Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started

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Submissions from 1999


The Year's Work in Old English Studies 1997, Richard .. Abels, John D. Cormican, Susan E. Deskis, Nicole Guenther Discenza, Janet S. Ericksen, R D. Fulk, Timothy Graham, J R. Hall, David F. Johnson, Theodore h. Leinbaugh, Bruce O'Brien, Paul G. Remley, Mary P. Richards, and Kathleen D. Turner


Prevention, not Treatment, is the Only Hope, George W. Albee


Newcomer Socialization and Stress: Formal Peer Relationships as a Source of Support, Tammy D. Allen, Stacy E. McManus, and Joyce E.A. Russell


Developing Effective Mentoring Relationships: Strategies From the Mentor's Viewpoint, Tammy D. Allen and Mark L. Poteet


Parental Leave of Absence: Some Not So Family Friendly Implications, Tammy D. Allen and Joyce E.A. Russell


Learning and Development Factors Related to Perceptions of Job Content and Hierarchical Plateauing, Tammy D. Allen, Joyce E.A. Russell, Mark L. Poteet, and Gregory H. Dobbins


Short communication. Statolith microstructure from hatchlings of the oceanic squid, Gonatus onyx (Cephalopoda, Gonatidae) from the Northeast Pacific, Alexander I. Archipkin and Brad A. Seibel

Long-Term Acquisition Plan of Landsat 7: Collecting Coral Reef Data Worldwide, T. Arvidson, L. Martin, J. Gasch, S. Goward, S. Andréfouët, C. Hu, and Frank E. Muller-Karger


Fingolimod (FTY720) as an Acute Rescue Therapy for Intraocular Inflammatory Disease, Ramesh S. Ayyala, Lynn E. Harman, B Michelini-Norris, Leo E. Ondrovic, Edward M. Haller, Curtis E. Margo, and Scott X. Stevens


Patterns of Co-Variability between Physical and Biological Parameters in the Arabian Sea, Danielle M. Bartolacci and Mark E. Luther


Fractionation of Trace Elements by Subduction-Zone Metamorphism — Effect of Convergent-Margin Thermal Evolution, Gray E. Bebout, Jeffrey G. Ryan, William P. Leeman, and Ann E. Bebout


Fractionation of Trace Elements by Subduction-Zone Metamorphism — Effect of Convergent-Margin Thermal Evolution, Gray E. Bebout, Jeffrey G. Ryan, William P. Leeman, and Ann E. Bebout


Episodic Triple-junction Migration by Rift Propagation and Microplates, Robert T. Bird, Sarah F. Tebbens, Martin C. Kleinrock, and David F. Naar


Social “Facilitation” as Challenge and Threat, Jim Blascovich, Wendy B. Mendes, Sarah B. Hunter, and Kristen Salomon


Effects of Exercise Training on Older Patients With Major Depression, James A. Blumenthal, Michael A. Babyak, Kathleen A. Moore, W. Edward Craighead, Steve Herman, Parinda Khatri, Robert Waugh, Melissa A. Napolitano, Leslie M. Forman, Mark Appelbaum, P. Murali Doraiswamy, and K. Ranga Krishna


Which Way to Turn?, Arthur P. Bochner and Carolyn Ellis


Work Styles, Walter C. Borman, U. Christean Kubisiak, and Robert J. Schneider


Police Perspectives on Responding to Mentally Ill People in Crisis: Perceptions of Program Effectiveness, Randy Borum


Threat Assessment: Defining an Approach to Assessing Risk for Targeted Violence, Randy Borum, Robert Fein, Bryan Vossekuil, and John Berglund


Assessing Threats of Targeted Group Violence: Contributions from Social Psychology, Randy Borum and M. Pynchon


Consumer perceptions of involuntary outpatient commitment, Randy Borum, Marvin Swartz, Sharon Riley, and Jeffrey Swanson

When being a good clinician isn't enough: Practicing forensic psychology, Randy Borum and M Worthen


Self-Liking, Self-Competence, and the Quest for Self-Verification, Jennifer K. Bosson and William B. Swann Jr.


