Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started

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Submissions from 1998


Pathways of Carbon Cycling in the Euphotic Zone: The Fate of Largesized Phytoplankton in the Northeast Water Polynya, S. Pesant, L. Legendre, M. Gosselin, C. Ashjian, B. Booth, Kendra L. Daly, L. Fortier, H. J. Hirche, J. Michaud, R. E. H. Smith, S. Smith, and W. O. Smith Jr.


Prevalence of DSM-IV Substance Abuse and Dependence Disorders among Prison Inmates, Roger H. Peters, Paul E. Greenbaum, John F. Edens, and Chris R. Carter


Guideline for Drug Courts on Screening and Assessment, Roger H. Peters and Elizabeth Peyton


Courts as Gate Keepers in Managed Care Settings, John Petrila


Ethical Issues for Behavioral Healthcare Practitioners and Organizations in a Managed Care Environment, John Petrila


Perceptions of parents: A measure of adolescents' feelings about their parents, Vicky Phares and K. Renk


The Effects of Repeated Alcohol Exposure on the Neurochemistry of the Periadolescent Nucleus Accumbens Septi, Rex M. Philpot and Cheryl L. Kirstein


Use of an Artificial Neural Network to Predict Length of Stay in Acute Pancreatitis, Walter E. Pofahl, Steven M. Walczak, Ethan Rhone, and Seth D. Izenberg


GPS Measurements Athe Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone: Impact of Postseismic Relaxation Following Historic Earthquakes, Fred F. Pollitz and Timothy H. Dixon


Dense Sensor Array Topography of the Event-Related Potential to Task-Relevant Auditory Stimuli, Geoffrey Potts, Joseph Dien, Ann Hartry-Speiser, Lynn M. McDougal, and Don M. Tucker


High-Density Recording and Topographic Analysis of the Auditory Oddball Event-Related Potential in Schizophrenia, Geoffrey F. Potts, Yoshio O. Hirayasu, Brian F. O'Donnell, and Robert W. McCarley


Visual Hemifield Mapping Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Coregistered with Cortical Surfaces Derived from Magnetic Resonance Images, Geoffrey Potts, Laverne D. Gugino, Michael E. Leventon, and W. E.L. Grimson


Criterion-Related Validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory in a Prison Sample, Norman Poythress, John F. Edens, and Scott O. Lilienfeld


The Competence-Related Abilities of Women Criminal Defendants, Norman Poythress, Steven K. Hoge, Richard J. Bonnie, and John Monahan


Predicting Land-Cover Changes with Gray Systems Theory and Multitemporal Aerial Photographs, Ruiliang Pu and Peng Gong


Tropical Instability Wave Energetics: Observations from the Tropical Instability Wave Experiment, L. Qiao and Robert H. Weisberg


A Multicentury Stable Isotope Record from a New Caledonia Coral: Interannual and Decadal Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Southwest Pacific Since 1657 AD, Terrence M. Quinn, Thomas J. Crowley, Frederick W. Taylor, Christian Henin, Pascale Joannot, and Yvan Join


Implications of Recent Increases in Catches on the Dynamics of Northwest Atlantic Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias), P. J. Rago, K. A. Sosebee, J. K.T. Brodziak, S. A. Murawski, and E. D. Anderson


Interagency Collaboration in Services for People with Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance use Disorder, M. S. Ridgely, David Lambert, Andrea Goodman, and Catherine S. Chichester


Evaluation of Florida's Prepaid Mental Health Plan: Preliminary Report of the Qualitative Implementation Analysis Study, M Susan Ridgely


Medicaid Managed Mental Health Care Arrangements in AHCA Area 6: Organizational, Financial and Clinical Structures, M. Susan Ridgely, Julienne A. Giard, and Kristen Snyder


A comparison of Medicaid managed mental health care in AHCA areas 6 & 4, M. Susan Ridgely, Julienne A. Giard, Kristen Snyder, and Pat Robinson


