This collection includes articles associated with the Karst Information Portal
Submissions from 1982
Acta carsologica, Volume 11, December 16, 1982, Peter Habič
Advances in speciation of cave animals, Valerio Sbordoni
Algunas Cuevas en Teotihuacán, Oscar Basante Gutiérrez
AMCS Activities Newsletter, No. 12, April 1982, Duwain White
A study of intergranular and fissure permeability in Chalk and Permian aquifers, using double packer injection testing., Michael Price, Brian Morris, and Anne Robertson
Bioclimatic and geologic factors governing the evolution and distribution of Hawaiian cave insects, Francis G. Howarth
Ceramic Units from Petroglyph Cave, Belize, Temple University. Department of Anthropology
Colour In Some Nullarbor Plain Speleothems, J. R. Caldwell, A. G. Davey, and J. N. Jennings
Cueva Huayateno, un Rescate en la Sierra Norte de Puebla, Omar Ruíz Gordillo
Effets des informations chimiques provenant d'un milieu habité par des congénères sur I'orientation topographique du poisson cavernicole Phreatichthys andruzzii Vinciguerra (Pisces, Cyprinidae), R. Berti, G. Thinès, and B. Lefèvre
Excavation in the Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria): Final Report, Janusz K. Kozlowski
Excavation in the Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria): Final Report, Janusz K. Kozlowski
Four Lienzos of the Coixtlahuaca Valley, Ross Parmenter
Lamtobathynella pentodonta n.g., n.sp., Leptobathynellidé nouveau d'Afrique (Côte d'lvoire) (Malacostraca, Bathynellacea), Eugène Serban and Nicole Coineau
La Ocupación Prehispánica de las Cuevas de Alta Verapaz, Patricia Carot
Linear Kernels for Karst Aquifers, Shirley J. Dreiss
L'occupation préhispanique des grottes de l'Alta Verapaz, Patricia Carot
Los antiguos itzáes y otros relatos de Chan Kom, Yucatán, María Montolíu Villar
Malinalco and the Lords of Tenochtitlan, Richard Fraser Townsend
Maya Blue—Further Perspectives and the Possible Use of Indigo as the Colorant, Edwin R. Littmann
Monografía del Municipio de San Antonio Senahú, Alta Verapaz., Mario De la Cruz
Night Roosting Behavior of the Little Brown Bat, Myotis lucifugus, Robert M.R. Barclay
Niugini Caver, Volume 7, No. 2, 3, 4, May 1982, Malcolm Pound
Observations on the biology of cave planarians of the United States, Jerry H. Carpenter
Paramexiweckelia, a new genus of subterranean amphipod crustacean (Hadziidae) from Northern Mexico, John R. Holsinger
Pyramid and Sacred Mountain, Richard Fraser Townsend
Recent Discoveries from Naj Tunich, Andrea Stone
Representaciones de Manos y Pies en el Arte Ruprestre de Cuevas de Oxkutzcab, Yucatán, Matthias Strecker
Restos de moluscos y mamíferos cuaternarios procedentes de Loltún, Yucatán, Ticul Alvarez and Oscar J. Polaco
Roosting Ecology of Bats, Thomas H. Kunz
Stenasellus chapmani n. sp. Crustacea Isopoda Asellota des eaux souterraines de Bornéo (Sarawak), Guy Magniez
The Dzibilchultun Survey: Consideration of the Test-Pitting Data, John W. Cottier
The effect of cave microclimate on winter roosting behaviour in the bat, Miniopterus schreibersii blepotis, Leslie S. Hall
The Fauna from Shanidar Cave : Mousterian wild goat exploitation in Northeastern Iraq, M. A. Evins
The Living Caves of the Dead, Carol Jo Rushin-Bell
The Mayehac of the Kekchi Belizeans, Joseph Cayetano
The Mazapan Maps of Teotihuacan in 1560, George Kubler
The Prehistoric hand pictures at Gargas: attempts at simulation, Martin Wildgoose, Evan Hadingham, and Alex Hooper
Thermopolis hydrothermal system, with an analysis of Hot Springs State Park. Preliminary report No. 20, B. S. Hinckley, H. P. Heasler, and J. K. King
The Upper Salmon River karst, Anticosti Island, Quebec, Canada, J. Roberge and D. C. Ford
Three groundwater Candoninae (Ostracoda) from Romania, Dan L. Danielopol
Submissions from 1981
Acta carsologica, Volume 10, July 7, 1981, Peter Habič
Acta carsologica, Volume IX, June 17, 1981, Svetozar Ilešič
A Note on directed phytokarst in Sarawak (E. Malaysia), Martin Laverty
Another Mayan Story About the World's Ending, María Montolíu Villar
A Pilgrimage to Chalma: The Analysis of Religious Change, Silvia Benuzzi
Artificial tracers in hydrogeology., P L. Smart and T C. Atkinson
Bilinguidae family nov. of Diplopoda in karst landform of south China, Zhang Chong-Zhou
Biogeographical and paleobiogeographical problems in Stenasellids (Crustacea Isopoda Asellota of underground waters), Guy J. Magniez
Cavern Development by Thermal Waters, Stephen J. Egemeier
Caves, Gods, and Myths: World-View and Planning in Teotihuacan, Elizabeth P. Benson
