Sacred Leaves Manuscript Collection
Exhibition Catalog, Beyond the Quill: Printed Books, 1450-1500, February 22 - September 30, 2007
Lesley T. Stone and James P.S. Ascher
An exhibition catalog for the exhibit "Beyond the Quill: Printed Books, 1450-1500" held from February 22, 2007 to September 30, 2007, at the University of South Florida, Tampa Library. Included is introductory text by Derrie Perez and Lesley T. Stone. Each page or folio in that portion of the exhibit (referred to as catalogs) is included in the guide to the exhibit. There is also a glossary, figure index, and suggestions for further reading.
Exhibition Catalog, Liturgy and Devotion: Manuscripts from England to Ethiopia, October 1, 2005 - March 31, 2006
Lesley T. Stone and Liza Oliver
An exhibition catalog for the exhibit "Liturgy and Devotion: Manuscripts from England to Ethiopia" held from October 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006, at the University of South Florida, Tampa Library. Included is introductory text by Derrie Perez and Lesley T. Stone. Each page or folio in that portion of the exhibit (referred to as catalogs) is included in the guide to the exhibit. There is also a glossary, figure index, and suggestions for further reading.
Exhibition Catalog, Books of Hours: Illuminated Devotion, February 4 - August 31, 2004
Helena Katalin Szépe and Beth A. Barrera
An exhibition catalog for the exhibit "Book of Hours: Illuminated Devotion" held from February 4 to August 31, 2004, at the University of South Florida, Tampa Library. Included is introductory text by Derrie Perez and Helena Katalin Szépe. Each page or folio in that portion of the exhibit (referred to as catalogs) is included in the guide to the exhibit. There is also a glossary and figure index.
Exhibition Catalog, Sacred Leaves: Bibles in the Age of Gothic Cathedrals, February 10 - August 8, 2003
Helena Katalin Szépe and Todd Chavez
An exhibition catalog for the exhibit "Sacred Leaves: Bibles in the Age of Gothic Cathedrals" held from February 10 to August 8, 2003, at the University of South Florida, Tampa Library. Included are articles as well as all of the pages or folios included in the exhibit.
Leaf from a Missal (Missale Bambergensis), Recto
This leaf comes from the sanctoral section of a missal, the liturgical book containing the readings for Mass celebrations.
Leaf from a Missal (Missale Bambergensis), Verso
This leaf comes from the sanctoral section of a missal, the liturgical book containing the readings for Mass celebrations. The Mass for the December 13 feast of Saint Lucy begins in the first column on the verso of this leaf.
Psalter with Liturgy to the Virgin Mary, Canticles of the Prophets, and Song of Songs, Ethiopia
This Ethiopian Psalter was most likely used for private devotion. Evidence to support this rests in this Psalter's inclusion of the Canticles of the Prophets and the Liturgy to the Virgin Mary. These texts, frequently bound together, are some of the most common found in private collections of devout Ethiopian Christians.
Psalter with Liturgy to the Virgin Mary, Canticles of the Prophets, and Song of Songs, Ethiopia, Folio 5, Recto
This Ethiopian Psalter was most likely used for private devotion. Evidence to support this rests in this Psalter's inclusion of the Canticles of the Prophets and the Liturgy to the Virgin Mary. These texts, frequently bound together, are some of the most common found in private collections of devout Ethiopian Christians.
Magic Scrolls, Ethiopia, Part 1
The prayer, commissioned by Ehte-Marian, offers protection against hemorrhaging. A Guardian angel apotropaic illustration is on the top of the scroll.
Magic Scrolls, Ethiopia, Part 2
The prayer, commissioned by Ehte-Marian, offers protection against hemorrhaging.
Magic Scrolls, Ethiopia, Part 3
The prayer, commissioned by Ehte-Marian, offers protection against hemorrhaging.
Magic Scrolls, Ethiopia, Part 4
The prayer, commissioned by Ehte-Marian, offers protection against hemorrhaging.
Leaf from an Antiphonal, Spain, Recto
Antiphonals originally included only the antiphons sung before each Psalm during the Mass. They later came to contain the sung portions of the Divine Office as well as music and text for the entire Breviary. This particular leaf, from the Temporal, contains sections from the feast of the Ascension.
Leaf from an Antiphonal, Spain, Verso
Antiphonals originally included only the antiphons sung before each Psalm during the Mass. They later came to contain the sung portions of the Divine Office as well as music and text for the entire Breviary. This particular leaf, from the Temporal, contains sections from the feast of the Ascension.
Leaf from an Antiphonal, Spain, Recto
As the musical counterpart to the Breviary, Antiphonals contain the music and chant necessary for the Divine Office.
Leaf from an Antiphonal, Spain, Verso
As the musical counterpart to the Breviary, Antiphonals contain the music and chant necessary for the Divine Office. The verso of this leaf contains a catchword in black in the lower right corner indicating it was the last leaf in a quire.
Leaves from a Gradual, Italy, Recto
All Medieval churches were required to own both a Gradual and an Antiphonal. The recto contains a small mark in the right margin, next to verse four of Psalm 67 to signal fit reverentia, or 'all bow.' The Roman pagination in the upper right corner of both leaves (CXXXVIII and XCIX) indicates them as coming from pages 138 and 99 of the full Gradual.
Leaves from a Gradual, Italy, Verso
All Medieval churches were required to own both a Gradual and an Antiphonal.
Miracles of Mary, Ethiopia, Folio 2, Recto
The Miracles of Mary, or the Ta'amra Maryam, constitutes one of the most prominent texts in Ethiopian devotional and liturgical practice. The text traditionally consists of between thirty and three hundred miracles said to have been carried out by Mary during her lifetime.
Miracles of Mary, Ethiopia, Folio 2, Recto
The Miracles of Mary, or the Ta'amra Maryam, constitutes one of the most prominent texts in Ethiopian devotional and liturgical practice. The text traditionally consists of between thirty and three hundred miracles said to have been carried out by Mary during her lifetime.
Miracles of Mary, Ethiopia, Folio 2, Verso
The Miracles of Mary, or the Ta'amra Maryam, constitutes one of the most prominent texts in Ethiopian devotional and liturgical practice. The text traditionally consists of between thirty and three hundred miracles said to have been carried out by Mary during her lifetime.
Miracles of Mary, Ethiopia, Folio 5, Verso
The Miracles of Mary, or the Ta'amra Maryam, constitutes one of the most prominent texts in Ethiopian devotional and liturgical practice. The text traditionally consists of between thirty and three hundred miracles said to have been carried out by Mary during her lifetime.
Miracles of Mary, Ethiopia, Part 1
The Miracles of Mary, or the Ta'amra Maryam, constitutes one of the most prominent texts in Ethiopian devotional and liturgical practice. The text traditionally consists of between thirty and three hundred miracles said to have been carried out by Mary during her lifetime.
Miracles of Mary, Ethiopia, Part 2
The Miracles of Mary, or the Ta'amra Maryam, constitutes one of the most prominent texts in Ethiopian devotional and liturgical practice. The text traditionally consists of between thirty and three hundred miracles said to have been carried out by Mary during her lifetime.