Life and Death under Stalin: Kalinin Province, 1945-1953, Kees Boterbloem


Vladislav Zubok and Constantine Pleshakov. Inside the Kremlin's Cold War: From Stalin to Khrushchev., Kees Boterbloem


Las razones de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Pablo Brescia


Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Street Sweepings Sediments in Tampa, Florida, Robert Brinkmann, Christopher Emrich, Mark Billus, Brendan Dwyer, and Jeffrey G. Ryan

Geographic Implications of Urban Street Sweeping Protocols: The Need for Further Research, Robert Brinkmann and Graham A. Tobin


Forced Exercise Blocks Learned Helplessness in the Cockroach (Periplaneta Americana), Gary E. Brown, Eric S. Davis, and Amanda Johnson


Perspectives on pragmatic socialization, Judith B. Bryant


Interactions of Human Nucleotide Excision Repair Protein XPA with DNA and RPA70ΔC327:  Chemical Shift Mapping and 15N NMR Relaxation Studies, Garry W. Buchko, Gary W. Daughdrill, Robert de Lorimier, Sudha Rao B. K., Nancy G. Isern, Jody M. Lingbeck, John-Stephen Taylor, Marc S. Wold, Miriam Gochin, Leonard D. Spicer, David F. Lowry, and Michael A. Kennedy


Testing the Interactivity Model: Communication Processes, Partner Assessments, and the Quality of Collaborative Work, Judee K. Burgoon, Joseph A. Bonito, Bjorn Bengtsson, Artemio Ramirez Jr., Norah E. Dunbar, and Nathan Miczo


Tensions and Burdens In Employment Interviewing Processes: Perspectives of Non-Dominant Group Applicants, Patrice M. Buzzanell


W. Charles Redding (1914–1994): The Teacher‐Scholar Model of the Redding Tradition, Patrice M. Buzzanell


The Redding Tradition of Organizational Communication Scholarship: W. Charles Redding and his Legacy, Patrice M. Buzzanell and Cynthia Stohl


The Role of PHT Measurements in Marine CO2-system Characterizations, R. H. Byrne, S. McElligott, R. A. Feely, and F. J. Millero


Influence of Pressure on Chemical Equilibria in Aqueous Systems - with Particular Reference to Seawater, Robert H. Byrne and S. H. Laurie


The Effect of Loss Functions on Empirical Bayes Reliability Analysis, Vincent A. R. Camara and Chris P. Tsokos


Semianalytic Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Algorithms for Chlorophyll a and Absorption with Bio-Optical Domains Based on Nitrate-Depletion Temperatures, Kendall L. Carder, F. R. Chen, Z. P. Lee, S. K. Hawes, and D. Kamykowski

A Community Based Approach to Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect, S. Carnahan, C. E. Nelson, and Thomas R. Gordon


Anomalous Warming in the Indian Ocean Coincident with El Niño, D. P. Chambers, B. D. Tapley, and R. H. Stewart


Preventing Homelessness in Florida, Colleen Clark, Gregory Teague, and Robert M. Henry


"When You Call Me That, Smile!" How Norms for Politeness, Interaction Styles, and Aggression Work Together in Southern Culture, Dov Cohen, Joseph A. Vandello, Sylvia Puente, and Adrian K. Rantilla


Basaltic Volcanic Fields, Charles Connor and F. M. Conway


Real-Time Geophysics Using Linux, Laura J. Connor and Charles B. Connor


Measurement in Synthetic Task Environments for Teams: a Methodological Typology, Michael D. Coovert, Linda Elliott, Lori L. Foster, and Philip Craiger


Police-reporting behavior and victim-police interactions as described by women in a domestic violence shelter, Martha L. Coulter, Kathryn Kuehnle, Robert Byers, and Moya Alfonso


Constraints to Successful Rehabilitation of Subtropical and Tropical Wetlands, Thomas Crisman


Validation of Coral Temperature Calibrations, Thomas J. Crowley, Terrence M. Quinn, and William T. Hyde