Caves, gods, and myths: world-view and planning in Teotihuacan, Elizabeth P. Benson
Definiendo un Estado Pokom., Lawrence H. Feldman
Descripción y Análisis de un Rito K'ekchi': La Siembra del Maiz, Barbara J. Knoke Schlosser
Distribution and habitat diversity of subterranean amphipods in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, U. S. A., James V. Ward and John R. Holsinger
Distribution of ostracods in the groundwater of the North Western Coast of Euboea (Greece), Dan L. Danielopol
El "Guerrero" de Loltún: Commentario Analítico, Antonio P. Andrews
Etapas de Funcionalidad de las Grutas de Loltún, Centro Regional del Sureste
Exploraciones Arqueológicas de Teobert Maler en Cuevas Yucatecas, Matthias Strecker
Fossil remains of birds from Mamutowa Cave, Z. Bochenski
Generic Boundaries in Texas Cave Salamanders, and a Redescription of Typhlomolge robusta (Amphibia: Plethodontidae), Floyd E. Potter and Samuel S. Sweet
Genetic differentiation in populations of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus minus Say in a karst area, Steven W. Hetrick and James L. Gooch
Genetic population structure in an amphipod species, James L. Gooch and S. W. Golladay
Glaciares y Cavernas en el Territorio de Hielos, Carlos Lazcano Sahagún
Guide to some volcanic terranes in Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Northern California USGS Circular: 838, Julie M. Donnelly-Nolan and David Alexander Johnston
Houses of Stone - Caving in Belize, Tomas Miller
Idols and Idolatry in Highland Guatemala, Sandra L. Orellana
In search of Tzultacaj: cave exploration in the Maya lowlands of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, Brian Dillon
International Symposium on Groundwater Biology: Introduction, John R. Holsinger and Arthur L. Buikema Jr.
Investigation of the mutual influence between a polluted river and its hyporheic, Milan Meŝtrov and Romana Lattinger-Penko
Investigations of the troglobitic crayfish Orconectes inermis testii (Hay) in Mayfield's Cave, Monroe County, Indiana, H. H. Hobbs III
Jaguar Baby or Toad Mother: A New Look at an Old Problem in Olmec Iconography, Peter T. Furst
Karst development and groundwater flow in the quatsino formation, Northern Vancouver Island, William R.P. Mills
La Cabeza Antropomorfa de Loltún, Yucatán, Victor Segovia Pinto
Late Pleistocene chronology and paleoclimate of Vancouver Island determined from cave deposits, M. Gascoyne, D. C. Ford, and H. P. Schwarcz
Manganese deposition in limestone caves, Gyula Hegedus
Maya Art Treasures Discovered in Cave, George E. Stuart
Maya Cave Art and Modern Art Thievery, Science News
Maya-Höhlenmalereien in NordChiapas, Berthol Riese
Naj Tunich: The Writing on the Wall, T. A. Witte and E. Garza
Nouveaux Campodéidés de grottes d'Espagne, Camille Bareth and Bruno Condé
Perspectives in the study of the zoogeography of interstitial crustacea: Bathynellacea (Syncarida) and Parastenocarididae (Copepoda), Horst Kurt Schminke
Petrology of the carbonate-evaporite facies transition of the Seven Rivers Formation (Guadalupian, Permian), Southeast New Mexico, J. Frederick Sarg
Phreatische fauna in Ljubljansko polje (Ljubljana-Ebene, Jugoslavien) - ihre ökologische Verteilung und zoogeographische Beziehungen, B. Sket and F. Velkovrh
Plate tectonics of the Ancestral Rocky Mountains, Charles F. Kluth and Peter J. Coney
Poplavni svet na Kočevskem polju [Floods in the Kočevje Polje]., Andrej Kranjc and Franc Lovrenčak
Religiosidad Kekchi Alrededor del Maiz, Luis V. Pacheco
Settlement Patterns in Belize., Norman Hammond
Some implications of competition for cave stream communities, David C. Culver
Structure et fonctionnement des ecosystèmes du Haut-Rhône Français; IX: Analyse des peuplements de deux stations phréatiques alimentant des bras morts, J. Gibert, R. Ginet, J. Mathieu, and J. L. Reygrobellet
Structure et fonctionnement des ecosystèmes du Haut-Rhône Français; VIII: Hydrologie de deux stations phréatiques dont l'eau alimente des bras morts, J. L. Reygrobellet, J. Mathieu, R. Ginet, and J. Gibert
Teotihuacan Art Abroad: A Study of Metropolitan Style and Provincial Transformation in Incensario Workshops, Janet Catherine Berlo
Teotihuacan: City, State, and Civilization, René Millon
The Aurignacian at Hayonim Cave, Ofer Bar-Yosef and Anna Belfer-Cohen
The Edwards Aquifer: Earth's Most Diverse Groundwater Ecosystem?, Glenn Longley
The Edwards Aquifer: Earth's most diverse groundwater ecosystem?, Glenn Longley
The Edwards Aquifer: Earth's most diverse groundwater ecosystem?, Glenn Longley