Relation of Self-Image to Body Size and Weight Loss Attempts in Black Women: The CARDIA Study, Nikki M. Riley, Diane E. Bild, Lawton Cooper, Pamela Schreiner, Delia E. Smith, Paul Sorlie, and Joel Kevin Thompson


When Two Memories Can and Cannot be Retrieved Concurrently, Doug Rohrer, Harold Pashler, and Jason Etchegaray


The Many Faces of Physician-Assisted Suicide, Lori A. Roscoe


Service System Integration, Access to Services, and Housing Outcomes in a Program for Homeless Persons with Severe Mental llness, Robert Rosenheck, Joseph Morrissey, Julie Lam, Michael Calloway, Matthew Johnsen, Howard Goldman, Frances Randolph, Margaret Blasinsky, Alan Fontana, Robert Calsyn, and Gregory Teague


Intervening to Prevent Nighttime Injuries in Cognitively-Impaired Persons Living at Home: A Case Report, Meredeth A. Rowe


A New DNA-binding Motif in the Skn-1 Binding Domain–DNA Complex, Peter B. Rupert, Gary W. Daughdrill, Bruce Bowerman, and Brian W. Matthews


Are Edges Sufficient for Object Recognition?, Thomas Sanocki, Kevin W. Bowyer, Michael D. Heath, and Sudeep Sarkar


Integrating Image Computation in Undergraduate Level Data-Structure Education, Sudeep Sarkar and Dmitry Goldgof


Detecting Strain in the Yucca Mountain Area, Nevada, J. C. Savage, Charles Connor, John A. Stamatakos, David A. Ferrill, B. E. Hill, James L. Davis, Brian P. Wernicke, and Richard A. Bennett


Flight of the Vampire: Ontogenetic Gait-transition in Vampyroteuthis Infernalis (Cephalopoda: vampyromorpha), B. A. Seibel, E. V. Thuesen, and J. J. Childress


Conspecific Recognition in Pigeons (Columba Livia) Using Dynamic Video Images, Toru Shimizu


Parental Drug Use and the Socialization of AIDS Knowledge and Attitudes in Children, C. K. Sigelman, Jamie L. Goldenberg, C. B. Lewin, and K. M. Dwyer


Development of four self-report measures of job stressors and strain: Interpersonal Conflict at Work Scale, Organizational Constraints Scale, Quantitative Workload Inventory, and Physical Symptoms Inventory, Paul E. Spector and Steve M. Jex


Dialogue and Second-Order Cybernetics: A Mutual Affinity, Frederick Steier


The Geriatric Depression Scale: A Comprehensive Review, Paul Stiles and Jane F. McGarrahan


Quantitative Component Year One Report: Medicaid Enrollee Characteristics, Service Utilization, Costs, and Access to Care in AHCA Areas 4 and 6, Paul Stiles, Kristen Snyder, and Mary R. Murrin


Wave Height Measurements at the Raccoon Island Breakwaters Demonstration Projection (TE-29) Project, Gregory W. Stone, Ping Wang, and Xionping Zhang

A Net Longshore Sediment Transport Model for the Louisiana Coast: Mississippi Bight to the Western Flank of the Ancient Lafourche Delta (abs.), Gregory W. Stone, X. Zhang, and Ping Wang

Forecasting Wave Energy Changes Along the Louisiana Coast and Implications for Accelerated Wetland Loss (abs.), Gregory W. Stone, X. Zhang, and Ping Wang

Significance of Louisiana’s Barrier Islands in Mitigating the Wave Climate in Adjacent Bays and Fringing Marshes (abs.), Gregory W. Stone, X. Zhang, and Ping Wang

Un Coperchio di Lekane a Figure Rosse da Contrada Castelluccio (Noto), Davide Tanasi


Analysis of Annual and Spatial Patterns of Czcs-Derived Pigment Concentration on the Continental Shelf of China, D. L. Tang, I. H. Ni, Frank E. Muller-Karger, and Z. J. Liu


