Tampa Library Faculty and Staff Publications | Tampa Library | University of South Florida


Submissions from 2021


Election Campaigns, Counterinsurgency, and Privatization in Fujimori's Peru: Examples of Regional, Public, and Control Historiographies, Andrew Beman-Cavallaro


Expansion of the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University and the Founding of the School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study: 1900-1950, Andrew Beman-Cavallaro


Continuity during COVID: Critical digital pedagogy and special collections virtual instruction, Amanda Boczar and Sydney Jordan


Earliest Known Human Burial in Africa, María Martinón-Torres, Francesco d’Errico, Elena Santos, Ana Álvaro Gallo, Noel Amano, William Archer, Simon J. Armitage, Juan Luis Arsuaga, José María Castro, James Blinkhorn, Alison Crowther, Katerina Douka, Stéphan Dubernet, Patrick Faulkner, Pilar Fernández-Colón, Nikos Kourampas, Jorge González García, David Larreina, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, George MacLeod, Laura Martín-Francés, Diyendo Massilani, Julio Mercader, Jennifer M. Miller, Emmanuel Ndiema, Belén Notario, Africa Pitarch Martí, Mary E. Prendergast, Alain Queffelec, Solange Rigaud, Patrick Roberts, Mohammad Javad Shoaee, Ceri Shipton, Ian Simpson, Nicole Boivin, and Michael D. Petraglia


Designing a flexible outreach program for scholarly communication and copyright services: A modular roadshow for the University of South Florida, LeEtta Schmidt and Jason Boczar


Increasing scholarly productivity: Developing an in-house academic librarian support network, LeEtta Schmidt, Jason Boczar, Barbara Lewis, and Tomaro I. Taylor


Perceptions of Scientists Held by US Students Can be Broadened through Inclusive Classroom Interventions, Sarah L. Sheffield, Meghan L. Cook, Victor J. Ricchezza, Guizella A. Rocabado, and Fenda A. Akiwumi

Submissions from 2020


Preservation, Conservation, and Curation Plan: Moseley Homestead (8HI208), Brandon, Florida, Lori Collins, Travis Doering, and Jorge González García


Integrated Approach to Investigating Historic Cemeteries, Christine Downs, Jaime Rogers, Lori Collins, and Travis Doering


Making Disciplinary Research Audible, Andrew Smith, Meghan L. Cook, and Matt Torrence


Calling Earth: The academic library as podcaster, Andrew M. Smith, Meghan Cook, and Matt Torrence

Submissions from 2018


Review of Patterson, The Eve of Destruction: How 1965 Transformed America, Amanda Boczar


Terrestrial Lidar, Lori D. Collins


The Future of Rock Art and Monument Documentation with Implications for Technology Integration, Dissemination and Learning, and Resource Preservation, Lori Collins, Travis Doering, Jorge Gonzalez Garcia, Noelia Garcia Asenjo, Garrett Speed, and Richard McKenzie


3D Digital Documentation of Historic Launch Complex Structures at CCAFS: A Workflow Methodology for Cultural Resource Documentation - LC19 and LC34 Areas of Interest, Lori Collins, Travis Doering, and Jorge Gonzalez


Remote Sensing: Lidar, GPS, and GIS Examination of Cattle Mound Archaeological Sites in Congaree National Park, Lori Collins, Travis Doering, and Jorge Gonzalez


Quantitative Literacy (QL) and Numeracy: A Discipline-Based Education Research Perspective, Meghan Cook and Victor J. Ricchezza


My Year as a Visiting Scholar in the West Bank, Claudia J. Dold


A Quantitative Study of User Experiences in Bethlehem University Library, Claudia J. Dold, Mike Hazboun, and Juana Juha


When so Much Information is Available for Free on the Internet, Does the World Still Need Libraries?, Claudia J. Dold and Rashid Jayousi


Reliving the Past: Digital Library Facilitates Access to Archaeological Data, Xiying Mi and Richard Bernardy


Metadata Schema to Facilitate Linked Data for 3D Digital Models of Cultural Heritage Collections: A University of South Florida Libraries Case Study, Xiying Mi and Bonita Pollock


From the Winter of Messy data into the Spring of Standardization: eBook Vendor Data Re-envisioned, Bonita Pollock, Xiying Mi, and Brian J. Falato


Burns, Senge, and the Study of Leadership, W. Michael Reid and Claudia J. Dold


Scholarly Communication and Copyright Services, LeEtta M. Schmidt and Jason Boczar

