Analysis of the ERP Elicited by Novel Events Using a Dense Electrode Array, Kevin M. Spencer, Joseph Dien, and Emanuel Donchin


A Relational Framework for Professional Communication in International Organizations, Frederick Steier


Geophysical Investigations, Mark T. Stewart


Post Audit of a Numerical Prediction of Wellfield Drawdown in a Semiconfined Aquifer System, Mark T. Stewart and Christian Langevin


The Importance of Cyclogenesis on the Short-Term Evolution of Gulf Coast Barriers, Gregory W. Stone and Ping Wang

Unanticipated Nearshore Response to Detached, Segmented Breakwaters Along Raccoon Island, Louisiana, U.S.A., Gregory W. Stone and Ping Wang


Studying the Importance of Hurricanes to the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast, Gregory W. Stone, Ping Wang, David A. Pepper, J. M. Grymes III, Harry H. Roberts, Xiongping Zhang, S. A. Hsu, and Oscar K. Huh

Wave Height Measurements At The Lake Salvador Shoreline Protection Demonstration Project (Ba-15), Gregory W. Stone, Ping Wang, and X. Zhang


Large Scale Drag Representation in Simulations of Two-dimensional Turbulence, Semion Sukoriansky, Boris Galperin, and Alexei Chekhlov


Comparing the Use of Pitfall Drift Fences and Cover Boards for Studying the Threatened Sand Skink, Phillipe E. Sutton, Henry R. Mushinsky, and Earl D. McCoy


The Flip Side of the Reassurance-Seeking Coin: The Partner's Perspective, William B. Swann Jr. and Jennifer K. Bosson

L’architettura Funeraria Pluricellulare in Sicilia tra la Media e la Tarda età del Bronzo: Le Tombe a Camera Multipla delle Necropoli di Pantalica, Davide Tanasi


Remote Sensing Observations of Winter Phytoplankton Blooms Southwest of the Luzon Strait in the South China Sea, Dan-Ling Tang, I-Hsun Ni, Dana R. Kester, and Frank E. Muller-Karger


Remote Sensing Observations of Winter Phytoplankton Blooms Southwest of the Luzon Strait in the South China Sea, D. L. Tang, I. H. Ni, D. R. Kester, and Frank E. Muller-Karger


Modelling of Seismo-Volcanic Sources, Glenn Thompson


Body Image, Social Comparison, and Eating Disturbance: A Covariance Structure Modeling Investigation, Joel K. Thompson, Michael D. Coovert, and Susan M. Stormer


The Media's Influence on Body Image Disturbance and Eating Disorders: We've Reviled Them, Now Can We Rehabilitate Them?, Joel K. Thompson and Leslie J. Heinberg


Exacting Beauty: Theory, Assessment and Treatment of Body Image Disturbance, Joel K. Thompson, Leslie J. Heinberg, Madeline N. Altabe, and Stacey Tantleff-Dunn


Increased Marine Sediment Suspension and Fluxes Following an Earthquake, R. Thunell, E. Tappa, R. Varala, M. Llano, Y. Astor, Frank E. Muller-Karger, and R. Bohrer


Sustainability and Community Resilience: The Holy Grail of Hazards Planning?, Graham A. Tobin

The Impacts of Flooding and Land-Use on the Distribution of Lead in Floodplain Sediments, Graham A. Tobin, Robert Brinkmann, and Burrell E. Montz


Predictors of Child Abuse Potential in At-Risk Adolescents, Mary K. Todd and Ellis L. Gesten


Geologic Investigation of the late Pleistocene Jaimanitas Formation: Science and Society in Castro’s Cuba, Marguerite A. Toscano, Eileen Rodriguez, and Joyce Lundberg


Social Networks and Clinical Outcomes Dually Diagnosed Homeless Persons, Susan L. Trumbetta, Kim T. Mueser, Ernest Quimby, Richard Bebout, and Gregory Teague


Charles Abram Ellwood, Stephen Turner


Does Funding Produce Its Effects? The Rockefeller Case, Stephen Turner


Kohlberg's Critique of Durkheim's Moral Education, Stephen Turner


Regis A. Factor, Stephen Turner


The Significance of Shils, Stephen Turner


The Uniqueness of Capitalism, External Ethics, the Rational Organization of Work, and Consistent Theodicies: An introduction to Weber on Religion and Economics, Stephen Turner


Universities and the Regulation of Scientific Morals, Stephen Turner


Effective Treatment Relationships for Persons with Serious Psychiatric Disorders: the Importance of Attachment States of Mind, Christine L. Tyrrell, Mary Dozier, Gregory Teague, and Roger D. Fallout


