Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Filtration Performance of a NIOSH-Approved N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator With Stapled Head Straps, Daniel E. Medina
Identity negotiation: The perspective of Asian Indian women, Pangri Mehta
A quasi Yagi antenna with end fire radiation over a metal ground, Sergio E. Melais
The Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 complex and Bif-1 regulate multiple mechanisms that affect sensitivity to DNA damage, Cheryl L. Meyerkord
How Plastic is Vendobionta Morphology? A Geometric Morphometric Study of Two Groups of Pteridinium From the Latest Neoproterozoic, Michael B. Meyer
Teaching social studies in an age of globalization: A case study of secondary social studies teachers' participation in the UNA-USA's Global Classrooms curriculum program, Kelly R. Miliziano
Behavioral skills training with teachers: Maintenance and booster training, Israel B. Miller
Riding the winds of their interest: Exploring the teachable moment in college classrooms, Nancy Fosdick Mills
An evaluation of the influence of case-method instruction on the reflective thinking of MSW students, Marleen Milner
Interrelationships Among Personality, Perceived Classmate Support, and Life Satisfaction in Adolescents, Devon Renee Minch
Characterization of electrowetting systems for microfluidic applications, Pradeep K. Mishra
Power-control theory: An examination of private and public patriarchy, Jessica Nicole Mitchell
Giving birth in a different country: Bangladeshi immigrant women's childbirth experiences in the U.S., Mst Khadija Mitu
Time-resolved thermodynamics studies of heme signaling proteins and model systems, Audrey Mokdad
Data acquisition for modeling and visualization of vascular tree, William Lafayette Mondy
Gallium nitride sensors for hydrogen/nitrogen and hydrogen/carbon monoxide gas mixtures, Christopher Nicholas Monteparo
Magnetization Dynamics and Interparticle Interactions in Ferrofluids and Nanostructures, Marienette B. Morales
The realization of the speech act of refusal in Egyptian Arabic by American learners of Arabic as a foreign language, Nader Morkus
The Effect of Stress on Hedonic Capacity in Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Prospective Experimental Study of One Potential Pathway to Depression, Bethany H. Morris
The morphological complexity of spelling, ages 8 to 15 years, Courtney R. Mossing
Particulate carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of south west Florida waters, Susan Mary Murasko
Facilitating youth participatory action research: Reflections, strategies, and applications at the institute for community research, Aki Nakanishi
Generation capacity expansion in restructured energy markets, Vishnuteja Nanduri
Songs for cripples, Michael Nelson
Development and investigation of novel nanostructures and complex hydrides for hydrogen storage, Michael Ulrich Niemann
Living behind bars?: An investigation of gated communities in New Tampa, Florida, Scott E. Nonnemaker
Devised architecture: Revitalizing the mundane, Jason Novisk
Analysis of mass transfer by jet impingement and study of heat transfer in a trapezoidal microchannel, Ejiro Stephen Ojada
Enhanced CO2 Storage in Confined Geologic Formations, Roland Tenjoh Okwen
A greener vertical habitat: Creating a naturally cohesive sense of community in a vertical multi-family housing structure, Justin Onorati
ECIS assessment of cytotoxicity and trans-endothelial migration of metastatic cancer cells, Daniel Opp
The influence of parental support on antisocial behavior among sixth through eleventh graders, José Ordóñez
Architectural chastity belts: The window motif as instrument of discipline in fifteenth-century Italian conduct manuals and art, Jennifer Megan Orendorf
A framework for resource assignments in skill-based environments, Luis Daniel Otero
Removing Arsenic from Landfill Leachate in Batch Reactors with Kemiron Adsorbent, a Commercially Available Iron Oxide, Douglas Oti
Probing interactions and phase separations of proteins, colloids and polymers with light scattering, Avanish Singh Parmar
A phenomenological study of nursing faculty's experiences in transitioning from a classroom to an online teaching role, Denise A. Passmore
LRFD design of double composite box girder bridges, Purvik Patel
Exploring efficient design approaches for display of multidimensional data to facilitate interpretation of information, Chitra S. Pathiavadi
Lateral macropore dominated flow on a clay settling area in the phosphate mining district, peninsular Florida, Natalie Pechenik
The concept of action and responsibility in Heidegger's early thought, Christian Hans Pedersen
An examination of the implementation of the Second step program in a public school system, Lynn Pedraza
Visualizing sound: A musical composition of aural architecture, James Pendley
Loyalty of online faculty: A work design perspective of the impact of a telecommuting work environment on employee loyalty, Kenneth N. Pereira
Caregivers of adults with intellectual disabilities: The relationship of compound caregiving and reciprocity to quality of life, Elizabeth A. Perkins
Hierarchical complexity in metal-organic materials: From layers to polyhedra to supermolecular building blocks, John Jackson Perry