Body Image and Appearance-Related Feedback: Recall, Judgment, and Affective Response, Stacey Tantleff-Dunn and Joel Kevin Thompson


Response to Rosenheck and Cicchetti's "A Mental Health Program Report Card: A Multidimensional Approach to Performance Monitoring in Public Sector Programs", Gregory B. Teague


Program Fidelity in Assertive Community Treatment: Development and Use of a Measure, Gregory B. Teague, Gary R. Bond, and Robert E. Drake


MINI‐REVIEW Assessment of Body Image Disturbance in Obesity, Joel K. Thompson and Stacey Tantleff-Dunn


Shell Malformation in Stressed Amphistegina Populations: Relation to Biomineralization and Paleoenvironmental Potential, Strawn K. Toler and Pamela Hallock


Decay of Diel Patterns of Swimming Activity in Juvenile Common Snook (Centropomus undecimalis) Maintained in Captivity, S. G. Tolley and E. B. Peebles


Making Normative Soup with Non-Normative Bones, Stephen Turner


The Limits of Social Constructionism, Stephen Turner


Who’s Afraid of the History of Sociology?, Stephen Turner


Weber, Max (1864–1920), Stephen Turner and Regis A. Factor


Computational Geology 1 – Significant Figures!, H. L. Vacher


Computational Geology 2 - Speaking Logarithmically, H. L. Vacher


Computational Geology 3 – Progressing Geometrically, H. L. Vacher


Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Representation with Class: The Object-Oriented Paradigm, Steven Walczak


Neural Network Models for a Resource Allocation Problem, Steven Walczak


Climate Variability of the Coupled Tropical-Extratropical Ocean-Atmosphere System, Chunzai Wang and Robert H. Weisberg


Observations of Meridional Scale Frequency Dependence in the Coupled Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere System, Chunzai Z. Wang and Robert H. Weisberg


Longshore Sediment Flux in Water Column and Across Surf Zone, Ping Wang


Longshore Sediment Flux in Water Column and across Surf Zone, Ping Wang


A Beach Profile Model for a Barred Coast – Case Study from Sand Key, West-Central Florida, Ping Wang and Richard A. Davis


Cross-Shore Distribution of Sediment Texture Under Breaking Waves Along Low-Wave-Energy Coasts, Ping Wang, Richard A. Davis Jr., and Nicholas C. Kraus


Total Rate of Longshore Sediment Transport in the Surf Zone: Field Measurements and Empirical Predictions, Ping Wang, Nicholas C. Kraus, and Richard A. Davis Jr.


A Preliminary Assessment of Hydrodynamic and Morphodynamic Responses to Detached, Segmented Breakwaters, South Central Louisiana, Ping Wang, Gregory W. Stone, and David A. Pepper


A Preliminary Assessment of Hydrodynamic Responses to Detached, Segmented Breakwaters, South-Central Louisiana, Ping Wang, Gregory W. Stone, and David A. Pepper


Temporal and Three-Dimensional Spatial of the Frequency-Magnitude (FMD) Distribution Near Long Valley Caldera, California, Stefan Wiemer, Stephen R. McNutt, and Max Wyss


Conservation and Variation in the Feeding Mechanism of the Spiny Dogfish Squalus Acanthias, Cheryl D. Wilga and Philip J. Motta


Feeding Mechanism of the Atlantic Guitarfish Rhinobatos Lentiginosus: Modulation of Kinematic and Motor Activity, Cheryl D. Wilga and Philip J. Motta


Simplified Seawater Alkalinity Analysis: Use of Linear Array Spectrometers, Wensheng Yao and Robert H. Byrne


Determination of Nanomolar Concentrations of Nitrite and Nitrate in Natural Waters Using Long Path Length Absorbance Spectroscopy, Wensheng Yao, Robert H. Byrne, and Robert D. Waterbury


