This collection includes articles associated with the Karst Information Portal
Submissions from 1978
Niugini Caver, Volume 6, No. 1, May 1978, Malcolm Pound and Alison Pound
Niugini Caver, Volume 6, No. 2, October 1978, Malcolm Pound and Alison Pound
Niugini Caver, Volume 6, No. 3, November 1978, Malcolm Pound and Alison Pound
Niugini Caver, Volume 6, No. 4, December 1978, Malcolm Pound and Alison Pound
Niveaux de base actuels dans les principaux canyons du Languedoc oriental et des Plans de provence, G. Fabre and J. Nicod
Notes éco-éthologiques et parasitologiques sur les Chiroptères cavernicoles du Shaba (Zaïre), M. Anciaux de Faveaux
Observations on Zizania texana (Texas Wildrice), an Endangered Species, Edward E. Terrell, William H. P. Emery, and Harold Beaty
Observations sur I'écologie et la distribution des Turbellariés Tricladides dépigmentés et anophtalmes de Roumanie, L. Botosaneanu
Observations sur les comportements de Lucifuga Subterranea Poey (Pisces, Ophidiidae), poisson cavernicole de Cuba, G. Thinès and M. Piquemal
Ostracodes du sud de la France 2. Pseudocandona simililampadis n.sp., Dan L. Danielopol
Ostracodes hypogés du sud de la France. 1. Mixtocandona juberthieae n.sp., Dan L. Danielopol
Petición de Lluvia en Zitlala, Guerrero, Cruz Suárez Jácome
Premier Proasellus hyporhéique d'Espagne: P. jaloniacus n. sp., (Crustacea Isopoda Asellota), Jean-Paul Henry and Guy Magniez
Prime osservazioni in margine a un'esperienza di concrezionamento di alabastri calcarei in ambiente ipogeo, P. Forti, R. Casali, and G. Pasini
Réponses locomotrices du poisson cavernicole Astyanax jordani (Pisces, Characidae) à des signaux périodiques et apériodiques de lumière et de température, G. Thines and M. Weyers
Spontane und induzierte Aktivitätsmuster bei troglobionten Käfern (Genera Aphaenops, Geotrechus, Speonomus), G. Lamprecht and F. Weber
Studies of the cave crayfish, Orconectes inermis inermis Cope (Decapoda, Cambaridae). Part IV: Mark-recapture procedures for estimating population size and movements of individuals, Horton H. Hobbs III
Synthèse bibliographique sur la toxicité des substances fluorescentes utilisées en Hydrologie, J. Molinari and J. Rochat
Templos, Cuevas O Monstruos: Notas Sobre Las Fachadas Zoomorfas En La Arquitectura Prehispánica, Daniel Schávelzon
The Cauac Monster, Merle Greene Robertson and Donnan Call Jeffers
The development of limestone cave systems in the dimensions of length and depth, Derek Clifford Ford and R. O. Ewers
The Discovery of Proteus-eggs (Proteus anguinus Laurenti, Amphibia) in Seminatural Conditions, B. Sket and F. Velkovrh
The Evidence for Herding at Boomplaas Cave in the Southern Cape, South Africa, H. J. Deacon, Mary Brooker, and M. L. Wilson
The fine structure of Hamann's organ in Leptodirus hohenwarti, a highly specialized cave Bathysciinae (Coleoptera, Catopidae), Fiorenza Accordi and Valerio Sbordoni
The occurrence of Metacyclops subdolus Kiefer (Crustacea: Copepoda) in subterranean waters of Greece with remarks on its systematic status, Giuseppe Lucio Pesce
The Tabon Cave Mandible, N. W.G. Macintosh, B. C.W. Barker, and S. L. Larnach
The tegumental glands of a troglobitic crustacean, L. Juberthie-Jupeau and Y. Crouau
Two new genera of the family Campodeidae from the Far East caves, B. P. Chevrizov
Un Asellide interstitiel du bassin de I'Ebre (Espagne): Proasellus lescherae n.sp. (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota), Jean-Paul Henry and Guy Magniez
Un Batrachuperus adulte dans une grotte d'Iran Espèce nouvelle?, M. Clergue-Gazeau and J. P. Farcy
Un nouveau Microparasellide des eaux souterraines phréatigues de I'Italie: Microcharon arganoi n. sp. (Crustacea: Isopoda), Giuseppe L. Pesce and Pierantonio Teté
Submissions from 1977
AMCS Activities Letter, No. 5, January 1977, William Russell
AMCS Activities Letter, No. 6, May 1977, William Russell
AMCS Activities Newsletter, No. 7, November 1977, William Russell
Análisis de materiales arqueológicos, Cueva del Texcal, Puebla, Roberto Garcia Moll
An Ancient Clay Mine at Yo’ K'at, Yucatan, Dean E. Arnold and Bruce F. Bohor
An evaluation of some fluorescent dyes for water tracing, P. L. Smart and I. M. S. Laidlaw
A Preliminary Survey of the Caves of the Yucatan Peninsula, James R. Redell
Archaeological approaches to the present: Models for reconstructing the past (Studies in archeology), John E. Yellen
Archaeology: The Hill‐Caves of Yucatan: A Search for Evidence of Man's Antiquity in the Caverns of Central America. Henry C. Mercer, Norman Hammond
Association of Mexican Cave Studies Newsletter, Volume 5, No. 2-3, June 1977, James R. Reddell
Association of Mexican Cave Studies Newsletter, Volume 5, No. 4, July 1977, James R. Reddell
Caves of the San Juan Plateau Association for Mexican Cave Studies Bulletin, Vol. 6, December 1977, Bill Stone and Roy Jameson
Ceremonias De Petición De Lluvias, Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología
