Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started
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Submissions from 2000
Corticosterone-Attenuating and Anxiolytic Properties of Mecamylamine in the Rat, Mary B. Newman, Stanley J. Nazian, Paul R. Sanberg, David M. Diamond, and R. Douglas Shytle
Continuity and Change in Cameroonian Land Policy, Ambe J. Njoh
Some Development Implications of Housing and Spatial Policies in Sub-Saharan African Countries with Emphasis on Cameroon, Ambe J. Njoh
The Impact of Colonial Heritage on Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ambe J. Njoh
Transportation Infrastructure and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ambe J. Njoh
More than "Learning to Think Like a Lawyer:" The Empirical Research on Legal Education, James R. P. Ogloff, David R. Lyon, Kevin S. Douglas, and V. G. Rose
Geology of Karst Terrains, Bogdan P. Onac
The Palaeoclimate Recorded in a Late Glacial to Holocene Stalagmite from Ursilor Cave (Romania), Bogdan P. Onac, S. Constantin, and S. E. Lauritzen
CAMIRO 1.0 – The Romanian Cave Minerals Database Program, Bogdan P. Onac, Ferenc Forray, and Nicoleta Feier
Crystallography and Mineralogy of Multi-Aggregates Speleothems from Peretele Dârninii Cave (Bihor Mountains, Romania), Bogdan P. Onac and J. Kearns
The First Reported Occurrence of Metatyuyamunite – Ca(UO2)2(VO4)23-5H2O – in Romania, Bogdan P. Onac, J. Kearns, P. Damm, and W. B. White
The Relationship between P300 Amplitude and Subsequent Recall for Distinctive Events: Dependence on Type of Distinctiveness Attribute, Leun J. Otten and Emanuel Donchin
The Use of Psychological Testing in Child Custody Evaluations, Randy Otto, John F. Edens, and Elizabeth H. Barcus
Orbitally Induced Climate and Geochemical Variability Across the Oligocene/Miocene Boundary, Hilary A. Paul, James C. Zachos, Benjamin P. Flower, and Aradhna Tripati
Form IA rbcL Transcripts Associated with a Low Salinity/High Chlorophyll Plume ('Green River') in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, John H. Paul, Albin Alfreider, Jordan B. Kang, Roger A. Stokes, Dale Griffin, Lisa Campbell, and Erla Ornolfsdottir
Micro- and Macrodiversity in rbcL Sequences in Ambient Phytoplankton Populations from the Southeastern Gulf of Mexico, John H. Paul, Albin Alfreider, and Boris Wawrik
Think Global, Act Local: The Challenges of Taking the Website Global, Anna Perrault and Vicki L. Gregory
The Printed Book: Still in Need of CCD, Anna H. Perrault
Effectiveness of Screening Instruments in Detecting Substance use Disorders among Prisoners, Roger H. Peters, Paul E. Greenbaum, Marc L. Steinberg, Chris R. Carter, Madeline M. Ortiz, Bruce C. Fry, and Steven K. Valle
Effectiveness of Treatment-Based Drug Courts in Reducing Criminal Recidivism, Roger H. Peters and Mary R. Murrin
Substance Abuse Treatment Services in U. S. Prisons, Roger H. Peters and Mark L. Steinberg
Guidelines for Using Human Event-Related Potentials to Study Cognition: Recording Standards and Publication Criteria, T. W. Picton, S. Bentin, P. Berg, and Emanuel Donchin
Band Selection from Hyperspectral Data for Conifer Species Identification, Ruiliang Pu and Peng Gong
Scărişoara Glacier Cave: Monographic Study, Gheorghe Racovita and Bogdan P. Onac
Avoiding an Ozymandian Fate, Mark C. Rains
Gender and Context Differences in Alcohol Expectancies, Sheila A. M. Rauch and Judith B. Bryant
Distribution of Recreational Boating across Lakes: Do Landscape Variables Affect Recreational Use?, Tara Reed-Andersen, Elena M. Bennett, Bradley S. Jorgensen, George Lauster, David B. Lewis, David Nowacek, Joan L. Riera, Beth Sanderson, and Richard Stedman
The Effect of Particle Size on the Compressibility of MgO, S. Rehki, S. K. Saxena, Zachary D. Atlas, and J. Hu
Defining Sexually Oriented Appeals in Advertising: A Grounded Theory Investigation, Tom Reichert and Artmeio Ramirez Jr.