Submissions from 2017


Campfire Girls, Amanda Boczar


Cosmopolitan, Amanda Boczar


Employment Project Revision: Digital Textual Analysis, Amanda Boczar


Prostitution, Amanda Boczar


Review of Ardener, Shirley, Fiona Armitage Woodward, and Lidia Dina Sciama, Editors. Women and War across Continents: Autobiographical and Biographical Experiences, Amanda Boczar


3D Digital Documentation of Historic Launch Complex Structures at CCAFS: A Workflow Methodology for DOD Cultural Resources, Lori Collins, Travis Doering, and Jorge Gonzalez


3D Heritage Documentation and GPS Survey of Chalcatzingo, Morelos, Mexico, Lori Collins, Travis Doering, and Jorge Gonzalez


De Soto National Memorial GPS and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Survey, Lori Collins, Travis Doering, and Jorge Gonzalez


Examining Erosion with a Terrestrial Laser Scanning Survey of the Russell Cave Rock Shelter, Russell Cave National Monument, Lori Collins, Travis Doering, and Jorge Gonzalez


We’ve Come a Long Way (Baby)! Or Have We?: Evolving Intellectual Freedom Issues in the United States and Florida, L. Bryan Cooper and A. D. Beman-Cavallaro


Something Old, Something New , Something Bold, Something Cool: A Marriage of Two Repositories, Carol Ann Davis and Jason Boczar


Navigating the Political Waters of Open Access Publishing in Libraries, Carol Ann Davis, Wendy Robertson, and Charlene Simser


Linked Metadata for 3D Models: from Dublin Core to Europeana Data Model, Xiying Mi and Bonita Pollock


Dealing with the Demand: Handling the Problems of Demand-Driven Acquisitions, Bonita Pollock, Brian J. Falato, and Dominique Bortmas


Leadership Training and the Problems of Competency Development, W. Michael Reid and Claudia J. Dold


The Invisible Employee: Success and Fragility of Automating Interlibrary Loan, LeEtta Schmidt


The Devil’s Advocate: Librarians in Wikipedia, James E. Scholz and A. D. Beman-Cavallaro

Submissions from 2013

Review of website,Outreach World: A Resource for Teaching Kids About the World, Susan A. Ariew

Teaching and Learning with Online Educational Videos: A Subject List of Web Resources for Educators, Susan A. Ariew


Using Learning Objects to Enhance Distance or Blended Learning, Susan A. Ariew and Maryellen Allen


Developing Best Practices for Technical Services Cross-Institutional Collaboration, Margaret Beecher Maurer, Julia A. Gammon, and Bonita Pollock


From Para-Professional to Director: A Librarian’s Tale, A. D. Beman-Cavallaro


Scholar Commons @ USF: Sharing Knowledge Worldwide, Carol Ann Borchert and Julie Anne Fielding


Terrestrial Laser Scanning Documentation Survey and Modeling of the Addison Block House (8Vo193) and MacRae Sugar Works Ruins (8Vo7496), Lori D. Collins and Travis F. Doering


Fort Matanzas National Monument Digital Documentation Project:
Utilizing Terrestrial Lidar For The Understanding Of Structural Integrity Concerns For Coastal Forts And Coquina Structures (Cesu,National Park Service), Lori D. Collins, Travis F. Doering, and Jorge Gonzalez

First steps in planning a college department curriculum to incorporate information fluency, Claudia J. Dold

Implementing Virtual Reference Services: A LITA Guide, edited by Beth C. Thomsett-Scott, Claudia J. Dold


The Role of Librarians in Academic Success, Claudia J. Dold


Click & Zoom: The Next Generation of Information Literacy Tutorials, Audrey Powers and Adonis Amparo


Preserving Content from Your Institutional Repository, Wendy Robertson and Carol Ann Borchert


Book Review: Global Resource Sharing, LeEtta M. Schmidt


Planned Flexibility for Course Reserves, LeEtta M. Schmidt


A Review and Evaluation of Services and Resources to Engineers: A Case Study of Outreach and Marketing, Assessment, and Future Directions in a Research Library, Matt Torrence


A Review and Evaluation of Services and Resources to Engineers: A Case Study of Outreach and Marketing, Assessment, and Future Directions in a Research Library (in press), Matt Torrence


Proving Your Value: The Librarian’s Contribution to the Promotion and Tenure Process, Matt Torrence and Susan A. Ariew