“Cuando Hay Luna Llena Se Puede Bucear sin Lámpara…”, Edwin C. Corona
Echo delay and overlap with emitted orientation sounds and doppler-shift compensation in the bat,Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Gerd Schuller
Nitrobacter in Mammoth Cave, C. B. Fliermans and E. L. Schmidt
Stenasellus escolai n. sp., Crustacea Isopoda Asellota des eaux souterraines d'Espagne méridionale, Guy Magniez
Food habits and feeding behavior of the fountain darter, Etheostoma fonticola (Osteichthyes: Percidae)., John R. Schenck and B. G. Whiteside
Karst Hydrology Atlas of West Virginia, William K. Jones
La Lección de una Caverna del Cerro de la Estrella, Víctor Manuel García Moreno
Los Cenotes Secretos, Harry Möller
Magia en Los Tuxtlas, Marcela Olavarrieta Marenco
Maya Metalwork and its External Connections, John Eric Sydney Thompson and Norman Hammond
Niugini Caver, Volume 5, No. 1, July 1977, Malcolm Pound and Alison Pound
Niugini Caver, Volume 5, No. 2, October 1977, Malcolm Pound and Alison Pound
Niugini Caver, Volume 5, No. 3, December 1977, Malcolm Pound and Alison Pound
Niugini Caver, Volume 5, No. 4, December 1977, Malcolm Pound and Alison Pound
Nouvelles données sur l'écologie et la biogéographie de Niphargus nadarini Alouf (Crustacés, Amphipodes), N. J. Alouf
Of Cabbages and Kings: Tales from Zinacantán, Robert M. Lauglin
Permian brachiopods of west Texas, VI, G. A. Cooper and Richard E. Grant
Porosity Development and distribution in shoal water carbonate complexes—Subsurface Pearsall Formation (Lower Cretaceous) South Texas, D. G. Bebout and R. G. Loucks
Prey recognition and selection by the constant frequency bat, Pteronotus p. parnellii, L. J. Goldman and O. W. Henson Jr.
¿Quien Desato el Nudo?, David Castel-Blanch
¿Quien Desato el Nudo?, David Castel-Blanch
Recherches sur les Ostracodes Entocytheridae. Données sur Sphaeromicola cebennica juderthiei nov. ssp. et Sphaeromicola cirolanae Rioja, Dan L. Danielopol
Regionalized drought flow hydrographs from a mature glaciated plateau, Wilifried Brutsaert and John L. Nieber
Ritos y Ceremonias Paganas en el Ciclo Agricola: La Peticion de Lluvias., María Teresa Sepúlveda
Stream Piracy near the Balcones Fault Zone, Central Texas, C. M. Woodruff
Survival Rates of the Endangered Indiana Bat, Myotis sodalis, Stephen R. Humphrey and James B. Cope
Tactic "El Corazón del Mundo" (Re Ru Cux C'Cal), Ricardo Terga and Emilio Vásquez Robles
The Flora and Vegetation in the Surrounds of Boomplaas Cave: Cango Valley, R. O. Moffett and H. J. Deacon
The Hokeb Ha Vase, Joseph O. Palacio
The Kekchi Spirit World, Helen L. Neuenswander and Dean E. Arnold
The Maya and the Sea: Trade and Cult at Tancah and Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico, Elizabeth P. Benson
The Neanderthal Skeletal Remains from Shanidar Cave, Iraq: A Summary of Findings to Date, T. D. Stewart
The Quechquemitl as a Symbol of Power in the Mixtec Codices, Doris Heyden
Variation among populations of the troglobitic amphipod crustacean Crangonyx antennatus Packard living in different habitats I. Morphology, Gary W. Dickson
World view and the monolithic temples of Malinalco, Mexico : iconography and analogy in pre-columbian architecture, Ruben G. Mendoza
Yucatan Caves with Rock Art, University of Michigan
КАРСТ ГИПСА СССР. Учебное пособие по спецкурсу Gypsum karst of the USSR. Tutorial of special course
Submissions from 1976
1st International Symposium on Groundwater Ecology. Introduction: Sense and Course of the Meeting, Siegfried Husmann
A Geomantic Model for The Interpretation of Mesoamerican Sites: An Essay in Cross-Cultural Comparison, John B. Carlson
Air Exchange and 222Rn Concentrations in the Carlsbad Caverns., Marvin H. Wilkening and David E. Watkins
A late upper palaeolithic calculator (?), gough's cave, cheddar, somerset, E. K. Tratman
AMCS Activities Letter, No. 4, May 1976, William Russell
An analysis of the numerical solution of the transport equation, William G. Gray and George F. Pinder
An Ancient Attapulgite Mine in Yucatan, Dean E. Arnold
A new subterranean aquatic beetle from Texas (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae-Hydroporinae)., Frank N. Young and Glenn Longley
An introduction to the Japanese groundwater animals with reference to their ecology and hygienic significance, Kôichi Matsumoto
Art Mobilier' from the Apollo 11 Cave, South West Africa: Africa's Oldest Dated Works of Art, W. E. Wendt
Carbonate equilibria in karst water, Vujica M. Yevjevich
Cueva de Ejutla: A Postclassic Burial Cave?, Christopher L. Moser
Die tierische Besiedlung des hyporheischen Interstitials eines Urgebirgsbaches unter dem Einfluß von allochthoner Nährstoffzufuhr, Hans-Gerd Pieper
Die vertikale Verteilung von Ciliaten im Stygorhithral der Fulda (Beitrag zur Kenntnis mesopsammaler Ciliaten in Fließgewässern), Günther Lüpkes
Bragasellus comasi n.sp., Crustacea Isopoda Asellots cavernicole d'Espagne occidentale, Jean-Paul Henry and Guy Magniez