This collection includes articles associated with the Karst Information Portal
Submissions from 1937
Eastern Chiapas, David W. Amram Jr.
Part I: The Excavations, Oliver Garrison Ricketson Jr
Prehistoric Pottery Analysis and the Ceramics of Barton Ramie in the Belize Valley, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Submissions from 1936
Cave Discovered in Honduras, Anonymous
Submissions from 1935
A Brief Description of the Ruins of Chucanob, James B. Carter
Archeological Investigations in the Bay Islands, Spanish Honduras, William Duncan Strong
Place Names of Yucatan, Ralph L. Roys
The Fauna of Burnet Cave, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, Bertrand C. Schultz and Edgar B. Howard
Two Mountain Zapotec Tales from Oaxaca, Mexico, Ralph L. Beals
Submissions from 1934
Karst Windows, William von Osinski
Ruinas arqueológicas de Xochicalco, Morelos, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (Mexico). Departamento de Monumentos Prehispánicos
Ruins Of Polol And Other Archaeological Discoveries In The Department of Peten, Guatemala, Cyrus Longworth Lundell
Submissions from 1933
New species and new names of grasses from Texas, A. S. Hitchcock
The Insect Food of the Big Brown Bat, W. J. Hamilton Jr.
Submissions from 1932
Recordación Florida: Discurso Historical y Demostración Natural, Material, Militar y Politica del Reyno de Goathemala, Fancisco Antonio Fuentes y Guzmán
Zapoteca and Spanish Tales of Mitla, Oaxaca, Elsie Clews Parsons
Submissions from 1931
Chemical Analysis of Pigments, Earl Halstead Morris, Jean Charlot, and Ann Axtell Morris
Lost River at Wesley Chapel Gulf, Orange County, Indiana, Clyde A. Malott
The Seri, A. L. Kroeber
Submissions from 1930
An Archeological Reconnaissance by Air in Central America, Oliver Ricketson Jr. and A. V. Kidder
Changes in the Maya Censor, From the Earliest to the Latest Times, Thomas William Francis Gann
Collectors' Days and Nights in Yucatan, Robert T. Hatt
Explorations in the Highlands of Western Guatemala, Robert Burkitt
Geografía Ilustrada de Honduras., Eduardo Martínez López
Report on the British Museum Expedition to British Honduras, 1930, E. L. Gruning
Ritos Zapotecas de Año Nuevo, Elsie Clews Parsons
Submissions from 1929
Leyenda de la Casa del Enano en Uxamal, Eduardo Noguera
Report of A. Ledyard Smith on the Map of Environs of Uaxactun, Augustus Ledyard Smith
Submissions from 1928
Geological and Archeological Records of the Yucatan Peninsula, L. G. Huntley
Leyenda del Rey Tepoztecatl, Pablo González Casanova
Pottery and Other Artifacts from Caves in British Honduras and Guatemala, Gregory Mason
Preliminary Notes on Two Important Maya Finds, Frans Blom
Recently Discovered Maya City in the Southwest of British Honduras, Thomas William Francis Gann
Three Cavern Pictures, Clyde A. Malott
Submissions from 1927
Large Springs in the United States. US Geol. Surv., Oscar Edward Meinzer
Peregrinación de los Tlalhuigas, Manuel Mazari
Submissions from 1926
Cultural Evolution in Guatemala and its Geography and Historical Handicaps, Manuel Gamio
El Tzultaca y el Mam, los Dioses Prominentes de la Religión Maya., E. P. Dieseldorff
Xochicalco or Hill of the Flowers, Edith Sone Rook
Submissions from 1925
Burials in the Maya Area, O. Ricketson
Costumbres Funerarias De Los Antiguos Mayas, Albert Ruz Lhuillier and David E. Sapper
El Santuario de Chalma, Miguel O. Mendizabal
Submissions from 1922
Los Tecihueros., Apolinar Martel
Submissions from 1918
The Maya Indians of Southern Yucatan and Northern British Honduras, Thomas William Francis Gann
Submissions from 1913
A Study of Maya Art, Its Subject Matter and Historical Development, Herbert Joseph Spinden
Preliminary report on a recently discovered Pleistocene cave deposit near Cumberland, Maryland, James Williams Gidley
Submissions from 1912
Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the Collection of the British Museum, Knud Andersen and George Edward Dobson
The Tepehuan Indians of Azqueltan, J. Alden Mason
Submissions from 1911
Sobre una Curva en una Corriente de Lava en el Estado de Puebla, Eric Haarman
Submissions from 1910
The Caverns and People of Northern Yucatan, Leon J. Cole
The Newly Discovered Cave of Atoyac, Veracruz: A Contribution to the Study of Cave-Development, M. M. Allorge
Xochicalco, Hooton Blackiston
Submissions from 1906
Exploración en las Ruinas del Cerro de Motecuhzoma y de la Gruta de Eloxochitlán, Tipografia Economica
The “Cenotes” of Yucatan. Records of the Past, Natalie Von Schenck
Submissions from 1905
BrainThe Hunters of the Hunted? An Introduction to African Cave taphonomy, C. K. Brain
Cenote Exploration at Mayapan and Telchaquillo, Smith Eliot Robert
Essais d'Hydraulique souterraine et fluviale, Edmond Maillet
From Forests to Deserts: A Journey in the Caves of Mexico, Corrado Conca, Antonio De Vivo, Leonardo Piccini, and Giuseppe Savino
Karst Hydrology and Chemical Contamination, Malcolm S. Field
Karst springs hydrographs as indicators of karst aquifers, Ognjen Bonacci
La Configuración Ritual Del Complejo Templo-cueva Dentro Del Paisaje Maya, El Grupo Kisim Nah En El Posclásico Tardío En El Sitio De Calica, Quintana Roo, Romero L. Padilla
Las ruinas de Xochicalco, National Institute of Anthropology and History
Papeles de Nueva España. Segunda Serie, Geografía y Estadística, Francisco del Paso y Troncoso
Tezcatlipoca Es El Oztoteotl De Chalma: Toponimia, Romero Javier Quiroz
The Painting of Aktun Santuario, Akil, Yucatan, Fatima Tec Pool and Guido Krempel
The wonders of Lost River: 40 miles of underground river with its caves and hidden waterfalls, blind fish and other wonders, A. J. Rhodes
Treatise on the Heathen Superstitions, Hernando Ruiz De Alarcón
Submissions from 1904
Antiquities of Guatemala, Eduard Seler
El Canto de Oztocohcoyohco, Secretaría de Instrucción Pública y Bellas Artes
Relación de las Ceremonias y Ritos y Población y Gobernación de los Indios de la Provincia de Mechuacan, Antonio de Mendoza
Wall Paintings of Mitla, Charles Pickering Bowditch
Submissions from 1903
Researches in the Central Portion of the Usumatsintla Valley, Teobart Maler
Submissions from 1901
Notes Upon the Ethnology of Southern Mexico, Frederick Starr
Researches in the Central Portion of the Usumatsintla Valley, Teobart Maler
Submissions from 1900
Relación de la Ciudad de Valladolid., Relación de la Ciudad de Valladolid.
Submissions from 1899
Geology of the Edwards Plateau and Rio Grande Plain adjacent to Austin and San Antonio, Texas, with Reference to the Occurrence of Underground Waters, Frederic W. Simonds
Vertebrate Remains from Port Kennedy Bone Deposit, E. D. Cope
Submissions from 1898
NOTES. AND NEWS, Frank Russell, A. S. Gatschet, and Anna Fulcomer
Researches in the Uloa Valley, Honduras, and Caverns of Copan, Honduras, Cyrus Thomas
Submissions from 1897
Cave Hunting in Yucatan, Henry C. Mercer
Cave of Loltun, Yucatan: Report of Explorations by the Museum, 1888–89 and 1890–91, Edward H. Thompson
The bone cave at Port Kennedy, Pennsylvania, and its partial excavation in 1894, 1895, and 1896, Henry C. Mercer
Un Monumento Prehistorico, Manuel Gama
Submissions from 1896
New and Little Known Mammalia from the Port Kennedy Bone Deposit, E. D. Cope
On the Contents of Some Ancient Mounds in Central America, Thomas William Francis Gann
[Review of The Hill-Caves of Yucatan. A Search for Evidence of Man’s Antiquity in the Caverns of Central America. Being an Account of the Corwith Expedition of the Department of Archoeology and Paloeontology of the University of Pennsylvania, by H. C. Mercer], Journal of the American Geographical Society
The Hill-caves of Yucatan, Mercer Henry Chapman
The Hill-Caves of Yucatan, by Henry C. Mercer, Cyrus Thomas