Computational Geology 4 – Mapping with Vectors, H. L. Vacher


Computational Geology 5 – If Geology, Then Calculus, H. L. Vacher


Computational Geology 6 – Solving Problems, H. L. Vacher


Computational Geology 7 – The Algebra of Unit Conversions, H. L. Vacher


Computational Geology 8 – The Power Function, H. L. Vacher


Patterns of Individualism and Collectivism Across the United States, Joseph A. Vandello and Dov Cohen


A Re-Evaluation of Information Systems Publication Forums, Steven Walczak


Gaining Competitive Advantage for Trading in Emerging Capital Markets with Neural Networks, Steven Walczak


Heuristic Principles for the Design of Artificial Neural Networks, Steven Walczak and Narciso Cerpa


A Comparative Analysis of Regression and Neural Networks for University Admissions, Steven Walczak and Terry Sincich


Isotopic ‘Events’ in the GRIP Ice Core: A Stratotype for the Late Pleistocene, Michael J.C. Walker, Svante Bjorck, J. J. Lowe, Les C. Cwynar, Sigfus Johnsen, Karen-Luise Knudsen, Barbara Wohlfarth, INTIMATE Group, and Bogdan P. Onac


Simulation of Carbon-Nitrogen Cycling During Spring Upwelling in the Cariaco Basin, John J. Walsh, Dwight A. Dieterle, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Richard Bohrer, W. Paul Bissett, Ramon J. Varela, Ruben Aparicio, Rafael Diaz, Robert Thunell, Gordon T. Taylor, Mary I. Scranton, Kent A. Fanning, and Edward T. Peltzer


Western Pacific Interannual Variability Associated with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, Chunzai Wang, Robert H. Weisberg, and Jyotika I. Virmani


Western Pacific Interannual Variability Associated with the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation, Chunzai Wang, Robert H. Weisberg, and Jyotika I. Virmani


Effects of the Wind Speed-Evaporation-Sst Feedback on the El Nino-Southern Oscillation, Chunzai Wang, Robert H. Weisberg, and Huijun Yang


Horizontal Water Trap for Measurement of Aeolian Sand Transport, Ping Wang and Nicholas C. Kraus


Longshore Sediment Transport Rate Measured by Short-Term Impoundment, Ping Wang and Nicholas C. Kraus


Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Assessment - A Test of User Consistency, Dennis F. Whigham, Lyndon C. Lee, Mark M. Brinson, Richard D. Rheomhardt, Mark C. Rains, Jeffrey A. Mason, Humaira Kahn, Melanie B. Ruhlman, and Wade B. Nutter


Nesting Behavior of the Striped Mud Turtle, Kinosternon baurii (Testudines: Kinosternidae), Dawn S. Wilson, Henry R. Mushinsky, and Earl D. McCoy


Motivated Self-Deception in Child Molesters, Robert C. Wright and Sandra L. Schneider


Response of the West Florida Shelf Circulation to Climatological Wind Stress Forcing, Huijun Yang and Robert H. Weisberg


Lagrangian Circulation and Forbidden Zone on the West Florida Shelf, Huijun Yang, Robert H. Weisberg, Pearn P. Niiler, W. Sturges, and W. Johnson


Determination of Trace Chromium(VI) and Molybdenum(VI) in Natural and Bottled Mineral Waters Using Long Pathlength Absorbance Spectroscopy (LPAS), Wensheng Yao and Robert H. Byrne


Determination of Mechanical Properties of Fiber-Matrix Interface from Pushout Test, J. Ye and Autar Kaw


Penalized Linear Discriminant Analysis of in Situ Hyperspectral Data for Conifer Species Recognition, B. Yu, M. Ostland, Peng Gong, and Ruiliang Pu


Noise Reduction and Atmospheric Correction for Coastal Applications of Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery, Mingrui Zhang, Kendall L. Carder, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Z. Lee, and Dmitry B. Goldgof


Seismic Hazard at the New Madrid Seismic Zone, Mark D. Zoback, Andrew Newman, Seth Stein, John Weber, Joseph Engeln, Ailin Mao, and Timothy H. Dixon

Submissions from 1998


The Year's Work in Old English Studies 1996, Richard Abels, John D. Cormican, Susan E. Deskis, Nicole Guenther Discenza, Janet S. Ericksen, R D. Fulk, Timothy Graham, J R. Hall, David F. Johnson, Catherine E. Karkov, Theodore H. Leinbaugh, Roy M. Liuzza, Paul G. Remley, Mary P. Richards, Kathleen D. Turner, and Kelley Wickham-Crowley


