Theses/Dissertations from 2009
“The Bitch,” “The Ditz,” and the Male Heroes: Representations of Feminism and Postfeminism in Campaign 2008, Dana Schowalter
Glycosylation Modulates Cardiac Excitability by Altering Voltage-Gated Potassium Currents, Tara A. Schwetz
An Absence of Presence: The Voices of Marginalized Communities in the Development and Implementation of Cultural Resource Management Initiatives in the British West Indies: A Case Study, Kelley Scudder-Temple
The Influence of Daily Social Stimulation in Ameliorating PTSD-Like Behavioral and Physiological Changes in Rats Exposed to Chronic Psychosocial Stress, Shyam Seetharaman
N-Acyltyramines as Substrates for Tyrosinase: Enzymatic Lag and Dopamine Precursor, Jacob A. Shafer
The Experience of Fatigue and Quality of Life in Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer, Andrea Shaffer
UV Laser and LED Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Detection of Trace Amounts of Organics in Drinking Water and Water Sources, Anna V. Sharikova
Performance Analysis of a Binary-Tree-Based Algorithm for Computing Spatial Distance Histograms, Sadhana Sharma Luetel
Ionic Liquid-Mediated Sol-Gel Sorbents for Capillary Microextraction and Challenges in Glass Microfabrication, Anne M. Shearrow
A Multiple Case Study Analysis of Middle Grades Social Studies Teachers' Instructional Use of Digital Technology with Academically Talented Students at Three High-Performing Middle Schools, Caroline C. Sheffield
Sequential Afterglow Processing and Non-Contact Corona-Kelvin Metrology of 4H-SiC, Eugene L. Short III
Development and Validation of a Web-Based Module to Teach Metacognitive Learning Strategies to Students in Higher Education, Oma B. Singh
ReLife: Transitional Housing for Victims of Natural Disaster, Alexander B. Smith
Living with Sugar: Socioeconomic Status and Cultural Beliefs About Type 2 Diabetes Among Afro-Caribbean Women, Chrystal A.S Smith
Rhetorics of Fear, Deployment of Identity, and Metal Music Cultures, Gregory Vance Smith
Striving and Surviving: The Phenomenology of the First-Year Teaching Experience, Michael D. Smith
The Impact Of Situational Context On Children's Social Information Processing: The Proximal Influence Of Friends, Heather L. Smith-Schrant
A New Perspective on the Work-Family Interface: Linking Achievement Motivation and Work-Family Balance, Tiffany N. Smith
Adolescent Response to Peer Substance Use, Haley Ann Snodgrass
Sensitivity Analysis of Three Assembly Procedures for a Bascule Bridge Fulcrum, Luke Allen Snyder
Some Combinatorial Structures Constructed from Modular Leonard Triples, Jessica Sobkowiak
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: A Reflection of the Tension Between Conformity and Rebellion in the Life and Times of Mary Wollstonecraft, Ann Sofia-Rothschild
Pulsed Power and Load-Pull Measurements for Microwave Transistors, Sivalingam Somasundaram Meena
Software Automation For Measurement-Based Behavioral Models Of Microwave, Daniel Sosa Martin
Shell Abnormalities in Archaias Angulatus (Foraminifera) from the Florida Keys: An Indication of Increasing Environmental Stress?, Heidi Lynne Souder
The Characterization and Interpretation of the Spectral Properties of Karenia brevis through Multiwavelength Spectroscopy, Adam H. Spear
Coffins, Closets, Kitchens, and Convents: Women Writing Of Home In Gendered Spaces, Nicole Spottke
A Course-Based Model of Transfer Effectiveness of Community College Students Transferring to a Large, Urban University, Elizabeth Steinhardt Stewart
Relationships Between Participation in Athletics and Substance Use Among School Students, Kevin M. Stockslager
Using 34-S as a Tracer of Dissolved Sulfur Species from Springs to Cave Sulfate Deposits in the Cerna Valley, Romania, Jonathan Sumrall
Developing Pre-Literacy Skills In Preschool Children: The Utilization Of Parents As A Vital Resource, Ashley N. Sundman
Certain Diagonal Equations over Finite Fields, Christopher Sze
Employee Commitment: The Combined Effects of Bases and Foci, Meng Uoy Taing
Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy and Use of Behavioral Interventions: Consultation Effects And Sustainability, Brandi L. Tanner
Dressing Psychic Wounds: Clothing as Metaphor in Paule Marshall's Praisesong for the Widow and Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony, Angela D. Tartaglia
Theoretical Studies of Long-Range Interactions in Quasi-One Dimensional Cylindrical Structures, Kevin Tatur
Evaluation of a Self-Monitoring Program to Increase Treatment Integrity of Behavior Intervention Plans, Lela E. Taylor
Factors Affecting the Utilization and Quality of Long-Term Care, April Temple
Making and Keeping the Peace: An Analysis of African Union Efficacy, Nicholas Temple
Transformational Processes and Learner Outcomes for Online Learning: An Activity Theory Case Study of Spanish Students, Joseph M. Terantino
Blind Synchronization and Detection of Nyquist Pulse Shaped QAM Signals, Evren Terzi
Developing Feminist Activist Pedagogy: A Case Study Approach in the Women's Studies Department at the University of South Florida, Stacy Tessier
Form and Numbers: Mathematical Patterns and Ordering Elements in Design, Alison Marie Thom
Roots and Role of the Imagination in Kant: Imagination at the Core, Michael Thompson
Increasing Independence Among Children Diagnosed With Autism Using a Brief Embedded Teaching Strategy, Stephanie Toelken
Are All Good Soldiers Created Equal? Examining The "Why" That Underlies Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Development of an OCB Motives Scale, Anna Lissa Tolentino
Evaluation of a Level System with a Built in Token Economy to Decrease Inappropriate Behaviors of Individuals with mental Retardation, Ashley Tomaka