Developing Effective and Innovative Library Research Assignments, Nancy Cunningham

Instrucción al usuario y servicios bibliotecarios en la educación a distancia, Nancy Cunningham

Libraries, Librarians, and Library Associations Working Together: Cooperation between Texas and Mexico, Nancy Cunningham

NAFTA y redes de bibliotecas, Nancy Cunningham


Non‐Redfield Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in the Arctic: Effects of Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics, Kendra L. Daly, Douglas W. R. Wallace, Walker O. Smith Jr., Annelie Skoog, Rubén Lara, Michel Gosselin, Eva Falck, and Patrick L. Yager


Unfolding and Disassociation of the Flgm/ σ28 Complex are Thermodynamically Coupled, Gary W. Daughdrill


Volcanic Materials in Commerce and Industry, Jonathan Dehn and Stephen R. McNutt


New Kinematic models for Pacific-North America motion from 3 Ma to present, I: Evidence for steady motion and biases in the NUVEL-1A Model, Charles DeMets and Timothy H. Dixon


The DHEAS-Induced Enhancement of Hippocampal Primed Burst Potentiation is Blocked by Psychological Stress, David M. Diamond, Monika Fleshner, and Gregory M. Rose


Exposing Rats to a Predator Impairs Spatial Working Memory in the Radial Arm Water Maze, David M. Diamond, Collin R. Park, Karen L. Heman, and Gregory M. Rose


Wisconsin Quality of Life Index (W-QLI): A Multidimensional Model for Measuring Quality of Life, Ronald Diamond and Marion Becker RN/PhD


Cocaine Reward and MPTP Toxicity: Alteration by Regional Variant Dopamine Transporter Overexpression, David M. Donovan, Lucinda L. Miner, Michael P. Perry, Randal S. Revay, Lawrence G. Sharpe, Serge Prezedborski, Vladimir Kostic, Rex M. Philpot, Cheryl L. Kirstein, Richard B. Rothman, Charles W. Schindler, and George R. Uhl


The Role of Nonperformance Factors on Job-Related Relocation Opportunities: A Field Study and Laboratory Experiment, Lilian T. Eby, Tammy D. Allen, and Shane S. Douthitt


The Self-systems of Aggressive Children: A Cluster-Analytic Investigation, John F. Edens, Timothy A. Cavell, and Jan N. Hughes


The Utility of the Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomology in Identifying Persons Motivated to Malinger Psychopathology, John F. Edens, Randy K. Otto, and T. J. Dwyer


Effects of State Organizational Structure and Forensic Examiner Training on Pre-Trial Competence Assessments, John F. Edens, Norman G. Poythress, Robert A. Nicholson, and Randy K. Otto


Listening to Women's Narratives of Breast Cancer Treatment: A Feminist Approach to Patient Satisfaction With Physician-Patient Communication, Laura L. Ellingson and Patrice M. Buzzanell


Heartful Autoethnography, Carolyn Ellis


Bringing Emotion and Personal Narrative into Medical Social Science, Carolyn Ellis and Art Bochner


Natural Flatwoods Marshes and Created Freshwater Marshes of Florida: Factors Influencing Aquatic Invertebrate Distribution and Comparisions between Natural and Created Marsh Communities, D. L. Evans, W. J. Streever, and Thomas Crisman


A Model of Work Frustration-Aggression, S. Fox and P. E. Spector


Introduction to Pattern Recognition Statistical, Structural, Neural and Fuzzy Logic Approaches, Menahem Friedman and Abraham Kandel


A Comparison of Phytal Substrate Preferences of Archaias Angulatus and Sorites Orbiculus in Mixed Macroalgal-Seagrass Beds in Florida Bay, Kazuhiko Fujita and Pamela Hallock


Winning or Losing Against an Opposite-Sex Peer on a Gender-Based Competitive Task, Stefanie Gilbert and Joel K. Thompson


Just Say no: American and Japanese Styles of Refusing Unwanted Sexual Advances, Jamie L. Goldenberg, Elizabeth M. Ginexi, Carol K. Sigelman, and Paul J. Poppen