Art, Culture, and Social Justice: New Strategies of the Bahian Poor, Bernd Reiter
David Fischer, Race Relations, and Political Incorporation in St. Petersburg, Florida, P. N. Rigos, Ambe J. Njoh, and D. F. Paulson
Comparative Ecosystem Analysis of Hydrologic Restoration of Tates Hell Swamp, Chris Robert, Thomas Crisman, Loren Anderson, and Carolyn Kendell
The Complete Genomic Sequence of the Marine Phage Roseophage SIO1 Shares Homology with Nonmarine Phages, Forest Rohwer, Anca Segall, Griegx Steward, Victor Seguritan, Mya Breitbart, Felise Wolven, and Farooq Azam
What Studies in Old Rats Tell Us about the Role of LTP in Learning and Memory, Gregory M. Rose and David M. Diamond
New Directions in Systemic Therapy of Pancreatic Cancer, Alexander S. Rosemurgy and Francesco M. Serafini
Personality Characteristics that Increase Vulnerability to Sexual Harassment Among US Army Soldiers, Leora N. Rosen and Lee Martin
Neurologic and Cognitive Issues in Aging: Introduction, Meredeth A. Rowe
Behavioral Problems in Community‐Dwelling People with Dementia, Meredeth A. Rowe, Jo A. Straneva, Kathleen B. Colling, and Theresa Grabo
Empowering the Feminine: The Narratives of Mary Robinson, Jane West, and Amelia Opie, 1796-1812 by Eleanor Ty, Laura Runge
The Swan Song of Gallantry; or, What Women Don't Want, Laura Runge
Anomalous Fresh Water Lens Morphology on a Strip Barrier Island, C. Ruppel, G. Schultz, and Sarah Kruse
Creating Local Bibliographic Databases: New Tools for Evidence-Based Health Care, Jeremiah H. Sable, Beth G. Carlin, James E. Andrews, and MaryEllen C. Sievert
Patterns of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Reactivity in a Sample of Children and Adolescents, Kristen Salomon, Karen A. Matthews, and Michael T. Allen
Adapting to a Boundaryless World: A Developmental Expatriate Model, Juan I. Sanchez, Paul E. Spector, and Cary L. Cooper
Construct Validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory in a Correctional Sample, Ann Marie R. Sandoval, Danyel Hancock, Norman Poythress, and John F. Edens
Children's School Adjustment: A Developmental Transactional Systems Perspective, Raymond C. Santa Lucia, Ellis L. Gesten, Gianna Rendina-Gobioff, Monica E. Epstein, Dagmar Kaufmann, Octavio Salcedo, and Ray Gadd
Outreach through the College Librarian Program at Virginia Tech, Jane E. Schillie, Virginia E. Young, Susan A. Ariew, Ellen M. Krupar, and Margaret C. M. Merrill.
An Elitist Naturalistic Fallacy and the Automatic-Controlled Continuum, Sandra L. Schneider
Palliative care, Ronald S. Schonwetter, Lula Redmond, Janice Lowell, Susan Bruno, Lori A. Roscoe, and David McGrew
Life History of Gonatus Onyx (Cephalopoda: Teuthoidea): Deep-sea Spawning and Post-spawning Egg Care, B. A. Seibel, F. G. Hochberg, and D. B. Carlini
Light-limitation on Predator-prey Interactions: Consequences for Metabolism and Locomotion of Deep-sea Cephalopods, B. A. Seibel, E. V. Thuesen, and J. J. Childress
Metabolism of Benthic Octopods (Cephalopoda) as a Function of Habitat Depth and Oxygen Concentration, Brad A. Seibel and James J. Childress
VHF Radar Detects Oceanic Submesoscale Vortex along Florida Coast, Lynn K. Shay, Thomas M. Cook, Brian Haus, Jorge Martinez, Hartmut Peters, Arthur J. Mariano, John VanLeer, P. E. An, Samuel Smith, A. Soloviev, Robert H. Weisberg, and Mark E. Luther
Serving Street-Dwelling Individuals with Psychiatric disabilities: Outcomes of a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Clinical Trial, David L. Shern, Sam Tsemberis, William Anthony, Anne M. Lovell, Linda Richmond, Chip J. Felton, Jim Winarski, and Mikal Cohen
Evolution of the Forebrain in Tetrapods, Toru Shimizu
Community Ecology, Population Biology, and the Method of Case Studies, Kristin Shrader-Frechette and Earl D. McCoy
Scaffolds for Learning to Read in an Inclusion Classroom, Elaine R. Silliman, Ruth Bahr, Jill Beasman, and Louise C. Wilkinson
The Restoration & Management of Small Wetlands of the Mountains & Piedmont in the Southeast: A Manual Emphasizing Endangered & Threatened Species Habitat with a Focus on Bog Turtles, Ann B. Somers, Kenneth A. Bridle, Dennis W. Herman, A. Barry Nelson, and Elizabeth M. Walton
A Population of Bog Turtles in the Piedmont of North Carolina: Habitat Preferences, Capture Method Efficacy, Conservation Initiatives and Site Enhancement, Ann Somers and Elizabeth M. Walton
Message from the new President and Secretary-General of IAVCEI, R. S. J. Sparks and Stephen R. McNutt
Individual Differences in the Job Stress Process of Health Care Professionals, Paul E. Spector
Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice (2nd Ed.), Paul E. Spector
A Longitudinal Study of Relations Between Job Stressors and Job Strains While Controlling for Prior negative Affectivity and Strains, Paul E. Spector, Peter Y. Chen, and Brian J. O'Connell
