Theses/Dissertations from 2008
The Geriatric Cancer Experience in End of Life: Model Adaptation and Testing, Harleah G. Buck
A Heritage Center for the Mississippi Gulf Coast: Linking the Community and Tourism Through Culture, Islay Burgess
The Influence of Apathy and Depression on Cognitive Functioning in Parkinson’s Disease, London C. Butterfield
The Inflammatory Consequences of Stress and Adiposity, Cathy A. Bykowski
Examining Emotional Reactivity to Daily Events in Major and Minor Depression, Lauren M. Bylsma
Investigating the Role of Appearance-Based Factors in Predicting Sunbathing and Tanning Salon Use, Guy Cafri
Analysis of Glycerol 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase and Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Ion Channel ATPase for Use in Deep Metazoan Phylogenetics, Terry G. Campbell
The Acceptability of Treatments for Adolescent Depression to a Multi-Ethnic Sample of Girls, Nicole Caporino
The Study of Compensatory Motions While Using a Transradial Prosthesis, Stephanie Lutton Carey
Tumor Suppressive Effects of the Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor and the Small GTPase RhoB, Adam E. Carie
Effects of Bilingualism on Speech Recognition Performance in Noise, Mitzarie A. Carlo
The Association between the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine and the Development of Autism: A Meta-Analysis, Rashad Carlton
Time Bending: Temporal Malleability and Organizational Response in Crisis Situations, Gary W. Carson
Fault-Tolerant Adaptive Model Predictive Control Using Joint Kalman Filter for Small-Scale Helicopter, Carlos L. Castillo
Involvement of 5-HT2A Receptor in the Regulation of Hippocampal-Dependent Learning and Neurogenesis, Briony J. Catlow
Location Awareness in Cognitive Radio Networks, Hasari Celebi
Copper Doped Window Layer for CdSe Solar Cells, Sheetal Kumar Chanda
Communication Systems and HIV/AIDS Sexual Decision Making in Older Adolescent and Young Adult Females, Rasheeta D. Chandler MS, ARNP, FNP-BC
A Cross-Cultural Transformation that Drew Boundaries: Matteo Ricci and His Mapmaking in Ming China, Suet Yee Shery Chanis
Two Essays on Multiple Directorships, Chia-wei Chen
Safety Evaluation of Freeway Exit Ramps, Hongyun Chen
Manufacturing Process Design and Control Based on Error Equivalence Methodology, Shaoqiang Chen
From Behind Closed Doors to the Campaign Trail: Race and Immigration in British Party Politics, 1945-1965, Nicole M. Chiarodo
A Group-Based Approach to Examining the Association among Risky Sexual Behavior, Drug Use, and Criminal Involvement in a Sample of Newly Arrested Juvenile Offenders, Kristina K. Childs
The Modulation by Anthrax Toxins of Dendritic Cell Activation, Ping-Jen Chou
Dental Hygienists' Beliefs, Norms, Attitudes, and Intentions Toward Treating HIV/AIDS Patients, Barbara Clark-Alexander
A Constant Struggle: Renegotiating Identity in the Aftermath of Rape, Jo Aine Clarke
On a conjecture involving Fermat's Little Theorem, John Clark
I am Warrior Woman, Hear Me Roar: The Challenge and Reproduction of Heteronormativity in Speculative Television Programs, Leisa Anne Clark
Teacher Perceptions of the Changing Role of the Secondary Middle School Principal, Dawn E. Coffin
Manatee Sound Localization: Performance Abilities, Interaural Level Cues, and Usage of Auditory Evoked Potential Techniques to Determine Sound Conduction Pathways, Debborah Colbert
Evaluation of Contraflow Lanes for Hurricane Evacuation, Jason Collins
Remote Monitoring Systems For Substructural Health Monitoring, Jonathan D. Collins
Behavior Contracting with Dependent Runaway Youth, Jessica Colon
Temporal and Spatial Patterns in Optical Properties of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter on Florida’s Gulf Coast: Shelf to Stream to Aquifer, Robyn Nicole Conmy
A Monte Carlo Approach for Exploring the Generalizability of Performance Standards, James Thomas Coraggio
Effect of a Parent Reading Intervention on Elementary-Aged Children‘s Reading Fluency, Renee R. Corbett
Multi-Level Regulation Of Argininosuccinate Synthase: Significance For Endothelial Nitric Oxide Production, Karen Davidowitz Corbin
Analysis and Optimization of Empirical Path Loss Models and Shadowing Effects for the Tampa Bay Area in the 2.6 GHz Band, Julio C. Costa
Living Chassis: Learning from the Automotive Industry; Site Specifi c, Prefabricated, Systems Architecture, Christopher Emilio Emiliucci Cox
Culture Learning in Spanish Companion Book Websites: An Analysis of Tasks, Angela Cresswell
A Historical Perspective of the Development of Prekindergarten and the Evolution of Quality Elements, Catherine C. Cross
Designs and Applications of Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors for Biological and Chemical Sensing and Sample Handling, Stefan Cular
Antifreeze Proteins in Pelagic Fishes from Marquerite Bay (Western Antarctica), Tammy L. Cullins
Determining the Quality and Impact of an E-Mentoring Model on At-Risk Youth, Diane W. Culpepper
Pandemic Vibrio parahaemolyticus: Defining Strains Using Molecular Typing and a Growth Advantage at Lower Temperatures, Carisa Renee Davis