The Appeal of Tragedy: The Effects of Mortality Salience on Emotional Response, Jamie L. Goldenberg, Tom Pyszczynski, Kern D. Johnson, Jeff Greenberg, and Sheldon Solomon


Death, Sex, Love, and Neuroticism: Why is Sex Such a Problem?, Jamie L. Goldenberg, Tom Pyszczynski, Shannon K. McCoy, Jeff Greenberg, and Sheldon Solomon


Expectancy Operation: Cognitive and Neural Models and Architectures, Mark S. Goldman


Risk for Substance Abuse: Memory as a Common Etiological Pathway, Mark S. Goldman


Expectancy Mediation of Biopsychosocial Risk for Alcohol use and Alcoholism, Mark S. Goldman, Jack Darkes, and Frances K. Del Boca


Alcohol Expectancy Theory: The Application of Cognitive Neuroscience, Mark S. Goldman, Frances K. Del Boca, and Jack Darkes


Photo Ecometrics for Forest Inventory, Peng Gong, Greg S. Biging, S. M. Lee, X. Mei, Y. Sheng, Ruiliang Pu, B. Xu, Klaus-Peter Schwarz, and Mohamed Mostafa


Successful Faculty Development and Evaluation: The Complete Teaching Portfolio by John P. Murray, Vicki Gregory


The New Library Legacy: Essays in Honor of Richard De Gennaro edited by Susan A. Lee, Vicki Gregory


Multicultural Resources on the Internet: The United States and Canada, Vicki Gregory, Marilyn Karrenbrock Stauffer, and Tom Keene


Localization of Eloquent Cortex using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, L. D. Gugino, Geoffrey Potts, L. S. Aglio, and E. Alexander


Particle Trajectories in an Indian Ocean Model and Sensitivity to Seasonal Forcing, Meredith A. Haines, Rana A. Fine, Mark E. Luther, and Zaihua Ji

The (unnecessarily) ugly American abroad, Ardis Hanson


Cross-Domain Analysis Results, Mary Ann Hanson, Walter C. Borman, U. C. Kubisiak, and C. E. Sager


Computerized Assessment of Skill for a Highly Technical Job, Mary Ann Hanson, Walter Borman, H. J. Mogilka, and C. Manning


Standing Crop and Sediment Production of Reef-Dwelling Foraminifera on O'Ahu, Hawai'I, Jodi N. Harney, Pamela Hallock, Charles H. Fletcher III, and Bruce Richmond


Efferent Projections of The Ectostriatum in Pigeons (Columba livia), Scott Husband and Toru Shimizu


Human Replication Protein A: Global Fold of the N-terminal RPA-70 Domain Reveals a Basic Cleft and Flexible C-terminal Linker†, Doris M. Jacobs, Andrew S. Lipton, Nancy G. Isern, Gary W. Daughdrill, David F. Lowry, Xavier Gomes, and Marc S. Wold


Subtropical Carbonates in a Temperate Realm: Modern Sediments on the Southwest Australian Shelf, Noel P. James, Lindsay B. Collins, Yvonne Bone, and Pamela Hallock


Generalized Work Activities, P. Richard Jeanneret, Walter Borman, U. Christean Kubisiak, and Mary Ann Hanson


The Relative Impact of Treatment Program "Robustness" and "Dosage" on Client Outcomes, Jeanette M. Jerrell and M. Susan Ridgely


Impact of Robustness of Program Implementation on Client Outcomes in Dual Diagnosis Programs, Jeanette M. Jerrell and Susan M. Ridgely


Seismicity at the volcanoes of Katmai National Park, Alaska; July 1995–December 1997, Arthur D. Jolly and Stephen R. McNutt


'Supernatural, or at Least Romantic': The Ancient Mariner and Parody, Steven E. Jones


The Student-as-Researcher in International Organizations, Jane Jorgenson

The USF Internet 2 Project: High Speed Networking for the Future, William D. Kearns