The Relation of Cognitive Ability and Personality Traits to Assessment Center Performance, Paul E. Spector, Jeffrey R. Schneider, Carol A. Vance, and Sarah A. Hezlett
Why Negative Affectivity Should Not Be Controlled in Job Stress Research: Don’t Throw Out the Baby with the Bath Water, Paul E. Spector, Dieter Zapf, Peter Y. Chen, and Michael Frese
On the Search for the Neurophysiological Manifestation of Recollective Experience, Kevin M. Spencer, Enrique V. Abad, and Emanuel Donchin
Comparing Outcomes of Major Models of Police Responses to Mental Health Emergencies, Henry J. Steadman, Martha Williams Deane, Randy Borum, and Joseph P. Morrissey
Review Essay: Waltzing Toward Dialogue, Frederick Steier
Taking Cybernetics Seriously at a Science Center: Reflection-in-Interaction and Second Order Organizational Learning, Frederick Steier and W. Ostrenko
The Influence of Alcohol Expectancy Priming and Mood Manipulation on Subsequent Alcohol Consumption, Kevin D. Stein, Mark S. Goldman, and Frances K. Del Boca
A Three-Dimensional Modeling Study of the Effects of Solidphase Hydrometer Chemical Interactions in Cumulonimbus Clouds on Tropospheric Chemical Distributions, Amy L. Stuart, M. C. Barth, W. C. Skamarock, and Mark Z. Jacobson
Involuntary Out-Patient Commitment and Reduction of Violent Behaviour in Persons with Severe Mental Illness, Jeffrey W. Swanson, Marvin S. Swartz, Ryan H. Wagner, Barbara J. Burns, Randy Borum, and Virginia A. Hiday
Breast and Chest Size Satisfaction: Relation to Overall Body Image and Self-Esteem, Stacey Tantleff-Dunn and Joel Kevin Thompson
Organic Carbon Fluxes, Degradation, and Accumulation in an Anoxic Basin: Sediment Trap Results from the Cariaco Basin, R. C. Thunell, R. Varela, M. Llano, J. Collister, Frank E. Muller-Karger, and R. Bohrer
Lead Pollution in Soils Adjacent to Bus Stops in Tampa, Florida, Graham A. Tobin and Robert Brinkmann
Flooding and the Distribution of Selected Metals in Floodplain Sediments in St. Maries, Idaho, Graham A. Tobin, Robert Brinkmann, and Burrell E. Montz
Lithium Isotope Evidence for Light Element Decoupling in the Panama Subarc Mantle, Paul B. Tomascak, Jeffrey G. Ryan, and Marc J. Defant
Lithium Isotope Evidence for Light Element Decoupling in the Panama Subarc Mantle, Paul B. Tomascak, Jeffrey G. Ryan, and Marc J. Defant
A Method for Increasing Precision and Reliability of Elasticity Analysis in Complicated Burn Scar Cases, Leonid V. Tsap, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Sudeep Sarkar, and Pauline Powers
Imitation or the Internalization of Norms: Is Twentieth-Century Social Theory Based on the Wrong Choice?, Stephen Turner
Introduction to "The Cambridge Companion to Weber", Stephen Turner
Religious Pluralism, Toleration, and Liberal Democracy: Past, Present, and Future, Stephen Turner
The Cambridge Companion to Weber, Stephen Turner
What are Disciplines? And How is Interdisciplinary Different?, Stephen Turner
A Course in Geological-Mathematical Problem Solving, H. L. Vacher
Computational Geology 10 – The Algebra of Deduction, H. L. Vacher
Computational Geology 11 – Uniformitarianism and the Inverse Problem, H. L. Vacher
Computational Geology 12 – Cramer's Rule and the Three-Point Problem, H. L. Vacher
Computational Geology 9 - The Exponential Function, H. L. Vacher
Seasonal Variability in Organic Substances in Surface and Cave Waters at Marengo Cave, Indiana, Philip E. van Beynen, Derek Ford, and Henry P. Schwarcz
Punto Final! Globalization and Beyond: What We Need to Learn From Latin America, Harry E. Vanden
Using the Job-Related Affective Well-Being Scale (JAWS) to Investigate Affective Responses to Work Stressors, Paul T. Van Katwyk, Suzy Fox, Paul E. Spector, and E. K. Kelloway
Safe School Initiative: An Interim Report on the Prevention of Targeted Violence in Schools, Bryan Vossekuil, Marisa Reddy, Robert Fein, Randy Borum, and W. Modzeleski
Sea-Surface Flow in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico Using Surface Drifter, TOPEX/ERS Altimetry, and NOAA/AVHRR Data, Fred M. Vukovich and Frank E. Muller-Karger
Redesigning the Medical Office for Improved Efficiency: An Object-Oriented Event-Driven Messaging System, Steven Walczak
Pattern Analysis and Analogy in Shogi: Predicting Shogi Moves from Prior Experience, Steven Walczak and Reijer Grimbergen
Reducing Surgical Patient Costs Through Use of an Artificial Neural Network to Predict Transfusion Requirements, Steven Walczak and John E. Scharf
Transfusion Cost Containment for Abdominal Surgery with Neural Networks, Steven Walczak and John E. Scharf
Predicting Pediatric Length of Stay and Acuity of Care in the First Ten Minutes with Artificial Neural Networks, Steven Walczak and Ronald J. Scorpio