Stream Piracy near the Balcones Fault Zone, Central Texas
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Publication Date
January 1977
Geometrical, erosional, and depositional evidence indicates that three stream piracy events have occurred near the Balcones fault zone in Central Texas. The most ancient episodes of capture (perhaps as old as Miocene) diverted the major streams in the region from predominantly eastward courses to a trend roughly perpendicular to the newly developed Balcones escarpment. The other two types of piracy events are probably ongoing, but only one of these is strongly influenced by the geologic and physiographic setting near the Balcones fault zone. The other occurs only among low-order headwater drainage basins and is controlled by local bedrock and slope conditions and is not largely affected by the larger physiographic influences of the Balcones escarpment.
Streams, Creeks, Drainage Basins, Fluvial Deposition, Fluvial Erosion, Fault Zones, Alluvial Plains, Limestones, River Basins, Escarpments
Document Type
The Journal of Geology, Vol. 85, no. 4 (1977).
Recommended Citation
Woodruff, C. M., "Stream Piracy near the Balcones Fault Zone, Central Texas" (1977). KIP Articles. 5191.