Fifty Years of Clinical Psychology: Selling Our Soul to the Devil, George W. Albee


No More Rock Scrubbing, George W. Albee


Primary Prevention of Mental Disorder and Promotion of Mental Health, George W. Albee


The Politics of Prevention: Introduction to the Special Issue, George W. Albee


The Politics of Primary Prevention, George W. Albee


Economic and Social Causes of Sexism and of the Exploitation of Women, George W. Albee and Melissa Perry


Attitudes of Managers Who Are More or Less Career Plateaued, Tammy D. Allen, Mark L. Poteet, and Joyce E.A. Russell


The Effects of Organization Citizenship Behavior on Performance Judgments: A Field Study and a Laboratory Experiment, Tammy D. Allen and Michael C. Rush


Odor Preferences in Neonatal and Weanling Rats., Leila Amiri, Tyra Dark, Kimberly M. Noce, and Cheryl L. Kirstein


A New Medium for Old Masters: The Kress Study Collection Virtual Museum Project, James E. Andrews and Werner Schweibenz

The Internet and the English/Language Arts Teacher, Susan A. Ariew


HIV and the Older Adult, Michelle A. Bachus


Acantharians: a Missing Link in the Oceanic Biogeochemistry of Barium, Renate E. Bernstein, Robert H. Byrne, and Johan Schijf


Two Low-cost Measures of Child and Adolescent Functioning for Services Research, L. Bickman, E. W. Lambert, Marc Karver, and A. R. Andrade


Plate Tectonic Reconstructions of the Juan Fernandez Microplate: Transformation from Internal Shear to Rigid Rotation, Robert T. Bird, David F. Naar, Roger L. Larson, Roger C. Searle, and Christopher R. Scotese


An Event Stratigraphy for the Last Termination in the North Atlantic Region Based on the Greenland Ice-Core Record: A Proposal by the INTIMATE group, Svante Bjorck, Michael J.C. Walker, Les C. Cwynar, Sigfus Johnsen, Karen-Luise Knudsen, J. John Lowe, and Barbara Wohlfarth


Reactivity, J. Blascovich and Kristen Salomon


Editors’ Introduction, Arthur P. Bochner and Carolyn Ellis


Editors’ Introduction, Arthur P. Bochner and Carolyn Ellis


Mucking Around Looking For Truth, Arthur P. Bochner, Carolyn Ellis, and Lisa Tillmann-Healy


Trophic Models for the Well Mixed and Poorly Mixed Warm Oceans across the Paleocene/Ecocene Epoch Boundary, Anne Boersma, I. Premoli Silva, and Pamela Hallock

Review of the Grandparents Strength and Needs Inventory, Roger A. Boothroyd


Understanding Respite Care Use by Families of Children Receiving Short-Term, In-Home Psychiatric Emergency Services, Roger A. Boothroyd, Anne D. Kuppinger, Mary E. Evans, Mary I. Armstrong, and Marleen Radigan


Evaluation of Florida’s Prepaid Mental Health Plan: Preliminary Findings of the Member Survey Component, Roger A. Boothroyd and David L. Shern


Animal Models of Cerebral Ischemia: Neurodegeneration and Cell Transplantation, Cesario V. Borlongan, Toru Shimizu, J. Q. Trojanowski, S. Watanabe, V. M. Y Lee, Y. Tajima, David W. Cahill, Thomas B. Freeman, H. Nishino, and Paul R. Sanberg


Attachment-Style Differences in Attitudes toward and Reactions to Feedback from Romantic Partners: An Exploration of the Relational Bases of Self-Esteem, Kelly A. Brennan and Jennifer K. Bosson


Dios Entre Arreola Y La Literatura Fantastica, Pablo A.J. Brescia

Background Concentration of Metals in Florida Soils, Robert Brinkmann and Jeffrey G. Ryan


A Coupled Riverine-Marine Fractionation Model for Dissolved Rare Earths and Yttrium, Robert H. Byrne and Xuewu Liu


Alcoholism Among Indigent Inpatients&colon: Identification and Intervention by Internal Medicine Residents, Frederick P. Cerise, Isabel C. Scarinci, Robert Thibodeaux, Marla Cannatella, Steven Stark, and Phillip J. Brantley


Spectral Properties of Operators that Characterize ℓ∞(n), B. L. Chalmers and B. Shekhtman


Spectral Properties of Operators that Characterize ℓ∞(n), B. L. Chalmers and B. Shekhtman