Compensatory Genetic Fuzzy Neural Networks and Their Applications, Yanqing Zhang and Abraham Kandel

Submissions from 1997


Speak No Evil?, George W. Albee


The Radicals Made Us Do It! Or Is Mental Health a Socialist Plot?, George W. Albee


Primary Prevention Works, George W. Albee and Thomas P. Gullotta


Hemispheric Lateralization of Perception and Memory for Emotional Verbal Stimuli in Normal Individuals, Nadia Ali and Cynthia R. Cimino


The Mentor's Perspective: A Qualitative Inquiry and Future Research Agenda, Tammy D. Allen, Mark L. Poteet, and Susan M. Burroughs


A Field Study of Factors Related to Supervisors' Willingness to Mentor Others, Tammy D. Allen, Mark L. Poteet, Joyce E.A. Russell, and Gregory H. Dobbins


Formal Peer Mentoring: Factors Related to Proteges' Satisfaction and Willingness to Mentor Others, Tammy D. Allen, Joyce E.A. Russell, and Sabine B. Maetzke


The Martin Buber - Carl Rogers Dialogue: A New Transcript With Commentary, Rob Anderson and K. N. Cissna


Drift Macroalgal Abundance in Seagrass Beds: Investigating Large-Scale Associations with Physical and Biotic Attributes, Susan S. Bell and Margaret O. Hall


New Constraints on Source Processes of Volcanic Tremor at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica, Using Broadband Seismic Data, John P. Benoit and Stephen R. McNutt


Training in Law and Psychology: Models from the Villanova Conference, Donald N. Bersoff, Jane Goodman-Delahunty, J. Thomas Grisso, Valerie P. Hans, Norman Poythress, and Ronald G. Roesch


Evaluation of Constructed Wetlands on Phosphate Mined Lands in Florida, G. R. Best, M. T. Brown, Thomas Crisman, Keven L. Erwin, D. A. Graetz, K. R. Reddy, H. Kale, P. Pritchard, T. M. Missimer, C. W. Walker, A. Owosina, and M. J. Deuver


Clinician Reliability and Accuracy in Judging Appropriate Level of Care, Leonard Bickman, Marc S. Karver, and L. James A. Schut


It's About Time: Narrative and the Divided Self, Arthur P. Bochner


Storied Lives: Recovering the Moral Importance of Social Theory, Arthur P. Bochner


The MacArthur Adjudicative Competence Study: A Comparison of Criteria for Assessing the Competence of Criminal Defendants, Richard J. Bonnie, Steven K. Hoge, John Monahan, Norman Poythress, Marlene Eisenberg, and Thomas Feucht-Havia


360° Ratings: An Analysis of Assumptions and a Research Agenda for Evaluating their Validity, Walter C. Borman


Personnel Selection, Walter C. Borman, Mary Ann Hanson, and Jerry W. Hedge


Introduction: Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Contextual Performance, Walter C. Borman and Stephan J. Motowidlo


Task Performance and Contextual Performance: The Meaning for Personnel Selection Research, Walter C. Borman and Stephan J. Motowidlo


Life and Terror in Stalin’s Russia, 1934-1941, by Robert Thurston, Kees Boterbloem


An Overview of Team Performance Measurement, Michael T. Brannick and Carolyn Prince


Team Performance Assessment and Measurement, Michael T. Brannick, Eduardo Salas, and Carolyn W. Prince


Location and Source Parameters of the 19 June 1994 (MW = 5.0) Offshore Petrolia, California, Earthquake, Jochen Braunmiller, Beate Leitner, John L. Nábělek, and Anne M. Tréhu

Comprehensive Mapping of Environmental Lead Data in Tampa, Florida, R. Brinkmann, J. Lewis, J. Hagge, S. Happel, and Mark R. Hafen


Characteristics of Street Sweepings in Florida Cities, Robert Brinkmann, Jeffrey G. Ryan, and Mark Billus